Meet The Spy
Don't work, yo.

-What are you, the president of his fan club?
-No. That would be your mother.
i want neck chop on spies NOW!
-What are you, the president of his fan club?
-No. That would be your mother.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow mom jokes from sidney
what did u do to sidney
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
-What are you, the president of his fan club?
-No. That would be your mother.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow mom jokes from sidney
what did u do to sidney
[/ QUOTE ]
It's from the video. While mom jokes might be below sidney, quoting odd bits of things that may or may not be humorous out of context is perfectly in line with sidney's MO.
It's about time!
Sniper still suits me best.
-What are you, the president of his fan club?
-No. That would be your mother.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow mom jokes from sidney
what did u do to sidney
[/ QUOTE ]
It's from the video. While mom jokes might be below sidney, quoting odd bits of things that are humorous out of context is perfectly in line with sidney's MO.
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Ah, ma petit chou fleur...
-What are you, the president of his fan club?
-No. That would be your mother.
[/ QUOTE ]
wow mom jokes from sidney
what did u do to sidney
[/ QUOTE ]
It's from the video. While mom jokes might be below sidney, quoting odd bits of things that are humorous out of context is perfectly in line with sidney's MO.
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Ah, ma petit chou fleur...
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I though he said chaud fleur because chou-fleur isn't pronounced that way.
I thought it was Ahh...Ma petit chou fleur
Petit chou is little cabbage and used as a affectionate term... and hes just making it more romantic with fleur
--Blazing Tiger-- 50 Invulrn/Fire Tank
<<Virtues Tankiest Kitty>>
Try my Arcs: #4892 and #112548
@Blazing Tiger and @Aqua Fox
I though he said chaud fleur because chou-fleur isn't pronounced that way.
[/ QUOTE ]
Probably true, but not knowing French, it was more amusing when I typed it into Google Translate that way and learned the word for cauliflower.
-straitens his tie- It seems I am not ze only spy.
hehehe.. I love those TF2 movies.
SG Mate: Cien, what the hell is this Rookery thing?
RadDidIt: (interjecting) Dude. It's the Rookery.
SG Mate: Yeah, but what IS it?
RadDidIt: Silliness Incarnate.
So lets see who do they have left:
Pyro and Medic.
I wonder what the Spy Update will be? Snapping of the neck? That would be awesome.
I'm more inclined to drool at what the Sniper's update will be though -drools-
I though he said chaud fleur because chou-fleur isn't pronounced that way.
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Probably true, but not knowing French, it was more amusing when I typed it into Google Translate that way and learned the word for cauliflower.
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Well Ma petit chou-fleur is a french term of endearment. What probably happened is they got that off the internet and the voice actor didn't know how to pronounce it.
I thought it was Ahh...Ma petit chou fleur
Petit chou is little cabbage and used as a affectionate term... and hes just making it more romantic with fleur
[/ QUOTE ]
No, it's chou-fleur as in cauliflower. He's saying "My little califlower" rather than "My little cabbage flower".
"May I barrow your ear piece? 'This is scout, rainbows make me cry. Over.'"
i got a achievement as a spy yesterday called burn notice...i knew this would happen but i imagined it would go like this...
Blu spy "my name is spy, i used to sap sentries until..."
Announcer "spy, we got a burn notice on you, you're on fire"
Blu spy "when you're burned, you got nothing, no health, no hope, no escape, you're stuck in what ever place they decide to ignite you"
Blu spy "where am i?"
Blu scout "two fort"
Blu spy "you do whatever comes your rely on any team mates who are still near you"
Blu spy "a trigger happy ex scout"
Blu scout "lotta good that gun did ya!"
Blu spy "a old solider who used to inform on you to team red"
Blue solider "MAGGOT!"
Blu spy "class family too,'re desperate"
Red spy "pardon me..."
Blu spy "bottom line, until you escape from the pyro who burned're not going anywhere"
I'm missing 2 achievements for the spy and 3 or four for the sniper. The change to the Ambassador is much appreciated and how it should be now to make it worthy of picking over the regular magnum. I run around with Cloak and Dagger more than not though.
Otherwise tossing Jarate has a satisfying "That's not lemonade! Ahhhhahahahaha" feel to it. Although I got myself and another sniper annihilated by dueling huntsmans at the gate. It was hil-larious.
i've been afraid of the achievements really, i love the spy but if history has taught me anything, when a new pack comes out that class becomes obscenely overcrowded, and with even two spies on a team, their jobs become hell on earth and frustrating
i've been afraid of the achievements really, i love the spy but if history has taught me anything, when a new pack comes out that class becomes obscenely overcrowded, and with even two spies on a team, their jobs become hell on earth and frustrating
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Achievements no longer control the unlocks. Instead you get a chance every 30~ minutes of gameplay to get an unlock. But note that you can get duplicates. And there's currently nothing to do with them.
I'm still missing half the new loadout, yet would have all of them under the old system. And ironically, this update's achievements are quite easy to get through normal play and actually attempt to teach class techniques.
Ahem. There's still some crowding, but it's mostly folks trying out the new weapons (if they're so luck as to get them) more than anything.
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wait, really? see this is why i need to read patch notes when i play TF2 after a long hiatus, but this makes me so much more relived.
QR: That's perfectly reasonable though, every patch for classes will slightly make one class in particular very popular. Just wait until the Soldier and Demo updates. xD
But I'm proud to say I've been a sniper before the updates so pssssh.
wait, really? see this is why i need to read patch notes when i play TF2 after a long hiatus, but this makes me so much more relived.
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Yes it's a very retarded system. Valve explained they didn't like achievement servers (which is contradicting their initial promotion of the game: team work) and so they've pretty much punished people who found easy and fun ways to achievement farm by using a completely random system that rewards AFK and Idle-players. It's completely retarded.
ONTOP of THAT there's no trade system but they're promissing to bring it out sometime in the coming weeks. So they've basically released an update half finished. Valve shows they have no concept of consistency unless if it's literally game breaking (where the spy and Sniper update had a bug in it preventing players form playing the game past 30mins or not at all, they fixed this under a few hours).
Let people achievement farm if they want, at least they were doing something. Now there's no point in achievements or rather no real reward. Now you can get unlocks via simply spectating. That's why there are so many idle servers.
I would have liked the randomness better if they had the trade system out from the get go but they don't so I hate this "new way". At least with achievement farming clans could get together and scrim by working at these achievements. Now there's not really an incentive. Those who didn't want to farm could simply earn achievements through regular play.
But anyways I've ranted enough since the update so it's like beating the dead horse. There's no doubt that Valve is trying to compete against Battlefield Heroes but my question is: Ok, we have the trade system, sooner or later everybody will have everything they need making trading meaningless. So why? What benefit would it have then because surely Valve wont let us get any money from it.
You're right, achievement [censored] servers are less than afk shenanigans like back in wow people would hang in the cave for honor, but i like it for one very selfish reason: i can play a spy alone or with someone else when his pack is out.
I should probably start ACTUALLY playing. >> Darn wishy-washyness.
My favorite part is the fact that you have a chance to just get nothing. I played for at least an hour (so at least two rolls) and got zippo.
Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!
Nice leak Valve