Issue 14: Architect: BUGS!




Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP Home
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Virtue
Zone: N/A
Character name: Tarantula Gaiden
Time: about 1pm Pcaific
Location: Facemaker
Archetype: Mastermaind
Level: 50
Power: N/A
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A
Bug Description: All costume slots hof this character have the Valkerye cape, all are long and there are various mantle s and Broaches. When entering the Facemaker editor the character model is shown without the cape and the facemaker attempts to charge to have the cape reinstated, leaving the editor restores the cape in game.
Link to Forum Discussions: Unknown

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP Home
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Virtue
Zone: N/A
Character name: Schwarze Phosphor
Time: about 1pm Pcaific
Location: Icon
Archetype: Mastermaind
Level: 29 or 30
Power: N/A
Badge: N/A
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A
Bug Description: I am able to switch costumes after 15 seconds instead of 30.
Link to Forum Discussions: Unknown

Both have been /bugged in game.



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP Pro (Likely Any)
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Virtue (Likely Any)
Zone: N/A
Character name: N/A
Time: Last experienced 04/14/2009.
Location: N/A
Archetype: N/A
Level: N/A
Power: N/A
Badge: N/A
Mission: Any created via MA.
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A
Bug Description: Gaining a player created souvenir from a MA mission without opening up the player souvenir window first that session wipes out all prior souvenirs. To duplicate have some existing souvinirs, exit and reload CoH fresh, and then complete any MA mission that grants a souvinir without opening the badge window at all until the mission is fully complete. The PlayerCreatedSouvenirClues.txt will be wiped except for the new souvinir.
Link to Forum Discussions: Architect Souvenirs vanishing

Want better looking NPCs Contacts? Check out this NPC Contact/Trainer/Etc Revision Thread and Index
Remember: Guns don't kill people; Meerkats kill people.



I don't know if this is a bug or not, but my Search Fu didn't find it, so....

Feature Name or Description: No way to see contact description in MA.

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Any
Zone: Any
Character name: Any
Mission Contact:
Mission ID #:
Bug Description: If you make a custom contact in Mission Architect, you can give it a description, but there's no way to view that description in the mission itself. There's no "Ask about this contact" area that I could find.
Link to Forum Discussions:

My Arc: The Power From Out Of Space, ID# 64800
Mrs. Spoon's Arc: Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation, ID# 59147



Testing this required two PCs. I'll label them with (1) and (2)

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista(1) and XP (2)
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC (both)
Server: Virtue (1) and Defiant (2)
Zone: Atlas Park (1) and Rikti War Zone (2)
Character name: Blue Vaniah (1) Leese (2)
Time: about 16:30 PDT, (1) 00:30 GMT (2)
Location: AE building (both)
Bug Description: International Feedback Does Not Work.
Feedback sent from a US account to a US account works, and EU to EU works. But US to EU and vice versa do NOT work. There is no error message. The comment is simply not delivered.

Tested with the following arcs on the EU side. Sent comments from my US account. Their creators did not recieve comments - 2022, 53951, 1526, 32582
Tested with the following arcs on the US side. Sent comments from my EU account. Their creators did not recieve comments - 1629, 76267

I'd guess that an awful lot of feedback is just falling into a black hole.



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux):Windows
Zone:Any MA zone
Character name:5 diff chars over 4 servers
Mission:MA architect
Mission Contact:
Mission ID #:all applicable
Bug Description:

There is a particular behavior I noticed when you select Edit -> Mission Details -> Settings -> Ally Behavior.

If you have an ally following you and you rescue other allies whose Ally Behavior is set to Nothing, those "Nothing" allies may begin to follow you. I thought this may be linked to the same enemy group, but when I tried it in other missions, I found that "Nothing" allies will begin to follow regardless of the enemy group. Even custom allies will follow this behavior.

If you have no allies following, the "Nothing" allies you rescue stay still and exhibit no behavior if their Combat Abilities are set to "Non Combat." However, when a player approaches a rescued "Nothing" ally with another ally currently following him/her, the "Nothing" ally will begin following also.

