Failable missions




Just checking. Is there any way to make failing a mission fail the entire arc? I'm guessing no but hoping I'm wrong.

I'm hoping we get a FAQ soon that covers all this obvious stuff. I keep revising my ideas to fit within the system's limitations but it's getting to the point of frustration for me when I get pretty far into building the thing then find out I can't do what I want.



no, you just fail the mission. It has no effect on the rest of the arc.



They're not arc's so much as strait lines, cut into sections



Ok thanks for the replies. Back to the drawing board....



Yeah, I've found myself writing in lots of fail dialogue along the lines of ... "and then Mighty Mouse swoops in and wins the mission for you."



Yeah, I had some failure text in the first arc I wrote having the contact complaining that now to get the information (that you were supposed to get) he was going to have to call in a bunch of favors and probably end up in jail... Oh well.

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



If only there was a branching feature where say completing mission A would lead to mission B but failing A leads to C. Or Failing A leads to B but completing A jumps right to C with B your chance to fix things.



If only there was a branching feature where say completing mission A would lead to mission B but failing A leads to C. Or Failing A leads to B but completing A jumps right to C with B your chance to fix things.

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Well that would be pretty sweet, but for my purposes I'd be happy if I could just say "Well you blew it, see ya."

But yeah being able to branch and give people a chance to redeem themselves, that would be even better. Still I don't consider ending the arc early that big a penalty when it's a short one and you can just try again immediately if you want.



If only there was a branching feature where say completing mission A would lead to mission B but failing A leads to C. Or Failing A leads to B but completing A jumps right to C with B your chance to fix things.

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Well that would be pretty sweet, but for my purposes I'd be happy if I could just say "Well you blew it, see ya."

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I'd be interested in seeing your rating history if this was possible LOL



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I'd be interested in seeing your rating history if this was possible LOL

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Which is exactly why there's no "FAILURE -- now go delete your character and try again!" in most MMO's

Having said that, I do love the idea of branching missions inside an Arc, not because I want people to fail and feel stupid, but because I then can present people with choices!

Consider that Villain canon mission where you either catch a Spy Master or let him get away... if I'm not mistaken, letting him get away means the mission "failed", but you actually got to have your OWN agenda regarding what was going on in that mission. One of my characters actually stood there, her hands in her pockets, her Robot minions idle, and watched the Spy Master run for his life... and it felt... great!

In my own story-arc, I want for example to give the player a choice between rescuing Ms. Liberty, or actually forcing her to become Evil... but with the current MA/AE implementation of course that's out of the question because there's no branching and the goal system is as linear as the mission-flow system.

Hopefully, things will change...

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Well that would be pretty sweet, but for my purposes I'd be happy if I could just say "Well you blew it, see ya."

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Cap may disagree, but I too think this would be a good thing. I want my mission failures to have some meaning other than different ending text and a 3% xp reduction.

But then I'm the kind of guy who resets a mission if he dies in the middle of it and can't scrape up an Awaken.



What I hate most about the whole situation is that not only does it not affect anything but there is no "redo" the mission like most of the regular missions that you fail. You just skip it and go right along to the next one, no option whatsoever.



What are the various things that can trigger mission failure (as opposed to "you can go to the hospital and come back repeatedly until you succeed?")

I know there's the time limit option, but what else?



I know there's the time limit option, but what else?

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If an escort dies.

If a boss runs and successfully makes it to the exit (I think?)

If a "defend object" is destroyed.

That's all I know of.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Yes, running bosses will cause failure if they make it to the exit, or the elevator, if it's a multi-floor map.

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If required for completion. Interestingly you can set a non-required boss to run and you can chase him down the elevator and all the way to the exit.

Anyway, even if you make some "impossible" mission that you expect people to fail, always write the success dialog. I've played a few arcs that ended with such a mission, won, and the jerk contact didn't even acknowledge my victory because apparently the author didn't even think that someone might be able to pull it off.



I have chased a REQUIRED boss down to the elevator and to the door and had him escape to fail the mission, too. But inconsistency isn't unusual in this system still holding bugs.

Dec out.