May 2009 CoH Calendar
Here is my June 2009 CoH Calendar
cool lookin' room
I remember that bug, I had a character on Freedom that I forgot about and stayed in there for many months. That along with the mirror room bug was pretty fun. I remember the devs being pretty testy about that too.
Just to update, here is my new one for July:
July 2009 CoV Calendar
(By the way, the resolution of my calendars are all 1280x960, which is intended to fit a standard sheet of paper when printed out. As a desktop display, I recommend using the "Position: Center" option, and using dark red or dark blue as the background desktop color. This prevents any stretching or distortion, and gives it a nice "framed" appearance.)
And just another quick bump for a super-early edition for next month:
August 2009 CoV Calendar
(Also, I didn't realize photobucket was resizing my images smaller, so I finally upgraded and fixed the resolution to it's intended size and quality. I fixed July also.)
That is a cool looking place. Where is that?!?!? I've never been there... I must go and see for myself.
[/ QUOTE ] Well I'm assuming you are referring to August's picture. That's The Leviathan's Tomb that you encounter during Mako's Story Arc. That is what you see just inside the mission door. There is a hole in the bottom of the coffin that leads to the rest of the Cave map.
Getting ready in advance again:
September 2009 CoH Calendar
September's calendar features "Hero 1's Time Capsule" from the [u]Return of the Reichsman[u] Task Force, complete with plaque text.
September is looking especially nice. I wish they'd add that capsule to City Hall.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

nice Mateo, you're doing an excellent job on these calendars!
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
September is looking especially nice. I wish they'd add that capsule to City Hall.
[/ QUOTE ] Thank You, and I agree... it would be cool to be able to go through the same set of doorways to get under City Hall and find the Capsule... even better if they turned it into a "Global" Vault that you can use to transfer Money or recipes to your other characters.. (mandatory 30 day hold time or something though, just to keep with the time capsule theme. rofl). Yeah.. fat chance for that ever happening.
nice Mateo, you're doing an excellent job on these calendars!
[/ QUOTE ] Thanks. They aren't terribly hard to make, though I'm sure I've spent way more time than it should have taken by only using MSPaint to make them.. haha
The only other problem is coming up with ideas for the next screenshot to feature. I want to do something for Going Rogue for October, due to Halloween, but I am afraid there wont be any new content to feature by then.
Well, glad you are enjoying them so far. I'll be keeping them going for sure. Thanks
As another month is coming to an end, it's time to publish another one.
Here is October 2009:
October 2009 CoH Calendar
October's Calendar features Lanaru the Mad, from The Saga of Lanaru (Faathim the Kind Task Force).
I hope you like it.
I wanted to publish this a couple weeks ago. Sorry for being a little lazy. lol
Here is November 2009:
November 2009 CoHV Calendar
November's Calendar features Spaulding, from the Castaway tribute on Monster Island.
You can visit this area yourself by checking out the NW corner of that zone.
Well I've got next month's ready for you on schedule..
Here is December 2009:
December 2009 CoV Calendar
December's Calendar features our old friend Hami, located in The Abyss.
(IIRC, I took that picture during a LGTF though. lol)
Nice job on the calander MB!
[url=]My deviantArt page[/url]
Proud member of The Impossibles/Pinnacle -[url=""][/url]
I just finished the first one for the new year!
January 2010:
January 2010 CoH Calendar
January's Calendar features Sally, the sea monster of Croatoa.
I took the picture from "underwater" so I could get her body in the picture, so that might explain to you why the bottom half of the picture looks the way it does... and I covered some of it up. lol
I decided to go ahead and make February's calendar ahead of time..
February 2010:
February 2010 CoV Calendar
February's Calendar features Shady Cage, the secret Black Market contact in Port Oakes. Most people don't even know he's there! Oh yeah.. that's what makes it a secret. Well.. the secret is out! lol
I included a map with coordinates to help people find his location.
Well, it's been a while! lol
I went from being well ahead of schedule, to almost running out of time.. so here is March's calendar... finally!
March 2010:
March 2010 CoH Calendar
March's Calendar features a Fake Nemesis. This specific shot was taken in the cave area of the Nemesis Base map, found in Part Three of The Dark Watcher's arc: The Horror of War (45-50 co-op in RWZ).
PS - I'll try to stay ahead of schedule, and if anybody has any requests for Contacts or landmarks they would like to see featured in a future calendar, just send me a forum message. Your suggestions are always welcome.
Thank you!
April 2010:
April 2010 CoH Calendar
April's Calendar features the Council MegaMech! He's found during the Hess TF.
Apparently, the text of the TF and/or Souvenir now refers to him as "The Mech Man", but I went with the old name because I like it better. lol
May's Calendar coming soon!
May 2010:
May 2010 CoX Calendar
May's Calendar features the Atlas Park fashion show map! This is found during the Twilight's Son Task Force in Ouroboros. This arc is available to both Heroes and Villains, so I branded it accordingly.
I really wanted to feature City Hall somehow, but I wasn't satisfied with the way m initial pick was turning out. The building itself was covered by the calendar and there really wasn't anything interesting in the area that wasn't covered up, so I was happy to find that some of my screenshots for the fashion show had better possibilities.
Just for the heck of it, I uploaded the initial unfinished one too. Feel free to use that one instead if you like it. I was just testing the positioning of the calendar and didn't write anything on it. I probably wont feature it in my signature either, but here it is for those of you who check this thread every month:
unfinished City Hall Calendar for May 2010
June's Calendar still has many possibilities. I want to do something that shows the new Ultra Mode and water reflections, but I need to find a notable picture-worthy spot first. It's also important that the calendar itself doesn't get in the way of the beauty of the picture, so it's going to be a tough one. Well, I have another month to find it.. and I'm open to suggestions! lol
See you all next time. Thanks!
Nice choice, it's also one of the new maps for i17 MA. It would be nice to see it in Ultra-Mode as well, when it hits open beta.
June 2010:
June 2010 CoH Calendar
June's Calendar features Lusca, the giant octopus from Independence Port!
I wanted to feature something that utilized the new Ultra Mode graphics, so I went with some nice water reflections. If you look through the calendar (the 7th), it even has a shadow from one tentacle to another.
June 2010:
![]() June 2010 CoH Calendar |
Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667
You might want to change the title of the thread to something like CoH Monthly Claendars, since it's no longer 2009... >.>

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

As requested (in another thread), I just finished my May 2009 CoH Calendar (1280x960).
It's coming up fast and we didn't see any official ones, so I made a temporary one to use. I didn't use any fancy photo programs or anything, but I think it looks rather nice for a MSpaint production.. lol