Issue 14: Architect: BUGS!




Operating System: XP
User Client: PC
Server: Champion
Zone: IP/Atlas/MA missions: Croatoa unique 1(?) outdoor map.
Character name: Mickey Fist/Witan Nurdi
Time: last night - early this morning

If my characters accidentally step on the contact pedestal my camera view drops to the floor. This gets confusing.



Feature Name or Description: Pet EBs KS in custom missions

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Liberty
Character name: Myrcat, Myrmech
Level: 50, 40
Time: Thursday and Friday
Mission: Several AE missions
Bug Description:

I've solo'd several AE story arcs with a couple different characters. One thing that has happened repeatedly involves the level at which "pets" spawn in relation to the level of the end boss. It goes like this... I enter a mission spawned at my level. The minions are white to me. I rescue a custom critter, level set as an Elite Boss, who becomes my "pet". We then proceed to clear the mission, but my EB pet smashes through everything like a hot knife through butter, taking all the experience and rewards with them. Then, when we get to the end boss, we find him level set as a yellow lieutenant, and the EB wipes him out too.

I have two concerns about this.
1. It's no fun having the mob you rescued breeze through the rest of the mission. The mobs in the mission seem to be spawning as I would expect for soloing. However, the "pet" that was placed there is not. (I actually has two green minion pets following be around once, and did no help whatsoever when we got to the end mob, who was an Elite Boss. Go figure.) Since I have not created an arc yet, I don't know if this is a spawning issue, or something the author should be setting when creating the mission.
2. It's no fun having the rescued pet negate the xp and rewards. I don't recalling seeing decreased rewards in regular missions when the NPC makes the kill.

I can look up the specific missions if you need more information, but it seemed to be happening any time there was a rescued pet.



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP and Unix
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Zone: Mercy Isle
Character name: Happens to all characters
Time: problem existed since I14 beta
Location: planet earth
Archetype: All, Any
Level: All, Any
Power: Alternating Current
Mission: Any MA mission
Mission Contact: Statesman
Map: maps/Missions/Tech/Tech_60/Tech_60_Layout_01_01.txt
Mission ID #:all applicable
Bug Description:

I have this large, completely linear map.
Front/Middle/Back means absolutely nothing.
All maps I have tried have this problem.

This makes it utterly impossible to tell a linear story.

Attempted solutions:
Have tried using triggered ambushes to tell a linear story, but it is far too limited.
Expanding the number of missions completely breaks the story.

It is impossible to tell my story in a way that makes any sense.



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP and Unix
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Zone: Mercy Isle
Character name: Happens to all characters
Time: problem existed since I14 beta
Location: planet earth
Archetype: All, Any
Level: All, Any
Power: Alternating Current
Mission: Any MA mission
Mission Contact: Statesman
Map: maps/Missions/Tech/Tech_60/Tech_60_Layout_01_01.txt
Mission ID #:all applicable
Bug Description:

Edit Published Mission -> change enemy group in Ambush/Ally/Patrol/whatever -> Republish
Test Published Mission -> enemy group is unchanged



Feature Name or Description: Dark Servant not accepting new enhancement types.

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): OS non-specific
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): Client non-specific
Server: Virtue
Zone: n/a
Character name: Celtic Oracle
Time: n/a
Location: n/a
Archetype: Defender
Level: 50
Power: Dark Servant
Badge: n/a
Mission: n/a
Mission Contact: n/a
Mission ID #: n/a
Bug Description: Fluffy accepts Accurate ToHit Debuff on Redside, but does not accept them on blueside. Problem since I13, Support keeps blowing me off.
Link to Forum Discussions: Thread was purged in the last run.

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. -F. Nietzsche

Guide to Dark/Dark Defenders



Not that I know that this is what's happening, but my wife discovered that for objects (not sure about people), if the map in the editor is in a different orientation from that in the mission itself, then Front/Middle/Back are whacked. She has a mission in her arc where in-game the map is rotated 180 degrees from in the editor. In that mish, we reversed Middle/Back settings for the glowies, and THEN they appeared where she wanted them.

My Arc: The Power From Out Of Space, ID# 64800
Mrs. Spoon's Arc: Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation, ID# 59147



Power: MArc Revive
Badge: Master Architect
Bug Description: Master Architect Accolade Power Not Awarding
Link to Forum Discussions: Post

Also: The Power Icon for the Mac Addition "Mission Teleport" power is the default Gray circle with Red X Icon.

NCIS: Best gorram show in the 'verse.



Feature Name or Description:

Operating System: windows XP SP3
User Client: PC

Bug Description:

The animated characters in the Mission Architect editor aren't working right for me. At least half the time I call up a MA screen that has a character picture, the character is rendered at an extremely tiny size, no more than about a quarter-inch tall (this is on a 19in. monitor), instead of the normal inch-and-a-half or so. At this size, it's impossible to see any detail.

The problem seems to happen at random; if I exit the editor and go back in, it might correct itself, or it might not.

Along a similar vein, some of the animations themselves don't fit in the space allocated for the character rendering. In particular, animations that have the character floating in mid-air mostly render with only their legs showing, with the rest cut off at the top. Shouldn't these animations be scaled to fit the available space?


"If you two don't work this out RIGHT NOW, I'm turning this invasion around and going home!" - Emperor Cole



Been playing this for almost 5 years and on the whole, pretty impressed. Until now. i14 and AE guff has killed the game imo. My game now crashes almost every time I play, and tonight its died 4 times in less than an hour! Latest snag we found was the comp hanging if you're in or logging in to a map you're apparently banning! What's wrong with just forcing all to exit? I know, I know, that would be far too sensible! Instead let's make everyone's computer freeze and force them to hard-reboot, that's much more fun! Customer care, pah, who needs it?

