Mr E-Man's MoLRSF Thread

akarah the hunter



Great run & great fun everyone!

Not text book & not as exciting as the all hero bash of our last successful run, but very well done indeed!

The Badge!

We had a few close calls last night:

Me: Ambush during the first mission - got held & health started dropping fast.
Luna: Clearing some mobs by the destroyed Atlas statue - got held & health went to a sliver.
Cryptid: During battle with Valkyrie, health dropped to a sliver.
MB: BaB's gave him a nice one shot during a pull in the last mission...almost, but not quite.

Those are the ones I remembered. :smirk:

Battling Swan

The Team:

1: Cold Satisfaction: Ice/Dark Corruptor
2: Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
3: Ninpir Zombot: Mind/Eng Dominator
4: Longbow Spy-duh: Widow
5: Rex Obscura: Crab
6: Brimstone Ryder: Fire/WP Brute
7: Blakk Dogg Terror: Widow
8: Cryptid: Widow

MoLRSF: 9/11/09 - Team & Stat Box

Congratulations everyone - a job well done!

Nice work by Paragon keeping the heroes slept without being perma & not having a /kin on the team.

Next run will probably be in a couple of weeks!

Thanks again for joining everyone - always a pleasure!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
With the awesome brute we had and all the veats with their leader powers he could've won!
lol - and you were concerned about being the lone brute.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
awww - We believe in you & you are always welcome on any of my Master of... runs! We'll get you the badge!
Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
lol - and you were concerned about being the lone brute.
A justifiable concern, based partly on not knowing for certain what the others were bringing to the table and in that the character was shelved for a bit to work Dayjobs while I worked some alts. Once I logged him and refreshed myself as to his rather nicely cranked up build, I wasn't as concerned.

Now if were my ss/fire, that would be different as that one isn't as complete and /fire sure isn't /wp



Heh, next time we get to remember what this is like without a Mind Dom. >.>



Just wanted to say Congratz to all that recieved the badge . MB you scared the crap outta me when BaBs slugged ya! I was like "Oh No! not the last board!" Other than that scare, a Job well done.

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Originally Posted by ghoost View Post
Just wanted to say Congratz to all that recieved the badge . MB you scared the crap outta me when BaBs slugged ya! I was like "Oh No! not the last board!" Other than that scare, a Job well done.
lol, well as Paragon pointed out, BaBs had his eye on HIM, so when I broke his sleep, I actually had to go back and hit him again. I ended up in too close range and he stunned me. Luckily, I come prepared with the right inspirations and got out of trouble in a hurry!

Sorry for the scare, and Gratz again!



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Lectric

Mission: Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force – The Future of Freedom
Contact: Lord Recluse
Location: Grandville

Date & Time: Saturday, October 10 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: 45-50

Combatants: Longbow, Malta Operatives, Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Agent Crimson, Kronos Class Titan, The Slinger, Back Alley Brawler (x2), Numina (x2), Manticore (x2), Sister Psyche (x2), Mynx, Luminary, Swan, Valkyrie, Malaise, Ms Liberty, Positron, Synapse, Citadel, Statesman

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
2: Whitestar Scrapper: EM/Inv Brute
3: drogoh: TBA
4: Muse of Destruction: Crab
5: Nericus: TBA
6: BufferOverflow: Elec/Kin Corruptor
7: Mourir: Fortunata
8: Kin Rothko: Rad/Kin Corruptor


Strike Force Info & Stats:
  • This Strike Force requires an 8-person team to start & I will set it to No Temp Powers (which includes Veteran Reward Powers) & 0 Defeats
  • 6 missions (1 talk to)
  • Badge(s): Servant of Recluse, Master/Mistress of Olympus, Annihilator, Master of Lord Recluse's Strike Force for No Deaths/No Temp Powers (no guarantees of course :smirk: ) plus progress towards the Monkeywrencher badge for Zeus Titans
  • Merit Reward: 25
  • This Strike Force (by necessity) will probably be limited to just one team, and we have had overages the past couple of times we ran – I do try to be fair about holding spots based on the sign-up order, but it is not always possible & I hope there will be no hard feelings.
Mr E-Man’s MoLRSF Mission Notes:
  • Stick together, listen to instructions & do not be afraid to offer your opinion on strategy!
  • First Mission: Completely clear to all of the doors - including the turrets. The Scientist location can be ascertained by checking the number of red objective points in each door (3 yes/2 no). Wait for & clear the ambushes (3) after kidnapping the scientist (you may need to move him to the door to get the ambushes to spawn. Clear the left side to Crimson - Pets on passive to avoid Hero agro until we are set.
  • Second Mission: In the water to the Khronos Titan. Clear around the nearby mobs & take out the Titan. Clear the mob in front of the door. Stealth & TP to the end area if possible, if not stick together & clear. Clear the two areas before opening up the door. After aggroing the Slinger, try to clear the surrounding mobs before taking him down to make it less hectic for when he spawns his bots.
  • Fourth Mission: After talking to Grillo (Third Mission), move to the base of the Atlas Statue. We may need to clear some nearby mobs first. Pull to the front foot of the statue (furthest from the Heroes). Pull/Kill order: Numina, Sister Psyche, Manticore, BABs subject to pulling circumstances.
  • Fifth Mission: Clear to the Vindicator door, while the rest of the team sets up back down the hall, someone stealthy should open the door. Pull/Kill order: Malaise, Swan, Luminary, Mynx, Valkyrie (x2) subject to pulling circumstances. Clear to the glowie. Set-up & wait for the ambush (we usually go back to the main hall by the large room). Clear to Ms Liberty. Use the rifle on her & take her down.
  • Sixth Mission: Clear to the right side of the Atlas Statue (to avoid any cross agro). Stay together & keep buffs/debuffs running. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Numina, Synapse. Clear to the left side of the Atlas Statue. From this side, Pull/Kill order: Sister Psyche, Manticore. From here, we can determine which side to pull from next & which hero to pull. Of course this is all subject to pulling circumstances. Apparently if Statesman is mentally undressing Numina, it will result in an “All-Pull” situation. If this occurs, we will determine a strategy - perhaps logging out to reset the mission & hoping for a better distribution of the heroes. Conversely, we my try the sleep & pull method if we have the right team make-up.
  • This is still a work in progress…so please chime in with ideas!
Come & join in the fun and while you are at it show Statesman what you really think of him! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man

Red Tomax Guide: The Future of Freedom Strike Force
Paragon Wiki: The Future of Freedom Strike Force

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Please sign up Whitestar Scrapper (Energy Melee/Invul Brute). Time to test the dual-Bruting, lol.



I can fill the spot of being the bad juju and bring something, probably my Corruptor.



Well E, if you still have room, I can offer a certain Muse...

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



If there's still room, I'll bring my elec/kin corr, BufferOverflow for this one. She's a touch squishy, but I'll do my best not to ruin it for everyone.



Id like to give it a shot as well, I will be bringing my fort Mourir if you would have me :smirk:

I can please only one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good, either.



Just a warning E, you may want to put a Tenative next to my name, or bump me down to Alternate status. My Internet connection is not only still borked, but my phone company/ISP (gotta love the DSL monopoly) is swearing up and down that the problem is with /everything/ but their stuff, so who knows if I'll even be able to make it, and if I do how long it'll be into the TF before I start DCing.

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Scratch my last post E, my connection was just fixed (roughly 6 hours on hold over 3 days, 12 actually being bounced around customer support, and one 30 minute repair of the line later), so I'll definately be there!

@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web



Originally Posted by Aoide Muse View Post
Scratch my last post E, my connection was just fixed (roughly 6 hours on hold over 3 days, 12 actually being bounced around customer support, and one 30 minute repair of the line later), so I'll definately be there!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Just a reminder - this is tonight!

We are still one person shy of a full team, so if anyone is interested please post here!

If not, we'll try to recruit someone tonight.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'll sign up for the final spot and will show up!

Rad/Kin - Kin Rothko



Originally Posted by Scruffy_Muffy View Post
I'll sign up for the final spot and will show up!

Rad/Kin - Kin Rothko

Very good!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Note to self: bumrushing the FP is a bad idea...

However, it was kinda fun throwing caution to the wind, even if it ended in failure.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
Note to self: bumrushing the FP is a bad idea...

However, it was kinda fun throwing caution to the wind, even if it ended in failure.
As noted, it was a complete failure last night...

First, we couldn't complete the first mission (3 attempts) without dying...that should have been a clue as to how the night was going to go.

And since we zerged the Vindicators with success, we tried it on the Freedom Phalanx which met with immediate failure.

We tried a couple more times, then decided to reset the mission (2x) - then during while entering for the last attempt, I crashed & my comp locked up when I tried to re-enter the game, so I missed the last attempt.

Oh well, I had fun while it lasted.

Sorry about the utter failure... :smirk:

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Eh, it was a good time waster at the very least. I may bring my Mind Dom next run in an attempt to get this bad taste out of our mouths, lol.

I kinda wish we were able to use Temps last night since we had the perfect opportunity to attempt a Shivan Rush.... Always wanted to see one in action. FP down in 30-45 seconds? Yes please.