This may not seem like a big deal, but when stationary and following allies occupy the same mission, you may eventually have a crowd of npcs following the player(s) and getting in their way, or worse, if their Combat Abilities are set to some type of attack mode, they will begin attacking other objects at will. Only a fast moving or invisible player can evade the following "Nothing" allies which now hinder the mission of the character unless they are outrun.

If you are having a hard time understanding, let me give you an example. In the first part of the mission, I rescue a longbow npc who set to follow and actively defend. In our mission, one of our objectives is to free police officers who are set to Ally Behavior "Nothing." After destroying the mobs surrounding the ally, I must go within a certain range to acknowledge it rescued to meet the mission parameters. However, if my following longbow ally is too close, the police officer may also begin following me along with the Longbow ally. I have see as many as 5 "Nothing" allies following at once. I am not sure if there is a limit to the amount which can follow, but this clearly does not seem like the correct behavior.

Maybe the solution is to have another behavior like Immobilized so that regardless of what Combat Behavior the ally is set to, it won't move or follow. There are numerous mission scenarios where this kind of behavior would make sense, like freeing up captured police to hold the perimeter around a city block where the storyline includes enemies inside the buildings. You don't want the allies moving around to spoil the storyline, but you also don't want them following you to muck up the challenge or space required for fighting the set enemies of the mission.

I am guessing the reason "Nothing" exhibits some kind of group follow behavior has to do with the dynamics of npc group AI. That is why I am suggesting another category rather than changing an unintended behavior of "Nothing" which may impact the behavior of npcs in normal missions.


Link to Forum Discussions:



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): Vista
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux):PC
Zone:Any MA zone
Character name: Ghosthunter Gil, Brachyura Shest
Mission:MA architect
Mission Contact:
Mission ID #:all applicable
Bug Description:

1) In a mission architect mission, create a Boss goal.
2) Set Boss settings/Boss animation to Captured (Fire cage) (also other animations, but haven't tested every one)
3) Test the mission, observe Boss.

Actual behavior:
Boss is displaying default animation, not the customized animation.

Expected behavior:
Boss displays selected animation until the boss notices a player (or other enemy, if rogue).



(Possible) Bug:
For boss encounter, can't select standard enemies from a custom group.

1) Create a custom group in MA (Mission Architect), add in a variety of standard enemies and one or two custom enemies. Save.
2) Create a mission in MA, create a boss goal.
3) Select custom group tab, select custom group.

Actual behavior:
None of the standard enemies are offered from the custom group as a boss. (And if your custom group only contains standard enemies, the custom group isn't listed)

Expected behavior:
Custom groups behave the same, whether filled with custom enemies or standard enemies or some mix.

If this is intended:
The big reason why this can be a problem is if you've recast a group as part of a different faction. For example, if you have the rock creatures of the Devouring Earth as part of 'Earth Elemental' faction for an arc, you want to put in a rock creature as a boss with the proper faction; it doesn't make sense to the story to see Devouring Earth faction for your boss.



Most irritating thing to me is when choosing animations, the list changes. One time it contains the Barf emote, the next time it doesn't one time there are 5 Captured emotes (floating, hands up, etc.), the next time there is only one.
When choosing Ally, seems like friendly forces would be in that list, but most seem to be enemies.
Capes randomly appear and disappear when near the transporter in AE.
Once clicked to change costumes in AE and all my costumes were Superdine Labs.
When clicking on Advanced Goals in the mission creator, you sometimes get a popup that says 'Standard / Custom' even if the thing you are clicking doesn't have that option.
Be nice if all the character/pet lists were the same and all the animations list were the same (even if unusable ones were grayed out).
The placement Front/Mid/Back often doesn't work. I had a destructible object set back (it was the goal of the whole mish) and it was inside the front door. Mid in particular often doesn't work.
Would be nice to be able to place more accurately in the map and to be able to specify particular enemies and numbers at least once in a map. i.e. Werewolf mishes with mobs of werewolves only and robot mishes with robots only, etc.



