What do you like to do with your Tanker?
First; I like the fights. I like massive chaotic knockdown-dragout brawls that last for five minutes straight. Most of my really fun memories in CoH usually revolve around those types of fights. A guilty pleasure is watching my group wipe (multiple times) on the same fight and reform while I'm still going at it the whole time, to eventually overcome that particular encounter.
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I personally cannot stand when I let my teammates die in battle.
I play my Tank to protect others, and if I can't do that then I fail. I'm a Tank, it's increadibly easy for me to survive most things in this game without help...my challenge is keeping the team alive.
I love my stone/stone...why...like
The challange keeping others alive....while a good one...is sometimes impossible. NEVER underestimate the human ability of stupidity.
That being said...Kruunch said. Nothing like being able to take it all and be able to laugh at the stupitity of others (ok he didnt really say that ..I paraphrased...sue me).
I tell the squishies to get in a corner the ambush is coming...
what do they do?
They spread out to all areas and ignore my 2nd telliin of them to get in the corner so I can grab agro with my mud pots and taunt. *sigh You can't fix stupid (Not even your own sometimes LOL)
Basiclly I love the feeling of being able to take a lickin and keep on tickin ( unless its psionic *mumble stupid psionic *grumble brain hurts must stop thinking *mumble)
First; I like the fights. I like massive chaotic knockdown-dragout brawls that last for five minutes straight. Most of my really fun memories in CoH usually revolve around those types of fights. A guilty pleasure is watching my group wipe (multiple times) on the same fight and reform while I'm still going at it the whole time, to eventually overcome that particular encounter.
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I personally cannot stand when I let my teammates die in battle.
I play my Tank to protect others, and if I can't do that then I fail. I'm a Tank, it's increadibly easy for me to survive most things in this game without help...my challenge is keeping the team alive.
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Hence "guilty" pleasure
I used to care very strongly about keeping people alive ... the death penalty was a bit more severe when the levelling curve wasn't so low. Now I find that death is such a little part of the game, as to not really make a difference to me except conceptually.
Having said that, I don't go out of my way to get people killed (well most times) ... as Maxstorm said, sometimes it just happens anyways despite your best efforts.
I really only find joy in annhilating mobs now. I haven't created a team "centric" tank in a long time.
If i play them at all i tend to gravitate towards the hazard zones and wreak havoc there.
I still like to read these forums while i'm taking a much needed sabbatical from the game but i intend to roll a SD/DM when i return.
Unless of course CO seduces me to the point that i don't want to return. We shall see.
First; I like the fights. I like massive chaotic knockdown-dragout brawls that last for five minutes straight. Most of my really fun memories in CoH usually revolve around those types of fights. A guilty pleasure is watching my group wipe (multiple times) on the same fight and reform while I'm still going at it the whole time, to eventually overcome that particular encounter.
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I personally cannot stand when I let my teammates die in battle.
I play my Tank to protect others, and if I can't do that then I fail. I'm a Tank, it's increadibly easy for me to survive most things in this game without help...my challenge is keeping the team alive.
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I am normally under this mindset, however I do have to admit, I had a team when MA first came out on my stoner where we were facing 54 bosses and this team had very limited support (I think we had a single FF defender that didn't like casting his bubbles) at all and these packs were HUGE and they were actually pretty close to each other. I seriously think this guy made what he thought would be the biggest pain in the [censored] mission he could. Picture the worst of the worst as far as combo's from the MA, and you're pretty much there. I think there were spines/regen and /fire scrappers, debuffers... it was nasty. About the only thing it didn't have was psi.
A single pack and we were fine, but for some reason a lot of these guys liked positioning themselves and/or knocking back to the point where we almost always got a second pack.
I do have to admit, it was a lot of fun when 2 packs of these guys were sitting on top of me, laughing the entire time, while even the IO'd scrappers that we had were getting killed in less than 5 seconds. It was virtually impossible for me to hold them all just with the aoe cap and the fact that they couldn't get close enough to me to get in range... not to mention that even when they were near me, everyone else was getting splash damage.
The entire team besides me, died regrouped/buffed up (the FF decided it would be a good idea to buff now since they had wiped), attacked again, all died within about 5-10 seconds... they repeated this entire thing about 8-10 times, while I was just sitting there laughing.
By the end they were all saying "You know... we'd be pissed at dying so much, but this is a pretty impressive display".
Eventually they whittled down the pack enough in that 5-10 second spurt they had, that we managed to kill it off.
FWIW... this is also my answer on the other thread to why I play my tankers.
Ahhhh honesty ... so refreshing
Seriously though, this game really suffers from some sad PUGs ... the only upside being that the game itself it so easy, headway can still be made.
Although I notice that the degree of "bad" PUGs goes up exponentially with your CL level
Ahhhh honesty ... so refreshing
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I am being completely honest with my answer.
I would probably be happy about my Tanker surviving more but it's the fact that any player can roll a Tank and survive just as easy as I can without knowing what they're doing.
An unexperienced player cannot protect teammates as good as I can so thats what I enjoy most about my Tank.
I enjoy survivability more when I play my Scrapper.
Oh I wasn't calling your reply into question .... just refreshing to hear other Tankers say that they have the same guilty pleasure as me ... sometimes.
First; I like the fights. I like massive chaotic knockdown-dragout brawls that last for five minutes straight. Most of my really fun memories in CoH usually revolve around those types of fights. A guilty pleasure is watching my group wipe (multiple times) on the same fight and reform while I'm still going at it the whole time, to eventually overcome that particular encounter.
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1) This, and I know what you mean about guilt pleasure. Although I do like the continual "meat grinder" as well.
2) I have a terrible case of Altitis, so building toons is a close second. I enjoy the "what about this power combination" and the "how would this combo work" aspect of it, then trying out...
3) 'Plexing over how to slot and IO them. I find this a mental exercise that ranks right up there with foreshortening and relief sculpture.
4) Just plain Tanking!!!

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.
3) 'Plexing over how to slot and IO them. I find this a mental exercise that ranks right up there with foreshortening and relief sculpture.
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That is mental exercise!
What do you like to do in the game with respect to your Tanker?
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While I do enjoy teaming, I find that I really like soloing with my Tanker. Some days, I'll just head over to the north end of the RWZ and corner pull the level 51-54 spawns into tight packs and PBAoE them into oblivion. Good times. (Got most of my purple drops that way.)
I also like those insane rooms in AE mishes where it's stuffed with a zillion Freakshow bosses. Jumping right into the middle of them and taking on the impossible odds and surviving 'til the end is just so much fun. (Guilty Pleasure: Especially if I outlast other Tankers. )
Winteriel Ice/Fire/Soul Tanker | @TBoxer Global | City of Heroes R.I.P. (2004-2012)
I'm sort of new to the Tank scene (just hit level 30 last night with my dark/mace) but am having a blast so far!
Kruuunch, I'm with you! The crazier and more risky a battle, the better! I like struggling for dear life to hold aggro and keep my teammates alive.
Just yesterday I was running some Talos radios with my Warshade friend and 5 or 6 pug teammates. There was this one freakshow mission where almost all the enemies spawned purple and this epic battle ensued. Somehow we accidentally aggro'd 2-3 groups full of tank smashers and lieuts, and the whole time I was desperately trying to juggle the aggro off of the squishies! My friend had to go into lobster/armadillo form to back me up since I was at the aggro cap! We all were on the verge of dying several times in the battle, and had to constantly pass insps to each other to stay alive. It was awesome
I also really enjoy quickly popping a wakie/break free/blue the instant I faceplant, diving right back into battle... but my tank is starting to get really durable so this is becoming a lot less common (finally managed to get one of those -KB IOs... the difference in survivability is astounding)
Leap into a pack of enemies, then leap into another pack of enemies, then bring them all together into one tight knit bunch of hate while I or my team whittles them down to scraps.
Take the hits for my team, let them deal the damage, so we can operate at peak efficiency.
Push the envelope. Jump ahead to the next spawn as the last few from this one drop. And again. And again. Keep up a breakneck pace, with my teammates dashing in my wake, laughing like crazed toddlers.
Anything involving mass Knockdown
Charge into the thick of battle and start crackin' skulls! I love to watch my health bar get down to a sliver and still come out on top.
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

What do I like to do with my tanker?
Fill it with cold beer, of course.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
Guilty pleasures?
I hate letting well behaved squishies die.
I giggle when the scrapper 'who can tank' gets wiped out from only the aoe's, while I take the brunt of melee damage.
Most of the scrappers I hang out with can actually stand up and tank somewhat. But on those rare pug's, or taking over tanking from a fallen granite tank (he had 2 aegis and 4 red defense in granite for ... 56% resistance to all!). He refused to listen to any advice I had. Died, and I took over (as a kheld). I died too, but I lasted longer than him ... If I had my invul on that STF (or any tank), I would have just ignored him.
so, tanking for melee AT's who cant hang ... guilty pleasure.
50 Tanks: Invul/ss, Fire/ice/fire, Ice/em, Stone/fire
WP/Stone, dark/dark, shld/mace
50 Other: WS, SS/dark/sc brute, BS/Regen/WM scrpr, fire/fire/force blaster, rad/kin corr, mind/rad ctrl, ill/storm cntrl
I personally cannot stand when I let my teammates die in battle.
I play my Tank to protect others, and if I can't do that then I fail. I'm a Tank, it's increadibly easy for me to survive most things in this game without help...my challenge is keeping the team alive.
[/ QUOTE ]
This is my goal as well. (I don't like seeing teammates fall no matter what my archetype.)
My tanks are to take control of as much agro as possible so that the rest of the team can devastate the enemy.
I think I've made it clear before that Taunt is critical for any Tank that is trying to achieve this goal.
Smells the Taunt debate horse rise like lazarus from the freshly dug grave .... again.
I like to be surrounded by hundreds of bad guys (the 17 limit sucks, but I'll take what I can get) where I'm being slowly whittled down and am constantly on the cusp of defeat / victory.
[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]
[url=http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=114726][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]
I totally agree with Golden_Ace and many others in this thread.
The fact that we can sit in the middle of a huge group of mobs and be the focus of their attention. The confusion on their faces as you don't fall down as you constantly insult them, or they are mesmerized by your costume, or plain mad at you because you are burning them (or freezing, or knocking them down, etc.)...
Being surrounded by legions as your teammates rise and fall and rise again... Unless you are blessed by another tanker standing next to you as the two of you laugh at evil's futility...
It's like in the comic book where the hero(es) is/are surrounded by thugs/soldiers/werecreatures, and the heroes keep on fighting. Fighting while spouting out witty banter, or talking about their current relationships.
Oh, sorry. Went off on a tangent. Yeah. I like being a tanker.
I prefer to Tank. I don't want to do damage. I don't care to do damage. My Ice/BA is out to be the meat shield. I enjoy it. I <3 it. Yes. Don't touch the Icicles, but you can look and admire my Rularuu Axe. Absolutely.
I tank... to here... here... and here. Often.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
No matter what combo I create, first and foremost, I like to put my tank through the ringer. I'll find out how much of a beating he can take, and then build accordingly to overcome it.
Once I have him/her to a good spot, then I build for decent damage output. I don't really care why I'm suppose to beat up the baddies (content related), I just want to smash them.
Then, once I have those things done, I usually farm with them. Why? Because I get to do the two things I made a tank for (take a beating, deal a little bit out) and I get drops for it.
And who knows, maybe I'll take Taunt. If I'm not already tanking well enough for the team. We all know it's not always needed.
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
What do I like to do with my Tanker?
Anything I damn well please. I'm a Tank after all.
�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne
�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin
What do you like to do in the game with respect to your Tanker? What makes you want to roll a Tanker and to do what with it? For me, it's two-fold.
First; I like the fights. I like massive chaotic knockdown-dragout brawls that last for five minutes straight. Most of my really fun memories in CoH usually revolve around those types of fights. A guilty pleasure is watching my group wipe (multiple times) on the same fight and reform while I'm still going at it the whole time, to eventually overcome that particular encounter.
Second; I like to build toons. Being able to realize a fully built toon (as opposed to a Mid's built toon) and going through the processes of tweaking and fixing said toon until it approaches my desired goal (if it does at all).
List in order of preference if you can.