Justice Server NorCal Murder Burger Run!




This is in two weeks and usually is great fun, but going home, u might want to leave the windows down:
web page

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Mmmmm....garlic... *drool*



I really enjoyed all the nudity!

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Yeah Tremorr .. thanks for doffing your duds .. my eyes haven't stopped bleeding .....



And they have one of these in Santa Clara near Hero-Con, this is Scimi's next stop:

web page

And Sass... Chewie thinks I'm DAM sexay!! The carpeting matched the curtains!



What a great weekend for COH meeting and greeting!

The Murder Burger M&G was awesome. Always a fun time when ya get some Justicites and a Mod together.

Manoa and Somber - Thanks for getting this together. Was so nice to see ya two again. Also thanks for the pics. Murder Burger was a great choice and really good food i don't care what Trem says . We really do need to get together again before the Con. We are so close but life seems to continue to get in the way.

Scimi and Peep - So cool to see the both of ya again and i am happy to hear this rounded off the trip for Scimi on a good note lol. (It could have gone either way ). Also a cool surprise to hear i know your brother-in-law Peep. We need to team up ingame at some point. See ya both at teh Con and bring those shirts again!!

DD and Chewy - You guys make a great couple although both very quiet... Chewy totally gets my vote for Justice Mascot. Next time i'll have to bring my lil ankle biter and see how they get along. See ya at the Con brother!

Red - Always a pleasure to have ya at a M&G my friend. Thanks for driving up for this too. We need to get together for some Sushi sometime.

Kid Kraft - Thanks for the great conversation man! I need to get ahold of you for that link you were talking about. It's something both Sassy and I are interested in. Me for purely informational purposes and her for more of a business sense. See ya at the Con?

Sassy - Those shoes totally made the M&G.....srsly...

Trem - Sorry the food wasn't up to your standards bro and i really do hope it didn't make ya sick because the next night you went awol lol. You ever "Doff your duds" again though, i might have to hurt you...Not in the good way either . Seriously though brother, always a good time when your there. See ya at the Con if not again beforehand.

Mod8/The Ocho - Big thanks man for coming out. The schwag was a surprise too. I honestly didn't think a redname would be there lol. When he first introduced himself while i was refilling my drink, i had no idea who he was. I think i might even have blown him off when he was asking about my art collection lol. Sorry if i did . Anyways, thanks for giving us some behind the scenes of the game too. Hopefully we can get ya out to future M&G's as well
Oh and Talia.....Proof that TA and Mod8 are not the same person...

Annihilator - You never had a chance!

Great food, great company! Lets do it again soon!

That was Saturday. Then Sunday Sassy and I got a chance to meet up with Syren and Blackshroud at a Mexican Restaurant. I was so full from Redrum still that we just ordered an appetizer lol. You guys were so kind and it made for a nice night for the both of us. Thanks for your hospitality and good times. I now have a reason to keep sassy away lol. I kid, i kid... Also i came to find out that Blackshroud is more of a mini me both ingame and out. HA! Lets get together again soon huh?