You decide
building a hover blaster to take advantage of range defense bonus IOs is smart playing, picking your targets is smart playing; I do this w/ my AR/Kin.
being able to create mobs w/ no ranged attacks is a oversight on their part.
Fighting badguys with no ranged attacks was abusive, but badguys with no ranged attacks isn't inline with the games general design (hence wolves being given the ability to throw rocks). Heck, I remember there was a minor outcry when badguys were given the AI which let them run away if they couldn't retaliate against flying enemies.
Always remember, we were Heroes.
Hoversniping has been a staple Blaster practice for a while, iirc. Doesn't mean it's intended, but it is fairly common.
It's important to note here that you don't have 0 risk, as was the case with mobs that didn't have ranged attacks, and couldn't attack you no matter what they did. They can still attack you, it just doesn't mean as much because they can't hit you.
If softcapping was against the rules... we would definately see some problems come up in the mitigation forms available to scrappers, stalkers, brutes, and tanks before it became an issue with Blasters.
We had ranged weapons added to every group in MA because hoverblasting mobs that couldn't hit back was aberrant play.
I'd call that sensible play.
[/ QUOTE ]
I call it "Welcome to five years ago." Ranged attacks were added to all developer-made NPCs shortly after the game went live, before I1, because many did not have them. Banished Pantheon Totems lacked ranged attacks until about I3, when they got their odd scatter attack. The range on enemy ranged attacks was increased several times, to the point where many enemies can shoot from out of Snipe range.
This has been the case for five years. You're a little too late to be surprised about this.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
"You know it when you see it"
Using the MA I take a level 1 character to level 50 in 3 hours
Good or bad?
Using the MA I create a mission that gives out 5000 tickets and only deals about 100 damage to a player Good or Bad?
That's the kind of stuff that's obvious.
So consensus is 5% chance of being hit is the difference between Abusive and Smart.
And a further question, This type of blaster can clear a map to achieve the ticket cap in roughly 10-15 minutes usually less.
Is that smart or too fast ?
So, are you advocating for a reduction in the defence cap of Blasters?
EDIT: Oh, and if not and you are confused, a good rule of thumb might be: Can your character do the same things in a non-MA mission? If so, then it probably good to go (unless it gets nerfed at some pointdue to balance reasons, but thats just a fact of MMO life).
Always remember, we were Heroes.
So consensus is 5% chance of being hit is the difference between Abusive and Smart.
And a further question, This type of blaster can clear a map to achieve the ticket cap in roughly 10-15 minutes usually less.
Is that smart or too fast ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, the consensus is that, no offence, you are talking out of your nether regions.
You seriously want to compare a specially built character on a specially built map to meow farms?
This is the argument you're making?
So consensus is 5% chance of being hit is the difference between Abusive and Smart.
And a further question, This type of blaster can clear a map to achieve the ticket cap in roughly 10-15 minutes usually less.
Is that smart or too fast ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, the consensus is that, no offence, you are talking out of your nether regions.
You seriously want to compare a specially built character on a specially built map to meow farms?
This is the argument you're making?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes that is exactly it. Everyone who farms uses a character specially built for it. This is a variant of the blaster I use to speed run positrons. I can do a positron spawned for 2 in less than an hour and half with this.
I know people that have brutes specifically designed to mow through bosses as if they were tissue paper. And by the same token there are brutes that can go through entire spawns of regular foes equally quickly probably a bit faster.
5% is a very thin line.
So consensus is 5% chance of being hit is the difference between Abusive and Smart.
And a further question, This type of blaster can clear a map to achieve the ticket cap in roughly 10-15 minutes usually less.
Is that smart or too fast ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, the consensus is that, no offence, you are talking out of your nether regions.
You seriously want to compare a specially built character on a specially built map to meow farms?
This is the argument you're making?
[/ QUOTE ]
Weren't meow farms specially built characters running specially built missions? Literally?
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
So consensus is 5% chance of being hit is the difference between Abusive and Smart.
And a further question, This type of blaster can clear a map to achieve the ticket cap in roughly 10-15 minutes usually less.
Is that smart or too fast ?
[/ QUOTE ]
No, the consensus is that, no offence, you are talking out of your nether regions.
You seriously want to compare a specially built character on a specially built map to meow farms?
This is the argument you're making?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes that is exactly it. Everyone who farms uses a character specially built for it. This is a variant of the blaster I use to speed run positrons. I can do a positron spawned for 2 in less than an hour and half with this.
I know people that have brutes specifically designed to mow through bosses as if they were tissue paper. And by the same token there are brutes that can go through entire spawns of regular foes equally quickly probably a bit faster.
5% is a very thin line.
[/ QUOTE ]
Once again, no offence, but male cattle excrement.
Meow farms allowed anyone to rack up outrageously outsized rewards at minimal risk.
I didn't use a "special" character when I played a meow farm, and the rewards were, frankly, ridiculous.
Once again, no offence, but male cattle excrement.
Meow farms allowed anyone to rack up outrageously outsized rewards at minimal risk.
I didn't use a "special" character when I played a meow farm, and the rewards were, frankly, ridiculous
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok if I take a team of 8 into MA into an all LT farm at +1 con with this character. 7 of the 8 can be level 1 lowbies and do absolutely nothing. They will get the 15 hundred tickets and probably clear a full 10 levels in 15 minutes. The could certainly be leveled to 50 in less than a day.
If its 8 out of 8 its wrong, but if its 7/8 its ok ?
My bad.
I fell for it.
Nope, no definitive definition of exploitive here.
Move along please.
My bad.
I fell for it.
Nope, no definitive definition of exploitive here.
Move along please.
[/ QUOTE ]
As far as I can tell there isn't one anywhere. That is a problem.
the devs have already said that letting squishies get so much defense was a mistake. They haven't nerfed it yet. Apparently you are begging them to do it.
Yay, more nerfherding disguised by semantics.
I'mma go play That Other Game, their forums are friendlier.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
the devs have already said that letting squishies get so much defense was a mistake. They haven't nerfed it yet. Apparently you are begging them to do it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then the game would be completely dominated by the melee toons and the only role for squishies would be on teams.
A well built brute or scrapper can do the same things. The brute can almost certainly do it better. Even a propper tank build can farm effectively though not as effectively. There are also a variety of other squishies that can do the same things without relying on the ranged defense soft cap.
A dark corruptor with blizard can mow down twice the aggro cap in one click.
the devs have already said that letting squishies get so much defense was a mistake. They haven't nerfed it yet. Apparently you are begging them to do it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then the game would be completely dominated by the melee toons and the only role for squishies would be on teams.
A well built brute or scrapper can do the same things. The brute can almost certainly do it better. Even a propper tank build can farm effectively though not as effectively. There are also a variety of other squishies that can do the same things without relying on the ranged defense soft cap.
A dark corruptor with blizard can mow down twice the aggro cap in one click.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I was going to use a Spines/SR soft-capped to all dmg as an example.
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
Yay, more nerfherding disguised by semantics.
I'mma go play That Other Game, their forums are friendlier.
[/ QUOTE ]
This has nothing to do with asking for nerfs. It has to do with the need for guidelines on whats acceptable in the game.
This is something that pretty much anyone could achieve in so many ways its not funny. You can do this with blasters, tanks, corrupters, scrappers, brutes, doms, controllers, kheldians about the only thing you can't do it with is a defender and I may be wrong about that.
You can also do this with just a well formed team put together to be powerful there are at least 4 doing just that now. Matter of fact one has level pacts as a means to slow them down so they don't hit 50 in 2 or 3 days of play. (One of their groups hit 21 in one session with the level pacts).
So yes I cry out asking for guidance. I like the game. I have no wish to violate the rules but as far as I can tell there aren't any except random whim.
Yay, more nerfherding disguised by semantics.
I'mma go play That Other Game, their forums are friendlier.
[/ QUOTE ]
Enjoy! Oh, and that avatar is delightful, ST.
"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."
Yay, more nerfherding disguised by semantics.
I'mma go play That Other Game, their forums are friendlier.
[/ QUOTE ]
You CAN'T be [censored] serious!
Did you see their forums when they announced the delay of the release? LOL
Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!

My bad.
I fell for it.
Nope, no definitive definition of exploitive here.
Move along please.
[/ QUOTE ]
As far as I can tell there isn't one anywhere. That is a problem.
[/ QUOTE ]
There's a problem with clearly stating where the line is, too. Your comment of 'if 8/8 is bad, is 7/8 fine?' is a perfect example of that, and certainly more perfect then one I could fabricate.
The second you state where the line between 'exploit' and 'fine' is, people will dance on that line and work ever harder on maximizing their rewards as much as possible while stating that you told them it was fine the entire time. It's endorsing it to a certain point, and that's just as bad if not worse then not being clear where the line really is.
The line's blurry specifically to catch people trying to play at the edge, because those people are more likely to actually exploit. People that get their accidentally may get caught in the crossfire, but it's an inevitability in any situation, even when the line is clearly defined. Because some people would get just a little over there unknowingly.
I like the game and I want it to do well so let me show you why that is wrong.
The line's blurry specifically to catch people trying to play at the edge, because those people are more likely to actually exploit. People that get their accidentally may get caught in the crossfire, but it's an inevitability in any situation, even when the line is clearly defined. Because some people would get just a little over there unknowingly.
[/ QUOTE ]
This isn't catching criminals. This is tricking your customers into acts that will make them leave.
Ah HA we have caught you being to extreme in the game out you go. Does not build a customer base. They don't say oh please I'll be good let me stayyyyy. The response is FU I am out of here and I will smack talk your game everywhere I go.
Being adversarial with your customers and treating them like criminals isnt a business plan.
And neither is letting people exploit things. It's a double-edged sword, honestly, and you're damned if you try to make a stand and insure that the game is fair and balanced for everyone, and damned if you let them run rampant.
There's not going to be anything even remotely close to a 'perfect' solution for something like this, and expecting it is more of a failure on your part then it is anything else.
"You know it when you see it"
Thats what I keep seeing on the boards, its pretty much their position with the moral compass and reckless driving analogies.
I must be stupid because I really can't tell.
We had ranged weapons added to every group in MA because hoverblasting mobs that couldn't hit back was aberrant play.
I'd call that sensible play. The same way taking a melee character into mobs that have lots of mezzing attacks is a sensible play. The mezzes really cant affect the melee character and they are wasted attacks.
So the Hovering Blaster hitting at mobs with no ranged attacks was a bug that was fixed.
So taking this blaster into that same map would now be what smart play or abusive play ?
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.401
[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]
It has a softcapped range defense and for all intents an purposes the mobs mulling below at the aggro cap wouldn't be able to do anything to it. Whatever damage did get through could be easily countered with a couple of oranges and picking mobs that had cold based ranged attacks.
There is essentially zero risk for this with virtually unlimited reward. In my terms, I still have no idea what the devs ideas are . It can also achieve its rewards quickly and efficiently. So in terms of rewards per unit time its also very good.
Is it just smart play or not as the developers intended ? I have no damn Idea.
Can you tell ?