Storage Storage Storage

Ad Astra



How do you divide your storage? I've seen pictures of bases with 6 or so inspiration units, others with up to 10 enhancement units, and lots of them with a bunch of salvage units. (The last is what I usually have the most of personally).

Since apparently the most storage you can have in any size base is 18, how do you divide your storage units usually and why? And since my problem is always a lack of salvage, what do others do regarding their salvage needs? Just buy as you go? Keep some to make stuff with when you get recipes? And if you keep salvage, how many of each?



3 enhancement tables - Open to all members
5 Inspiration chests - small, Medium, Large, Presents, Ambrosia/Ess of furies
9 storage bins - 6 hold base salvage, 2 general SG use, 1 holds Halloween/CC salvage
1 personal IO storage vault



3 inspie bins: green/blue/wake/break, yellow/red, orange/purple/pressies. open to all

3 enhancie bins: reg IO's open to all, set IO's open to leaders, personal bin for main leader (me, atm)

7 storage racks: 3 common open to all, 2 uncommon open to leaders, 1 rare restricted to main leader, 1 old base/Halloween salvage restricted to main leader

We're a small group, so it works for us so far, certainly room for expansion down the road.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Our current storage setup:

[u]1 Personal Storage Vault[u]

[u]7 Enhancement bins[u]
5 Origin SO bins: 1 for each origin
2 IO bins

[u]5 Inspiration bins[u]
1: Awakens & Break Frees
2: Damage & Accuracy
3: Health & Endurance
4: Defense & Luck
5: Misc.

[u]5 Salvage bins[u]
2 Rare bins
2 Uncommon bins
1 Common bin

Since the Invention System came into the game more people are going for the IO's and just using the SO's as fillers, we've noticed that less SO's are being used. We are currently re-thinking our storage situation. We will more than likely consolidate the Enhancement origin tables & add more Salvage bins.

As for Salvage... even with our 5 bins (soon to be 7 or 8), there almost always seems to be 1 or 2 pieces I need to run to WW's to buy when I get a few recipes I want to make.

My personal vault is usually pretty full of Rares & salvage I'm saving for recipes I'm going to make.

As for keeping salvage & how many of each... that's a tough call. It all depends on your SG's wants/needs. You may be saving up certain salvage to build base items or just saving for particular IO sets. There may be certain pieces of salvage you use more, but someone else in the SG uses different ones.

I'm not a huge fan of the 30 item limit on the Salvage bins, even though I understand why due to hording concerns. But I say up it a little, at least 50 each would be nice.

Commandment #3: There are no more Jolly Ranchers, they're all gone!



Okay, prior to last night here's what I had going.

1: 9 Storage Bins (open to all above recruit)
2: 2 Storage Bins (locked to captain/leader, my personal storage)
3: 1 Storage Bin (locked to captain/leader, as an archive of "base salvage")

4: 3 Enhancement tables (open to all above recruit)
5: 1 Enhancement table (locked to captain/leader, my personal storage)

6: 1 Inspiration Bin (open to all above recruit)
7: 1 Inspiration Bin (locked to captain/leader, my personal storage)

After last night, I removed 6 of the storage bins, and one of the Enhancement tables and cleared out the contents (it was all stuff I'd put in there anyhow, so it wasn't like I was stealing from anyone).

Why did I do such a terrible, horrible thing?

I put one of these in last night. And got NOTHING done in-game after, save lots of gawpage and base tours.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



3 Enhancement tables - all IO's

1 Inspiration Bin

1 Personal Storage Vault

the rest are Storage Bins for Invention salvage though one has Halloween salvage in it.



Depends on which base (I have 5 running currently and share one with my sister).

In most cases:

Salvage Contrary to what some are posting here, we really rarely have more that 3-4 Salvage racks.
1 for legacy storage of Special & Event Salvage (costume & CCs)
1 for dedicated use with Empowerment Stations
1-2 for other salvage that has dropped - rares and stuff that would be useful to the main crafter character (Luck Charms mainly)

Inspirations Usually 4, divided as follows:
1 - Reds. Yellows
2 - Purples, Oranges, Break Frees
3 - Greens, Blues, Wakies
4 - Presents & other special stuff
Inspirations is probably the first to be cut if I need to shuffle around storage.

Vault Right next to the Inventions Table

Enhancements As many as I can after the rest usually 9
1-3 - Set IOs
1 - SOs to be pulled out and sold if a lowbie needs a quick boost (drop leftover SOs from highbies in there)
5-7 - Other IOs

I think that added up correctly?

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



We have storage as follows:

9 Enhancement Tables
5 for SO's, one for each origin lined up in alphabetical order
4 for IO's and HO's

5 Inspiration Bins
- resistance and defense
- accuracy and damage
- break frees, Essence of Earth, Ambrosia
- Christmas gifts
- heal, END and wakies (this one is in the medical bay)

3 Salvage Racks
- Halloween salvage
2 of invention salvage

Personal Vault Storage

All storage is open to all ranks except the lowest rank (which can't access any of it). As for the invention salvage, I only put high value stuff in there. Anything else just isn't worth having it take up the extremely limited space.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



What I've got in my SG at the moment:

6 Salvage bins. 4 of them are various uncommon salvage, the other 2 are rare salvage and Halloween pieces.

4 Enhancement bins. 3 personal bins for members (so far) and 1 bin open to anyone (mostly common IO's and SO's).

3 Inspiration bins. 1 for medium, 1 for large and 1 for other inspirations (Ambrosia, EoE, Presents)

1 Vault storage.

My VG setup is currently the same, minus one personal IO bin. Lots of room for stuff, and still room for more as needed



Oh well, why not.

Mine will appear a bit strange, maybe. But, it seems to work for us.

Personal Storage Vault.

