Rent boned yet again.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep. Nothing says heroic/villainous like going to the registrar every 2-4 weeks to pay rent... I wish my SG could hire a secretary to take care of the effing bills- I gots bad guys to bust.
It's not so much that I object to the rent (though it's trivial enough that I'd prefer they just did away with it).
What I object to is the fact that the mechanics are broken (at least for me right now).
Right now it's supposed to be:
Pay rent.
2 weeks later get a notice that rent is due.
2 weeks later notice changes to "rent was due"
2 weeks later power is shut off.
Right now, for me, it works like this:
Pay rent.
1 DAY later, get a notice that rent is due.
2 weeks later notice changes to "rent was due"
2 weeks later power is shut off.
Needless to say I'm a might peeved over the situation.
What the hell is going on?
And now support is pointing me to a page that's telling me that rent is due every 2 weeks.
So now, instead of being on a 6 week schedule (pay=0/reset,notice=+2 weeks,due=+4 weeks,shutdown=+6 weeks,repeat), I'm paying every 4 or getting shut down?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
[/ QUOTE ]
What's going on is that they're morons. If you go to this support page, it directly contradicts the one you linked and says:
"If base rent is not paid for a period of two weeks, you will start to see "Rent is due on X" notices when logging in. At this point your rent is not overdue, this is just a warning that you due date is coming up in two more weeks.
After four weeks, your rent is due. (emphasis mine) The message will change from "Rent is due..." to "Rent was due...". Despite this, no penalties will occur to your base at this point.
After six weeks, the power in your base will be shut off. You can still enter the base, but you will not be able to use any equipment which requires power to operate. However, you can still use items that do not require power.
After eight weeks, access to your base will be completely restricted. You will not be able to enter your base until you pay the base rent."
P.S. It has been working for me as described above. If it's cutting your power two weeks after you pay, I'd bug and petition and point them to the page I linked.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
What the hell is going on?
And now support is pointing me to a page that's telling me that rent is due every 2 weeks.
So now, instead of being on a 6 week schedule (pay=0/reset,notice=+2 weeks,due=+4 weeks,shutdown=+6 weeks,repeat), I'm paying every 4 or getting shut down?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
[/ QUOTE ]
What's going on is that they're morons. If you go to this support page, it directly contradicts the one you linked and says:
"If base rent is not paid for a period of two weeks, you will start to see "Rent is due on X" notices when logging in. At this point your rent is not overdue, this is just a warning that you due date is coming up in two more weeks.
After four weeks, your rent is due. (emphasis mine) The message will change from "Rent is due..." to "Rent was due...". Despite this, no penalties will occur to your base at this point.
After six weeks, the power in your base will be shut off. You can still enter the base, but you will not be able to use any equipment which requires power to operate. However, you can still use items that do not require power.
After eight weeks, access to your base will be completely restricted. You will not be able to enter your base until you pay the base rent."
P.S. It has been working for me as described above. If it's cutting your power two weeks after you pay, I'd bug and petition and point them to the page I linked.
[/ QUOTE ]
It's not cutting my power after I pay. It's giving me the "your rent is due" notice 2 weeks too early. And, literally, right after I've just paid.
someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
So why the hell can't we set up a direct draft account with the City like I do for my ACTUAL electric bill? The bill pops, they draw what I owe, and send me a receipt. I never have to see anything but the statement.
Also, WHERE is all my prestige going? Were they saving it to build the Architect buildings? The Faultline Beautification Fund? I want transparency
someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
[/ QUOTE ]
To waste our time. That's basically it at this point.
someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a comic book superhero based game and since all the hero and villain groups in the comics have to pay rent on thier various lairs, bases, and whatnot, it would be silly to not have the heroes and villains in a comic based game also shelling out rent like thier comic book counterparts.
It's a comic book superhero based game and since all the hero and villain groups in the comics have to pay rent on their various lairs, bases, and whatnot, it would be silly to not have the heroes and villains in a comic based game also shelling out rent like thier comic book counterparts.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have a problem with this blanket statement. Some groups pay rent on their lairs, bases, and whatnot and some do not.
To whom do you pay rent to for a space station, a lair in a swamp, hanging out on rooftops by the gargoyles, in the sewers? Or how about in a park, inside a volcano, on private island, on a flying fortress, inside a pocket dimension, or alternate reality?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
lol Snowy.... I read Clobber's post as completely facetious.
Hyper, I agree, you should not be getting the notice one day later.
Sometimes it seems the folks at support need OUR help when it comes to understanding why we think the mechanics have been screwed up.
Try talking to an actual GM or PM-ing one of our community reps with a calm, cool, collected note? There's gotta be someone out there who can resolve this for ya.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a comic book superhero based game and since all the hero and villain groups in the comics have to pay rent on thier various lairs, bases, and whatnot, it would be silly to not have the heroes and villains in a comic based game also shelling out rent like thier comic book counterparts.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes ! I remeber the time Kingpin was late on his rent and had to crash at the Green Goblins for a week and the Fantastic Four had there Fantasticar repoed. Not to mention Darth Vaders lapse of paying the Death Star electric bill causing a halt in going all Alderan on some planet. ;]
someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a comic book superhero based game and since all the hero and villain groups in the comics have to pay rent on thier various lairs, bases, and whatnot, it would be silly to not have the heroes and villains in a comic based game also shelling out rent like thier comic book counterparts.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes ! I remeber the time Kingpin was late on his rent and had to crash at the Green Goblins for a week and the Fantastic Four had there Fantasticar repoed. Not to mention Darth Vaders lapse of paying the Death Star electric bill causing a halt in going all Alderan on some planet. ;]
[/ QUOTE ]
Not to rain on your comedic parade, Optimus, but the Fantastic Four have had a history of financial issues that have led to them being removed from their headquarters in the Baxter Building and (I think) Four Freedoms Plaza, as well as having equipment auctioned to pay off debts. They're probably not a group you'd want to use as an example in this argument, facetious or not.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
someone please remind this dumb bunny why we have rent? I find it lacking purpose...