That last bit you potentially can, if I understand it right; create a custom group, put standard enemies in it.

(I've done that to slice up Devouring Earth into Earth Elementals, Fungus Men, etc.)



Bug: MA has turned freedom server into one gigantic farm.

Actual Beahvior: Cap Au Diable broadcast shows no evidence of anyone actually teaming to do missions, only teams for farms. Every other zone in the game has been abandoned, and the majority of the player base is in MA doing L52+ farms. Not content - farms.

Expected Behavior: Like it was pre-black market. Denizens would be in every zone LF members to do various missions, arcs, and strike forces that was at their level in order to gain experience, which in turn provided the feeling of triumph and earned respect.

Suggested Fix:
1.) Remove the black market completely. Just delete it all.
2.) MA missions will now require all players to be with 5 levels of the content for experience gain, or you can be lackied with no gain of experience.
3.) Remove half of all experience gained from any mission that isn't completed when you quit the team or log off.

Looking forward to the changes.




Not sure if this one has been noticed. I made an AV with Mind Control as her main power set in the MA, standard difficulty. I tested her with my level 50 super reflexes scrapper on the lowest difficulty (so she was an elite boss). Her mind control attacks seem to have a 100 percent hit rate, even with elude running. Her secondary set, fiery melee, missed every time. But mind control never missed. I tested a couple of times and never saw her mental attacks whiff.

I am pretty sure I've fought other mind control bosses on MA where this didn't happen, but I can't be sure. In fact I have an LT in another custom group with mind control as his main set and he seems to miss at the normal rate.

The arc with the uber-mental AV is 83170. Her name is Myriad, spawns in the third mission. Fortunately she's an optional boss.



Feature Name or Description: Collection item placement in a Mission Architect map

Zone: Map named WitchLair according to /whereami
Character name: Taxi V
Time: 0953 EDT
Location: (-240.5, -12.203125, 714.5), according to demorecord file
Mission: Steal ingredients from the Red Caps (First mission of arc)
Mission ID #: 68171
Bug Description:

One of the four barrels that are collection items in the mission is placed within the geometry of the map. I took a demorecord file, and the barrel's spawn location is at (-240.5, -12.203125, 714.5) on the map listed as WitchLair as given by the /whereami command.

Here is a screenshot for reference.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



We really need a workaround for the chat bind key as well.

Repro: bind beginchat to any keyboard key (ie: ]), use bind. Start typing. The bound key will register as a keystroke as soon as you hit any other key.



Feature Name or Description: "Do Nothing" option in "Rescue the Ally" not working

Bug Description: Among the options for "Ally Behavior" the "Rescue an Ally" mission goal of MA are "Follow" (NPC follows player), "Run to Nearest Door" (NPC Leaves map), "Run Away" (NPC flees), "Wander" (NPC walks around) and "Do Nothing" (NPC should stand in place). When "Do Nothing" is selected, NPC will do their rescue animation, then act as if "Follow" is selected (Instead of staying in place, will follow the player)

Heroes VS Villains...
Zoot-Suit Riot (50 Blaster, Mr PINNACLE 2006!) VS Pinstripe (50 Corrupter)
Free-Fall (50 Cont)& Star-Fall (50 PB) VS Queen Sheelien (49 Dom) & Araknae (36 Stalk)



I'm not sure if this is a bug exactly, but I've noticed that the groups listing on an arc detail will not alert you to the presence of a group that is only placed via objective, e.g., the listing says "Hellions" but there are boss objectives from a custom group. Since that can make a big difference in how hard a mission is, it can be an unpleasant surprise.

One drawback of the internet is how it has trained so many people to think that one day is a long time.



I don't know if this goes here or not, but CoH tends to lock up on me in mission edit mode- It usually happens when I am in the character animations stage, but has happened at various other times. I'm running Windows XP, and so far I've only used architect on the Victory server.



