It finally happened




god i wish this would happen on infinity. noone ever spams for farm missions. maybe if you guys are sick of seeing it, it's time to move servers or use you damn ignore button.



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game? Why explore the well crafted COH mythos when you can reduce it to a bunch of Xp and money pinatas.I'd like to think most people would want something more, something creative, imaginative and engrossing but the proliferation of these farms on the AE says that they don't. Forming your own mishes in this way is akin to a massive cheat code which I find to be exploitation.

Finding missions within the game that you can utilize for gains is one thing but creating them for that purpose from scratch is quite another.

I also think it a sad waste for such a great tool. I admire the players who take the time to enhance the COH mythology and game experience by ingesting their imagination,tales and characters into it. This breathes life into the game and is the real beauty behind the system. Taking something like that and just using it to Power Level your characters seems wrong on so many levels.

How many people are given the opportunity to write original content for a well established mmorpg?
It just seems to me that when people are given an opportunity to express themselves and become part of a well established mythos and choose to ignore the potential and possibilities that can be explored in such a rare storytelling context, it's just really sad.

Yea I guess people are going to do it. I strongly hope they are the minority.

Hats off to all of you who have written real stories requiring effort and thought. The AE is meant for people like you!Keep em coming! Drown out the Farms!

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



ok, i said this before in this thread and i'll say it again. this issue just came out and not everyone could play with it on test. give it a while and im sure the so called farm missions will slow down and eventually stop.



and it's not directed at you. i really love players who refuse to say they "farm". doing the same tf more then once is farming. doing RWZ raids more then once is farming. getting defeat badges is farming. doing your friends missions after you have already done the same ones is farming. get the point yet. anything can be considered farming. i'll tell ya what, ill do your arc and if i get more then 1 ticket or badge it's a farm.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have played the ITf a few times because it is a great story, it's challenging and it's FUN! I play the FF mish in the hollows with every new toon because it's FUN. Sometimes I'll exemp and play it over with a toon that has done it because it's FUN!. There are certain mission arcs in the game I look for over and over because they are well written and great to play.
If you watch a great movie more than once are you farming film! No. Just because you relive an enjoyable game experience that doesn't mean you are farming.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



I don't know how long you have been palying COX, but after playing 2 1/2 years of the in-game content (ie. EVERY SINGLE DEV MADE SA IN THE GAME), its time for something new and fresh.

The devs understand that the best way for ALL types of players of COX was to do a mission builder that allows the users to use the tool in a VARIETY of ways that "THEY" see fit.

People ARE doing just that and there are COUNTLESS amounts of arcs outs there of ALL varieties. I see this as WAI(working as inteneded).

I think it is pure comedy that some people instead of using the MA tool the way "they" want to or finding the types of missions they like(they are there the search tool blows but they ARE there), are busy looking at what others are doing.

That is a total waste of time and certainly wasted effort if the end desire is to control how others use the tool and play the game, TOTAL.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



sure it is. farming is doing something more then once to get rewards. in your case it's the reward of having fun. i think the word "farm" has become severly over used in this game and has gotten a bad rap.



I got asked about 150 times this weekend did I want to join a "farm team". I just politely answered each one:

"No thanks, I don't farm. I just hate milking cows."

They soon stop.



sure it is. farmoing is doing something more then once to get rewards. in your case it's the reward of having fun. i think the word "farm" has become severly over used in this game and has gotten a bad rap.

[/ QUOTE ]

By that definition of farming I would heartily agree with you.
However farming is commonly thought of as repeatedly running a map for the purpose of maximizing XP/inf gains.
no one really thinks about farming a mission for fun and no profit. Although many would say maximizing their XP/inf gains is fun. The eye of the beholder I suppose.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



I don't know how long you have been palying COX, but after playing 2 1/2 years of the in-game content (ie. EVERY SINGLE DEV MADE SA IN THE GAME), its time for something new and fresh.

The devs understand that the best way for ALL types of players of COX was to do a mission builder that allows the users to use the tool in a VARIETY of ways that "THEY" see fit.

People ARE doing just that and there are COUNTLESS amounts of arcs outs there of ALL varieties. I see this as WAI(working as inteneded).

