Redside hami raids. What to do about them?




As most of you probably know, I have been trying to get a dedicated redside hamidon raiding community going for a while now. However, most raids I try to form get quashed due to lack of interest. At most I usually get 20 or so people that show up.

So what would be the best way to schedule these things? The one that Kat helped me organize seemed to work since there was a great deal of time between the initial announcement and the actual raid. That would work, but it's not the weekly event I am hoping for.

Maybe the problem is the day. Saturdays are generally not the highest population night. That would go to Sundays, which wouldn't be a problem if there wasn't a blueside hamidon raid that night as well. A real pipe dream of mine would be to alternate off redside and blueside raids every week, but I doubt that the hardcore blueside raiders would go for that.

So, what do you think the best course of action would be?



personally for me, the issue has been only one toon that was wanted on the raid, My master mind. last sunday is when I got my crab to lvl 50.

I played villians so long and before some of the improvments on the MM. I got to the point of not wanting to play them any more. out of my 50's he is the red headed step child. Thing is I been to more red raids this year than blue ones.

friday and saturday I tend to try and do things with my RL friends in the game (if they are on)

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



As a person who pretty much joined CoH just to play the Villain Side, I fully support this initiative.
However, I'm ashamed to report that I have more Heroes than Villains. Also, the only Level 50 Villain I have, I really don't play anymore. I have a few other contenders to be my next Level 50 Villain, but the problem is, it's harder to get a team together on Villain-side so Leveling is a problem. I know I'm not the only one with this issue.

One thing I'd like to see, that could only help your Redside push, is a Night dedicated to Villain Team-age. A night where people are encouraged to take up the mantle of Evil. We need to get more good, solid players on the red-side, even for one night or day. Make it "Friday Night Villainy" or "The Saturday Crime-Spree" or something.

I know you want to jump into the Hami Raids, but I think it'll require a few steps to make it that far. We need more people excited about the Rogue Isles again. The more people leveling their lowbie villains, the more people who will eventually have Lvl 50s to bring to the Hami Raid.
I being one of them.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



there was a time on Champion where Hami raid were done almost daily. trying to get a Hami raid going on a saturday is always going to be hard simply because most people go out on that day. BUT... not that most student are done school, i'm sur you could organize one sometime during the week ( say wednesday) and you would get more people to join.

also I know I haven't been to any red side raid simply because 1 raid in 2 days in enough for me. I might reconsider that if the raids were farther apart.



What kind of things do you guys need for red-side Hamidon?

I would be willing to play villain side by maybe making something to help.

I think there should be some definite villain team nights because I can hardly ever find teams villain side.




I think there should be some definite villain team nights because I can hardly ever find teams villain side.

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I think we need someone to organize a Weekly Villain Night/Day. Someone besides me. I know me. If the organizing becomes too much stress, I'll start looking for reasons to avoid it. High Stress mixing in with my Hobbies does not a happy BA make. (My job is High Stress, and I use CoX to get rid of said Stress, not add to it.) I'll be glad to help, and advertise, and pester Cobalt to play Villains (which we all know he won't), but I don't think I'm the right guy for the job.
Perhaps my roommate, BrokenGoddess could be convinced. Since BG's nipples go all pointy at the mere mention of Villain Side events. Yes, it's all very disturbing.

Anyone one else got anyone in mind to organize our Villain Day?
(I think Dollmistress would have been a good nominee as well....... But...... *sigh*... )

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I'll help organize a villain day or night. Sounds fun.



My vote:

LOL we enjoy the game very much... We do everything PVP, Teams, TF/SF, Events, Kickball, PL's, Plant Crops, Kill monster, and badge Hunt. I don't force my members to be in Sg mode. They enter sg mode cause they want to. Like Bud could tell you some of those blind invited toon turn out be some good players. Yes I would enjoy climbing the ladders and fun with my Sg mates. Look out for ELITE LEGENDS GOLD a fast growing Villain Group, thats run by SmackDat!

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I think the first step is getting a set of raid leaders together, much like blueside. Overall leader, yellow taunt, MM Hami Taunt, Yellow attack, and ranged. Get them on board with a time/date. Let them recruit on the side to spread the word.

Second step is getting back to the EoE farming. That helped get the word out.... and I need maor. That last raid cut my reserves by 75%.