We all expect some minor glitches when major changes are made to the game, but i14 and AE has been a disaster. Whichever Dev was leading that project needs to be taken out back and given a damn good hiding for being an idiot!

Frustrated doesn't start to cover it. If the subscription renewal is in the 'post', don't hold your breath!



One of the Vindicator/Ms Liberty critters is bugged in the MA. Specifically it's the "Ms. Liberty (Arch-villain 51-54)" critter. She has no pants (flesh colored skirt) but more importantly, she cannot be targeted at all in combat except by assisting pets.


So many toons, so little time.



If an escort in the Mission Architect mission is set to betray but has a heal area power, that power works on the player even after the betrayal occurs. (i.e. radiant aura).

Presumably this affects other AOE heals, buffs and so forth. (Unverified)


So many toons, so little time.



Operating System : XP Pro 64.
User Client : PC (Q9650 Quad).
Server: Freedom.
Zone: AE.
Character name: Blank Frank (and others).
Time: Any time.
Location: Any AE mission map.
Archetype: ill/kin (and others).
Level: All levels so (28 to 43).
Mission: Any AE mission.
Bug Description: Client locks up and or crashes to desktop at least once per hour, sometimes after only a few minutes.

Only happens in this game, all others I play are stable. Memory leak in the AE mission map system?



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Virtue
Zone: Any
Character name: Morak Ironforge
Location: Cimerora
Archetype: Tank
Level: 44
Power: Against All Odds

Bug Description:It's supposed to decrease the damage of multiple targets while increasing your own. But the power seems to no longer be affecting more than one enemy.



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP Pro SP3
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Guardian
Zone: N/A
Character name: Several characters
Time: Various times
Location: AE missions (non-farm)
Archetype: Various AT's
Level: Couple of 50's, and two other non-50's
Power: N/A
Badge: N/A
Mission: Various AE mission arcs
Mission Contact: AE holographic contacts
Mission ID #: Several missions, can't recall specific numbers
Bug Description: This has to do with the recent ticket cap placed on AE missions. I'm not sure if it's been brought up before, but I'm posting here at any rate. What has occurred several times now, with various characters (both Hero and Villain) is that I will supposedly hit the ticket cap of 1500, yet I will still be as much as several hundred tickets away from the cap. In one case I didn't receive ANY tickets on a mission arc, yet the text telling me that "one or more tickets have not been awarded etc etc" would come up any time there was an apparent ticket drop. This particular case occurred on a mission arc I had not even done yet, let alone run repeatedly. Also, in another case, I was for some reason able to far exceed the ticket cap for a mission map, almost double that of what the cap is supposed to be. I started the mission with only 1 ticket on the character, and finished the mission with 2725 tickets (not that I'd complain about that, lol).

Several friends have encountered similar problems with the ticket cap not functioning as intended, so I know I'm not alone in this. I'm assuming that the ticket cap is not working as intended for some reason, unless there is some function of the cap that I missed in the patch notes. While this doesn't affect gameplay, it is highly annoying to go through a difficult arc and receive little to no rewards aside from Inf and Prestige.



Ok, after a bit of testing, I think I finally figured out a reliable way (other than "put Fire Imps by them, they'll damage the player eventually") to reproduce the bug that allows you to attack an enemy player during the "phased" period that happens immediately after respawning in an arena match.

1. Put an attack on auto (in my case, Char).
2. Kill the opposing player, but do not un-target them after they've died.
3. When the opposing player respawns, the attack on auto will execute and the attack will hit them before the "phase" period kicks in.

It seems as though there's a very short delay between respawn and the point at which the "phase" period begins - it might even be only one server cycle, but that's enough for an auto-executing power to decide "okay, they respawned, time to activate." I'm going to test this out on the test server and see if I can reproduce it there as well.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Unknown, Vista
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): Unknown, PC
Server: Liberty
Zone: AE
Character name:
Location: Atlas Park 01 (AE map)
Level: 1-54
Mission: AE: 'Vandals at the Gate'
Mission Contact:
Mission ID #: 231549
Bug Description: Another case of missing Object spawns; reported to me by another player. I also experienced this bug, and tried reducing the number of Destroyable Objects and setting all locations to 'Any', but the bug occurred again.

Atlas Park 01 is described as supporting 22 details (bosses, patrols, ambushes, destructible objects).
This mish contained 9 Destructible Obj's, 3 Ambushes, and 5 Boss spawns (total: 17).

PS. I will be reducing the number of Dest. Obj's again soon.

Born in New York City.



Ok, i'm not in the mood for putting down all of the info, but the game will not save files so anything that I make will be temporary and I cannot use it if I get out of the game and come back!



Originally Posted by LOLDUE View Post
Ok, i'm not in the mood for putting down all of the info, but the game will not save files so anything that I make will be temporary and I cannot use it if I get out of the game and come back!
Are you on Vista/Win 7 with the game installed in the default directory and not allowing the game to run with administrative privelages?

If that's the case, you won't be able to write out new files, as Vista/Win 7 block non-administrative access to the My Programs directory.

Your best bet to work around this problem would be to run the game from a different directory (like C:\Games\City of Heroes instead of C:\Program Files\City of Heroes). If this is indeed the case, let me know and I'll see if I can't write you a quick guide for changing your install location.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<points and hisses> NECRO!!!
At least he posted an issue in a bug thread.

Also, you missed an opportunity to drop one of the many gems to be found on Google image search, like:

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!