I think it is pure comedy that some people instead of using the MA tool the way "they" want to or finding the types of missions they like(they are there the search tool blows but they ARE there), are busy looking at what others are doing.

That is a total waste of time and certainly wasted effort if the end desire is to control how others use the tool and play the game, TOTAL.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do use the MA the way I want, I do look for the types of misions I enjoy and I do not dictate to others how they should use it but I can and will express my opnions on how I feel the system is being used. I feel that creating farms produces poor content and wastes a rare storytelling opportunity.
I have not forbidden or asked to forbid the creation of farms. Rather I have merley expressed a hope that what I feel is superior content will overshadow them.
Generating a discussion on a new element and its effects is never a waste of time.
And looking at how other people use the MA is the point of MA. Your viewing "USER GENERATED CONTENT". That by definition is looking at how people us the MA.
And I have been playing COH for over 2 years as well and enjoyed it and its player community more than any other mmorpg.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



Nice backpedal after using words such as cheatcode and exploitation, but whatever mate. Cheers.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game? Why explore the well crafted COH mythos when you can reduce it to a bunch of Xp and money pinatas.I'd like to think most people would want something more, something creative, imaginative and engrossing but the proliferation of these farms on the AE says that they don't. Forming your own mishes in this way is akin to a massive cheat code which I find to be exploitation.

Finding missions within the game that you can utilize for gains is one thing but creating them for that purpose from scratch is quite another.

I also think it a sad waste for such a great tool. I admire the players who take the time to enhance the COH mythology and game experience by ingesting their imagination,tales and characters into it. This breathes life into the game and is the real beauty behind the system. Taking something like that and just using it to Power Level your characters seems wrong on so many levels.

How many people are given the opportunity to write original content for a well established mmorpg?
It just seems to me that when people are given an opportunity to express themselves and become part of a well established mythos and choose to ignore the potential and possibilities that can be explored in such a rare storytelling context, it's just really sad.

Yea I guess people are going to do it. I strongly hope they are the minority.

Hats off to all of you who have written real stories requiring effort and thought. The AE is meant for people like you!Keep em coming! Drown out the Farms!

[/ QUOTE ]

AUTAUMNFYRE, I think you are making the mistake assuming all anyone does is farm. That just isn't so. Yesterday evening I hopped on my Katana/SR soft capped Scrapper and ran a few MA farm runs to help some lowbies get from level 1 to 14. After that they ran off to Faultline and I did a few more to rack up some tickets so I could buy more unlockable content and go for a few recipe rolls. But before that I was jumping around the Shadow Shard, bouncing from gravity geyser to gravity geyser and doing Shadow Shard missions on my DB/Willpower while listening to psychedelic electronic music. It's a shame more people don't like that zone, to me it's one of the coolest places in the game. After the farming, today that is, I ran a few MA arcs that had potential for good content. One was kinda dry but ok, one was pretty cool, and one was challenging yet not over the top while having an awesome story with great dialog. There is more to this game than farming, and it's a bad idea to assume people are just going to ignore the rest of the content to farm.

no one really thinks about farming a mission for fun and no profit. Although many would say maximizing their XP/inf gains is fun. The eye of the beholder I suppose.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most people don't farm because it's fun (although there are times when jumping into an 8 person mob solo and just destroying everything in sight is quite entertaining), they farm so they can get the money and supplies they need to enhance their experience in whatever their favored content is. I've tanked Romulus on the ITF twice and even stood toe to toe with Lord Recluse (although I had a bunch of squishies healing and buffing me) when our tank DCed on the STF. That STF probably would have failed otherwise. Neither of these would have been possible if it wasn't for the fact I spent some time running a Council map to rack up the money I needed to soft cap.

If you want to stop farming for good, you're gonna have to convince the devs to increase the drop rate of IOs and merits to such a point where farming is obsolete. Good luck with that, though. We're more likely to manage talking the devs into wasting time on full power customization before we get them to do that. Heck, we already tried, there was a whole bunch of threads on "Merit per mission," "Merit per clear," "Super rare drops are the worst idea ever" etc, etc...

