The Ridiculous Girl Arc Review-O-Rama




i ran this mission arc again with obvious girl, my level 36 MA/SR scrapper, on heroic.

mission 1
there is no patrol and therefore no more dialogue than 3 lines from the boss. i do not even think there was an unaware dialogue, other than "too late hero!"

mission 2
ok now i see in the opening pop up that this is a villain recruiting hotspot.
on the hostage rescue there is no dialogue except what BA says upon rescue.
why are there freaks?
the snakes are still -2 or 3 than the rest of the crowd. this is a bug...
nemesis is spelled wrong in junkyard dog's repartee...
there are three patrols with dialogue... one has more than one comment.

mission 3
BA has two lines... her captors do not say anything...
ok your judicators are set on at least hard. therefore they have not only build up butshatter combined with jawbreaker . it is not hard two hit almost anyone...
the only other dialogue in this mission was from SBB...

mission 4
only the bosses have 4 lines apiece.

ok, i did as you asked. i normally would never do this, but you seemed to want me to see how wrong i was. i am afraid my opinion, and almost all that i said before, remains the same. i will probably never indulge anyone that way again. it puts me in a bad position. it is a difficult position to do a QPQ review. if the person that you are reviewing does not like how you reviewed them, they may seek to give you a bad review in return. someone that you ask, just reviewing your arc, is not put directly in such a situation. though anything but glowing reviews are not helpful either. so i shoot for honest. my own honest opinion. i try to be as positive as possible, but when some thing does not work with me i am honest as to why it does not work with me. i always try to find the good points first before i point out the problems. but if i go back then i am focusing on all the bad points, the ones that i criticized to look at them again. if i find them still problematic after your explanations it only forces me to get more negative than my original feedback. this is not helpful to both parties. but since you asked and i indulged, here is what i think...

you asked me to play a different toon on a different setting. i did. the problem is that if you play it on heroic you cannot see what the authors original intentions were with powers. bosses become LTs, elite bosses become bosses, etc... so yes, things were much easier when i played through with heroic, but it was missing the original feel. but since i went through looking harder at some things, i did notice a couple more things... you LTs are mace/shield set on at least hard. with build up i got 2 shotted at least twice by them, alone. your other bosses were no problem at all. as bosses they went down fast to my scrapper, but i was only on heroic. i am not going to play a third time just to see how they would play out on rugged or something. i got a good feel for them. the difference in play is due to differences in ATs. it was much faster for my scapper, but with my blaster i did not have too many problems though it was much slower.

i saw no difference in dialogue. i thought it might have been exactly what you said about the cloaking suppressing dialogue, though i had never heard of the bug before. but running through it again i saw no difference in the amount. i even counted it. there is very little dialogue in general. i still think you you sacrificed dialogue for more toons. i tried to look, but forgot until too late, but how many costumes does BA have? 3? or am i mistaken and there are only two? you did explain who the league of injustice are, but there is no real explanation as to who they are or what they are doing there. i guess i could surmise that all the bosses belong to them, but why is your toon, wrong number, in there? other than having a couple lines and being the trigger for the boss? they really seem to be just thrown in there. usually with a group there is some unifying theme, but this is just a group of characters.

i don't know... i feel this second run was an exercise in futility. the only thing i will have to acknowlege is that i now understand why the snakes, etc, are in that one mission. though the snakes are still bugged at this level. what i saw for the first run was pretty much spot on, in my opinion. i saw pretty much the same thing this time. though because it was set on heroic it was much easier and it was much faster, yes. i even did the final mission in about 5 minutes. but there was no real difference in quality and my opinion above is pretty much staying the way it is. sorry...

global: ridiculous girl
Hero Therapy! (TM) - 119228
welcome to donut world - 1233



Thanks for running it again and sorry, your experience was not a great one. I really had no expectation at all of you writing another review. There is no reason to feel bad, your opinion is your opinion. I did suggest you try a different toon, but not that you lower your difficulty. A scrapper should be able to do this arc easily. As for dialog, I really think it has plenty (far more than most non-MA missions). You are the only person to feel that way so far and you are entitled to feel that way. Other people, at least as of this writing, have not had the issues you did, but thats fine. Heck, even Venture gave this arc 4 stars (once I got the TV in line canon wise). So this arc did not resonate with you, no biggies. Thanks again.


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457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story