Mr E-Man's MoLRSF Thread

akarah the hunter



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Lectric

Mission: Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force – The Future of Freedom
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Saturday, November 21 @ 12:00Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific - Time approximate following the MoSTF

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
2: Nericus: Fire/Kin Corruptor
3: King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind
4: Evil Drogoh: Ice/Rad Corruptor
5: Infinite Agony: Mind/Thorn Dominator
6: Inducto: Elec/Eng Stalker
7: Samurai Ginko: DB/WP Brute
8: King of Shadows: Dark/Dark Corruptor



Strike Force Info & Stats:
  • This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 6 missions (1 talk to)
  • Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees of course :smirk: ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans
  • Merit Reward: 25
  • This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team, and we have had overages the past couple of times we ran – I do try to be fair about holding spots based on the sign-up order, but it is not always possible & I hope there will be no hard feelings.
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. The Scientist location can be ascertained by checking the number of red objective points in each door (3 yes/2 no). Wait for & clear the ambushes (3) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on passive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.
  • Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs & take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth & TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together & clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.
  • Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.
  • Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up & wait for the ambush (we usually go back to the main hall by the large room). Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her & take her down.
  • Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together & keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next & which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. Apparently if Statesman is mentally undressing Numina, it will result in an “All-Pull” situation. If this occurs, we will determine a strategy - perhaps logging out to reset the mission & hoping for a better distribution of the heroes. Conversely, we my try the sleep & pull method if we have the right team make-up.
  • This is still a work in progress…so please chime in with ideas!
Come & join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Sign me up. Supreme Soviet, Bots/Traps MM as usual until we nail this one.
...I think you have the badge on Supreme Soviet...


...and I am correct...

So, the write-up from last night’s MoLRSF run…

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
...I think you have the badge on Supreme Soviet...


...and I am correct...

So, the write-up from last night’s MoLRSF run…
DOH! Sorry, I thought this was for the Barracuda SF, my bad.

How about King Legbah (Thugs/Poison MM)?



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
DOH! Sorry, I thought this was for the Barracuda SF, my bad.

How about King Legbah (Thugs/Poison MM)?
Well, I wasn't actually saying you couldn't do it again with Soviet... :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'm there on my bad luck charm.



Sign me up on Infinite Agony (Mind/Thorn Dom). Thanks!



I'll bring my Stalker, Inducto if you'll have him.



lvl 50 DB/WP Brute Samurai Ginko

I would love to get this elusive badge. But i can not be lead brute. I alos understand if you dont want two brutes, so I am game and will watch forums to see if you can use me.



Originally Posted by Gen_Gintoki View Post
But i can not be lead brute.
lol - you have more faith in my Electric Armor Brute?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
lol - you have more faith in my Electric Armor Brute?
hmmmm.......much as I'd love to spin my fire-kin through this, I can offer up as alternates, a DM/Invul brute or else I can invoke the Power of Greystone.



Originally Posted by Gen_Gintoki View Post
lvl 50 DB/WP Brute Samurai Ginko

I would love to get this elusive badge. But i can not be lead brute. I alos understand if you dont want two brutes, so I am game and will watch forums to see if you can use me.
Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
lol - you have more faith in my Electric Armor Brute?
Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
hmmmm.......much as I'd love to spin my fire-kin through this, I can offer up as alternates, a DM/Invul brute or else I can invoke the Power of Greystone.
First, what I said was a joke & to answer Gen G's question - two brutes are fine. I would like to get a support char for that last slot though.

Second, I actually solo bruted a failed (1 death) MoLRSF with Mr E-Lectric & while I can say it wasn't the easiest thing to do & ultimately we failed when BaBs tagged me - with the proper precautions & support, I feel up to the task at hand.

If we are successful going into the Vindicators Mission, I will buff up using the empowerment stations in my base.

That said, take what you feel like bringing - it's all about having fun.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
First, what I said was a joke & to answer Gen G's question - two brutes are fine. I would like to get a support char for that last slot though.

Second, I actually solo bruted a failed (1 death) MoLRSF with Mr E-Lectric & while I can say it was the easiest thing to do & ultimately we failed when BaBs tagged me - with the proper precautions & support, I feel up to the task at hand.

If we are successful going into the Vindicators Mission, I will buff up using the empowerment stations in my base.

That said, take what you feel like bringing - it's all about having fun.
I had hunch you were kidding, but figured I'd be nice and offer up some alternates. Guess I'll stick with the original plan.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
I would like to get a support char for that last slot though.
How about my Dark/Dark, King of Shadow, for the last spot?

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
How about my Dark/Dark, King of Shadow, for the last spot?
Works for me! :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



We ran a bit late on the MoSTF - switching now.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd




Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Mynx killed somebody earlier.. and we just team-wiped on the final mish.



Knew it wasn't going to go well when the first thing Numina did after getting pulled is CM Statesmen. That first round was only made worse by a rediculous string of misses which culminated in my death to Synapse and the subsequent pulling of all the Heroes to the group.

Anyone know if they reduced the recharge time of Mass Hypnosis? This toon has a higher global recharge rate than my last Mind Dom, yet I can no longer double stack it.... I used to be able to Mass Hyp again before the first one ran out, thus I could sleep the Heroes I missed the first time.... Quite odd.



I think I need to stick to my element...I tend not to perform well during daylight hours...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



The only characters I have that are in the right level range on freedom are Megallo a Lvl 50 nec/ff mm which I need to respec before I would attempt to do the LRSF on master level with and Dark Flea my level 44 dark/kin corr which I would need to get to at least level 45. Also, the only night that I regularly have off from work is Monday. Any other night it would have to be during a rain out and I wouldn't know until the last minute but I would love to come along. Look me up in-game my global is @Ghoul Slayer.



OK!...Im in this one here put me down as TBA.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.