The Ridiculous Girl Arc Review-O-Rama




ok, i really, really, really want more feedback for my arcs. particularily my hero therapy! (TM) arc. so i am going to jump on the quid pro quo review bandwagon.

what i am hoping will happen is your give me an arc to play. i will play it. but i only ask that you run one of mine first. it is polite and i will try to give as honest feedback as i can. if i really like your arc i will give you a nice shiny "ridiculous girl seal of approval (tm)" to go along with it. you can post your arc here and i will post a review here. please post your feedback for my arcs on the appropriate links below. the non-linked arc that i have up is just a fluff piece and my first attempt at an arc on test.

the "hero therapy! (tm) arc i am seeking to refine further. though i am generally happy with it. on the "welcome to donut world" arc i have been having problems balancing my custom enemies and i need honest feedback concerning them. i made a major revision of them since they were mez heavy. but they need refinement to find a happy balance.

so it is a quid pro quo set-up... you play mine and i will play yours.. fair? fair... you help me, i help you.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



ok guess ill be first!

"Arrowyn's Zombie Apocalypse" i cant recall the arc # as i am at work atm



Hero Therapy

Interesting arc. I liked the forced level ranges actually, as it gave a sense of progression. But certainly doing it as a 50 lets you feel that shift most keenly.

The little nightmares patrols/ambushes certainly do live up to their name. Was somewhat under-equipped as a blaster to deal with them in mission 2, without most of my AoE tools, but got by from a distance after one trip to the hospital. Had to get the ally to deal with most of them the next few times, stacked kinetics can be scary.

I got the sense that I was moving through a very feminine kind of mind, perhaps all the end bosses being female until the last mission, perhaps it was just all the junk littering the second mission.

(Maybe it's just me, very personal reaction here. Didn't quite feel like -my- mind per se. So it was a bit of a struggle to immerse. I can see it working for certain kinds of character backgrounds though.)

Everything was quite functional and playable. Not too difficult or insane or anything. Thank goodness for optional allies. I liked the touch of each boss you defeated coming back to help you on the next one.

Found some of the object placements quite funny/cute. Seeing a car in the sewers, and the parking ticket stand following that was classic.

Couple typos I noticed listed below...

Mission 3 intro text:
Typo - I have 'tne' feeling that (the)

Mission 3: Happy memory collection item
Typo - Something broke 'you' concentration (your)

Mission 4: Ending mission text
Typo - explore the other aspects of 'you' mind (your)
Typo - if you ever have a 'recurrance.' (recurrence)

Decent writing all around. Can't quite shake a creepy feeling from that Therapist though. As if he's got an ulterior motive for making me mess around with my head. The 'hamburger and fries' bit freaked me out. Maybe that's a sequel opportunity right there.

Hope it helps. Can't really comment more because it looks very functional already as is. I can just give my subjective reaction to playing it, that's all.

Please give mine a go some time as well. (See sig.) Rugged is a good standard. Heroic for an easy solo run. Unyielding for an epic feel, but don't blame me if you die. Thanks!

Invictus Est Level 50 Invul/Fire Tank
Malentis Level 50 Ice/Energy/Leviathan Dom (Freedom)
Black Jeremiah Level 50 Fire/Fire/Mu Dom
Sejanna Level 50 Dark/Dark/Elec Def (Virtue)
Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel



I hereby bring myself into this mess :P However, don't play any of mine yet, I've got a final pass on 1033 for restructure and 2095 requires a buff.

However, I just wanted to jump in and say to my favorite mushmouth late nite critter, I'll help :3




I hereby bring myself into this mess :P However, don't play any of mine yet, I've got a final pass on 1033 for restructure and 2095 requires a buff.

However, I just wanted to jump in and say to my favorite mushmouth late nite critter, I'll help :3


[/ QUOTE ]

i told you hnot to make fuhn of my peechn ihnspedimehntù!ù!ù!

i have the advantage of editing here... thnahnkfully, since the space bar is connected to the F5 key and refreshes the screen. and the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone...

let me know when i can run yours again, CA

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



Will do I might be able to sneak out today >.> <eyes boss>




Hero Therapy

Interesting arc. I liked the forced level ranges actually, as it gave a sense of progression. But certainly doing it as a 50 lets you feel that shift most keenly.

Please give mine a go some time as well. (See sig.) Rugged is a good standard. Heroic for an easy solo run. Unyielding for an epic feel, but don't blame me if you die. Thanks!

[/ QUOTE ]

thank you lyceus for your feedback. i am out of town until tommorrow, then i will give your arc a run. i thought i had nailed all the typos down. but as captain amazing knows... my laptop keygboard is really gbrokehn. thnerefore i hnave to cohnstahntly edit thnihngbs more thnahn usual... hno jokeù!

i have been testing with a mid 20s blaster. but ran it with a small group of lowbies the other night, which was a bit scary in the higher levels. when we saw a group of about 10 little nightmares run by it an all group "WHOA!" luckily they are managable once you get a grip of the situation.

i think the therapist running around following is pretty amusing. especially since he is a non-combatant, you still feel the urge to let him follow. some psychology right there...

now that you mention it, thney are all female bosses, except the last... hnmmmmm...

thank you very much for your positive feedback, i will put you first on the list.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



ok guess ill be first!

"Arrowyn's Zombie Apocalypse" i cant recall the arc # as i am at work atm

[/ QUOTE ]

i will put you next in the queue. if you can give one my arcs a run after you get back from work? it would be greatly appreciated.

can you find the arc #? though i guess arrowyn should be sufficient... but sometimes it is a pain to find anything with this search.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



However, I just wanted to jump in and say to my favorite mushmouth late nite critter, I'll help :3


[/ QUOTE ]

and if you want to help review some feel free. i am sure people are looking for plays as well as reviews. trolling for underplayed arcs has forced my hand... ;p

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



I'm home and soon after food, I shall try yours! o.o!



If you have the time, I'd appreciate a review of any one of my arcs listed in my sig. Probably "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" would be best, as I'm trying to get more feedback in order to improve it.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



ok let's gets this ball rolling...

Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel

nice job lycaeus. let me run few a couple of quick things before i go into a little more depth. these are just things i noticed along the way.

in mission 1...
in the inital brief it says "old history" which sounds strange to me... maybe "old news"?

since i am not familiar with the ernesto hess tf i do not know how he talks. he talks in a similar fashion? in short, clipped military/business-like sentences? if he does, or that is what you were trying to achieve then i do not have a problem with it. they were a little incomplete and short, otherwise. just wondering...

defences? or defenses? on the 1st mission brief... one is a more UK spelling... up to you.

the mission nav bar says defeat malta observer. was that in the mission brief? maybe let that remain a mystery until you encounter it?

your boss defeat text and the NPC character text are almost identical. maybe vary it a little? "too late, hero, we already..." or take out one...

in the mission complete pop up "anonymous" was spelled wrong.

after the second mission...

why would you not give the note to hess right away? just curious? it seemed a bit stiltedbecause he had already debriefed you, it seems like time has passed in between

when i defeated the hephaestus class titan i find a "bunch of stuff" or something like that... should that not be a clue maybe? otherwise i would have missed it in the combat clutter.

otherwise not too much to comment on what is a pretty good arc. looks pretty well edited and scrubbed.

i ran this solo with my lvl 30 AR/dev blaster on heroic. this is a very well written story arc and i liked it. the dialogue was good and everything had descriptions and some were fairly in-depth. i like a good mystery. i am not sure i ever ran the ernesto hess tf, if i did it was a very long time ago. just saying this because i did not really know the background for some of thins story. you did cover it briefly in the initial brief. i did not have any problems until the final mission, it was pretty smooth running.

i did appreciate the words of warning in the initial brief as to what to prepare for, that hardly ever happens. it was helpful, because with the malta you do need some break frees.

as i said... it was smooth going until the final mission. when we met the final boss the allies kept running away, though there is probably nothing you can do about it... i think it was because of the firethrower, that scattered the allies all over the place. i spent a lot of time running to pick them up. unfortunately i died 5 times. it might have been the combat mixture of the allies. malachite was a dual blades and the other broadsword? even the LT ally lived, but mostly because she ran away and i did not find her until afterwards. maybe you can change one of the allies to a controller type or a blaster type. the two EB allies were heavy damage, but they hardly ever took aggro in that large crowd. when i would hit the EB, i would take aggro and that is why i died so often. now that i think of it definitely a controller ally would have been nice. i like arcs that ramp up in difficulty as the missions progress. the missions were about even in difficulty and then WHAM!, you hit a brick wall in the last mission. maybe make your malta bosses a bit harder, they were all LTs for me, and maybe knock your AV down to EB and the allies to boss... it was too much and with a medium strength blaster it was pretty overwhelming. allies can help, but they need to be the right type of ally. something to draw aggro and/or hold aggro. usually i do not have proglems soloing with that blaster. i did there.

all in all, the story progressed nicely and i enjoyed it. you just need to do some tweaking with the final mission. otherwise it works well. i would play it again if you adjusted things in the last mission.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



ok guess ill be first!

