You're all fired.




Well, we had the thread about a flash portrayal of enhanced interrogation techniques. An actual discussion never took flight, since it seems that a certain someone who despises Latin decided to clip the thread.



I saw that one. I realized what it was about and didn't go any farther. I started to feel ill when i watched the jangly fellow.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



whats jangly?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Jangling as if pulled on the end of a chain or a rope. Wasn't he all wobbly and such?

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



tl/dr most..

I'm so lazy.

Virtue needs more RAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!

[/ QUOTE ]

Not more. Just 'better' rage. I was venting on this subject not long ago. And like a clumsy novice witchling summoning a demon by accident, I'd written up a request for the local villains days before Haetron's return.

If you are new, Haet is one of the old gods in these stomping grounds (don't let it get to your head, Haet :P). Agree, fear, or curse him. He is the fire-bringer. Some days, his inflammatory responses sets these fields ablaze. Other days, he's axing away to provide thought-provoking, but not necessarily destructive, kindling.

At any rate, fed up with forums, a rant was typed out but set aside when the boards locked up. The thoughts were saved as a copy to document with the intent to list following breakfast. I took a nap instead. So all was forgotten until a brief time had passed and a thread, entitled "You're all fired.", made our shores. I think I nearly fell over because his first line was the last line of my discarded message.

Lesson learned. Be careful what you wish for...

A copy was sent to Haet privately because it just amused me that he'd returned though I'll post it now since it's on topic anyway.

Entitled: "This town deserves a better class of criminal."

Disclaimer: Opinon, sarcasm, and hypocrisy enclosed.

Comrades, we're drowning in half-hearted villainy.

Every month, someone throws a solitary star at each unrated thread. Brilliant effort there, basement-ninja. Every week, some new yet unoriginal diatribe rails on about the author's superiority to other playstyles ( badgers versus powergamers versus PvP'rs versus ad nauseum) or roleplay methods (the legitimacy of WOD Vampyres versus Twilight Vampires versus soft pr0n VampSires) Oh, the gravity. It's crushing me. Every day, the lighthearted threads get longer and everything else washes out further behind the tide. Sometimes I listlessly hit the alternate skin button to pretend there's a bit of variety. Every other thread, the most anyone can muster as a counterpoint these days is a singular "phail" or "cry mohr". Eww... you got them sooo gewd, tiger. <sighs>

My favorite villains don't need to hide. And certainly not behind an anonymous rating system. By the way, I've already one-starred this several times over to rob you of the satisfaction. Amateurs.

My favorite villains don't need to insult the hero to break him down. They transform his faith with valid doses of alternate perspective.

My favorite villains don't sit around and wait for the next big score. They've already written their memoirs and charged you fifty dollars for the privilege of reading it.

You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.

Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.

Until then, you're all fired. <grin>

[/ QUOTE ]

Speaking as the villain who reformed to go hero, though not strictly hero (Y'see, it works as follows... you have Good, Evil, Neutral and Flea. Flea is wherever the [censored] he feels like being at that particular time. This means Flea causes headaches for authorites. Because, Flea's an [censored]) I say this.


The real villain is apathy. So you can be on your red side, they can be on their blue side and some of you fence-sitters can be on your grey and purple side.

Me? I'll be on my side.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!




Me? I'll be on my side.

[/ QUOTE ]

So you are beside yourself then?

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.

Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.

Until then, you're all fired. <grin>

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when this forum had a better class of criminal. It was an utterly repellent place that drove off a ton of really good, worthwhile people who had interesting things to post about. Not what I'd call an upgrade to the relatively bland but harmless stuff going on now.



Should we wager on how long it takes you to get banned from posting, /again/? :P And yes, you'd think the Virtue board couldn't get any worse, but as long as Dane Cook still has a career I guess anything is possible.

Arcaine, Penumbra-Edge, Penumbra Edge, Paragons Scrap, Umbral Assassin, Repulse Shock, Clopin, Dynamo Charge, Storm Jammer, Deceptive Fallout
Teen Squadron ftw
Arc's a Deviant!



Should we wager on how long it takes you to get banned from posting, /again/? :P And yes, you'd think the Virtue board couldn't get any worse, but as long as Dane Cook still has a career I guess anything is possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, me or Haetron? I've never been banned from posting.



all that other cool stuff you left out :P

You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.

Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.

