How to do a Fast Katie
Very good and simple guide. However, you might get some people irritated by emphasizing that much on your leadership but I agree, it's necessary to make it a time-efficient run.
If there are less than 3 Controllers on the team, expect a long hard fight with many faceplants.
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Not true I've done a zillion katies 2 Controllers with AoE immobs is all you need. Team makeup should consist of at least 1-2 debuffers 1-2 Controllers with an AoE Immob and 1-2 AoE blasters
An Illusion Controller is ideal for this job as they have Superior Invisibility and can Confuse them to death. A Stone Tank can actually be useful here, have them go Granite and just run through the mission.
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Ideal is a stealthy blaster with the ability to solo the spawn (aim/buildup - slotted up Tier9). I do this all the time on my main who's an Electric/Electric.
Mission Four I need ONE and only ONE person, preferably a REAL KATIE VET who knows how to free Katie and bring her to the entrance. I want all others with me
we are Ambush Meat.
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Send one person with Fly to check the spawn site if clear than that one person can KO the altars fly straight up and back to the spawn site. If the spawn site is not clear (meaning there are mobs so close they will aggro once she's freed) then you should clear it.
If there are less than 3 Controllers on the team, expect a long hard fight with many faceplants.
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Not true I've done a zillion katies 2 Controllers with AoE immobs is all you need. Team makeup should consist of at least 1-2 debuffers 1-2 Controllers with an AoE Immob and 1-2 AoE blasters
An Illusion Controller is ideal for this job as they have Superior Invisibility and can Confuse them to death. A Stone Tank can actually be useful here, have them go Granite and just run through the mission.
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Ideal is a stealthy blaster with the ability to solo the spawn (aim/buildup - slotted up Tier9). I do this all the time on my main who's an Electric/Electric.
Mission Four I need ONE and only ONE person, preferably a REAL KATIE VET who knows how to free Katie and bring her to the entrance. I want all others with me
we are Ambush Meat.
[/ QUOTE ]
Send one person with Fly to check the spawn site if clear than that one person can KO the altars fly straight up and back to the spawn site. If the spawn site is not clear (meaning there are mobs so close they will aggro once she's freed) then you should clear it.
[/ QUOTE ]
1. In a PUG you may get Controllers who are not slotted right, have incorrect powers and so on. The more, the better your odds. As I said, I do not want the spawn to move an inch. Less Controllers means there will be movement and that makes for ineffective AoEs. I am talking about speed here, getting the TF done in 30 minutes or less, not just doing it. I run 2 a day, sometimes 3 and that is within 2 hours of play. It is a grind, a farm, I do it for Rares and Influence, not XP. In fact I have a "perma 39" just to ensure I get Miracle +Recovery.
2. I have seen that done, and I have seen the Blaster faceplanted too. It is safer to use an Illusion Controller and confuse them to death or a Stone Tank who will simply eat 2 purples and use Recall Team. However, any person who can stealth and tp is ok for this job.
3. In 3 months of doing Katies, I have never had to clear anything. If one person goes and is careful about how they enter the area, there is never aggro from other spawns... never! Occasionally I have seen a sloppy player cause aggro and that is totally their fault. That is why I ask for a REAL KATIE VET or I simply do the job by myself.
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
I agree with pretty much everything you've said, with a few exceptions.
The major one being your low opinion of blasters.
2 fire/x blasters make the first 5-6 spawns of Mary irrelevant if they have inferno properly slotted.
Alternating infernoes leaves only Mary standing within 2seconds of her spawning.
As they get stronger with each spawn, from about 6-10, they no longer get one-shotted by the nuke, but they're still at around 50% hp and all the easier to kill.
Honestly I can't remember the last time we went over 30min on a katie with even a subpar team, so I think you might be a bit generous with that.
The ideal team of 6def/controllers + 2 blasters should be able to do it within 20-25min, especially if the support is earth/, ill/, /kin, /emp and /rad.
Blasters also make the kill-all mission go ridiculously fast.
I totally agree with your take on the last mission. The only times we waste time is when some rogue kid decides he's gonna help free her.
One slight addendum. If you get an earth controller or two, the defense debuffs can easily outweigh even the final hurricane, allowing you to bring scrappers in. If that scrapper uses SS, or is /dark armor (dark armor is great for the Mary mission due to end drain resistance, as long as they have a steadfast or some K Crash slotting) they get second mission, too.
