How do you complement a well played Trick Arrow?




"You're very attractive"

But then again...I use that on anyone.

I wonder why my teams never stick around for very long



Speaking of heal arrow, there should be an optional heal arrow..a "tier 10" power that is purely ridiculous. Should heal for about 5 hp when 3 slotted for heals (and a minute recharge unenhancable), and should come for free upon selecting EMP Arrow, just for giggles. Because I would giggle.



Just tell them they make you feel funny in your naughty bits.

Been playing a /TA recently up to 40 and I sometimes feel really useless on a team. Visually outside of oil slick it is hard to tell if I am really doing anything. I know the buffs help, but they lack the visuals for all to really see.

I can't imagine playing the set on a defender. It just feels so 'meh' to me, but at least I have a decent primary to show for. TA/Arch just sounds painful to me.




I can't imagine playing the set on a defender. It just feels so 'meh' to me, but at least I have a decent primary to show for. TA/Arch just sounds painful to me.

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At various points along the way, TA/Arch can be painful. Of course the same can be said for many builds. In the endgame, built for high recharge/recovery, TA/Arch is a damage dealing, debuffing beast.




I can't imagine playing the set on a defender. It just feels so 'meh' to me, but at least I have a decent primary to show for. TA/Arch just sounds painful to me.

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At various points along the way, TA/Arch can be painful. Of course the same can be said for many builds. In the endgame, built for high recharge/recovery, TA/Arch is a damage dealing, debuffing beast.

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Oh I am sure. I have enjoyed mine more now with some of the later toys available.

Just lacks the pizazz/flash of some other sets. Feels lost in the crowd on a full team.



Cursed spelling!



I love my Plant/TA Controller, and I get compliments on it from other controllers every now and then, but it's odd how much comment my swath of carnage is forgone for a hearty "SB pls!" from Scrappers and Tanks.

Like having an AoE Hold, Immob, KD Aura, or confuse tossed on a mob at the start of every fight along with debuffs should be ignored.

/e hissyfit

Too many alts to list.



"You make me want to roll a TA/A now"

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This. This would make me feel like a million bucks.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



How do you complement a well played Trick Arrow Defender? I don't want to hear "nice heals" anymore. What does one say?

Good arrows?

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I'll settle for, "nice work."

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



I love the anonymity of Trick Arrow. Going completely unnoticed comes in handy from time to time. No 'sb plz!', no 'healz meh!'. Sure you might not get the recognition of those attention-mongering empaths or kins, but you are making a big difference for your team.

And it performs admirably solo, which is nice.

Standard 'Good job', or even a 'Well those guys were pushovers with all the debuffing.'

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




I tanked with a TA/A recently, and man did it make a difference. So I told him. "Dude, I thought TA sucked, but you've proven me wrong."

Then I made a TA/A and I'm loving it. I'm not the most obvious Defender out there, but damn if I can't debuff things like a mother and blast the hell out of them with my pointy boomsticks.



In my honest opinion, if played correctly any Defender power set can be the most potent thing for a team. Granted, the power set needs to be understood by the person playing it and capitalize on its assets, even the ones some don't understand such as Tornado or Entangling Arrow. Sure, my TA/Ice might of skipped Entangling Arrow, but I know that it's useful and will gladly admit that. However, since I'm taking all but 1 Secondary, I wanted a bit looser of a build to try to fit Stamina and a travel power in. As such I took out Entangling arrow.

50s: Bla- Arch/Mental Cont- Mind/FF, Earth/Cold, Ill/Therm, Earth/Rad Dominator- Plant/Psi, Elec/Earth Corr- Fire/Storm, Arch/Sonic, Rad/Kin, Beam/Sonic, Psi/Time Stalker- Elec/SR Def- Storm/Dark, Emp/Psi, Dark/Elec, FF/Arch, TA/Ice, TA/Elec, Kin/AR, Cold/DP, Traps/Psi Scrap- Fire/Shield Tanker- Dark/Mace, Ice/Kin Brute- Claws/WP, SS/Energy, BS/Elec



"Nice heals" should be said to every defebcer you team with if the team is doing well. That's all defebcers do.



How do you compliment a well played Trick Arrow Defender?

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I just try to keep up.



I'd say they don't need a compliment; they already know how awesome they are.



I'd say they don't need a compliment; they already know how awesome they are.

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I know I am. When I play my TA, the best compliment I can get is to see the rest of the team tear through the debuffed enemies like a flaming chainsaw through butter. Although holding off on one of your Fire/Energy AoEs until after the Oil is on the floor is a nice gesture. So is not knocking everything off the glue/gas/oil/acid patch of doom.

But if you really want to compliment me, a "Wow that was easy!" is all I need to hear. I'll know why.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



How do you complement a well played Trick Arrow Defender? I don't want to hear "nice heals" anymore. What does one say?

Good arrows?

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Way to shoot them pointy sticks!
Well, they got the point!
Wow you were on target!
Those Tricks are a treat!
Quiver Me Timbers! (wait is that name taken )

Why aren't you healing me!?
Who's making that mess on the floor?
Debuffawha now?
Got Bubbles?...Heals?...Shields?...SB?....No seriously.



How do you complement a well played Trick Arrow Defender? I don't want to hear "nice heals" anymore. What does one say?

Good arrows?

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Nice fills.

Because it doesnt matter what they do- just that they are there.

But that counts for a well played or not well played anything.

All I need is the bodies.



I tanked with a TA/A recently, and man did it make a difference. So I told him. "Dude, I thought TA sucked, but you've proven me wrong."

Then I made a TA/A and I'm loving it. I'm not the most obvious Defender out there, but damn if I can't debuff things like a mother and blast the hell out of them with my pointy boomsticks.

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That's exactly my experience. Got one at 50 now after 'discovering' it.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom