It finally happened




I really didn't get that post. You farm and you find certain farming you do better than other farming? Wha?

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I don't how that possibly effects your ability to make or join a team. Because it does not. People need to just face it, farms are a permanent fixture.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



You realize that's pretty much what a radio mission is, right? No real plot, maybe a few lines of dialogue, and a mission filled with enemies. In fact, probably about 2/3rds of the missions in CoX are that way.

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been saying this for awhile also. Yes it might not be door sitting complete out power leveling. But radio missions is absolutely a way to farm the game. Yes you are active in these versus just sitting back and raking in xp. But to me your just seeing how fast you can get to 50. Just like farming. Radio missions ruined this game. All pugs want to do is defeat Archon Leery over & over. No one does contacts anymore. I find myself soloing to do the content that gets overlooked anymore. And this is why I welcome Mission Architect with open arms. As for farming on MA, there will always be some sort of farming, it's just devs will make it as hard as possible. Also what about the badge farms? I've seen some pulled already.

ARC # 2517 "Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting"
ARC# 102898 "The Great Sewer Rescue"



Here's something I ran into tonight.

{ }'s Farm (name omitted)

Description: This is { }'s farm. Satndard Rates Apply.

Send Off Dialogue: Rate Five Stars.

18 people did.
(Custom Group nothing but 1 Lt. with "Kill Em" description)

There is no difference between this and those Spam EMails advertising PL services. And there is page after page of this.

How do you think those "Enter Title" Missions gete three people giving them 5 stars?

I give it three more days before the Devs put a complete moratorium on open Publishing rights, possibly coupled with a complete wipe of all mission currently published. With the devs then having to pre-approve what gets published. Otherwise, the MA system will be populated solely by farmers as farm mission become the only thing people can readily find.

If Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Why are You Reading This?



I give it three more days before the Devs put a complete moratorium on open Publishing rights, possibly coupled with a complete wipe of all mission currently published. With the devs then having to pre-approve what gets published. Otherwise, the MA system will be populated solely by farmers as farm mission become the only thing people can readily find.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure that would be an extreme overreaction, myself.

Dec out.



So you come to tell us you found an exploit but you aren't going to tell us what it is.

Why create this thread then? Just to brag that you turn in exploiters?

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Venting steam to a certain extent.

[/ QUOTE ]

Let me get this straight...

You're breaking one rule... to tell everyone that others are breaking a different rule?

Forum Rules

5. Non-Constructive posts are prohibited.
Below is a list of examples of non-constructive posts. As a rule, non-constructive posting is not permitted.
A rant is a post which is long-winded, redundant and filled with angry, non-constructive comments. A free exchange of ideas is essential to building a strong sense of community and helpful in the development of the game, but rants are disruptive and incite flaming and trolling.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're original post is a rant about how you hate farm missions and that you found an exploit.

Report it and move along. No need to start a flame war about farm maps. Let the Dev's sort it out.



I give it three more days before the Devs put a complete moratorium on open Publishing rights, possibly coupled with a complete wipe of all mission currently published. With the devs then having to pre-approve what gets published. Otherwise, the MA system will be populated solely by farmers as farm mission become the only thing people can readily find.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure that would be an extreme overreaction, myself.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes indeed. I think adding a way to exclude keywords from your search would be sufficient.



I give it three more days before the Devs put a complete moratorium on open Publishing rights, possibly coupled with a complete wipe of all mission currently published. With the devs then having to pre-approve what gets published. Otherwise, the MA system will be populated solely by farmers as farm mission become the only thing people can readily find.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not going to happen. There are too many missions. MA is far too big to police that way. I agree something needs to be done, but what? I don't know.



If this were anyplace else, most people wouldn't consider that a "rant" at all.

[/ QUOTE ]


Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



I was completely for farming when I first started playing. But I began to see just what it does to the players.

You get use to fighting easy stuff or small maps. You get lazier and lazier, eventually you're doorsitting. You don't know how to play your AT/powersets efficiently. You quit teams or whine because of the slightest bit of travel. You get bored with the pve aspect of the game fast because your leveling too fast and doing the same thing everyday. If you brought a friend to the game and have him farming with you, he'll get bored out of his mind in no time as well.

The devs could do a serious blow to farming if they put a limit on how many times you could do the same AE mission in one day. And for non AE they could put a strict limit on how many times you can reset a mission each day. The limits would apply to everyone on your team so you couldn't pass leader or just reform the team.

Farming is likely to never be nerfed though because people would quit over it. Which is actually quite sad and pathetic.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



So let me get this straight...

I am an officer in a large villian group.
One of our members created an AE mission for us that is very farmlike, lots of things to kill, no story, but set up so that no matter what level one of our members are, they can join us without having to worry about needing a lacky. We go in, have do our thing, laugh and joke and play as a villan group. But this is wrong because you would definately consider it a farm? It is rated 5 star, by almost 100 people. To me it is more important that I can bring a lvl 1, 10, 35, 18, 22, 44, 50, and 40 into a mish and have fun together without the need for a lacky.

You would definately consider the mish a farm. We consider it hanging out with our sg mates and helping them level. Not everyone cares about a story in their missions. For some, it is the act of teaming, not the artistic merits of so and so's storytelling ability.

One person's farm is another person's community.



To me it is more important that I can bring a lvl 1, 10, 35, 18, 22, 44, 50, and 40 into a mish and have fun together without the need for a lacky.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not that I give a fart in a whirlwind one way or the other about farming, but how exactly do you do THAT?

Dec out.



The problem with farming is that it does interfere, and this is one of those ways.

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldnt of said it better myself...

Lame farms, one map, no dialoge, not even skill needed to beat the mobs.. 50-100 votes 5 stars.. How does this effect the masses?

Drownding out the content thats accually good.

One last thing.. 90% of the games content is story driven.. Just cause you can choose to do raido missions and not do any of it, doesnt mean its not there. Last i checked there is soo much story content that you cant go from 1-50 and see it all. Trust me i tried, and using dept, doing tfs at lvl cap and a realm of other things and it just cant be done.



Make your custom enemy group, then put an ally or hostage or something in there from a standard group that is only lvl 50 and higher. The mission will automatically raise everyone below that level mark up to it for a vil difficulty. For a relentless dif it will make everyone lvl 48 who isn't that high already. It will leave 49's and 50's their normal levels.

Wallah, I can now take anyone of any level I want along with me to play not just so many lowbies and so many highbies. Think of it as the inverse of what ouro missions do. If that doesn't encourage teaming i don't know what does. Noone doorsits, everyone is within combat ranges. Everyone fights and we play as a group. Hmmmmm....and this is bad because?



D'oh! The auto-sk/exemp. Forgot all about that. Sorry, been spending too much time creating and not much actually playing (well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it, anyway).

Dec out.





I went from lvl 44 to lvl 45 on a MA Farm Mish just last night. 1 run of the mish. If tickets are all you can get, how'd that happen? And what about the load of Inf I got in the process? Even Prestige.

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Not the most effective map either. I know of one where people in the 40s get 2 levels and more a run that takes about 15 minutes. Damn I love that map.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im curious, what map would that be? I Know most people use the unique city map (the old family PL map) and they generally get at least 1 lvl in the 40 range farming just LT's...but definitely not two whole lvls in 15 minutes

U2BG: FPvPL Season One Champs
Steve: Champions of Champion
Brasil Fancy Girls: FPvPL Season Two Champs
WARE: Freedom League 2011 Champs



I don't how that possibly effects your ability to make or join a team. Because it does not. People need to just face it, farms are a permanent fixture.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't see the LFM for regular teams because the LFM for Farms is so thick it's blowing them off broadcast. Same as what happens in PI.

And no, farms would not be a permanent fixture if the devs would just grow a spine and do something about them.

Frankly, I don't care if you farm. You can play your game as boring as you want to. Stop spamming broadcast with it and I wouldn't care a whit about it.



To play the counter argument for a moment.

I wish people would stop spamming broadcast with LFM for standard content. Can't people understand that the sheer volume of farming and AE missions for such means their chosen method is in the minority and they should bend to the masses?

You see, your arguements against farming are rather rediculous when the script is flipped. I enjoy teaming. If that teaming is farming, tf, sf, papers, or stories I don't care. All I say is that I do not doorsit. If I am in a mission, i want action. That is a personal choice for me. I don't begrudge anyone their fun. If you have fun with stories, find a sg that enjoyes the same thing. If you enjoy farms, ditto. I never have trouble finding groups of what i want to do because i keep sgmates that have similar intrests. 90 percent of my grouping is with them. Very rarely do Pug's even enter into my life except when i'm playing during off hours because of my insomnia. Did this network spring up over night, no. It came into existance over 2 years of networking. People coming people going people being kicked. Play the game, make friends, do your thing. Above all and let live.



Here's something I ran into tonight.

{ }'s Farm (name omitted)

Description: This is { }'s farm. Satndard Rates Apply.

Send Off Dialogue: Rate Five Stars.

18 people did.
(Custom Group nothing but 1 Lt. with "Kill Em" description)

There is no difference between this and those Spam EMails advertising PL services. And there is page after page of this.

How do you think those "Enter Title" Missions gete three people giving them 5 stars?

I give it three more days before the Devs put a complete moratorium on open Publishing rights, possibly coupled with a complete wipe of all mission currently published. With the devs then having to pre-approve what gets published. Otherwise, the MA system will be populated solely by farmers as farm mission become the only thing people can readily find.

[/ QUOTE ]

I give it three more days before Moderator 8 locks your post.

Heh, I'm just messing with you, but in all seriousness now, I gotta jump on the train with these others, you are overreacting. Maybe I can take the edge off this a bit:

Basically what you are seeing right now is the flavor of the month effect. The MA is new, and right now there are alot of really badly designed missions because of this. It's similar to the kind of effect that happens whenever a new set or two comes out that turn out to be great. Remember all the DB/WPs that were running around after I11 Launch? Not so many of them online right now, despite still being a good combo.

Right now you are going to see alot of farm missions, but with time they will fade. Players will likely figure out what works best and most of the farm missions that are underpar or duplicate will flow down the list or be unpublished, and all the really offending ones that are left may or may not be picked off by the GMs depending on how the devs decide to handle this.

The farm missions aren't even the most offending thing on the lists right now. What I find to be far worse are all the player trap missions. You know, the "Are you a bad enough dude...?" type missions with 10 AVs that spawn multiple ambushes a piece. They will also die down with time, as will all the bland missions with lame or nonexistent story that players created just to test run the system and all the horrid missions with factions that are basically random costume parts slapped together and painted all the colors of the rainbow.

As for the farm spam, yeah, that does annoy me. I really don't see any real problems with PLing and Farming anymore, thanks somewhat to merits and especially to tickets giving us new options, but the farmers need to shut up or at least dress their broadcasts up a bit so they aren't as irritating. One really good thing about MA farming you should be happy about, however, is that with the ability to spawn large ambushes of controlled enemy groups, the need for anchors may become extinct, so no more "can u fill 4 a sec plz?" tells all the time in the upper levels. The tickets being so ridiculously easy to get also has the potential to make the market deflate a good deal, making it easier for non farmers to get stuff off them. I haven't done any real math, but so far it seems easier to get good random rolls in the MA then it was to organize Katies, and it's less boring since every MA mission is a potentially exciting new adventure.

And to all the beamingly happy MA farmers out there right now: Please, try and be low key. Whenever I hear someone advertising an MA farm I cringe, at least have the common decency to not bother all the nice people trying make and find interesting content, and try to have some self control so this new feature doesn't get nerfed to slag before the hype settles down and we start seeing all the really cool content pop out of the woodwork. And while you're at it, add some amusing dialog to your content, just because it's a farm doesn't mean it can't be funny.

A QUICK ADDENDUM: Also, if you are looking for guaranteed good content, there is always devs choice. Sure you don't get tickets, but if you're in it for the story normal drops should be sufficient.



And just another thought....

Almost everyone farms, it is just a matter of degree. I have never met the man who has never reset a mission, or stayed on a team that reset a mission because it was good exp, good inf, or was great mobs for a badge.

And lets not forget doing things like hunting cold demons or family bosses for accolades. It is all farming, the only question is how much of it do you do.



I have never met the man who has never reset a mission, or stayed on a team that reset a mission because it was good exp, good inf, or was great mobs for a badge.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm a woman. Does that count?

One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.




"Finally" is a good word to use.

I've been doing random arcs since this started and haven't run across a farm yet. I'm also picking a lot of arcs out of the thread for them on this forum, so that is a good way to avoid them if it bothers you. (Which it seems to)

"Farming" seems to get way more attention than it deserves and I think that hurts this game sometimes. Too often we seem to approach anything new with the "stop the farmers" attitude FIRST....instead of the "how can this be fun for the players" attitude. (Thank god the "reduced xp" idea didn't get put in for MA.)

Farmers having been "killing the game" for a long time now and I'm still having a great time. Their impact is highly overrated in my opinion.



Make your custom enemy group, then put an ally or hostage or something in there from a standard group that is only lvl 50 and higher. The mission will automatically raise everyone below that level mark up to it for a vil difficulty. For a relentless dif it will make everyone lvl 48 who isn't that high already. It will leave 49's and 50's their normal levels.

Wallah, I can now take anyone of any level I want along with me to play not just so many lowbies and so many highbies. Think of it as the inverse of what ouro missions do. If that doesn't encourage teaming i don't know what does. Noone doorsits, everyone is within combat ranges. Everyone fights and we play as a group. Hmmmmm....and this is bad because?

[/ QUOTE ]
Hey that's actually pretty cool. It would solve the "we need another mentor..hang on...I'm looking" problem.

Of course I wouldn't want to keep doing the same one over and over. Having a bunch of them would be cool.