Ways to make the world weirder.
Wear diapers instad of pants.
Cut a pineapple in half lengthwise, scoop it out and wear one half as a hat.
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
walk up to and touch everyone you see telling them they are now healed
Everytime you encounter people having a chat place two pennies near them. When asked why inform them you felt like putting your two cents in too.
Put up 'help wanted' signs on the door to everyone's houses.
End every sentence with 'yep, yep, yep!'
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
Walk around with part of a hose hanging out from below your skirt or pantleg.
Wear earrings made from toilet paper squares.
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
Eat your veggies
Put syrup on everything you eat. Everything.
Quack when you talk to the opposite sex. Hiss when talking to the same sex.
Push a baby stroller around with a big, dead fish in diapers.
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
Say "carpet 'dem" often and tell people it means to seize the day.
Make a bunch of slide show DVDs featuring only a picture of you in a very awkward position and pass them out randomly to people at the mall.
Play air guitar outside of a store and ask for donations
Put all our clothes on inside-out and back-to-front, as well as in the reverse order.
Stamp yourself
Drop a whole bunch of loose change over the balcony at the mall.
Wear a fake bald headpiece and sit on a street corner with a sign that reads, "Will work for hair"
�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�
Be regularly attacked by ninjas.
LOL ^.^
Walk around with a T.V on your head. When people ask you if your're ok or what your doing just say, "Yeah, I'm Lost".
Fly a freak flag from your mailbox!