On a semi-related note, despite having a cool story mulling around in my head and a really nifty idea of how to implement it I still haven't bothered to use any of my MA arc slots. Why? Simple, my idea needs alot of arc slots, more than currently available. My guess is many other people are currently facing the same or similar dilemmas and haven't published an arc yet, or just published a crappy one to test the system out while waiting for things to improve. This could explain some of the blandness.

And lets try to keep civil here, and not let this devolve into a flame war, please?



Almost everyone farms, it is just a matter of degree. I have never met the man who has never reset a mission, or stayed on a team that reset a mission because it was good exp, good inf, or was great mobs for a badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've certainly never reset a mission on purpose, and was somewhat surprised the one time in more than a year of play that it happened accidentally to me due to network problems. The majority of people I usually play with don't, either; to the best of my knowledge, I've never been on a deliberately reset mission. Just because *you* think it's fun to run the same content over and over, don't generalize to other people.

Miuramir, Windchime, Sariel the Golden, Scarlet Antinomist...
Casino Extortion #4031: Neutral, Council+Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/CFMA]
Bad Candy #87938: Neutral, Custom [SFMA/MLMA/SLMA/FHMA/HFMA]
CoH Helper * HijackThis



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just imagine if you could live in a world that was brighter and more colorful than the real world! A world where you didn't have to deal with petty annoyances like having a job -- a world where everything was easier than normal. A world where you were stronger, faster, perhaps even seemed smarter than you are in the real world. A world where you were practically... super-powered? And the only times you had to venture back into the real world were when there was something you needed from it.

Yes, friends. Beware of Mission Architect -- as it will destroy your grasp on reality!



If farming is here to stay and we have to deal with it as people say...

Then why not add a button select on the MA creator to define if it is a story mish or a farm mish. That way you can separate the two. You could have a HoF for Farms and one for stories.



If it's so annoying that you "keep running into those stupid farm missions" why did you intentionally play one that stated it was a farm up front? And then report it... and then come to the forums to brag about it...


[/ QUOTE ]

First, not all farm missions are up-front about it. If you give your missions a half-way interesting title and description, and all the text/description I get after taking the missions is "FARM" you have wasted my time.

Second, there are some farm mission that are just so blatant in advertising themselve that they need to be reported, especially if it involves an exploit or some kind of quid-pro-quo. These actions are as violative of the EULA as using names that are copyrighted or involve swear words. If you put your obnoxious behavior in my face, you bet I'll report it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You are after the Snitch Badge.

You are informing everyone you are on Snitch Patrol.

Get over it. Farming is a Dev allowed part of this game. You can snitch all ya want, but Farming will never end.

Consider this;

If the Devs were to act on your ideas of how the game should be played, there would be a Massive Exodus of players that would make the PVP Exodus seem lame.

Totally removing Farming from this game would in effect cost more in player base than the Devs are willing to lose. IMO.

People who Farm pay the same amount of money to play this game as you do.

They don't tell you how you should play and enjoy this game.

You have no right to Grief them and tell them the way they play is wrong.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I will say this about farming....

Have you been to Grandville on Freedom? There is no pay to farm threads anymore...with autoexempts, and difficulty modifiers, any team can go in and do what they want. I actually had to laugh because alot of "pay farm veterans" were sitting in GV lamenting over their lost business wondering where they would not find their infamy to enhance their new toons.

If that isn't an improvement in the game, I don't kow what is.



if you take away the perma 46s and the lowbie paying, then farming is just a strategy that has a basic team configuration. And is a big part of the "end game" for CoX.

Tank, damage buff, heals, area damage. Every MMO that had kins and area damage tanks would be doing the same damn thing.



Nice backpedal after using words such as cheatcode and exploitation, but whatever mate. Cheers.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's not backpedaling Mate. I said I stated my opnion of it and thats how it seems to me. Cheatcode and exploitation are fitting as descriptors in my mind. They are not calling for a ban and I am not asking for one. I am hoping they will be overshadowed by better content.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



I keep running into those stupid farm missions. No plot, little if any dialogue, just go kill. I finally hit one that was designed in such a way as to constitute an exploit. (And no, I am not telling anybody what it was, not until it's addressed. Yes, I reported it).

I'm tired of the farm missions any way. I want real content. If this finally forces the Dev's to come up with some way to stop these farm missions (mostly because they will all eventually be designed like the one I encountered) all the better.

[/ QUOTE ]

I keep running into these stupid threads. No real point, little to no logic, just someone posting a thread in the wrong section. I finally saw a thread that would constitute a removal of the thread. (And no I'm not telling you what thread it is, not until the mod addresses it. Yes I reported it)

I'm tired of the threads anyways. I want real threads. If this finally forces the mods to actually look at the forums and stop these stupid threads (mostly because it's all just random venting with no real point) all the better.



You do realize there is a cap for tickets for a single mission to stop people for gaining more tickets than the devs feel is fair right? Ok so you didn't know, because of course if you did, then you would not be spouting off about cheatcodes and exploitation because that is utter rubbish.

When facts don't support the initial statements made resorting to drama and hyperbole is the only avenue I see.

I regards to "farms" being overshadowed by better content, they ALREADY are. You see there is this little thing called the Developer Choice. These are the arcs getting the first few pages of EVERYONE'S search and are the only missions with 999+ plays. I don't see ANY farming missions in that mix of things, so where 'IS" the focus you are talking about?

Oh in your head, I see...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game? Why explore the well crafted COH mythos when you can reduce it to a bunch of Xp and money pinatas.I'd like to think most people would want something more, something creative, imaginative and engrossing but the proliferation of these farms on the AE says that they don't. Forming your own mishes in this way is akin to a massive cheat code which I find to be exploitation.

Finding missions within the game that you can utilize for gains is one thing but creating them for that purpose from scratch is quite another.

I also think it a sad waste for such a great tool. I admire the players who take the time to enhance the COH mythology and game experience by ingesting their imagination,tales and characters into it. This breathes life into the game and is the real beauty behind the system. Taking something like that and just using it to Power Level your characters seems wrong on so many levels.

How many people are given the opportunity to write original content for a well established mmorpg?
It just seems to me that when people are given an opportunity to express themselves and become part of a well established mythos and choose to ignore the potential and possibilities that can be explored in such a rare storytelling context, it's just really sad.

Yea I guess people are going to do it. I strongly hope they are the minority.

Hats off to all of you who have written real stories requiring effort and thought. The AE is meant for people like you!Keep em coming! Drown out the Farms!

[/ QUOTE ]

AUTAUMNFYRE, I think you are making the mistake assuming all anyone does is farm. That just isn't so. Yesterday evening I hopped on my Katana/SR soft capped Scrapper and ran a few MA farm runs to help some lowbies get from level 1 to 14. After that they ran off to Faultline and I did a few more to rack up some tickets so I could buy more unlockable content and go for a few recipe rolls. But before that I was jumping around the Shadow Shard, bouncing from gravity geyser to gravity geyser and doing Shadow Shard missions on my DB/Willpower while listening to psychedelic electronic music. It's a shame more people don't like that zone, to me it's one of the coolest places in the game. After the farming, today that is, I ran a few MA arcs that had potential for good content. One was kinda dry but ok, one was pretty cool, and one was challenging yet not over the top while having an awesome story with great dialog. There is more to this game than farming, and it's a bad idea to assume people are just going to ignore the rest of the content to farm.

no one really thinks about farming a mission for fun and no profit. Although many would say maximizing their XP/inf gains is fun. The eye of the beholder I suppose.

[/ QUOTE ]

Most people don't farm because it's fun (although there are times when jumping into an 8 person mob solo and just destroying everything in sight is quite entertaining), they farm so they can get the money and supplies they need to enhance their experience in whatever their favored content is. I've tanked Romulus on the ITF twice and even stood toe to toe with Lord Recluse (although I had a bunch of squishies healing and buffing me) when our tank DCed on the STF. That STF probably would have failed otherwise. Neither of these would have been possible if it wasn't for the fact I spent some time running a Council map to rack up the money I needed to soft cap.

If you want to stop farming for good, you're gonna have to convince the devs to increase the drop rate of IOs and merits to such a point where farming is obsolete. Good luck with that, though. We're more likely to manage talking the devs into wasting time on full power customization before we get them to do that. Heck, we already tried, there was a whole bunch of threads on "Merit per mission," "Merit per clear," "Super rare drops are the worst idea ever" etc, etc...

