It finally happened




If it's so annoying that you "keep running into those stupid farm missions" why did you intentionally play one that stated it was a farm up front? And then report it... and then come to the forums to brag about it...




dude, go back and look at my 2 posts in this thread. i didnt do what you are trying to say i did. so im going to go with you replied to the wrong person. if i said any of what you said, please quote it with no changes. dont ever put words into my mouth that i didnt say.





I went from lvl 44 to lvl 45 on a MA Farm Mish just last night. 1 run of the mish. If tickets are all you can get, how'd that happen? And what about the load of Inf I got in the process? Even Prestige.

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Not the most effective map either. I know of one where people in the 40s get 2 levels and more a run that takes about 15 minutes. Damn I love that map.

[/ QUOTE ]

Im curious, what map would that be? I Know most people use the unique city map (the old family PL map) and they generally get at least 1 lvl in the 40 range farming just LT's...but definitely not two whole lvls in 15 minutes

[/ QUOTE ]

It is an all LT map and it has rikti.



GO FARMS. Come on, stop whining and get over it. Many people in this forums have said this, "if you don't like farms don't play them", and this is what you should do. Also If something says farm that doesn't even mean its a farm. I looked up farm once and found a 5 mission long story about Farmer Brown. Why should devs not get rid of these missions? Well they haven't taken down Lib TV and all the hero farms why should they do the same to MA. Also some people will say that my mission i made is a farm but its not. I made mine so that its really hard. If you live through it all you deserve all the tickets and xp you get. Farms are not going get over it.



guys, can you please click the reply button on hte persons post you wish to reply to. your making it look like i was the one who started this post lol.



I usually just hit reply to the last person that posted. If I am really replaying to someone I will quote them.



no worries, it's kinda funny thats why i lol'd at the end.



Technical etiquette here is that when you use the box at the bottom instead of the reply button you put <QR>, but I don't see the harm as long as context is clear. Different places, different habits, I suppose.

Dec out.



A little clarification on this.

This was not your typical "go kill" one mission length arc with no text. It was 5 missions, involved what amounts to an exploit (and I don't describe those on the boards) and clearly stated in the text it was set up purely to maximize ticket output.

And once one person comes up with an exploit, others will copy it until the devs do something about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You say exploit, I have to wonder, is it? Or are you just ticked off that it wasnt more RP drivel.

Sometimes you just want to kill things. Sorry, "defeat".

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



So you come to tell us you found an exploit but you aren't going to tell us what it is.

Why create this thread then? Just to brag that you turn in exploiters?

[/ QUOTE ]

he is trying for the snitch badge...

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Last night, I was doing this really good story arc. It was challenging and had good story telling. It gave me the feel that it was a mini-TF.

However, when we finished the TF, I 5-starred it because it was genuinely well written, had proper grammar, was a good challenge and basically just felt better than at least 80% of the stuff the developers came up with.

And someone in the team was griping about how this story arc we did was a waste of his time because he took in a small haul of just slightly over 200 tickets.

The ticket system rewards farming. We are not going to see the end of it. Even if we nerf the ticket system, the only ones who will still suffer are the well written arcs.



Last night, I was doing this really good story arc. It was challenging and had good story telling. It gave me the feel that it was a mini-TF.

However, when we finished the TF, I 5-starred it because it was genuinely well written, had proper grammar, was a good challenge and basically just felt better than at least 80% of the stuff the developers came up with.

And someone in the team was griping about how this story arc we did was a waste of his time because he took in a small haul of just slightly over 200 tickets.

The ticket system rewards farming. We are not going to see the end of it. Even if we nerf the ticket system, the only ones who will still suffer are the well written arcs.

[/ QUOTE ]

To that person, I suggest solo more. The ticket reward system doesn't feel right currently. You get alot more rewards solo than you do in a group, which I don't think is right.

Let's Dance!



I don't how that possibly effects your ability to make or join a team. Because it does not. People need to just face it, farms are a permanent fixture.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't see the LFM for regular teams because the LFM for Farms is so thick it's blowing them off broadcast. Same as what happens in PI.

And no, farms would not be a permanent fixture if the devs would just grow a spine and do something about them.

Frankly, I don't care if you farm. You can play your game as boring as you want to. Stop spamming broadcast with it and I wouldn't care a whit about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ill stop spamming broadcast if you will stop spamming for rwz raids...or the silly "I want to kill all in the TF" messages. If the devs had intended kill all, they would have made them kill all.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Why don't people use Request? I mean, I thought that was the channel intended for group forming.

Let's Dance!



Why don't people use Request? I mean, I thought that was the channel intended for group forming.

[/ QUOTE ]

Broadcast is for whatever. Make a global "x MA story arc" channel. That way people in a different zone can see when you are forming a team. Broadcast is zone specific. I would love to see a global ma farm channel.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



If it's so annoying that you "keep running into those stupid farm missions" why did you intentionally play one that stated it was a farm up front? And then report it... and then come to the forums to brag about it...


[/ QUOTE ]

First, not all farm missions are up-front about it. If you give your missions a half-way interesting title and description, and all the text/description I get after taking the missions is "FARM" you have wasted my time.

Second, there are some farm mission that are just so blatant in advertising themselve that they need to be reported, especially if it involves an exploit or some kind of quid-pro-quo. These actions are as violative of the EULA as using names that are copyrighted or involve swear words. If you put your obnoxious behavior in my face, you bet I'll report it.

If Brevity is the Soul of Wit, Why are You Reading This?



I don't how that possibly effects your ability to make or join a team. Because it does not. People need to just face it, farms are a permanent fixture.

[/ QUOTE ]

I can't see the LFM for regular teams because the LFM for Farms is so thick it's blowing them off broadcast. Same as what happens in PI.

And no, farms would not be a permanent fixture if the devs would just grow a spine and do something about them.

Frankly, I don't care if you farm. You can play your game as boring as you want to. Stop spamming broadcast with it and I wouldn't care a whit about it.

[/ QUOTE ]

ROTFLMAO! Now you are just being silly. You have NEVER seen me spam broadcast one darn thing, get your facts straight mate.

They provided you with an ignore spammer button that allows you to make your broadcast as free as you want them to be.

People that fail to use the tools provided then whine in the forums, well...they need to use the tools and stop blaming others for "your" lack of action.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



and it's not directed at you. i really love players who refuse to say they "farm". doing the same tf more then once is farming. doing RWZ raids more then once is farming. getting defeat badges is farming. doing your friends missions after you have already done the same ones is farming. get the point yet. anything can be considered farming. i'll tell ya what, ill do your arc and if i get more then 1 ticket or badge it's a farm.



I found the best farm today! I got to grow wheat and cotton and all the good stuff man i love farming! So I'm just guessing MA stands for Milking Animals right?



and it's not directed at you. i really love players who refuse to say they "farm". doing the same tf more then once is farming. doing RWZ raids more then once is farming. getting defeat badges is farming. doing your friends missions after you have already done the same ones is farming. get the point yet. anything can be considered farming. i'll tell ya what, ill do your arc and if i get more then 1 ticket or badge it's a farm.

[/ QUOTE ]

Posting more than 1359 times is farming on the forums!

Really, it's a subjective term.

Let's Dance!



It's already becoming an annoyance, each time I log in I get tells "AE farm?" in the past few days, it's a bit harder to get ITF and paper/radios going right now, or even sewer teams in AP. On top of that, MA pugs are usually a horrible disaster.



It's already becoming an annoyance, each time I log in I get tells "AE farm?" in the past few days, it's a bit harder to get ITF and paper/radios going right now, or even sewer teams in AP. On top of that, MA pugs are usually a horrible disaster.

[/ QUOTE ]

What's bizarre to me.

Is I have heard the exact same thing about ITF, paper/radio, and sewer team PUGs.

It's new, it's fresh, give the culture time to settle down before judging the mass. I mean really, look at how populated the servers are now, [can't see them, because they're all in VR but hey].

Let's Dance!



About all I am getting about why farming is evil is that it causes people to spam the broadcast channel.