"Arrowyn's Zombie Apocalypse" i cant recall the arc # as i am at work atm

[/ QUOTE ]

ok, i am not sure what you are looking for me to do. your mission is not anything yet. it is just there to check out your zombies and kill a couple along the way. i will be honest with you... you freely admit there is no story. once i got one shotted by one of your extreme bosses, which i came back to and worked hard to kill and only have it rez, i lost all motivation to go further. i stealthed the rest of the way just to see the final boss. once i saw that he was a EB/AV, i quit. i was not going to die again to find out that he is set on extreme.

since this is not a mission to be taken seriously yet, i am not going to point out your typos. the mission is riddled with them. you need someone to proof everything for you. which is what i have done for my own. i have a friend that i pestered for a week because they were good at it. or run your text through a spell check on word.

what you need to decide here is what you want. if this will be a kill zombie-fest, with everything set at standard for minions, hard for LTs, and extreme for bosses, you need to advertise it as such. also put in an AV alert. but i am pretty sure not many will play and fewer will finish. if you are going to put in a real story that you want to people to play all the way through, you will need to reconsider your custom group. work them so they are playable, not just ridiculously hard. most people do not mind challenge, but they would prefer it to be fair too. your zombies are very lopsided.

i still want your review, but i will hold off with you until you have something that i can play. something challenging but fair. i would like a real story too, please.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



Just ran Hero Therapy. Great imagery job. The asylum map has never felt creepy to me before but this time it definitely did. That was all thanks to the little nightmares. Obviously they had been doing some siphon speed before I got to them because the first sign of them was a flicker of light zipping around behind screens and equipment. Definitely a very creepy feeling.

By the end I definitely came to dread the appearance of a little nightmare ambush. The bosses were well done and the EBs were the toughest I've faced yet in an AE mission. The Door particularly was a bit overwhelming and I had to retreat briefly, something I never do with EBs.

I agree with the above sentiment that the therapist was a bit creepy. Especially since whenever you managed to abandon him he shouted something about not leaving him behind because he wanted to watch.

Overall great story line and dialogue.

Now for the parts I didn't like. The glowies are ok with the little psychological bits. However there seemed to be an overabundance of them in the asylum map. There were only two types of description for them and the glowie sound was driving me crazy. There isn't a single spot in that entire map where it didn't sound like you were standing right on top of one of them.

But that's really a rather minor nit to pick. Again, well done.

You won't find any great depth to my arc since it was knocked out in a couple hours and is intended only as light humor. However if you want to try it

Arc Name: The Devs must die!
Arc ID: 113956

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



thank you mandu.
i think the glowy things in that map are a little much too, but i kind of like the atmosphere that they create. i guess you could get them all, but once you realize what they are and let them stay where they are creates an even darker atmosphere. that is why i think i went a little overboard.

i like my EB and AV also. but i would never face them alone. that is why i provide help.

i love my little nightmares! they're even scarier when they come in a large group. running in single file. that was a touch i could not ever hope for, except by accident.

i will give your arc a whirl sometime tommorrow, i think. i have couple in front. thank you for your feedback.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



Thanks for the comments!

Yes, Ernesto Hess does indeed talk in clipped sentences. I glanced through Paragonwiki and tried to simulate it. Glad I succeeded somewhat because I tend to wall-o-text on my own.

(I come from a UK-style upbringing so a couple of those weird spellings tend to slip through. To make matters more fun, hanging around on the intarweb converts other words into US spelling automatically. Thanks for catching that anonymous typo, though! Will go fix!)

Nav bar text is just a personal thing. I like mine clear and spelled out. Less mysterious, but easier for teams to know what to do. Ditto being redundant on the boss defeat, I'm scared of essential stuff flying right past a chaotic team.

The note... I spent a while pondering. Hess is not exactly a reliable contact (he is a double agent in the Council, and his second loyalty is not exactly heroic either) and to assume every hero would happily pass Hess the note immediately seemed like putting words into their mouths. This way, one can assume a gap of seconds or hours/days passing before Hess brings the note issue up.

Clues on certain boss defeats: They certainly could be there. I was winding down on exhaustion just filling up the required texts the first go, but I can certainly add more fun stuff another pass around. Thanks for pointing that out as a gap to fill.

Final mission-wise: Yes, the flamethrower and ally AI is horrific. They act just like mm pets (AIEEEEEE, I'M ON FIRE.) Alas.

I will see what I can do to adjust the allies. I'm not adverse to giving one of them a control boost, but I've seen them massacre the end boss by themselves if they synergize too much and have too high hp. I don't want to steal the player's thunder with allies. They are really just meant to get underfoot and soak some of the MM pet fire so that the player can focus on the EB.

The blaster taking aggro problem I did encounter on my playtest runs with a 47 AR/elec. As of now, the only suggestion I can give is the one my blaster uses on practically every other EB out there, 3-4 luck shield, a breakfree, however many reds you feel like, and flame on... A blaster's complete lack of mitigation minus IOs bonuses and utility skills can be tough.

Everything is meant to scale down to lt level on heroic. If you would like the Malta bosses as bosses, do try it on rugged. Don't blame me if you faceplant, because my blaster certainly did quite regularly - I had to make sure shocking grasp and cryo freeze ray stacked on the bosses or else, ouch. Hence, recommended for 40+. Malta can be ebil.

Thanks again for the feedback, and for the playthrough! Good to know what folks encounter through their runs!

Invictus Est Level 50 Invul/Fire Tank
Malentis Level 50 Ice/Energy/Leviathan Dom (Freedom)
Black Jeremiah Level 50 Fire/Fire/Mu Dom
Sejanna Level 50 Dark/Dark/Elec Def (Virtue)
Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel



it probably did not help things to be cloaked and have scaredy cat allies with the fire. it would be much easier with a tank in full view. yeah not much i can suggest, other than what i already did... hone thing that i did was my bosses went from LT in the first mission, to boss in the second, to AV by the fourth. they did appear to be getting better quality, narrativewise, why not harder?

again, i have said this to other people, you have to decide who your audience is and what you are trying to do. is this going to be team material as well solo friendly? the blaster that i used is moderately squishy, yeah oxymoron, and a good tester. it was a good soloable arc, until that point. or is this better as a team oriented arc. it is a pickle to say the least... because a majority of your players will probably be solo players. i have been tempted to run a couple of mine with one of my mid 20s defenders, just to see what it comes to. but i am trying to reach as many as possible, both team and solo. though theme wise, the hero therapy makes sense solo.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



If you have the time, I'd appreciate a review of any one of my arcs listed in my sig. Probably "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" would be best, as I'm trying to get more feedback in order to improve it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?"

i like this arc, but...

the first mission has some good dialogue. but i saw one battle with dialogue, and the final boss. otherwise it seemed a bit empty for such a large map. you could sprinkle it with more battles maybe even a knives/ carnie hostage or two with more dialogue.

same with the second mission, one patrol with dialogue and the boss with dialogue. there is so much more you can add to this arc to make it funny and interesting.

again same with the third arc. lots of empty space that asks to be filled.

why are the knives of artemis bosses quantum?

your choice of animations do not make much sense either, with anythning.

ok, this arc has a lot of potential. but as it stands right now it has a lot of empty space. there is so much more that you can add to this to make it more interesting. right now, there is not much motivation or incentive to do much more than hit the bosses and go to the next mission.

another common problem that i encounter is original justification. i am not really sure you have it. why do we go to him in the first place? are we undercover? that is a pet peeve for some people, why are we playing dumb and letting him make us do his dirty work. i do not think this is especially laid out?

i do like your choice maps and they tie well with the story. i know you have a lot of room, since you only have one custom toon in this whole arc. you need to add more to this to make it more interesting. you have the minimum going, with a potentially decent story waiting. it is a good start, but i would not call it finished.