On a semi-related note, despite having a cool story mulling around in my head and a really nifty idea of how to implement it I still haven't bothered to use any of my MA arc slots. Why? Simple, my idea needs alot of arc slots, more than currently available. My guess is many other people are currently facing the same or similar dilemmas and haven't published an arc yet, or just published a crappy one to test the system out while waiting for things to improve. This could explain some of the blandness.

And lets try to keep civil here, and not let this devolve into a flame war, please?

[/ QUOTE ]

Good thoughts but, again , Im not asking for farms to be banned from the game. Trying to improve characters will usually require some type of strategy to produce resources whether by farming or learning to work the market. I am saying that using the MA to create farm mishes is a waste of its potential to me. As I said finding ways to farm in game content and custom creating content for that purpose are two very different things.

There are many arcs that are not farms at all or may feel a bit like a farm but have a decent story and background. Some of these are also 1 mission Arcs as well. I know they are not all farms and I'm glad. There is good content being produced and I hope it continues and multiplies. Hopefully you are correct that the farms will remain just a single aspect of a much larger and more rewarding game experience. You most likely are but I believe the first step to avoiding the worst situation is acknowledging the potential for it to happen however slight. Also farms are much easier to produce since they don't require as much effort or writing. That may be why, at least in my experience they seem so prolific at the moment. They also seem to be advertised more. I get many more tells from people asking me to farm than to run story arcs. Somewhere in the middle are tells from people asking me to try the arcs they have written which can be either a farm or story.

As far as some people not producing Arcs. Another option in addition to what you suggested might be pure technical issues. the First Arc I put out took days to get done because the interface kept freezing, forcing me to restart the computer. Problems with severe lag and an overburdening of some servers can be a factor as well

As far as your story arc: what you could do to get it out there is write all the missions on Local. I don't think there is a limit there. Do them in sets of trilogies maybe. Put one out for awhile and then rotate the others in. Of course if your hoping one of the ones that needs rotation will get HOF or Dev's choice then that throws a wrench in the works but it is an option to get the story out there.

Im very intrigued by such a large scale arc. I hope you do write it. If you do PM me and I'll definitley give it a run. Hell, I'll help you test it if you want.

And you know,I don't think I have even been to the Shadow Shard once! I'm glad you mentioned it. I have to check it out.

Lastly I don't think there's any war going on here, just a discussion. Even somewhat heated communication is healthy.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just imagine if you could live in a world that was brighter and more colorful than the real world! A world where you didn't have to deal with petty annoyances like having a job -- a world where everything was easier than normal. A world where you were stronger, faster, perhaps even seemed smarter than you are in the real world. A world where you were practically... super-powered? And the only times you had to venture back into the real world were when there was something you needed from it.

Yes, friends. Beware of Mission Architect -- as it will destroy your grasp on reality!

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm LOL. It's a great tool. I just think its sad to waste it creating farms. There's plenty of farms out there already. New stories are more enriching and needed than new farms in my opinion.
And yea I've already seen lots of new players farming like mad in the AE system and breezing through level after level without ever trying out any of the in game content like the FF mish. That's sad to me as well.

Now TV News Media. . . .that will detroy your grasp on reality. COH is still pretty safe

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon



I think the custom farm mishes are sad and are more damaging than realized. If you can create a cutom mish designed to level your characters and to reap maximum amounts of Xp/inf/Tix then how much would you still populate the real game? Why explore the well crafted COH mythos when you can reduce it to a bunch of Xp and money pinatas.I'd like to think most people would want something more, something creative, imaginative and engrossing but the proliferation of these farms on the AE says that they don't. Forming your own mishes in this way is akin to a massive cheat code which I find to be exploitation.

[/ QUOTE ]

Judging from this post, I would assume that you wouldn't want to team with these people anyway. You should be thanking them from taking themselves out of "your game".

Finding missions within the game that you can utilize for gains is one thing but creating them for that purpose from scratch is quite another.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess I don't see the difference.

I also think it a sad waste for such a great tool. I admire the players who take the time to enhance the COH mythology and game experience by ingesting their imagination,tales and characters into it. This breathes life into the game and is the real beauty behind the system.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do yourself a favor and visit the MA forum further down (why are they in separate sections anyway?) You'll find a couple of threads full of missions you can do. You'll never ever have to worry about a "farm" again. I can't begin to keep up with the missions posted...a never-ending supply.