Until then, you're all fired. <grin>

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when this forum had a better class of criminal. It was an utterly repellent place that drove off a ton of really good, worthwhile people who had interesting things to post about. Not what I'd call an upgrade to the relatively bland but harmless stuff going on now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think we ever had a better class of criminal. Wait, I take it back, Eis is aggressive but challenging. At any rate, simply not referring to bully tactics. There's always going to be disagreements and dissent. Usually, it's cultural differences (playstyles, politics, preferences, etc.) at its origin. So there's always going to be a fellow or two who tends to fall rank and file on that side more often than not. But instead of resorting to underhanded jabs, small words, and anonymous one stars littered across that leaves a feeling that rabid troll mobs roam these parts.. I'm looking for people to step up. If you don't like something, use a scalpel to carve out your side of the beef and present it to the others at the table - ie skill. I'd appreciate it far more than what is currently in vogue.



Oi. I'm not a criminal, I'm a libertine. I'm not into personal enrichment except for where the contents of my pants are considered.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill



Should we wager on how long it takes you to get banned from posting, /again/? :P And yes, you'd think the Virtue board couldn't get any worse, but as long as Dane Cook still has a career I guess anything is possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've already had my "Welcome back to CoH, the forum rules only really apply when we feel like it" being modslapped session in private, so as it is, I'll probably just not post enough to even worry about it.



You all have become tender little morsels of writhing wormwood. Soft. Soft. Sofly crying about your exposure to "bad pugs" ... or worse! "Rookery threads"! Is that the best you have? Spitting vile against harmless self-contained "fluff". Find a worthwhile target. There's nothing wrong with the daily existance of Rookery. There's something wrong with the distinct lack of everything else in terms of volume.

Now I'm not talking about being better at being mean. Not talking about being better at being inciteful. Not talking about being a better troll. No. I am talking about the air in these forums reeks of incompetent angst. This town deserves a better class of criminal.

Until then, you're all fired. <grin>

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember when this forum had a better class of criminal. It was an utterly repellent place that drove off a ton of really good, worthwhile people who had interesting things to post about. Not what I'd call an upgrade to the relatively bland but harmless stuff going on now.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was actually a lot more interesting then. Mostly because we had really interesting things to post about. These days? Not so much.

Bland and harmless is about as interesting as wonderbread and mayo sandwiches.

I'm going to retch at the thought of that now.



Interesting is an interesting word. Has a pleasant ring.



Actually, mayo should be considered harmful, like GOTO, if only because once it's out in the sun...

That, and it's gross.



Think regular mayo is gross...try fatfree cholestrol's stringy.

/e barfs

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



All mayo is gross. The only time I use it is when I make chicken or tuna salad. And even then, its only a tiny bit.



All mayo is gross. The only time I use it is when I make chicken or tuna salad. And even then, its only a tiny bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

But it's a great moisterizer. And always good fun when smeared on the cat.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Actually, mayo should be considered harmful, like GOTO, if only because once it's out in the sun...

That, and it's gross.

[/ QUOTE ]

C. S. Goto. Such a poor writer even Sid here considers him harmful.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



I must admit...these days things are kinda 'meh, ok Ill post' on these boards... We need some sprucin' up 'round here!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now



As was pointed out to me b a friend, the game is over five years old. There aren't many game issues that haven't been discussed to death aready. People DO actually seem to have stopped beating dead horses, leaving little else of relevance to discuss.

Thus the general 'blah' of the threads and the prevelance of 'fluff'.

At least IMHO.



Actually, mayo should be considered harmful, like GOTO, if only because once it's out in the sun...

That, and it's gross.

[/ QUOTE ]

C. S. Goto. Such a poor writer even Sid here considers him harmful.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be fair, just because I have been occasionally known to read things by Helen Fielding doesn't mean I don't have more discriminating tastes.

Goto just suffers from spaghetti code^W plot, and his dialogue is mushy, rather than al dente.



*adds tacos*



There's no love - like your love
And no other - could give more love
There's nowhere - unless you're there
All the time - all the way-yyyyyyyy

((I had to type that out....I scanned the FM dial and that got lodged in my feeble brain...sorry))



As was pointed out to me b a friend, the game is over five years old. There aren't many game issues that haven't been discussed to death aready. People DO actually seem to have stopped beating dead horses, leaving little else of relevance to discuss.

Thus the general 'blah' of the threads and the prevelance of 'fluff'.

At least IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]
hands phoe a dead horse and stick

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.