4-Salvage Racks:
1-Common (Open to all)
1-Uncommon (Open to all)
1-Rare (Open to all)
1-Special stuff, Halloweens, Candy Canes, etc... (Rank 4 and above).

8 Inspiration Bins:
1-Greens (Tier 1 and 2, open to all)
1-Blues (Tier 1 and 2, open to all)
1-Wakies (T 1 & 2, open to all)
1-Break Frees (T 1&2, open to all)
1-Yellows and Reds (T 1&2, open to all)
1-Lucks/Oranges (T 1&2, Open to all)
2-Tier 3 Wells, one in Energy, one in Control, Locked to Ranks 5 and 6, unless running SG Events, where they are opened to all.

5-Enhancement Tables
2-General Enhancement Storage, Open to all.
1-Locked to Super Leader Rank, My personal IO storage.
2-Locked to the two Rank 5 Co-Leaders, Their Personal IO Storage.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Storage fluctuates as needs change honestly. My SG leaves everything open to everyone, but we're a small group of RL friends, mostly, so there are no security concerns.

Currently we have an abundance of salvage racks that need to be pulled out (someone was going after the crafting badges and needed the space), probably going to end up at 4 total. 3 for IO salvage, 1 for costume bits.

6 enhancement tables, but I want to get it down to five. SOs (otherwise known as "cash") level 15 IOs, level 50 IOs, set IOs, and 2 tables of level 35 IOs.

I'm down to 4 inspiration bins and desperately trying to get people to use them. Including begging while on task forces.

Altoholism isn't a problem, its a calling.

60+ characters, 5 years, 3 50's.



I won't list all 7 bases (because, seriously, that's a lot of different configs) but generally we favor Enhancement tables and Salvage racks, a half dozen of each at minimum. Salvage bins always get built first to help defray IO building costs. Enhancement tables tend to fill with useless DOs and some SOs, until we get to IO crafting when I start clearing everything else out.

Always at least a couple insp bins for anything bigger than small, or specials like presents, ambrosias, etc. Salvage Vault of course.

We tend to server hop between Infinity (original home), Freedom, Virtue, and Champion. We'll fill a server with alts to whatever point feels comfortable, trick out the bases... then promptly abandon them for a new project I've been a proponent of an in game mail system for a while just because we've got stockpiles of stuff sitting around doing nothing, because we don't use that SG much after it's built up



1 Vault
2 Enhancement
15 salvage racks



And since my problem is always a lack of salvage, what do others do regarding their salvage needs? Just buy as you go? Keep some to make stuff with when you get recipes? And if you keep salvage, how many of each?

[/ QUOTE ]

I am just being informative AE system (Mission architect) Now allows you to buy salvage with tickets.

There is purchasable Rare salvage both tech/arcane
Also there is purchasable Uncommon salvage both tech/arcane.

Then, there are Under the Reward Rolls Uncommon salvage is listed. Both tech/arcane that take 8 tickets each to roll.

You take a chance when you roll for those. I find usually if I need a piece to craft that it takes 6-8 rolls at most to get what I need.

Gives a list of Tech/Arcane common salvage

Because common rolls fall under LEVEL when you're rolling them. This will help you figure out the level you need fall under

Currently our main hero base.
We have player apartments.
6 apartments each with a IO salvage rack.
3 of those apartments have their own Inspiration bin
These are individually set at the the players promotion level.

1 public IO bin in the main workshop available to everyone above the first tier of promotion.

2 invention salvage racks open to anyone above the first tier of promotion level.

1 base historical salvage bin set with the superleader and the tier below open permission.

1 public inspiration bin with a mix of awakens and usually tier 1 inspirations in the hospital area. (we have both the tree of wonders - gives green and blues) and the Contemplation chats (sells breakfrees) so we do not usually have those in the public bin.

2 public inspiration bins in our main workshop that are a mix of tier 2 & 3 inspirations, and also EoEs and Ambrosias.

As for myself I keep mainly rare salvage on my main in her vault and occasionally in the markets.

Our Main Villain base has:
1 public inspiration bin.
1 public salvage rack

Player apartments.
5 with io bins
5 with with a salvage bin
4 with an inspiration bin

With AE I rarely buy now I just go do 1 or 2 ae missions and roll or if I buy what I need it's usually just common salvage on hero side IF i can get it reasonably if I can't then I go roll for it.

On villain side the market is usually higher, so I roll or use the AE to purchase what I need.

I use the salvage bins to transfer salvage between characters.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea



My VG has 8 storage racks, 1 vault, 5 inspiration collectors, and 4 enhancement tables. We also only have 4 real-life friends in our villain group and are able to ignore some of the issues other groups face.

The enhancements tables are divided as 1 for purples, 2 for set IOs and 1 for regular IOs.

We tend to PvP and run relentless SFs a lot, and thus keep about 150 Resurgence, 50 Keen Insights, 50 Escapes, 25 Strength of Will, 25 Restoration, 50 Robust, and 50 Phenomenal Lucks on hand. We store tier 2 inspirations by the rez rings for general/solo use.

Salvage storage is 8 bins, broken down as:
<ul type="square">[*]10 Soul Trapped Gems[*]10 Military Cybernetics[*]10 Deific Weapon[*]10 Magical Conspiracy[*]10 Diamond[*]5 Empowered Sigil[*]5 Mu Vestiment[*]10 Chronal Skip[*]10 Platinum[*]10 Rikti Alloy[*]10 Essence of the Furies[*]10 Impervium[*]10 Enchanted Impervium[*]10 Synthetic Intelligence Unit[*]10 Positronic Matrix[*]10 Photonic Weapon[*]10 Prophecy[*]10 Hamidon Goo[*]10 Pangean Soil[*]30 Access Bypass[*]30 Random/clear for transfer and general storage.[/list]