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



Arc Name: The Lost Choir: Chapter One: The Old Testament.
Arc ID: 123675
Factions: Tuatha, Rikti, Rularuu, Custom group.
Creator Global/Forum Name: @MrSquid
Difficulty Level: Moderate. Contains 2 AV's, but a fair amount of help for them too
Synopsis: This is essentially a combination of Christian Mythos and the classic "cosmic horror" story. The first part is probably the most slow paced, with a lot of unanswered questions.
Level Range: Intended for 45+, but you could get away with 30 plus

Arc Name: The Lost Choir: Part Two: The New Testament.
Arc ID: 136959
Factions: Ritki, Custom Group.
Creator Global/Forum Name: @MrSquid
Difficulty Level: Moderate-easy. Only one AV this time around, and once again, I give you help with him.
Synopsis: Part two is much faster paced then part one, and most of the questions brought up in part one are answered.
Level Range: Intended for 45+, but you could get away with 30 plus

Arc Name: The Lost Choir: Chapter Three: Apocrypha.
Arc ID: 141011
Factions: A bunch, mostly customs.
Creator Global/Forum Name: @MrSquid
Difficulty Level: Hard. One AV, but its a doozy. I still give you plenty of help though.
Synopsis: Part 3 is only one mission long, mainly being the climactic final boss fight.
Level Range: Intended for 45+, but you could get away with 30 plus I'll just put this eleven mission behemoth right here...and seeing as I'm making you do extra work ill be right back with feedback for both your arcs.



Laugh? I Thought I'd DIE! Arc #68429

a couple of small things...

the brief it say the PPD have someone "on the lookout" for me? who? the PPD? kind of awkward sentence...

brief for 3rd mission after the secretary's name there is an extra comma.

ok this is a really good arc. i enjoyed it immensely. sometimes i will just run through one to see what they do and skip to the critical junctures. but i love your custom toons, they were fun to fight. they look great and i like their powers combos. this would be a great arc to run with a large team. it is possible that the descriptions give away too much, but that is me since i like mystery on first contact with an unknown enemy. that is something very rare. not quite sure what it was, but they were very definitely interesting.

i took your arc with my level 30 blaster, AR/dev, and there not much trouble. i love the little ambush, took me by complete surprise but it fit beautifully into the story.

this arc looks cleaned up and well edited. it was fun to play and i thought maps were well chosen too. they is not much i can say in criticism, i can only praise it. nice job.

this arc gets the Ridiculous Seal of Approval! (TM)

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



I'm working on it, I still ain't made it home long enough to do anything yet major yet, I keep getting interupted. I did manage to get a beta version of my newest arc up, otherwise, evening today I'll give it another go! O_O




Thanks for giving my arc a try. Based on your feedback, I made several changes:

Mission 1: I added 5 "rescue innocent bystander" goals so that there would be more to do on this big map. There's now more reason to run through the map.

Mission 2: This map is fairly small, and with a Patrol, a Safe (with evidence needed to put this faction of Carnies in jail), a rescue an ally, and a fight the boss, there's no room for more things to add. I actually tried to add a few rescue dancers, but it wouldn't let me, as the map was at capacity.

Mission 3: Believe it or not, that particular map won't allow more than 1 rescue! I switched to City Map 01 and added 6 "Rescue Local Law Enforcement" goals, 3 patrols, and an ambush to flesh it out a little more. I wanted to use City Map 02, but for some reason I can find it on the list of available Outdoor maps.

Mission 4: no changes

In terms of justification, I tried to make it clear throughout that the hero is "helping" Latin Lava while he uncovers evidence to shut down 2 enemy factions. There are several pop-ups, mission goals, and clues that reference returning stolen items to the original owners, compiling evidence for the DA, and arresting your "favorite snitch" once the arc is complete, so I think this is okay as it is.

Again, thanks for the valuable feedback on this. Every time I get information from players, I find that the arc gets better and better.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Arc Name: The Devs must die!
Arc ID: 113956

the first question is... why would i help nemesis? granted i am a hero, but he is a bad guy. maybe this is more of a villain oriented story...

1st mission
the nav bar says "get clue., hobobot mark I" maybe capitalize the mark too?

the collect object did not have a loading bar...

2nd mission
in the second mission maybe keep it just find the arbiter? kind of blows the joke.

the nav board says "1 a portfolio, 1 a notebook..." etc...

in the 3rd mission you have two different spellings of steaksman. it is stakesman here.

ok, i like the custom group. they were interesting, i especially liked the old bag lady.

truthfully, i did not understand your mission that much. the jokes did not make sense to me hand i was confused agbout the storyline. i am not sure what you are trying to do. i am definitely sure that this mission should be villainous. it does not make much sense to gibe hero, nor neutral either. i do not know what to give you in feedback, because i am really at a loss as to what the story was about. i missed the joke... *shrugs shoulders*

i am discouraged, mandu. i wish i could offer more. do you have any suggestions?

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233