4th mission, a good scrapper with fly can take care of any spawns too close to the pens, too.
With the right teammates, a scrapper is a fine pick for a quick katie.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
To all above. Keep in context that this was written from the viewpoint that you are going totally with a PUG. If you have known members, friends, things are easier to assemble, and yes, you can make allowances for Scrappers and Tanks based on what buffs are happening.
However, lets assume that you want to farm this TF like me. Lets assume that nobody you know is on at that moment or they want to do other things at the moment. In this case you build a generic team based on worst case and then you can still do the TF in under 30 minutes.
Low opinion of Blasters? No, I have 2 level 50 Blasters. They are fun and powerful. I do object to Blappers on this TF. Hurricane knocks them about and they are debuffed. However, running in to blow them to heavens with Nova is just fine. So, I pick them dead last (but ahead of Scrappers and Tanks). It is far better to lock the spawns with all Controllers or gain buffs from Defenders and let them do double duty. Try it, you will like it, at least Mikey does (gawd, I just showed my age)
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
Good guide. I'm assuming in mission #4 a 'REAL KATIE VET' will know to turn tactics off. It needs to be off to limit Katie's perception range so she won't chase after a nearby spawn.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Coming from someone who's run with him a bunch of times, take Airman's word for it. He gets the job done, though he sounds a lot more gruf in this post than in real life. If he'd been that short when I first started his fast Katies, the first one probably would have been my last. Instead, my Ill/Ther usually makes one if not two of them a day with him (I'm usually the Ill soloin' mission 2, though without confuse, which occasionally leads to my faceplant when the aggro/pets add a group...)
I think we average knocking out the TF in about 34 minutes. One of these days I'd like to try my Acc IO, Raging Tank in it but I know his preferences, and they tend to work, plus I couldn't solo mission two...
Thanks for reading and have a great day!
If most of the team has done it before, and there isn't more than one person below the level cap then any combination of ATs and powersets can polish it off in half an hour.
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Good guide...but I love Blasters on a quick Katie.
Fastest run I have done was my Earth/Rad, A Fire/Kin and 6 assorted Blasters, crushed it in 16min 37 sec.
However, every teammate was really good. On a standard PUG more Defenders and Trollers would make it safer, so good guide.
Very nice. Thanks A_A.
But... what is a knock/knocker? I've only done the TF 3 or 4 times, and I don't get the concept! Thanks.
Not that I've ever "knocked," but my understanding is that, in the first mission, at the top of the hill, at the base of a big tree is a door... you get an invisible person to click on it to activate the AV... the AV then spawns at the bottom of the hill, you defeat her 10 times, and complet the first mission...
Thanks for reading!
You don't need a crapload of Controllers to do this TF right (but hey, the more the merrier). Ice Slick, Quicksand, and Earthquake work well for grounding the mobs as they spawn, ditto for Tar Patch.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
1 good Earth controller and fire blaster can duo this in 30 mins.
Nevermind you said PUG.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I've ran the Katie TF with AA about 4 or 5 times...but I can tell you he's run it a lot more...I've gotten upwards near 100 invites to it (not complaining, I like it) and I think I've seen him almost every time I'm on doing the Katie TF. I can honestly say he really knows how to get the job done, especially with a PUG...and judging by the Airman newsletters, Katie TFs aren't the only tricks he has up his sleeves
But anyways...on the topic of Katie...I've found that his advice for doing it quickly is very useful. And to those complaining...remember that a guide is merely a suggestion and how one person views the topic..amendments can be done to any guide to suit your own opinions!
I'm surprised no one has mentioned a dark defender for Katie. With tar patch and fearsome stare, the enemies never move more than 1-2 steps from spawn to cower to dead. My fastest Katie was a PUG run with a good leader, my Dark/Dark as the only defender, no controllers, 4 blasters (two archery for rain of arrows abuse), a tank and 2 scrappers. I took the alphas in mission 1, stealthed the 2nd and used vet team TP to get everyone there, and herded the last room in the 3rd mission with Darkest Night. We finished in 17 min 06 seconds.
And it's not because *I* am that good, but because Dark/ is that good.
"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2
The economy is not broken. The players are
Very nice. Thanks A_A.
But... what is a knock/knocker? I've only done the TF 3 or 4 times, and I don't get the concept! Thanks.
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On the first mission send someone to "knock" on the door underneath the tree on the left which will spawn the AV
I'm surprised no one has mentioned a dark defender for Katie. With tar patch and fearsome stare, the enemies never move more than 1-2 steps from spawn to cower to dead. My fastest Katie was a PUG run with a good leader, my Dark/Dark as the only defender, no controllers, 4 blasters (two archery for rain of arrows abuse), a tank and 2 scrappers. I took the alphas in mission 1, stealthed the 2nd and used vet team TP to get everyone there, and herded the last room in the 3rd mission with Darkest Night. We finished in 17 min 06 seconds.
And it's not because *I* am that good, but because Dark/ is that good.
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LOL you are 100% correct! I have a 50 Dark/Electric that I love dearly. He is a wonderful toon to play. Just the other day I had the opportunity to use him on a Katie run by a SG member. Talk about total lockdown. Yes, that is why I suggest Controllers/Defenders first, then Blasters. Between the loving holds, the debuffs, the buffs, well, it is no small wonder why an all Controller or all Defender STF goes so... smoothly
Remember, I have an equal number of Melee toons, 18 level 50s in all. Lets get serious here folks, there are things they do that a Controller/Defender wish they could. There are things that Controller/Defender do better. You use the right toy for the job! It is like working on a car, you do not use a screwdriver to remove a bolt (well, you can in fact, it just takes a real long time). That is what running so many toons can do for you (besides make you broke getting them all I/Os).
Key here folks is to use the right toon for the job. You can use something else, but some toons simply do better than others depending on the situation. If you do not have loads of toons, well, time/patience/persistance will fix that!
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
I was really interested in this post, so I did a search on Paragonwiki for more info and I saw this.
Time restriction on recipe rewards
All Task Forces have a timer in place to prevent players from claiming a rare recipe from a given Task Force less than 4 hours after claiming a rare recipe from the same Task Force.
Is this true or is paragonWiki wrong?
If it's right farming Katie seems a little bit of a waste if your restricted. (I mean wouldn't you quit farming once you got a rare?)
Anyway wasn't comming here to dump on you loved the guide and can't wait to try out your suggestions.
Thx for the info Airman_America / and all that posted,
I was really interested in this post, so I did a search on Paragonwiki for more info and I saw this.
Time restriction on recipe rewards
All Task Forces have a timer in place to prevent players from claiming a rare recipe from a given Task Force less than 4 hours after claiming a rare recipe from the same Task Force.
Is this true or is paragonWiki wrong?
If it's right farming Katie seems a little bit of a waste if your restricted. (I mean wouldn't you quit farming once you got a rare?)
Anyway wasn't comming here to dump on you loved the guide and can't wait to try out your suggestions.
Thx for the info Airman_America / and all that posted,
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Yes, there is a time restriction! I counter it with my multi level 50s (I have 18 plus other lower toons). I have several "Katie Ready" and all I do is cycle them.
On any given day I start with my 39, then another 50. If I choose to do more Katies, I use yet another 50 and another - OR - (and here is a trick for you)... I do the TF again with the 39 and the same 50 I used earlier. At the end of the TF, when the reward appears, you will see some red print below the recipe that says you do not qualify for one... DO NOT SELECT ANYTHING! Log off right there or in some safe spot. Walk away and play on some other toon or take a break, come back later, log in, and claim your prize!
So lets say you have ONE toon that qualifies for a Katie, ok, no problem! Do the TF, claim your prize, do it again, log off that toon for a few hours, come back later and get your recipe!
Good question! Thanks for asking!
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!
Desired Team
You want Controllers, Defenders, and Blasters on your team. Melee is worthless. Hurricane is a terrible debuff and that makes melee ineffective teammates. Dont tell me what your Scrapper or Tank friend can do, if they are missing half the time, they are nearly worthless and not pulling their weight. The best team is 8 Controllers. The next is a mix with Controllers/Defenders/Blasters. You will need at least 4 Controllers to positively guarantee the same results over and over. If there are less than 3 Controllers on the team, expect a long hard fight with many faceplants.
and yes, you will occasionally get folks who cannot believe you would do a TF without a Tank or Scrappers.
Getting YOUR Team In 5 Minutes.
Coalition Chat: Katie TF in 5 minutes, Controllers/Defenders/Blasters preferred. PST.
You may or may not get anything here. Do not accept Melee. Tell folks you would rather they use a Controller or Defender over a Blaster.
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Thankfully, many people don't have an inherent and senseless bias against certain ATs. I have done Katies many, many times on every mix imaginable and virtually anything is workable, and can result in a quick, successful tf.
Search: Do a search for Controllers and Defenders (note I did NOT say Blasters - they are my last choice if I cannot get all Controllers and Defenders - they tend to play Blapper and I do not care to remind them to pull back) in the level range of 30 to 50. SPAM (yes I said spam) down the line as quick as you can type Katie TF? and that is all. You will get some Yes, some No, and some questions. Screw the questions unless you know the person. I do not answer them anymore as most, I have found, result in a No anyway. Besides, if a person comes back with what is a Katie? they are a n00b that will require training and (unless you are feeling charitable) you do not have time for that. If more reply YES than you have slots, tell them that the team is full and you will get them next time.
[/ QUOTE ]
I've never had to spam or beg anyone to fill up any KHTFs. Perhaps if you realize that all ATs have something to offer you won't have to take time looking to fill a team with a narrow focus of ATs and can get to the real gist: completing the TF successfully and quickly.
As for the last mission, we always just request that anyone without fly stay at the mission entrance. Anyone with fly can go aid in freeing Katie. The one escorting her back high above the ground from there will be fine, while the other couple can return in time to meet the ambush.
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Fastest and easiest katies:
Get 2 accounts, do it with 2 other friends with 2 accounts. Team usually consists of a 2-3 fire/kins, 2-4 rads, 0-2 blasters. Put fire cages on auto, let the imps go wild, and play the rads. And just get the atlas mayhem temp for the last mission.
Complete in 19-24 mins. Each person gets 2 recipies.
I know this is for farming the recipes, but I seriously don't understander how you can stand doing the same set of missions over and over and over for 3 months??
I would be bored out of my mind in no time.
Of course, that may be the reason I am no where near IO'ed out on anything but common IOs

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH
Katie really needs a guide? Get 3-8 Rads and an Archery Blaster
Hello All,
After some 3 months of forming/leading at least 2 Katie Hannon TFs a day (some people farm Family - I farm Katie), I have been encouraged by SG members to write a Guide for others to use based upon my experience.
I wrestled with how to present this and so I will write this from my point of view, not just a list of do this or that.
So, listen up to an old former Sergeant on leadership attitudes, goal setting, and how to kill the enemy and thus, win the war.
Get it into your heads that this is a FAST Katie Hannon TF, you are not here to win elections, get love, chum it up. You will earn the respect of your teammates and kill the enemy only by taking charge and getting the job done quickly, effectively, and with minimal losses to your team. If you have other motives, do not read this guide. If you are a politician who plays the winning side, a weakling who cannot bear the thought that someone may get annoyed with you, if you are a laisse fare style leader read something else because this guide is not for you
Ok, now that you are clear, you know you want to do a Fast Katie TF, lets get what we want for a team. If you are going to fight a war, do not assemble a team of Boy Scouts, get a team of Killers!
Desired Team
You want Controllers, Defenders, and Blasters on your team. Melee is worthless. Hurricane is a terrible debuff and that makes melee ineffective teammates. Dont tell me what your Scrapper or Tank friend can do, if they are missing half the time, they are nearly worthless and not pulling their weight. The best team is 8 Controllers. The next is a mix with Controllers/Defenders/Blasters. You will need at least 4 Controllers to positively guarantee the same results over and over. If there are less than 3 Controllers on the team, expect a long hard fight with many faceplants.
and yes, you will occasionally get folks who cannot believe you would do a TF without a Tank or Scrappers.
Getting YOUR Team In 5 Minutes.
Coalition Chat: Katie TF in 5 minutes, Controllers/Defenders/Blasters preferred. PST.
You may or may not get anything here. Do not accept Melee. Tell folks you would rather they use a Controller or Defender over a Blaster.
Search: Do a search for Controllers and Defenders (note I did NOT say Blasters - they are my last choice if I cannot get all Controllers and Defenders - they tend to play Blapper and I do not care to remind them to pull back) in the level range of 30 to 50. SPAM (yes I said spam) down the line as quick as you can type Katie TF? and that is all. You will get some Yes, some No, and some questions. Screw the questions unless you know the person. I do not answer them anymore as most, I have found, result in a No anyway. Besides, if a person comes back with what is a Katie? they are a n00b that will require training and (unless you are feeling charitable) you do not have time for that. If more reply YES than you have slots, tell them that the team is full and you will get them next time.
Once your team is assembled, brief them!
If you are savvy, make macros up so you do not have to type. Here are the basics of what I say each and every time even if we have a full team of Katie Vets. I want them all on the same page. I want them to have the same mental state. Mental State is important! You want them all settled, thinking, listening like soldiers and not a bunch of clowns who have their minds all over the place.
Tactics ( I say the following)
Hello team and welcome to a Fast Katie TF. I expect us to be finished in 30 minutes
Kill the chatter please and listen up for tactics (yeah, I say please here and there)
Mission One NO CAMPING! If you camp the spawn area you will get the glares of your teammates from faceplant position. I need a Blaster or Defender (or Scrapper if you HAD to take one to finish out the team) to knock. Volunteer? NEVER let a Tank knock. Avoid using a Controller unless there are 8 of you.
Mission One Listen up inside the mission for further instructions. Knocker, only knock on my GO, got it?
Inside Mission One make sure all spawns are clear from the spawn area. You do not want pet aggro to mess up anything (Stony is bad about this). Position your Controllers as close as possible to the actual spawn area (the road is for n00bs). You want to lock the AV and her Spawn down and not let them move an inch. If you do not, they will move all over, fly everywhere making AoEs ineffective. Tell your Blasters and Defenders to focus on minions then AV. Tell your Controllers to only focus on holding the Spawn, then full time on the AV. Only after you clear the area, position your Controllers, explain the spawn area, do you tell the Knocker to GO.
Mission Two I need a Stealthy Person(s) to go, find Amy, either defeat the spawn holding her solo or TP the team Volunteer? An Illusion Controller is ideal for this job as they have Superior Invisibility and can Confuse them to death. A Stone Tank can actually be useful here, have them go Granite and just run through the mission.
Mission Three Simple Kill All, make sure you check the upper levels in room one.
And now, the only mission I ever have problems with. The only mission that some folks simply think they know better than you, will tell you they have done 300 Katies before, and the only one that brings out the worst in immature male teen players. For some reason they think defeating a bunch of stones is glorious well it aint!
Mission Four I need ONE and only ONE person, preferably a REAL KATIE VET who knows how to free Katie and bring her to the entrance. I want all others with me we are Ambush Meat.
Yes, that is right. Ambush Meat. If more than one person frees Katie I have seen the following.
1. It sometimes goes flawless sometimes is not good enough for me.
2. The ambush appears there immediately.
3. There is confusion as to who has her?
4. Somebody goes that says they know what to do but they dont, and for some reason this person messes the whole thing up.
5. A rare lag spike hits the player, yes, it happens.
It is so much easier if only one person goes. Now, this is the part that the immature male teen will probably get silent about. They may even just do what they want to do anyway. They may not even respond when you ask them to come back. They will argue with you, they will tell you they know what they are doing, they will tell you they do it 10 times a day. I have one answer for them KICK and you better believe me when I say I do. It is MY team, success rides on my leadership, the team is watching to see if you uphold the tactics or are a weakling like so many others. Either you agree to follow tactics or you are most welcome to find another team that may be more suited to your personality.
After I state all the tactics, I offer the following:
Are there any questions? Do we have any disagreements? Does anyone not understand what we are doing? Are there any inputs?
and honestly, I am willing to amend, adjust, or allow good solid inputs.
Now, if you do not believe me when I say the team is Ambush Meat in Mission 4, take a moment and watch what happens when ONE person frees Katie. Part of the Ambush (unless you catch them all via a Controller hold) will appear near the team and some will run back toward where Katie was released. That gives the person that frees Katie ample time to recover from a lag spike, or some hesitation, to get their act together and get Katie above the trees and safe.
Well ok, I have explained to you my tactics, my feelings, my style of leadership. I make loads of friends and an occasional enemy doing this. I am, however, fair and do not hold grudges though immature male teens tend to and I always explain to them that if they do not learn to follow orders, to learn rules, life will eat them alive later. That does not please them but, tough, I got my team to victory. Real players who are not button mashers, are mature, respect that.
I am Airman America... Super Hero... and I approve this message!