AE addition needed, Cut Scenes!
I'm with ya 100% percent for wanting this. The cut scenes I also feel would improve story telling ten fold.
Already strongly considered by the devs, already shot down for now for being too tricky to implement. Maybe some time in the future, when they can figure out how to implement it in a way that would be relatively easy for players to use and hard for players to abuse.
Frequent cutscenes or very excessively long cutscenes could really make missions annoying.
You mean until everyone and their brother starts forcing you to sit through them, right?
I don't like them in PvE content either. They're an overused gimmick. The 5-minute Dr. Aeon cutscene in the STF should have a nuke taken to it, also the one in Dark Watcher's arc where Nemsis shows up to interrupt your perfectly good kicking of Hro'dotz's butt with his lame villain speech, and yeah, we get it by now, we know that you're NICTUS!!!11!! and that everybody on the team has a battlecry.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
If my memory is correct, one of the devs commented on this by saying he wouldn't wish the system that does cutscenes on his worst enemy. They're apparently a giant pain to code and we won't have access until they find a way to make it easier on themselves first.
ah, thats too bad, that and some type of pvp fix would make this game almost perfect in my eyes.
I'm with Eva, I hope this feature never gets implemented. Cutscenes don't belong in an MMO, IMHO.
And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines
If cutscnes aren't available, I hope we can get better tools for enemy text "conversations".
While we're talking pipe dreams, I'd love to be able to insert clips from my The Movies productions, like a bit from about 8:20 in this movie to illustrate a plot point in the arc version of Ashley Porter and the Gorilla War....
Let's get NPC dialog to show up when it's supposed to show up. Then see if cutscene dialog is still needed.
I'm all in favor of adding proper NPC conversations. You can ignore it and just hit them if you want. My big problem with cut scenes is that you are stuck in them, whether you care or not. If there was a way to skip it, I'd be all in favor of adding them.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I'm with Eva, I hope this feature never gets implemented. Cutscenes don't belong in an MMO, IMHO.
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I'm with Eva, I hope this feature never gets implemented. Cutscenes don't belong in an MMO, IMHO.
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I don't agree.
I like cutscenes when done appropriately. Guild Wars does them very well. You just need the option to bypass if you don't want to watch it again for the umpteenth time.
I would limit to one cutscene per arc.
Two issues: Disk storage and content monitoring. You can have filters for text - a video can contain anything.
131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )
Don't think we'll ever get a cut scenes option, and I'm glad. Pretty sure that it would be grossly overused. If there were an option to bypass it, you'd probably lose the story content that people would overload in these things. And having created numerous TV commercials, I figure that even if you could somehow bypass the video and keep the dialogue, the effect would be like listening to TV without the picture on. What you're seeing should complement but not duplicate what you're hearing. (That's why God created radio.)
Just my 2 influence/merits/tickets, of course, and your smileage may vary.
I enjoy cut scenes and would like this implemented.
Virtue: The-Invictus (Blue)
The Emissary of Justice - Level 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
The Emissary of Justice. - Level 50 WP/Fire Tanker
Mesmerius - Level 50 Psi/Mental Blaster
Nucleoa - Level 50 Rad/Son Defender
If my memory is correct, one of the devs commented on this by saying he wouldn't wish the system that does cutscenes on his worst enemy. They're apparently a giant pain to code and we won't have access until they find a way to make it easier on themselves first.
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That was Positron, who said, quote, "I wouldn't wish that system on anybody" when asked if players would be able to put cutscenes in Arcitect missions.
Personally, I hate cutscenes with a burning passion that defies reason. Nothing's worse than when you're just cooking along, fighting and killing and just having a great time, and then you get too close to the mission boss and WHAM!! Drop what you're doing and watch this cutscene! You have no chance to survive -I mean, no choice but to watch! No matter how many times you've seen it before! It's like running into a brick wall that wasn't there half a second ago, and I hate it.
I can't support cutscenes for Arcitect until players have a way to disable cutscenes. Since whole teams see them when someone triggers them, I suggest that the mission owner's setting determines whether cutscenes are seen with teams.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
Cut scenes add lots of flavor to any rpg.
/signed... with limits. (1 per arc, max time length)

currently reading: A Mighty Fortress (David Weber)
No no no no no a thousand times no. While it could be used well, something tells me that most of the time it wont. I've seen maybe 2 cutscenes in the canon content that didn't annoy the piss out of me.
I find ae lacking in story, mostly because I don't wanna read my story spoon fed to me in tiny text pop up windows that almost no one looks at anyway. Most likely this is why short ae missions, or farms are the most popular (besides the obvious reason that people are there to farm).
i think if you could add cut scenes with bubble chat to your ae missions the story telling power would increase tenfold.
I don't know how hard it is to add, but if anyone can do it, CoX can.