Lastly, let it be known what we need so people can plan accordingly. IMHO the team structure should be as follows:

Hami Taunt:
6 MMs (no /Pain) 2 Kin

Yellow Taunt
6 Brutes (w/ taunt) 2 Pain

Yellow assault (2 teams of 6):
5 Brute/Stalker + 1 Support (Kin/Pain/Thermal)

Ranged/Mez (2 teams of 8):
Mixed Corr/Dom/SoA/Fort + a bubbler

44 slots with 6 left overs for adhoc support. Everyone has a place, and a place for everyone. But just like blueside, there are specific needs that really need to be filled. Imagine a blueside with no Emps or controllers. Not pretty. You might not get those precious merits on the toon you want, but swapping to a niche filling spot can make a huge difference.

We've pulled off 3 redside raids successfully, and Im sure we can do it more often, if we can drum up enough support.

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



As I stated a long time ago in another thread, it is the advertising and frequency of attempting to run these things.

When Hami raids changed I only ran 1 blue side raid a month. (I say "I" because initially I was the only person running public raids). Once we got a few trained teamleaders and a good amount of people who knew how to do them the time it took to do them lessened. The time it took to prepare lessened as well. Other leaders such as Amy and Tom started stepping up and running them as well.

Back then raids were being planned 2 weeks in advance to get the proper amount of the AT's needed scheduled. I spent hours and hours personally sending p.m.s and tells to ask people to come.

NO matter how excited some people may be to get these to be weekly, the fact still remains that most people want the time invested to be equal to the reward received. Thus the reason why only 15-20 people show up weekly.

If you schedule them 2 weeks in advance, only once a month for a couple of months and give it time to develop as far as team leads learning the ropes and the amount of time invested being shaved down some you will see that once you get the time down to about an hour and a half.....getting 50 people in zone every week will be a cakewalk.



Hard to level on villain side is not issue at all. I'm set on popping 50's. If you guys get you head out of butts and stop listen what people is saying. Maybe you wont have that issue. I been trying recruit members for awhile some have join and enjoy being in ELITE LEGENDS. You can say were active VG on Champions. You would spot a ELITE LEGEND or ELITE LEGENDS Gold on Cap running a farm, task forces, or teams. I'm very activately recruiting. Just have to make a affford to contact me. Alot people would tell I'm actually a good dude, That help the ELITE LEGENDS and coalition members.
On the topic on hand. I stated I'm willing to help out. I probably can get 10-15 or more to come. Just shoot me a hollar.



Hamidon raids aren't for me on either side, but I'd be willing to help with villain nights or what have you. That's why I started Strike Force Sundays, to give redside a kick in the rear.

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



I think the first step is getting a set of raid leaders together, much like blueside. Overall leader, yellow taunt, MM Hami Taunt, Yellow attack, and ranged. Get them on board with a time/date. Let them recruit on the side to spread the word.

Second step is getting back to the EoE farming. That helped get the word out.... and I need maor. That last raid cut my reserves by 75%.

Lastly, let it be known what we need so people can plan accordingly. IMHO the team structure should be as follows:

Hami Taunt:
6 MMs (no /Pain) 2 Kin

Yellow Taunt
6 Brutes (w/ taunt) 2 Pain

Yellow assault (2 teams of 6):
5 Brute/Stalker + 1 Support (Kin/Pain/Thermal)

Ranged/Mez (2 teams of 8):
Mixed Corr/Dom/SoA/Fort + a bubbler

44 slots with 6 left overs for adhoc support. Everyone has a place, and a place for everyone. But just like blueside, there are specific needs that really need to be filled. Imagine a blueside with no Emps or controllers. Not pretty. You might not get those precious merits on the toon you want, but swapping to a niche filling spot can make a huge difference.

We've pulled off 3 redside raids successfully, and Im sure we can do it more often, if we can drum up enough support.

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But as I've stated more times than I care to mention at this point, this requires organization which no one (to date & including myself) have had time to do or are willing to do.

Sorry folks, there are plenty of redsiders (elf's group alone whether you like it or not) that could come and whip the hell out of Hami but no one wants to come to a raid that takes 2+ hours.

Just like so many said in broadcast at the first one we brought to completion a few months ago, they can run (even more than one) SF in a 2 hour time span and get the same merit rewards, maybe even more.

Squid, I hate to say it but your strong suit is the leading of the actual raid & not the organization of same (to make what Net is saying actually happen) and until we have someone step up to the organization plate, redside raids will continue to take too much time and people will not show.

Kat/Amy/Tom had some raids at first that took some time but then after the organization was put into place, for the most part the time was cut in about half (correct me if I'm wrong) and now it is a Sunday night breeze to make them happen for participants (maybe not the leaders but they seem to accept the challenge).