This is a bugbtrhat accored with my custom npcs. I ran my mission in test mode on heroic with a team of 2. IThe first missions had basic Family enemies and he bosses I put in from that roup were bosses in the missions, but the bosses from mycustom group were instead Lts. I checked to make sure the correct npcs were selected and those npcs were set at boss level, which they were.



Feature Name or Description: Server synching bugged

Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version):XP
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux):PC
Character name:Waelcyrge
Time:2120 ish UK (GMT+1)
Mission Contact:
Mission ID #:
Bug Description:
This has just happened to me and I've petitioned it, but not heard back yet.

Spent 7400 tickets on 2 gold rolls 35-39.

Got a LotG 7.5% and a sciroccos proc.

Told a friend by global tell and got his congratulation back.

Got the mapserver message 15 secs or so later.

Logged back in, recipes gone, merits back, tried again got vendor trash. Curiously no global chat startup messages, but subsequent global chat coming through.

It appears the various servers don't always synchronise correctly, now I come to mention it I've DCd before just after buying reward rolls, but that time I kept the recipes.
Link to Forum Discussions:

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Bug: Missing Powersets in custom character editor. Corruptor: Sonic Blast; Mastermind: Poison.



I can't place bosses on map. I tried every local and they still show up right at door on a coulpe different outside maps. The in door ones np at all. But one the outdoor ones I have tried so far same issue with all of them you go in boss right there kinda defeats the purpose or spending time creating enemy characters when you never see any of them.

Not going to make them beat alls just so others have to clear whole map. But it would be nice if we could target placement the front middle back might as well just read DOOR!



Cool, I'll have to try that



In Mission Architect, adding Hydra (random minion) to a custom group doesn't allow adding Tuatha (random minion).

Repro steps:
1) Create a new custom group
2) Add Hydra random minion
3) Open Tuatha standard enemies

Actual behavior:
Tuatha minions show 'added,' but there is no Tuatha in the custom group.
Removing the Hydra random then frees you to add Tuatha, but the reverse also applies (once you add Tuatha random, can't add Hydra)

Expected behavior:
Players can add Hydra and Tuatha random minions to a custom group freely.

(Other random groups I've tried work fine)



Operating System (Vista, XP, OS X version): XP
User Client (Mac, PC, Linux): PC
Server: Champion
Zone: N/A
Character name: Mad Wonka
Time: Since launch of i14
Location: N/A
Archetype: Controller
Level: 50
Power: N/A
Badge: Bard
Mission: N/A
Mission Contact: N/A
Mission ID #: N/A
Bug Description:
I have earned Bard badge twice, earned it once on my Hero badger once on my Villain badger. I also have it just from it being global on about 7 other toons.

But it seems like the badge has some sort of a timing bug where the badge is global for a day or two then it just stops appearing when you log in a new toon with it.

I went through this before which is why I have actually earned it twice, got it on my hero badger then it stopped appearing then I decided to get it again on my villain badger. Now it isn't appearing again.

Link to Forum Discussions:



Getting false circular dependency warning when goals created in a certain order.

1) Create a mission.
2) Add an ally goal, name it A
3) Add an ally goal, name it B
4) Add an ally goal, name it C
5) Have goal B only appear when A is complete.
6) Have goal C only appear when B is complete.

Now change the goals so B appears after C, and A appears after B.

Actual behavior:
In the second set of goals, there is a warning about circular dependency.

Expected behavior:
Circular dependency warning only appears when it is valid, and order of goal creation has no impact on how events are chained.



Operating System: XP
User Client: PC
Server: Champion
Zone: IP/Atlas/MA missions: Croatoa unique 1(?) outdoor map.
Character name: Mickey Fist/Witan Nurdi
Time: last night - early this morning

Bug Description: Custom groups: minor factions on a map take on names of major faction based on proximity to members of main faction. Happened several annoying times - still a pain.
Link to Forum Discussions: here