Discussion: Issue 14: Mission Architect - FAQ




Are the tickets that you get from playing an arc the same as the tickets that the creator gets from other people playing and ranking their arc?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



If we get into an MA mission that turns out to be "Rescue the 25 Fusionette clones", can we abandon it as cleanly as we can an Ouroboros mission? Will we be able to just quit (and not get the shiny, of course), and not have to use Drop Mission, or have an uncompleted mission in our list?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



Can a single mission arc have more than one contact? For example, after completing Mission 1 from Contact A, you are directed to Contact B who gives you Mission 2?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



I just have a couple quick question. I know Castle had mentioned earlier (some weeks prior to today) that some powers wouldn't be available, such as SoA and Kheldian powersets... however the Massively article has this as a bulletpoint:

Give enemies any powers you want. (Emphasis added)

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Has the position stated by Castle earlier changed? Or are Kheldian powersets still unavailable for custom minions? Is there any chance, if they are NOT being included now, that they WILL be included reasonably soon in the future? One of my arc ideas necessitates access to the Warshade powersets.

(*hopes that they WILL be available!*)

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This is a bit misleading. You can chose 2 powersets that include almost all powersets available to players, but you can mix-match them in ways not available to players. (Ex: Fire Blast + Invulnerability ).

Not as great of a bullet point, I know. We would love to expand this system further, but we cannot by release.

"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



Not sure if it's been covered, but since we are using existing map sets, is there any way to manipulate the mission's lighting?

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No, but good idea...

"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



What happens to arcs if the player who created them goes inactive?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker




Redname combo breaker!

Can we access existing AVs / EBs from the start, or do we have to unlock them (specifically Blue Steel)?

I remember commentary that MM powersets like Thugs were going to be very hard to do. Can we create Thugs-based (and Ninja- and Zombie-, etc) MM opponent sets in MA?



ooh ooh, another question, can we make objects that spawn critters? Think the updated "box of gears" heroside that you need to attack and destroy. It keeps spitting out lil' guys that attack you. And if we can do this, can we customize what which destructable object model is used, the name of the object and what it spawns--even if it is a custom critter?

(There are also several different portal models that do this throughout the game already...)

Edit: Already getting corny ideas for a dumpster that spits out hydra minions...



- When you say across all servers does that also include the European servers?

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- What about localization/internationalization?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



Will a HoF rated mission arc gain the ability to count enemies toward badges?

Will a Dev Choice rated mission arc gain the ability to count enemies toward badges?

Will a Canon Adopted mission arc gain the ability to count enemies toward badges?

What does pohsyb mean?

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Do our arcs leave souvenirs?

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You can make souvenir clues.

If yes, can we filter out normal/MA souvenirs?

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Player created souvenirs appear on a new tab and are deletable.

Can we make NPCs gossip about our missions?
Can we force the player to find the mission entrance?

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"We all lose in the end, that is the intention" --Emanuel Lasker



What does pohsyb mean?

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Just spell it backwards



Can you make TFs or just mission arcs?




Can you invite more teammates after you've already started a MA arc, or is it like Ouroboros that puts you in "TF mode"?



[/ QUOTE ]People reset missions because once a normal contact mission is completed, you can never get it again. With the MA, there's no reason not to complete the missions. Farm your way through the arc and then start it all over again, if farming is what you want to do. Never worry about "don't click that glowy" again!

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your forgetting Ouroboros (acid) flashbacks.....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



I've skimmed through the thread and noticed a few good questions that I'd like to repeat, along with some of my own:

First a few on the Group/Critter Creator:
<ul type="square">[*] I think the answer to this is no, but here goes: Considering we use the costume creator to make our custom enemies, does this mean non-humanoid enemies - such as the Radio, Arachnos Tarantulas or the Eye of the Leviathan - are impossible? Furthermore, are limited to the standard character sizes, or can we make enemies much taller or shorter (think Nemesis or Baby New Year)?[*] *Answered* As a kind of continuation of the previous: Are we able to import existing enemy types into our custom groups? I think I read that this is possible, just looking for a final word.[*] *Answered*Conversely, will we be able to add out own custom enemies to existing groups? E.g. I want to add a "Technician" lieutenant to the Freakshow group that can heal them. Is this possible?[*] Are enemy teleportation/transformations possible for custom foes? Examples include Fifth/Council soldiers and PPD Awakened, which transform at certain points during a battle, and Dr. Aeon and Anti-Matter who teleport out when they are close to defeat.[*] As far as varation in appearance, what are our options? For example, Fifth Ubermenschen vary a great deal in height, and certain groups such as Knives of Artemis and Carnies have a lot of different costume or hair styles amongst the same minion types. Can we also create mutiple appearances, or possibly even randomise within a set of options?[*] Will there be (unlockable or otherwise) costume pieces that aren't available to player characters, such as backpack pieces, different headgear or faction logos?[/list]
And some more mission-specific queries:
<ul type="square">[*] What percentage of maps would be estimated to be available to players before purchasing unlockables?[*] Do we have to place each spawn separately, or are there options to fill a map indiscriminantly and then fine tune if we wish?[*] Since all the missions are accessed through the AE holographic system, does that mean we can't have delivery-type missions to other NPCs in the game world?[*] Are we able to format the text of mission briefings etc. with colour, for highlighting mission objectives or important information?[/list]Phew, that's about it. Thanks for reading and great work!

Justice Hunter, 50 Inv/SS Tank

Slenszic, 50 Sword/Energy Stalker

MA Arc IDs: 1355, 2341, 2350



Not sure if it's been covered, but since we are using existing map sets, is there any way to manipulate the mission's lighting?

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No, but good idea...

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That's actually a great idea. Tell Joe!!!




This is a bit misleading. You can chose 2 powersets that include almost all powersets available to players, but you can mix-match them in ways not available to players. (Ex: Fire Blast + Invulnerability ).

Not as great of a bullet point, I know. We would love to expand this system further, but we cannot by release.

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Awesome news!

Everlasting Ruling Authority@President SK



Tiny Hamidon?

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



What happens to arcs if the player who created them goes inactive?

Can trial accounts use the MA? ( Better not... )

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I'm still on my first cup of coffee, and haven't been able to kindle the CT reactor yet this morning, so apologies if it's obvious to everyone but me, but what am I missing? What's the problem with letting trial accounts use the MA?

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Freak Slicer: Oh no! It's Captain Dynamic!
Tank Smasher: Don't worry! We'll mop the floor with him! He can't afford all the best enhancements like he could if he'd only bought 10 million influence from www.stupidgoldsellingwebsite.com for only $10!

[/ QUOTE ]Ah, yes, now it's obvious. Thank you.

I think it may be time to create Captain Oblivious!



Is the cake a lie?

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Only if the mission writer programs it to betray you once you rescue it



Not sure if it's been covered, but since we are using existing map sets, is there any way to manipulate the mission's lighting?

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No, but good idea...

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Awesome idea, give that man a badge!

Hail Emperor Cole!
(TurmoilX - 50, Fire/Emp Troller) (Emily Meyer - 50, PB) (Olias - 50, Necro/Dark MM) (David R. Scion - 50, Crab) (Haruaki Kaido - 50, SS/Stone Brute) (Chaos Bot - 50, AR/Kin Corr)



The whole business with influence/merits and now MA tickets I think im starting to understand......

influence you get for defeating anything (within your level range naturally)

merits, you only get these for completing story arcs and taking out archvillains/monsters and i think story arc bosses (I will have to do more story arcs to get this straight)

(I forgot about these) Vanguard merits for taking out Rikti and running missions in the RWZ

MA tickets - this I think is being done to prevent confusion from merits and so that you know how many tickets you have.....

my thinking may be a little off (or way off), I believe that the devs are trying to award the players for having either followed story arcs (awarding of merits and influence), straight up influence for having run radio missions, for running story arcs involving the Rikti you get vanguard merits/merits and influence (with running what is basicaly the radio missions you dont necessarily get the regular merits although you will still get vanguard merits and influence. Now with Mission Architect you will get "tickets" (from what i read you will also get influence too, although I am not sure about merits).

To me it is a way to keep the different (I dont know if this is the right terminology) "games within the game" unique(?), you get different rewards/awards. It makes a certain amount of sense.

Granted what I have just said could confuse the hell out of most (if not all) of you, I think the devs know what I mean....

You only fail if you give up. - Dana Scully

Time Jesum Transeuntum Et Non Riverentum - Nick Cave

We're not just destroyers, at the same time we can be saviors. - Allen Walker



I just have a couple quick question. I know Castle had mentioned earlier (some weeks prior to today) that some powers wouldn't be available, such as SoA and Kheldian powersets... however the Massively article has this as a bulletpoint:

Give enemies any powers you want. (Emphasis added)

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Has the position stated by Castle earlier changed? Or are Kheldian powersets still unavailable for custom minions? Is there any chance, if they are NOT being included now, that they WILL be included reasonably soon in the future? One of my arc ideas necessitates access to the Warshade powersets.

(*hopes that they WILL be available!*)

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This is a bit misleading. You can chose 2 powersets that include almost all powersets available to players, but you can mix-match them in ways not available to players. (Ex: Fire Blast + Invulnerability ).

Not as great of a bullet point, I know. We would love to expand this system further, but we cannot by release.

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So you can't, essentially, just reskin PPD cops or Romulus or suchlike as custom squigger enemies?

Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)

My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.