Taking something like that and just using it to Power Level your characters seems wrong on so many levels.

[/ QUOTE ]
It just seems to me that when people are given an opportunity to express themselves and become part of a well established mythos and choose to ignore the potential and possibilities that can be explored in such a rare storytelling context, it's just really sad.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have to be cautious about assigning your values and ideas about "fun" to everyone else. I know it's hard to imagine that other people have radically different ideas about things like that, but it's true. (I"m is hard to imagine why other people don't agree with everything I think is "cool". Why would anyone think Madonna has any talent for instance? )



I keep running into those stupid farm missions. No plot, little if any dialogue, just go kill. I finally hit one that was designed in such a way as to constitute an exploit. (And no, I am not telling anybody what it was, not until it's addressed. Yes, I reported it).

I'm tired of the farm missions any way. I want real content. If this finally forces the Dev's to come up with some way to stop these farm missions (mostly because they will all eventually be designed like the one I encountered) all the better.

[/ QUOTE ]While I respect your opinion about farms, I'm curious about what constitutes a farm in the MArch? The only thing it could be considered to produce is tickets, and they drop like rain in all MArch missions and arcs.

And how sure are you that the missions you're objecting to weren't just set up as a combat challenge? How do you define the difference.

In the interest of full disclosure, I personally have no real objection to "farms", just some of the players running them. Nor am I saying you should just ignore them. You're entitled to your stand, and many people agree with you. I'm just curious how you identify a mission/arc as an actual farm?

[/ QUOTE ]


I went from lvl 44 to lvl 45 on a MA Farm Mish just last night. 1 run of the mish. If tickets are all you can get, how'd that happen? And what about the load of Inf I got in the process? Even Prestige.

I had just hit 44, was one bar into that lvl when I was invited to the team. They were already in the mish, and had done part of it. Just what I was around to help complete got me one bar into 45.


If advertised as a Farm, I would say yank it.

If cleverly desguised, I would say leave the folks alone and let them do their thing.

The Author of the Mish I was on last night just happened to be leading the Team. I have teamed with him occasionally, so I kinda know the guy.

What bothered me most was that he told us all to Rate him 5 Stars.

I told him point blank that I ain't rating any Farm 5 Stars.

I farm occasionally, in game, using the G'ville TV missions, for the Rare Recipe Drops you can get.

Other than that, I prefer to lvl my toons the old fashion way, by playing the game.

The MA system allows much more than just Ticket Farming though.

[/ QUOTE ]

a friend of mine ended up on one of those farms today. he started at aropund lvl 18 scrapper. after 4 runs he was 28.

Want comedy and lighthearted action? Between levels 1-14? Try Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force!

Arc ID 58363!



You do realize there is a cap for tickets for a single mission to stop people for gaining more tickets than the devs feel is fair right? Ok so you didn't know, because of course if you did, then you would not be spouting off about cheatcodes and exploitation because that is utter rubbish.

When facts don't support the initial statements made resorting to drama and hyperbole is the only avenue I see.

I regards to "farms" being overshadowed by better content, they ALREADY are. You see there is this little thing called the Developer Choice. These are the arcs getting the first few pages of EVERYONE'S search and are the only missions with 999+ plays. I don't see ANY farming missions in that mix of things, so where 'IS" the focus you are talking about?

Oh in your head, I see...

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't see a cap for XP or Inf. maybe there is but I've not heard mention of it. And what is the cap for tickets because I've heard of people farming a mish for over 7000 tickets. Maybe that's true and maybe not but I'm not about to test it out to see. And I call it like I see it from my game experience and environment and I see a lot of farming. I hear more talk about farms than the story arcs at the moment. Some of that talk is how they find it difficult to find good stories to play as they run into farms. I certainly hear more talk about farms than the Dev's choice missions. Hopefully given time it will balance out. If you find the farms are overshadowed in your experience then good.

Check out my Published Story Arcs:
Part 1: 36381 The Return of STARBLOOD
Part 2: 84623 STARBLOOD: Trail of Blood
Part 3: Coming soon