Sorry folks, admit it or not, without organization it will not be a weekly event.


~ The Earthguard ~



Hard to level on villain side is not issue at all. I'm set on popping 50's. If you guys get you head out of butts and stop listen what people is saying. Maybe you wont have that issue. I been trying recruit members for awhile some have join and enjoy being in ELITE LEGENDS. You can say were active VG on Champions. You would spot a ELITE LEGEND or ELITE LEGENDS Gold on Cap running a farm, task forces, or teams. I'm very activately recruiting. Just have to make a affford to contact me. Alot people would tell I'm actually a good dude, That help the ELITE LEGENDS and coalition members.
On the topic on hand. I stated I'm willing to help out. I probably can get 10-15 or more to come. Just shoot me a hollar.

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Elf maybe try not attacking everyone with all of your post, you might get invited in as a person and not a well we need fillers. I guess I will deal with the Drama club.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



I actually defend my self...! only.



Try planning these once a month for now ... come up with a set date (the 2nd Saturday of each month, for example) so that people know ahead of time when the red-side raid is and that way other community leaders don't schedule events on those Saturdays.

As great as the raid was two weeks ago, it is very difficult to justify setting aside three hours every Saturday night for the raids.

I know once the raids get down pat the time will be cut, but where this is still in the beginning stages, maybe planning for once a month is the best way to maximize interest/attendance.


@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



As a relative newcomer to the hamidon raiding scenario, I guess I didn't know the history behind hamidon raids prior. I honestly had no idea that blueside raids were a once monthly thing, and only became weekly due to practice and willingness to do them weekly.

I also realize that organization is NOT my strong suit. It never has been. In real life I am hopelessly forgetful. In high school my grades would often be a full letter grade lower then they should have been just because I DID assignments, I just forgot to turn them in.

So that being said, rushing into a weekly schedule was probably not a good move. Instead, I think starting out with a monthly schedule would be better. Seeing as how the most recent raid was June first I think the first of every month would be a good starting date. (I wont be able to do a raid on august 1st though due to being out of state.)

Now when it comes to team leaders, I think we already have a good starting point. Fanged Knight has already expressed interest in taunt team lead and has been a successful taunt team leader. Meowtch and Geniara have both pledged MM team lead capability, and I am more then capable of assault team and targetting lead. What we do not have are yellow spike leads, and a second assault team lead.

So. I am going to pencil in the next redside hami raid for a tentative date of July 1st. During that time, I will try and see if I can't build up a good assault team. If you are interested in leading a team, please contact me and try to recruit your own team.

We can do this people! We just need to give this community time to bake.



I'm good at downing yellows, sadly it looks like all my Saturday time slots will be gone due to work.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



baahhhhhhhhhh dont think I can lead the yellow taunt on July first... I will be out of town for work, but I could always just take my computer with you never know with me ....



I think you should do the monthly schedule using days of the week, not dates. Like Tanker Tuesday is the first Tuesday of every month. If you use dates, the event varies the day of the week. PEople who could make it Wednesdays would attend the July 1st event. But the 1st of August falls on a Saturday and may not have the same people attending.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



I think you should do the monthly schedule using days of the week, not dates. Like Tanker Tuesday is the first Tuesday of every month. If you use dates, the event varies the day of the week. PEople who could make it Wednesdays would attend the July 1st event. But the 1st of August falls on a Saturday and may not have the same people attending.

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First Saturday of every month then? I think that would work. I just thought it would be easier for people to remember "first of the month".

...BTW, sorry for all this constant updating I am making you do the the BMT MOTD Cobalt...



No problem.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



The next issue is that the first Saturday of July happens to be July 4th ... not sure if people will be around/online on Independence Day here in the states.

@Llewthor, @Llewthor2



I think you should do the monthly schedule using days of the week, not dates. Like Tanker Tuesday is the first Tuesday of every month. If you use dates, the event varies the day of the week. PEople who could make it Wednesdays would attend the July 1st event. But the 1st of August falls on a Saturday and may not have the same people attending.

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First Saturday of every month then? I think that would work. I just thought it would be easier for people to remember "first of the month".

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I do like having it on a day of the week, life tend to be more about what day of the week it is .. Oh its friday, I dont have to work tomorrow.

it would be weird to say its the 12 so I dont have to work tomorrow.

Next month you might want to make an exception to the 1st sat of the month. July 4 seems to be a big deal for familys so you might have problems. (yes there is a lot to take in for planning)

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.