/e rolls down the slippery slope
*stocks ammo cellar and canned water*
Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:
Why is PK always right
I kinda like split servers though, each has its own personality.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Uhhhh, nice hat there Mr. Gore...
Woot, Euro thread merger!
I think that that would suck, I DESPISE the idea of playing with someone else who has MY name.
I would likely not pay a sub fee for 3 accounts if all the sudden our names were not Unique.
Since when do you believe anything PK posts that includes the word "Conspiracy" and "Super"?
I think it'd be fun to play with the other characters of the same name, if only to blame THEM for the stupid stuff I do & say.
Another good reason for going in and locking down my character names on all servers. When "the big one" comes, I'll be ready.
Besides, it adds to my Alt-itis count.
Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.
This must be true! PK is always right isn't he?
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
This time next year we will have one "Uber server". No more Freedom, Virtue, French, German, Heroside, Villainside. Just the City of Heroes game.
The entire game will be on "one server" (may not be one PHYSICAL server, but everyone can play with each other at the same time)
You log in, pick your character, and start playing. If you're a hero you may start in a hero zone, but you can go anywhere from there, and vice versa. The Euro servers will also be merged in as well and there will be one gigantic "City of" world!
All the changes so far look like they are leading up to this, all little steps that hint in the way of "consolidation" of everything.
One "server", one "forum", for everyone.
*adjusts tin foil hat and wears it with pride*
[/ QUOTE ]
i recall a red name post some time ago that discussed the possibility of merging all servers into one environment, including the ability to travel on foot/flight/whatever from atlas to peregrine (give or take a war wall). i haven't been able to find the post since though dammit.
it really has me curious for what tricks going rogue brings to the table. an early rollout of a single server environment in the subset of rogue owners?
/tin foil hats off to you
Kittens give Morbo gas.
i recall a red name post some time ago that discussed the possibility of merging all servers into one environment
[/ QUOTE ]
This was Positron when they were adding the server transfer feature as part of a 'we won't give refunds due to future changes' disclaimer. It wasn't even a 'we're thinking about doing this'.
including the ability to travel on foot/flight/whatever from atlas to peregrine (give or take a war wall). i haven't been able to find the post since though dammit.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can't recall any dev ever talking about seriously doing this... it'd likely require a MASSIVE engine overhaul... and probably much higher system requirements, as players can travel quite fast in this game compared to other games with a seamless world.
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
One merged game but different instances of each zone with the original server names for the instances perhaps?
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
[/ QUOTE ]
He's the guy that's always posting incredibly long winded posts. This post was actually shockingly short by his standards.
Also, I could say the same about you. Never seen a single post by you before
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Or short snarky [censored] responses. I do a lot of those too.
Why is PK always right
[/ QUOTE ]
This must be true! PK is always right isn't he?
[/ QUOTE ]
I never once said that, but I'm glad to know that others think that.
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
[/ QUOTE ]
He's the guy that's always posting incredibly long winded posts. This post was actually shockingly short by his standards.
Also, I could say the same about you. Never seen a single post by you before
[/ QUOTE ]
* Laments the fact that "snarky" still doesn't work very well on teh Intarwebs....
Of course, I know who PK/Teh Gangsta/PostKount...etc is. I was just making a point that after using the name Philotic Knight for so long on so many different servers, then killing the Philotic Knight in an MA arc, then changing his forum name several times over the last few months (even having contest for forumgoers to select the new name and avatar), He is right back to using the old name.....for now.
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
[/ QUOTE ]
He's the guy that's always posting incredibly long winded posts. This post was actually shockingly short by his standards.
Also, I could say the same about you. Never seen a single post by you before
[/ QUOTE ]
* Laments the fact that "snarky" still doesn't work very well on teh Intarwebs....
Of course, I know who PK/Teh Gangsta/PostKount...etc is. I was just making a point that after using the name Philotic Knight for so long on so many different servers, then killing the Philotic Knight in an MA arc, then changing his forum name several times over the last few months (even having contest for forumgoers to select the new name and avatar), He is right back to using the old name.....for now.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell? I missed that much by just not reading the boards for a couple months? His avatar did seem a bit funny now that you mention it... :-/
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
[/ QUOTE ]
He's the guy that's always posting incredibly long winded posts. This post was actually shockingly short by his standards.
Also, I could say the same about you. Never seen a single post by you before
[/ QUOTE ]
* Laments the fact that "snarky" still doesn't work very well on teh Intarwebs....
Of course, I know who PK/Teh Gangsta/PostKount...etc is. I was just making a point that after using the name Philotic Knight for so long on so many different servers, then killing the Philotic Knight in an MA arc, then changing his forum name several times over the last few months (even having contest for forumgoers to select the new name and avatar), He is right back to using the old name.....for now.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell? I missed that much by just not reading the boards for a couple months? His avatar did seem a bit funny now that you mention it... :-/
[/ QUOTE ]
Which brings up another question (just so I don't step on my dangly bits any more today...only 45 more minutes left)...
Are you the same as all the other Kitsune's on the Board?
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
Who the he'll is this Philotic Knight guy anyway. Never seen him around here before......
[/ QUOTE ]
He's the guy that's always posting incredibly long winded posts. This post was actually shockingly short by his standards.
Also, I could say the same about you. Never seen a single post by you before
[/ QUOTE ]
* Laments the fact that "snarky" still doesn't work very well on teh Intarwebs....
Of course, I know who PK/Teh Gangsta/PostKount...etc is. I was just making a point that after using the name Philotic Knight for so long on so many different servers, then killing the Philotic Knight in an MA arc, then changing his forum name several times over the last few months (even having contest for forumgoers to select the new name and avatar), He is right back to using the old name.....for now.
[/ QUOTE ]
What the hell? I missed that much by just not reading the boards for a couple months? His avatar did seem a bit funny now that you mention it... :-/
[/ QUOTE ]
Which brings up another question (just so I don't step on my dangly bits any more today...only 45 more minutes left)...
Are you the same as all the other Kitsune's on the Board?
[/ QUOTE ]
On the boards now? Like Kitsune9Tails? Nope, I only have one account (although someone did accuse me of being Kitsune9Tails once... I'm not sure how that was supposed to be insulting to me? ).
In the past? Possibly, I've changed my name a few times, the previous one being KitsuneAscendant, and before that lolKitsune (I promised to change it to that if Castle buffed Stalkers). I'm ADD like that with my names... I just gotta change it every now and then (which is my only problem with the new forums... )
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
By the way, I'm stuck with this name now for good, read the link in my signature to see why.
By the way, I'm stuck with this name now for good, read the link in my signature to see why.
[/ QUOTE ]
I patiently await the day you're carried off into the sky by all the hot air inflating your self image.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
And you call yourself "neutral"? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
You stuck me in the "New Troll" team...
and I am not even new >.>
Let's go down the short list:
<ul type="square">[*]City of Heroes and City of Villains "merge" into one game.[*] ceases to exist and just redirects to[*]More and more "joined" content is created (RWZ, Pocket D, Cimerorororororra, etc.)[*] We now have "global" names and chat channels that span across the entire game[*]Server transfers are now a reality.[*]Going Rogue was just announced that shows side switching.[*]There was just an announcement that the US message boards will merge with the Euro boards.[/list]
Where am I going with this?
This time next year we will have one "Uber server". No more Freedom, Virtue, French, German, Heroside, Villainside. Just the City of Heroes game.
The entire game will be on "one server" (may not be one PHYSICAL server, but everyone can play with each other at the same time)
You log in, pick your character, and start playing. If you're a hero you may start in a hero zone, but you can go anywhere from there, and vice versa. The Euro servers will also be merged in as well and there will be one gigantic "City of" world!
All the changes so far look like they are leading up to this, all little steps that hint in the way of "consolidation" of everything.
One "server", one "forum", for everyone.
*adjusts tin foil hat and wears it with pride*