Suggestion: Badges Earn Levels
Perhaps hunting badges wouldn't be seen as such a waste of time if there was something "real" as a reward.
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I think I am having trouble here. Earning a level that does nothing in a videogame is more "real" than earning a badge in that same video game? How is either at all real?
And in regard to the idea that one can decide how many badges one wants. What do you say to the guy who has been around from the Beta and has turned to badging to bridge the times when he might have unsubbed, and now has 499 badges when these added levels "go live"? Now, he can't even pay for the game anymore for fear of getting a Vet. Badge and "out-leveling" content.
Bad idea is bad.
Ya, the bading area may not be the most appropriate way. I guess in the end, in the other games I've played there was always something unattainable. There was always this benchmark and future goal that was nearly impossible that kept you working towards it. I think I only made it into the lvl80s on that one game and I played for years. But boy, when you saw a lvl90+ it was really something.
I miss that aspect with this game. I figured if I was runnign around Atlas and saw a lvl53 because he collected more than 750 badges, that same feeling would be rekindled. It would give me a reason to really work at the badging aspect, although I know less than 1 percent would ever be able to do it.
I get spam messges all the time saying "Level to 50 for $100!" and it's just rediculous. I get these spam messages all the time promoting web sites selling all this influence and powerleveling. Anyone playing the game for one day can pay a couple hundred dollars to be leveled to 50 and then buy all the purple IO sets they want ... where's the prestige in that? I know that's life, but there should be some way of acknowledging the people who really dedicate themselves. Some way of acknowledging the people out there who dedicate themselves to playing their characters. Badging seemed like the natural fit to this, because I really don't see how it could fit into a business model for these web sites. How much would you have to pay them to dedicate their employees to playing your toon for years to earn some of these?
I just want to walk around Atlas, and see something immediately to know that one of the big dudes is in town. I remember when I first started playing the game and saw my first 50 in Atlas, I couldn't believe it! And he gave me like 50,000 influence! I was so stunned, he was a really nice guy and he made me really want to work towards getting to that level. Now that I've been playing a few years, and understand that it takes $100 to reach that ... it's just sad.
How do you differentiat the hero's hero from the heros is the question.
I think a Prestige Aura would be a great way to do just that! Possible a Prestige Costume Set/Piece. That, could be tied to a "Earn 700 Badges" Badge, and I would get behind it.
I think the hate that people are chucking at the idea is based on an inherent dislike of ANY increase to the max level regardless of how big it is or how one achieves it.
... they won't raise the level cap - and I 100 percent agree....
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Let's start over again..... stretch a moment, and get relaxed.... Breath in and out deeply.
Now <ul type="square">[*]Read again the above line from your original post. Read it over and over til you understand it.[*]Repeat to yourself: "There will be NO player alts above 50" . . . until it is firm in your mind.[*]Repeat: "50 is THE player character LEVEL-CAP.", . . . until you understand that truth.[/list]
Now, calmly, and logically, with the above statements clear in your mind...
Tell us what it is that you want to suggest.
Go ahead. as long as you use these statements and logic.... We will listen.
(Try to avoid the use of the word "But".)
According to Badge Hunter, there are only 25 people out of all CoH servers that have more than 610 badges at the moment.
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And how many people just stoped traking with badge hunter?
(or never used it, but did collect badges)
I know I did, and though only a little of that 610 you mention
I feel I've got a nice badge collection on that main.
About suggestion in genral, more lvs for badge totals...
don't waste dev time on it, its not worth the effort, and
we would just have more whining about those that cant
get those older badges anymore.
I'm above the 500 mark with my first 50 and still main character that I play, but I really don't think this is a good idea.
We get the badges, exp for exploration (if found before 50), bonuses to health, end, ect, for accolades. Badge collectors do get real rewards for collecting the badges, PLUS we get the shiny badges to show off to all our friends and enemies!!
It's already win-win, we don't really need anything else from it.
The end of one story always marks the beginning of another...
Here's a crazy idea, if you really want to reward players for getting massive badge counts. 500 badges on any one character on either side = unlock an epic AT?
(Not really being serious)
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
That's still a better idea, though. 500 badges cuts out the Vet. reward badges, and some of the 'no longer attainables', if I recall. The anniversary badges, for instance.
They can give us ponies for all I care, just don't make it impossible for some to ever get. Or no ponies. I'm still down with no added bonus.
Nemeis Ponies as non combat pets.
That's still a better idea, though. 500 badges cuts out the Vet. reward badges, and some of the 'no longer attainables', if I recall. The anniversary badges, for instance.
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There are only about 30 badges that pre-Issue 14 fall in the Vet Reward or "no longer available" categories.
There are a total of 563 badges on villains and 638 for heroes.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
I think a Prestige Aura would be a great way to do just that! Possible a Prestige Costume Set/Piece. That, could be tied to a "Earn 700 Badges" Badge, and I would get behind it.
I think the hate that people are chucking at the idea is based on an inherent dislike of ANY increase to the max level regardless of how big it is or how one achieves it.
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Yeah like most people I'm against the "gain extra levels past level 50 via high badge counts" idea.
And I'm saying that even as someone who would likely benefit from that right now.
While I don't necessarily think I "deserve" an extra award for having characters with high badge counts I'm obviously not against the basic idea, especially if those awards were fluffy and trivial enough to make sense for game balance. Maybe something like a special aura or costume item would be acceptable for this kind of thing. *shrugs*
Again I'm not "demanding" such a thing nor do I expect it to happen.
But I don't see how something fairly trivial along these lines would be unacceptable to most people either.
After all eventually anyone could earn it if they really wanted it.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I am in full agreement with Lothic on this.
*Stamps with The Capybara Stamp of dissapproval*
Reasons: Don't need any.
"NO....No clowns" - Positron
50s: Smasha (SS/SD Brute), House Rules (Mind/Thorn Dom), Wind of Mind (Illusion/Storm Controller), Coraxa (Kat/Inv Scrapper), Summer's Dream (Fortunata)
I think a Prestige Aura would be a great way to do just that! Possible a Prestige Costume Set/Piece. That, could be tied to a "Earn 700 Badges" Badge, and I would get behind it.
I think the hate that people are chucking at the idea is based on an inherent dislike of ANY increase to the max level regardless of how big it is or how one achieves it.
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Yeah like most people I'm against the "gain extra levels past level 50 via high badge counts" idea.
And I'm saying that even as someone who would likely benefit from that right now.
While I don't necessarily think I "deserve" an extra award for having characters with high badge counts I'm obviously not against the basic idea, especially if those awards were fluffy and trivial enough to make sense for game balance. Maybe something like a special aura or costume item would be acceptable for this kind of thing. *shrugs*
Again I'm not "demanding" such a thing nor do I expect it to happen.
But I don't see how something fairly trivial along these lines would be unacceptable to most people either.
After all eventually anyone could earn it if they really wanted it.
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I'm not entirely against raising the level cap, either... However, there's one problem: At level 50, we fight destroyers of worlds, Gods, Demigods, inhuman creatures, figures so warped that they can barely be considered denizens of this dimension, and MORE DEMIGODS.
Doesn't leave much room to move UP, really.

The problem is, for those who enjoy badge hunting, the badge is the reward, along with the accolades that provide permanent benefits. You seem to think they deserve more - others disagree.
Badging is already rewarded heavily with accolades, experience, and other things. It is questionable whether it needs further rewards.
Dawncaller - The Circle of Dawn
Too many blasted alts to list, but all on Virtue.