Justice Server NorCal Murder Burger Run!





And whoever mentioned burger joints in the East Bay and left out Nations is going to hell for the unforgivable sin of not mentioning one of the best local chains (also does a good breakfast).

Now I'm hungry.

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I think that might have been me. And I disagree that I'm going to hell for the unforgiveable sin of not mentioning one of the best local chains.

No sir! I am in fact going to hell for the unforgiveable sin of not mentioning a place where one can go for burgers and PIE!!! Getyerfacts straight!!!




And whoever mentioned burger joints in the East Bay and left out Nations is going to hell for the unforgivable sin of not mentioning one of the best local chains (also does a good breakfast).

Now I'm hungry.

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I think that might have been me. And I disagree that I'm going to hell for the unforgiveable sin of not mentioning one of the best local chains.

No sir! I am in fact going to hell for the unforgiveable sin of not mentioning a place where one can go for burgers and PIE!!! Getyerfacts straight!!!

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both? doesn't that risk causing a rift in spacetime or something?



No sir! I am in fact going to hell for the unforgiveable sin of not mentioning a place where one can go for burgers and PIE!!!

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Hmmm...pie...there's another idea for a post-lunch excursion...



Hey Mod8, if you or any of the other folks at Paragon Studios are available that day and can make the trip, y'all are more than welcome to join us for a little Murder Burger action!

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As long as players don't use this as a time to ambush them on current in-game events, I think you might get some takers. Were I one of the Dev team, I think I'd have to decline just on the possibility of such an ambush.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Hey Mod8, if you or any of the other folks at Paragon Studios are available that day and can make the trip, y'all are more than welcome to join us for a little Murder Burger action!

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As long as players don't use this as a time to ambush them on current in-game events, I think you might get some takers. Were I one of the Dev team, I think I'd have to decline just on the possibility of such an ambush.

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Considering the players that have said they will be attending thus far and knowing their respect for the developers' privacy on such matters, I think the likelihood of such an ambush is pretty low. If anyone that is thinking about attending that hasn't RVSPed yet plans on doing such a thing, please don't come. If someone does come and pulls such a stunt, I'll have to ask you to leave. This is intended to be a get-together for local Justice players to catch up with one another, not an opportunity to try to get the attention of any Paragon Studios employees who happen to be Justice players and may potentially attend so you can debate with them on game or development politics. I don't want any attendee to be put into an uncomfortable position and will have *zero* tolerance on such crap.



You obviously have more faith in people being willing to behave like civilized beings than I currently do.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Again, it's only because I have a good feel on those people who have RSVPed thus far. I just don't see any of those individuals pulling such a stunt...I've met them, don't see such actions in their nature and trust them. I can't speak for anyone who hasn't RSVPed yet, but as I said above, I won't tolerate such nonsense during something that's intended to be a fun event for the local Justice folks.



Again, it's only because I have a good feel on those people who have RSVPed thus far. I just don't see any of those individuals to pull such a stunt...I've met them, don't see such actions in their nature and trust them. I can't speak for anyone who hasn't RSVPed yet, but as I said above, I won't tolerate such nonsense on something that's intended to be a fun event for the local Justice folks.

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Do not anger the hula goddess... for you are tasty once you are beer-battered and dropped in the volcano!



Thanks Mod8 for all the suggestions, i still gotta feed the Scimi that night, and even though there's no dim sum at night; he likes Thai, cafes...well lets say the boy can eat So any suggestions are helpful and appreciated!

I agree with Manoa on the house rules of no ambushing Paragon studios folks if they should choose to come. That would be a real priviledge (priveledge?) that not evereyone who plays the game gets to have. I do have enough faith though in the Nor Cal people who have expressed interest that they understand that.

The Marshmallow spectrum
Gud � Peeps
| Rice Krispy Treats
| Smores

Ebil - Circus Peanuts



*invokes the wrath of Pele*



well lets say the boy can eat

[/ QUOTE ]

I just realized that I should probably start fasting now to help counteract all the feasting that's going to be going on while he's in town.



well lets say the boy can eat

[/ QUOTE ]

I just realized that I should probably start fasting now to help counteract all the feasting that's going to be going on while he's in town.

[/ QUOTE ]

He took my new diet as a personal threat. I swear, we were on the phone talking about reducing calories and suddenly all i hear is growling and "my sammich", "you can't have it!". It took me a while to get him to calm down

The Marshmallow spectrum
Gud � Peeps
| Rice Krispy Treats
| Smores

Ebil - Circus Peanuts



*tallies peoples*

Alrighty, so far we have for lunch at RedRum (in no particular order)...

Confirmed: Me, Somber, Peep, Scimi, TA, Sassy, DD, RG and (I believe based on our conversation in-game) tremorr

Mebees: Bureaucrat, Kid Kraft, Rabbi Simca



Hey Mod8, if you or any of the other folks at Paragon Studios are available that day and can make the trip, y'all are more than welcome to join us for a little Murder Burger action!

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As long as players don't use this as a time to ambush them on current in-game events, I think you might get some takers. Were I one of the Dev team, I think I'd have to decline just on the possibility of such an ambush.

[/ QUOTE ]

Considering the players that have said they will be attending thus far and knowing their respect for the developers' privacy on such matters, I think the likelihood of such an ambush is pretty low. If anyone that is thinking about attending that hasn't RVSPed yet plans on doing such a thing, please don't come. If someone does come and pulls such a stunt, I'll have to ask you to leave. This is intended to be a get-together for local Justice players to catch up with one another, not an opportunity to try to get the attention of any Paragon Studios employees who happen to be Justice players and may potentially attend so you can debate with them on game or development politics. I don't want any attendee to be put into an uncomfortable position and will have *zero* tolerance on such crap.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Sadly cancels order for Super Atomic Epic!!! Ambush Pie-Burgers*

Ok, ok! No Super Atomic Epic!!! Ambush Pie-Burger wedgies it is...



You will take your wedgies and like it!



well lets say the boy can eat

[/ QUOTE ]

I just realized that I should probably start fasting now to help counteract all the feasting that's going to be going on while he's in town.

[/ QUOTE ]

He took my new diet as a personal threat. I swear, we were on the phone talking about reducing calories and suddenly all i hear is growling and "my sammich", "you can't have it!". It took me a while to get him to calm down

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What can I say...my appetites run wild. And remember, I plan on cooking for us at least once, if not more than once.

Zak the Space Varmit AR/Energy Blaster
Apocryphus Energy/Energy Blaster
Swordwraith Broadsword/DA Scrapper
Brother Bullet AR/Dev Blaster
Sinistrahd DB/WP Brute
Solar Despot En/En Brute



well lets say the boy can eat

[/ QUOTE ]

I just realized that I should probably start fasting now to help counteract all the feasting that's going to be going on while he's in town.

[/ QUOTE ]

He took my new diet as a personal threat. I swear, we were on the phone talking about reducing calories and suddenly all i hear is growling and "my sammich", "you can't have it!". It took me a while to get him to calm down

[/ QUOTE ]

Silly Simi...don't you know that when Peep is on a diet, that means more sammiches for you?



Just a friendly reminder for all you NorCal folks...y'all may want to start fasting now!

Justice Server NorCal Murder Burger Run
Saturday, July 11th @ 11am
Murder Burger (currently known as Redrum Burger)
978 Olive Drive
Davis, CA



I cannot wait for a Murder Burger on Saturday.



Just a friendly reminder for all you NorCal folks...y'all may want to start fasting now!

Justice Server NorCal Murder Burger Run
Saturday, July 11th @ 11am
Murder Burger (currently known as Redrum Burger)
978 Olive Drive
Davis, CA

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Glad you posted this! For some reason I was thinking this was going to be on the 12th. So... while it'll be possible for me to be a dollar short, at least I won't be a day late!




I can't go. I'm workin' that day

Either way, have fun all!

"Super Hyper Mecha Plucky Power Armor GO!" -Plucky Sidekick: 50 Inv/EM Tank

"Do not confuse my disguise with your own evolutionary missteps." -Malevol-Ant: 50 EM/Nin Stalker



Hong Kong Flower Lounge actually has a Michelin Guide rating, which is fairly impressive. Great place for food, however, it does get a bit noisy during their peak times. Down the street from there is El Super Burrito, best in the bay. Millbrae has some really great places to eat for such a small town. The Millbrae Pancake House is a legend in the bay area for breakfast. They even opened a Little Luca's in the mall there, sammiches bigger than me!

I am going to Murder Burger and I will give it a try... god have mercy on me. Afterwards, coffee is good or if we are up for a pop or two, I think there is still a Chevy's on the river that would be very nice for an afternoon. I have a friend in the area who is going to join me at some point, his only experience with COH is spending hours on the character creator, maybe you all can help me convert him from his Resident Evil 4 addiction.

However, it being Sacramento, I am thinking there has to be some great BBQ place up there somewhere?

Someday we should investigate a potluck maybe? I keep hearing things about brownies for the HeroCon......



Sassy and I will be there!



Afterwards, coffee is good or if we are up for a pop or two, I think there is still a Chevy's on the river that would be very nice for an afternoon.

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If the Bay area folks are up for going the extra distance to Sacramento (it's only another 20 minutes or so), Chevy's on the River would be a lot of fun for afternoon drinks and/or dinner (if we go that late). I've been there a handful of times and it has a great atmosphere thanks to it's marina location...perfect venue for a summer get-together.

I have a friend in the area who is going to join me at some point, his only experience with COH is spending hours on the character creator, maybe you all can help me convert him from his Resident Evil 4 addiction.

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One of us, one of us...



Chewie and I are going to just be there for Murder Burger. I don't think I can convince Chewie to go to Chevy's for a strawberry magarita.