Mr E-Man's MoLRSF Thread

akarah the hunter




Well I got the "I phail" award tonight...

I saw Turg losing health, so I put him on follow and queued Transfusion.. only to find out he wasn't even with us, but AFK still outside, so I ended up going right into the next mobs, and got out a moment too late on the greens. Turns out, Turg had come back and was just shaking off a Boss that was at the entry door, so it was pointless trying to go after him anyway. lol

Well.. it was a fun night overall and can't wait to go for it again soon!

See you all Monday for the STF!



Well it was a very good run, but we did not succeed on our initial attempt at the MoLRSF.

Our first death was a fluke (as noted by MB) where he fell down into a mob that killed him.

I did not get a stat box pop-up, so no screenshot, but I was informed the SF took 1 hr 55 mins & we had 5 defeats.

Not bad at all!

The Team:

Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
Ms Burned Bush: Plant/Psi Dominator
Robin Rogue: Dark/Kin Corruptor
Hatake Kasumi: Widow
evil drogoh: Ice/Rad Corruptor
Supreme Soviet: Bots/Traps Mastermind
Cryptid: Widow
Teh Corrupted One: Rad/Dark corruptor

(did I get everyone right?)

Thanks for joining everyone - it was a very fun night!

I'll look over my notes (when I say notes, I am referring to my memory - I never take notes) & post up some thoughts over the next couple of days.

Thanks again!
Next MoLRSF attempt will be Saturday, July 4 - get ready for some fireworks!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Next MoLRSF attempt will be Saturday, July 4 - get ready for some fireworks!

[/ QUOTE ] Wow, 1 week between runs? This is monumental.. I'll be sure to mark it down on my New July Calendar!

Sorry.. I just have this need to plug my calendars whenever I get a chance. May only hit about 70 views, but after word spread and I started including the links in my sig.. June reached almost 500. I just created July the other day and It's already up to 100 views. lol

The only problem is that my first one is still my favorite. The new ones just aren't living up to my expectations.. and I'm not sure what I'll include in Augusts.. (hopefully some new i15 content)



Next MoLRSF attempt will be Saturday, July 4 - get ready for some fireworks!

[/ QUOTE ] Wow, 1 week between runs? This is monumental.. I'll be sure to mark it down on my New July Calendar!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hopefully not too monumental...

I wanted to run this a few times in close proximity in order to get a feel for what works & what does not.

I was actually considering having a run Thursday night - I figured mostly everyone would have Friday off...what do you think, should I add in a run Thursday this week as well as Saturday?

Also, for the pulls on the last mission, I think we should have probably moved over to the other side to pull Sister Psyche after the first 2 successful pulls.

I think you would have had better success.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



OK Luna, you talked me into it...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Cold Satisfaction or Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Lord Recluse Strike Force
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Thursday, July 2 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor -or- Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Teh Corrupted One: Rad/Dark Corruptor
3: Ms Burned Bush: Plant/Psi Dominator
4: Nericus: Bots/Traps Masermind
5: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
6: Robin Rogue: Dark/Kin Corruptor
7: evil drogoh: Ice/Rad Corruptor
8: Overkill: Bane
9: Oxyrhynchus: Mind/Elec Dominator
10: Shadow's Cry: Thug/Dark Mastermind

Strike Force Stats:

<ul type="square">[*]This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start &amp; I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) &amp; 0 Defeats[*]6 missions (1 talk to)[*]Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans [*]Merit Reward: 25[*]This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team – if someone would like to volunteer to run a second team LMK[/list]
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:

<ul type="square">[*]Stick together, listen to instructions &amp; do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy![*] First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. Wait for &amp; clear the ambushes (3?) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on defensive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.[*] Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs &amp; take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth &amp; TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together &amp; clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.[*] Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.[*] Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up &amp; wait for the ambush. Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her &amp; take her down.[*] Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together &amp; keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next &amp; which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. [*]This is a work in progress[/list]
Come &amp; join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Cold Satisfaction or Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Lord Recluse Strike Force
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date &amp; Time: Saturday, July 4 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor -or- Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Teh Corrupted One: Rad/Dark Corruptor
3: Ms Burned Bush: Plant/Psi Dominator
4: Nericus: Bots/Traps Masermind
5: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
6: Robin Rogue: Dark/Kin Corruptor
7: evil drogoh: Ice/Rad Corruptor
8: Overkill: Bane
9: Oxyrhynchus: Mind/Elec Dominator
10: Shadow's Cry: Thug/Dark Mastermind
11: Supreme Soviet: Bots/Traps Mastermind
12: Captain Power: TBA
13: Project 64B: Earth/Fire Dominator (tentative)

Strike Force Stats:

<ul type="square">[*]This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start &amp; I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) &amp; 0 Defeats[*]6 missions (1 talk to)[*]Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans [*]Merit Reward: 25[*]This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team – if someone would like to volunteer to run a second team LMK[/list]
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:

<ul type="square">[*]Stick together, listen to instructions &amp; do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy![*] First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. Wait for &amp; clear the ambushes (3?) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on defensive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.[*] Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs &amp; take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth &amp; TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together &amp; clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.[*] Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.[*] Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up &amp; wait for the ambush. Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her &amp; take her down.[*] Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together &amp; keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next &amp; which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. [*]This is a work in progress[/list]
Come &amp; join in the fun and enjoy the fireworks! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I had a great time last night sign me up for these both as well same guy
Teh Corrupted One Rad/dark



Yeah it had been a while since I did the LRSF and I'm up for another. Please sign up Ms Burned Bush, lvl 50 Plant/Psi Dom. Again if needed I can bring my EM/WP Brute.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



E if you up for it me and a friend are gonna be doing the Silver Mantis SF that night. We usually start teaming together about 12:30 your time. If you,or anyone else would like to join us let me know and we can wait till you guys are done with this. It is level 20-25 and looks to be about 6 missions or so. You get The Air Pirate badge and 38 merits for completing it.



E if you up for it me and a friend are gonna be doing the Silver Mantis SF that night.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thursday or Saturday?

Edit: I think my Grav/Psi Dom still needs this SF.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Thursday July 2nd

so far for sure we have a brute and a corr



If you do not mind waiting (if we run late), I'll join - most likely with Dark Willow Grav/Psi Dominator.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



one sec I'll ask him

Yeah if nothing else i will be there and we can find others to run it with us. Gonna be the same way as last time too, don't care who brings what just have fun.



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Cold Satisfaction or Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Lord Recluse Strike Force
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date &amp; Time: Thursday, July 2 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor -or- Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Teh Corrupted One: Rad/Dark Corruptor
3: Ms Burned Bush: Plant/Psi Dominator
4: Project 64B: Earth/Fire Dominator

Strike Force Stats:

<ul type="square">[*]This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start &amp; I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) &amp; 0 Defeats[*]6 missions (1 talk to)[*]Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans [*]Merit Reward: 25[*]This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team – if someone would like to volunteer to run a second team LMK[/list]
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:

<ul type="square">[*]Stick together, listen to instructions &amp; do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy![*] First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. Wait for &amp; clear the ambushes (3?) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on defensive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.[*] Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs &amp; take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth &amp; TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together &amp; clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.[*] Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.[*] Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up &amp; wait for the ambush. Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her &amp; take her down.[*] Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together &amp; keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next &amp; which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. [*]This is a work in progress[/list]
Come &amp; join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Cold Satisfaction or Mr E-Villain

Mission: Master of the Lord Recluse Strike Force
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date &amp; Time: Saturday, July 4 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor -or- Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Teh Corrupted One: Rad/Dark Corruptor
3: Ms Burned Bush: Plant/Psi Dominator

Strike Force Stats:

<ul type="square">[*]This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start &amp; I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) &amp; 0 Defeats[*]6 missions (1 talk to)[*]Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans [*]Merit Reward: 25[*]This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team – if someone would like to volunteer to run a second team LMK[/list]
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:

<ul type="square">[*]Stick together, listen to instructions &amp; do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy![*] First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. Wait for &amp; clear the ambushes (3?) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on defensive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.[*] Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs &amp; take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth &amp; TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together &amp; clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.[*] Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.[*] Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up &amp; wait for the ambush. Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her &amp; take her down.[*] Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together &amp; keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next &amp; which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. [*]This is a work in progress[/list]
Come &amp; join in the fun and enjoy the fireworks! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

[/ QUOTE ]

Put me down for both Thurs and Sat for MoRSF, Bot/Trap MM. Should Thursday be a win then I'll bring an alternate for Sat



Sign Hatake Kasumi (Widow) up again for both Thursday and Saturday. If we happen to get the badge on Thursday though, I'll give up my spot on Saturday's run. Thanks!



Put me down for Thursday and Saturday as well. I will do the same as Dr_Infinite; if I get the badge on Thursday, I too, will give up my place on Saturday for another.

I'll be bringing my level 50 SoA/Bane, Overkill .

Edit: Forgot to add: I've never even tried the normal LRSF so if you need someone that has had actual experience with this SF I'll understand.

If you still want me, just know I'm very good at obeying what the leader wants.



Please add me as well lvl 50 Mind/Elec Dominator, Oxyrhynchus, also I am perma and have mass hypnosis and can sleep the AVs.



You can put me down for any future runs. Even if I don't get the badge, I'll get a hami-o.



Next MoLRSF attempt will be Saturday, July 4 - get ready for some fireworks!

[/ QUOTE ] Wow, 1 week between runs? This is monumental.. I'll be sure to mark it down on my New July Calendar!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hopefully not too monumental...

I wanted to run this a few times in close proximity in order to get a feel for what works &amp; what does not.

I was actually considering having a run Thursday night - I figured mostly everyone would have Friday off...what do you think, should I add in a run Thursday this week as well as Saturday?

Also, for the pulls on the last mission, I think we should have probably moved over to the other side to pull Sister Psyche after the first 2 successful pulls.

I think you would have had better success.

[/ QUOTE ] I think last time we did it, I simply chose the Hero on the opposite side, and it worked fine. Problem here was I didn't even shoot sister, but listened to whoever was calling out names and just pulled the next closest, without regard to position.

I'm up for trying it again with a little more logic, and/or going to the other side to do it.. sure..

Also.. I'm game for both nights.. no problem. Regardless if we get the badge on Thursday or not, I'll still bring Robin to help on Saturday's team... unless you have some reason for needing my Stalker instead. ROFL.



Put me down for Thursday! I'll be using Shadow's Cry Thug/Dark MM.



*scrolls up* WTH do you people do with your day that you all jam-pack in so fast? I saw UP in 3D today, shopped, took care of the ailing dog, went to a BBQ, and I come back to see THIS?


Sign me down for the Saturday run. Supreme Soviet, bots/traps. Granted, you're running a bit heavy that night...



*scrolls up* WTH do you people do with your day that you all jam-pack in so fast? I saw UP in 3D today, shopped, took care of the ailing dog, went to a BBQ, and I come back to see THIS?

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I was remanded into the gardening detail today...

I was able to log in to CoH this afternoon &amp; change the Freedom Events MotD &amp; run the Atlas Park Safeguard Mission on my lvl 6 controller...

Later I played a little 1 vs 100 beta on Xbox Live...

Dinner was a couple of porterhouse steaks I cooked on the grill with a nice dry rub for some added flavor...

Watched the first 2 episodes of Merlin, Burn Notice &amp; Royal Pains from last week...

Fed Mr Holmes &amp; Dr Watson...

Now I am here, typing this...trying to decide if I want to log into CoH, play something on the Xbox or pass out...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd