Duel Blades brute, stalker or scrapper?




I'm trying to decide what AT I like to play a DB character. I 'm leaning more to brute or stalker since I just finished playing a scrapper to 50. I haven't played DB before so any info on the set will help. The secondaries I'm thinking to go with for each AT will be brute DB/EA, stalker DB/Nin, and if I go scrapper it be DB/Regan. Thanks in advance.

P.S. Any info on EA or Nin will help too since I haven't played them either I do have a claw/regan so I have a feel how it plays.

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Was very plesaurable as brute (levelled first villain to 50 with a DB brute). Nice with scrapper too, but having done the brute I don't spend as much time on with that scrapper.

Stalkers are not my thing, can't seem to get into them, so cannot comment.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



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Stalkers aren't a very good way to experience the Dual Blades "as intended". The combos are a bit wonky and it has Build Up. Now, if you like Stalkers and/or Build Up (I know I do!), this option would be the option to go with.

Brutes get "true" Dual Blades and Dual Blades works very well with them as they build Fury very, very quickly. More quickly than any other set, in fact. Lacks Build Up, and doesn't feel particularly Brute-like animation-wise (and the animations for DB are some of the best in the game). This is probably your best option unless you're really into the stealth-alpha strike play style of the Stalker.

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I deleted my DB Tanker and DB Scrapper early, as the set just didn't seem to "fit" those ATs for me. I really like my DB/Nin Stalker, though. DB has a very graceful look to it, and it seems to gel with the "hidden in the shadows" aspect of Stalkers. The Assassin Blade amination, in particular, is very lithe and smooth-looking (and deadly!).

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Lacks Build Up, and doesn't feel particularly Brute-like animation-wise (and the animations for DB are some of the best in the game).

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I deleted my DB Tanker and DB Scrapper early, as the set just didn't seem to "fit" those ATs for me.

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Pretty much this. Whatever you make a Dual Blades character as, keep in mind that the set's animations are much more about speed than force. I made a DB brute who was intended to be an inhuman monster dual-wielding meat cleavers, and then she started dancing like a ballerina on ecstasy every time I got into a fight. Fits much better as a scrapper or stalker set, in my opinion.

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Lacks Build Up, and doesn't feel particularly Brute-like animation-wise (and the animations for DB are some of the best in the game).

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I deleted my DB Tanker and DB Scrapper early, as the set just didn't seem to "fit" those ATs for me.

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Pretty much this. Whatever you make a Dual Blades character as, keep in mind that the set's animations are much more about speed than force. I made a DB brute who was intended to be an inhuman monster dual-wielding meat cleavers, and then she started dancing like a ballerina on ecstasy every time I got into a fight. Fits much better as a scrapper or stalker set, in my opinion.

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I actually like DB much more on my Scrapper than my Brutes, I think the damage is better on a Scrapper (for the most part) than a Brute too. Also, it just seems to fit Scrappers better.

I like it on Stalkers too actually. The combos really aren't that bad on a Stalker, in fact, some of them are pretty nicely performed. Also, if you plan to "ever" pvp even a little bit, a Stalker with DB is the ONLY AT that you will actually be able to compete and pvp with respectfully. DB isn't the best pvp Stalker set, mind you, but it's still WAY more playable than a Scrapper and especially a Brute trying to use DB in pvp.

So for me, my list from most favored DB AT's to least would look like this:

1.) Scrappers
2.) Stalkers (#1 spot if you plan to dabble in pvp ever)
3.) Brutes
4.) Tankers (<---I'd never make a DB Tanker personally...just doesn't fit em' if you ask me..)



I have no information on power, DPS, or anything technical. Although I do know the Stalker combos are different to the other AT's.

All I can say is my first character, my first 50 and still one of my favourite characters is a DB/WP stalker.

I tried a DB scrapper and a DB brute and neither made it past their teens. I just ... didn't like them.

I like the power combo's on the stalker, the way I can keep a wide arc of enemies on their backs so they aren't hitting me. I like being able to one shot stuff.

She's fun. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I can't comment on /Nin. I have it on another stalker and hated it. Nothing more rational than not getting on with the names. Yes I know that's silly when I've grasped Build Up, Strength of Will and Ablating Strike but the /Nin stuff just won't stick.

Best of luck with your choice.

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I have done DB on a scrapper and brute. Felt similar and I liked both. I don't feel as if DB is very smashy, but it still fits brutes fairly well. So I think you should ask yourself if you are a stealthy assassin or an in your face animal. Then, decide if you are a hero or a villain. (Not that this will be much of an issue for too long with Going Rogue looming...)

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"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I have a 50 wp/db tanker, and various other 50 tankers/brutes/scrappers/stalkers.

DB is a set about keeping up a constant flow of damage. It is best used when you don't need burst damage. I would advise against a db stalker. Having said that, also keep in mind that since it's not about large damage numbers at any one time, you need increased survivability to stay in the fight. I think your best bet would be to go w/ a tanker or brute. The downside w/ a tanker is, since db would be your secondary, that you don't get the attacks as quickly or as early, so it takes more time to develop the combos.

As for /EA or /Nin, here's my take:

/EA was a lot of fun for me. It isn't particularly effective, but I just liked the feel of the set and I enjoy sets w/ end recovery tools built in - let's me skip some end reducers in favor of more recharge, damage, etc.

/Nin is an interesting set. The lack of kb protection is a bit annoying - but if you play some MA missions you can drop tickets on lvl 10-14 bronze rolls w/ a good chance of getting one, (only costs like 70 tix per roll). It does offer a good balance of defense, status protection, a self heal, and utility. I wasn't wowed by smoke flash or blinding powder, but they're neat gimmicks. I skipped caltrops. The positional defense has its advantages, though.

I would probably paid DB w/ WP.



One thing that annoys me on my db stalker is that two of my combo's begin build-up/assassin's blades. This means a) both combos are tied to the recharge of buildup, and b) neither is reliable in mid-fight unless I placate first -- which, unfortunately, is the finishing move of one of the two combos.



Whatever you make a Dual Blades character as, keep in mind that the set's animations are much more about speed than force. I made a DB brute who was intended to be an inhuman monster dual-wielding meat cleavers, and then she started dancing like a ballerina on ecstasy every time I got into a fight. Fits much better as a scrapper or stalker set, in my opinion.

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Picture them giggling as they slowly slice mobs of enemies to bits, dancing in the rain of blood scattered by their shredded enemies, glorying in the agony of their victim's deaths. It feels MUCH more brutish then !

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



When playing a DB Brute, think Kratos.



Whatever you make a Dual Blades character as, keep in mind that the set's animations are much more about speed than force. I made a DB brute who was intended to be an inhuman monster dual-wielding meat cleavers, and then she started dancing like a ballerina on ecstasy every time I got into a fight. Fits much better as a scrapper or stalker set, in my opinion.

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Picture them giggling as they slowly slice mobs of enemies to bits, dancing in the rain of blood scattered by their shredded enemies, glorying in the agony of their victim's deaths. It feels MUCH more brutish then !

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Oh, I'm sure it can work, but I was playing what was essentially a lumbering cannibalistic Frankenstein monster. My new DB character is a little girl with ribbons in her hair, and it fits that much better.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I'm trying to decide what AT I like to play a DB character. I 'm leaning more to brute or stalker since I just finished playing a scrapper to 50. I haven't played DB before so any info on the set will help. The secondaries I'm thinking to go with for each AT will be brute DB/EA, stalker DB/Nin, and if I go scrapper it be DB/Regan. Thanks in advance.

P.S. Any info on EA or Nin will help too since I haven't played them either I do have a claw/regan so I have a feel how it plays.

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Dual Blade Scrapper and Brute are basically the same so if you want a more different experience, I would go with Stalker dual blade.

Yes, DB combos on Stalker are kinda weird but Stalker's 1K Cut has longer reach and Attack Vital combo is easier (a lot higher ST damage). DB on Stalker also has Build Up instead of Follow Up so you can do pretty impressive melee cone damage with just Build Up + 1K Cuts. 1K Cuts has 50% to critical during Hidden.

I have a lvl 50 DB/Nin.

I also have a lvl 48 Spines/EA. EA is not as bad as most people claim.

If you want more versatility, I would go with DB/Nin.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.