[/ QUOTE ]
It's a comic book superhero based game and since all the hero and villain groups in the comics have to pay rent on thier various lairs, bases, and whatnot, it would be silly to not have the heroes and villains in a comic based game also shelling out rent like thier comic book counterparts.
[/ QUOTE ]
you call "that" a purpose?
man... gimme something more reasonable, like to say if your sg could transform into a giant mech to totally destroy giant monsters and av's, or useing prestige to build a giant robot to pilot and terrorize giant monsters or av's, or useing prestige to refuel and repair your transport vehicles/ war machines...
ya know... something useful, not some obscure reference....
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
I pay rent these days just to get rid of the rent notice. It's 2800 prestige. That takes like, what? 10 minutes to earn? They ought to just get rid of it.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
Not to rain on your comedic parade, Optimus, but the Fantastic Four have had a history of financial issues that have led to them being removed from their headquarters in the Baxter Building and (I think) Four Freedoms Plaza, as well as having equipment auctioned to pay off debts. They're probably not a group you'd want to use as an example in this argument, facetious or not.
[/ QUOTE ]
Damn straight. Exactly the point I was going to raise.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I bet the prestige goes to help pay for collateral damage for all the stuff heroes break in their daily pursuit of justice.
Just sayin'.
It's not so much that I object to the rent (though it's trivial enough that I'd prefer they just did away with it).
What I object to is the fact that the mechanics are broken (at least for me right now).
Right now it's supposed to be:
Pay rent.
2 weeks later get a notice that rent is due.
2 weeks later notice changes to "rent was due"
2 weeks later power is shut off.
Right now, for me, it works like this:
Pay rent.
1 DAY later, get a notice that rent is due.
2 weeks later notice changes to "rent was due"
2 weeks later power is shut off.
Needless to say I'm a might peeved over the situation.
[/ QUOTE ]
I can agree with your point here.
The should just automate the rent payment.
I can understand reasons for not automating it. What if you're taking a break and have a solo SG or it's family vacation and the family has their own SG?
It seems to me the best solution (assuming we MUST have rent at all) is for it to be on a fixed schedule - 2,500 prestige per month, for example, and I can pay it WHEN IT'S CONVENIENT FOR ME! Passing through Atlas Park on the 7th of the month - I'll pay it now. Or I have some time to kill on the 15th of the following month - I'll pay it now. Pay at any time during the month or your power gets cut on the 1st of the following month - no BS needed to 'game' the system.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
So why the hell can't we set up a direct draft account with the City like I do for my ACTUAL electric bill? The bill pops, they draw what I owe, and send me a receipt. I never have to see anything but the statement.
Also, WHERE is all my prestige going? Were they saving it to build the Architect buildings? The Faultline Beautification Fund? I want transparency
[/ QUOTE ]
Just paid my rent yesterday, now its due again.
If you haven't bugged that yet, you definitely should.
With petitioning they can reset the rent counter but it doesn't always fixes when the next rent notice after that shows up. It could very well start again shortly after they reset it.
Until they fix it, there's a reasonable workaround, at least it's working so far for me.
1. Pay rent on the 1st of the month (every 4 weeks...exact hour doesn't seem to matter)
2. Ignore the upcoming rent notice and don't pay till the next month.
3. Repeat from #1
The power hasn't gone out yet so far regardless of when i get the rent notice by following the above steps. And it does vary among my bases, some a few days after paying.
Paying on the 1st, is just easy to remember but i guess any day would work as long as it's consistent, though i haven't really tested anything else heh.
With petitioning they can reset the rent counter but it doesn't always fixes when the next rent notice after that shows up. It could very well start again shortly after they reset it.
Until they fix it, there's a reasonable workaround, at least it's working so far for me.
1. Pay rent on the 1st of the month (every 4 weeks...exact hour doesn't seem to matter)
2. Ignore the upcoming rent notice and don't pay till the next month.
3. Repeat from #1
The power hasn't gone out yet so far regardless of when i get the rent notice by following the above steps. And it does vary among my bases, some a few days after paying.
Paying on the 1st, is just easy to remember but i guess any day would work as long as it's consistent, though i haven't really tested anything else heh.
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks seeing as its the first I'll give that a try.
Okay, my last rent due date was early on 05/01/09.
On 05/15/09, I hit my base and my teleporters were down due to no power (no, I wasn't over power or control).
On 05/15/09, at approximately 11PM I paid my base rent.
On 05/16/09, I get a notice that base rent is now due on 05/29/09.
What the hell is going on?
And now support is pointing me to a page that's telling me that rent is due every 2 weeks.
So now, instead of being on a 6 week schedule (pay=0/reset,notice=+2 weeks,due=+4 weeks,shutdown=+6 weeks,repeat), I'm paying every 4 or getting shut down?
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
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