


QR - It was my birthday yesterday, and i went out with my friends and got quite pissed . When I got home at 4am, I sent an email to support about a problem im having with my arc. Re-reading it today, its surprisingly lucid and calm. I tend to type really slowly and carefully when i PUI - that email probably took me an hour to type out lol.

Its texting drunk thats the killer for me - not so much what I say but who I say it to. Bit of a /facepalm moment this morning lol.


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I found that I am definitely a texter when I drink. Much to the bewilderment of the people I'm texting.



I don't drink and post because I don't drink at all. Even my friend has tried to convince me when I turned 21 to drink with him.



How many of you are guilty of posting under the influence?

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Not here.

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maybe you should be?

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the dense thickets of stupidity are difficult enough to navigate sober, I'd prefer not to risk them under the influence....

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



How many of you are guilty of posting under the influence?

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Not here.

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maybe you should be?

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the dense thickets of stupidity are difficult enough to navigate sober, I'd prefer not to risk them under the influence....

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When I'm intoxicated, I usually also have something more entertaining to do than sit in front of a keyboard.

And seeing how poorly some people handle their intoxicants (which, being a religious Dionysian, is a pet peeve of mine) makes me want to make at least some people have to hook up a breathalyzer to their global chat access. I know it's not their fault, because they grew up in a culture that does exactly nothing to teach you how to handle intoxicants, expects you to figure it out by trial and error, and is then constantly and endlessly surprised each time yet another of them destroys themselves by getting it wrong.

But some otherwise perfectly pleasant people turn into raving monster @holes when drunk, and it's wearying. I feel like I'm way too old to deal with it gracefully.



When I'm intoxicated, I usually also have something more entertaining to do than sit in front of a keyboard.

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Depends on the intoxicant for me. A certain smoke, with its inherent ability to uber-focus and to make even boring things interesting and fun, couldn't be more suited to playing video games, especially immersive ones.

Dec out.



I just did a Hess TF while drunk.

It was awesome.

Still drunk now.



I've occasionally posted while drunk. I play while drunk/buzzed/drinking far more often though.



You two are gonna drive me to drinking.

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I can't be wacky all the time. It's pretty tiring maintaining that level of weird consistently!

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So, damping it down to that level or raising it up?

For me the difficulty is in damping it down. Not that it's immediately obvious since the linear nature of writing helps a great deal. Sometimes the linearity also adds to an impression of weirdness because it can be very difficult to reduce a concept that's more easily illustrated as a 3-dimensional web to a line.

As for under the influence and posting: Caffeine and related mild stimulants are frequently involved. Ethanol and related compounds are occasionally involved. Things traditionally snorted or inhaled (tobacco, marijuana, PCP, etcetera) are never involved. For everything else there's <redacted>.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



How many of you are guilty of posting under the influence? Why am I making such a pointless topic? You decide!

Anyway, have you ever posted something dumb while drinking, then gone back and read it and wondered what you were thinking at the time?

Will I do that tomorrow? I'll tell you tomorrow.

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Yes. Yes I have.

Well, except the wondering what I was thinking at the time. I'll leave that up to the people who read it.



I never post under the influence. Pretty much because I read the forums at work.

I've played whilst tipsy before, though, due to the occasional after-work martini.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville