Should art presented here be critiqued?

Bill Z Bubba



Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .



America is the best great country God has given on the face of this earth



Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Were going back to your statement now?
I thought you wanted to critique me?

Oh about that statement?
You made it up not me.

I thought we covered this?
Im goofy for being grateful of my rights as an american citizen while posting on the internet, from america - but you arent goofy for telling people what they can or cannot post on the internet depending on what country theyre from.

Then we started discussing you getting wtfpwnt by your own logic at which point you changed the subject.

So whats next?



its amusing to watch you flail about , like I said it appears your skin isn't nearly as thick as you made it out to be but seriously lay off the chanisms they make you look less and less intelligent by the second .

could you post lol and rofl too soo I can take you even more seriously ?



I foresee a lockdown in our future... we should do this again in about 3 months...



Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Were going back to your statement now?
I thought you wanted to critique me?

Oh about that statement?
You made it up not me.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually you pretty much admitted to it , but apparently your love of Americana is only present when it suits you which is rather sad .



and a few who are reading this but not responding could not care less either way. That's fine.

[/ QUOTE ]


Be well, people of CoH.



goof :P im just playing with the new trolls , we are even using smileys so see its all fun and good ...honest



its amusing to watch you flail about , like I said it appears your skin isn't nearly as thick as you made it out to be but seriously lay off the chanisms they make you look less and less intelligent by the second .

could you post lol and rofl too soo I can take you even more seriously ?

[/ QUOTE ]

So im thinned skinned, confused and flailing about?
This is on top of bieng a blind patriot and global narccicist in addition to becoming ever decreasingly intelligent with each post.

Its amazing that im even able to type!

Yet your able to be amused by all this.
Hmm..sounds like the bar is set a little low for you..dont you think?

Please continue, what else am I?



I don't know you tell me

you seem to be quite good at making yourself out to be various things I look forward to see what comes out of your posts next .



I foresee a lockdown in our future... we should do this again in about 3 months...

[/ QUOTE ]not soon enough i'd's weird how they suddenly start crackin down on NSFW yet this thread is still goin



Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Were going back to your statement now?
I thought you wanted to critique me?

Oh about that statement?
You made it up not me.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually you pretty much admitted to it , but apparently your love of Americana is only present when it suits you which is rather sad .

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh now im a blind patriot that only is patriotic when its convienient?
Which in itself would be impossible if I was indeed a blind patriot!

Watching you sink your own ship is fun, what else am I?



its good you stopped using the kiddy leet speak though ,
hopefully thats a habit you won't be passing on to others
when you dole out advice .



/read thread




Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Were going back to your statement now?
I thought you wanted to critique me?

Oh about that statement?
You made it up not me.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually you pretty much admitted to it , but apparently your love of Americana is only present when it suits you which is rather sad .

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh now im a blind patriot that only is patriotic when its convienient?
Which in itself would be impossible if I was indeed a blind patriot!

Watching you sink your own ship is fun, what else am I?

[/ QUOTE ]

you said it not me

good post



please break for 8hrs, or 6, but then I will need more coffee...



Night All

Looking forward to reading this tomorrow afternoon so get in those good well thought out posts now .

see you in a good pile of hours



Night All

Looking forward to reading this tomorrow afternoon so get in those good well thought out posts now .

see you in a good pile of hours

[/ QUOTE ]lol well thought out....night

EDIT: my comments probably aren't helping any so i'm just gonna shut up now



Actually im making a statement about your blind patriotism for Americana and its place at the center of the universe but I understand how this might confuse you .

[/ QUOTE ]

Were going back to your statement now?
I thought you wanted to critique me?

Oh about that statement?
You made it up not me.

[/ QUOTE ]

actually you pretty much admitted to it , but apparently your love of Americana is only present when it suits you which is rather sad .

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh now im a blind patriot that only is patriotic when its convienient?
Which in itself would be impossible if I was indeed a blind patriot!

Watching you sink your own ship is fun, what else am I?

[/ QUOTE ]

you said it not me

good post

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh well.
You never did tell me what else I am.

Well..sadly, dinner time is over.
I gotta head on out now but it was fun.

I gotta go back to work.
But before I do I wanted to tell ya that I wish I could stay behind and continue, but cant becasue I have stuff to do.

Go ahead and get the last shot in scarfgirl, ill go ahead and give it to you.
Because I guarentee youll take it and then probably move on to someone else.
Just remember when you start picking on someone else that ive left, but your still sitting around doing it - and ive called it.




did you really just say "roll with the pros ? " and "If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen " and "Charging fees for work "

I have no intrest in rolling with the pros , or leaving the forum because im not intrested in critiques by cowardly people that can't even be bothered to post art in the first place .

And not all of us charge fees or do comissions or do comissions .

any more pithy catch phrases you wanna toss out there ?

[/ QUOTE ]

I didn't mean "leave the forum", i meant "Don't post art if you can't accept criticism."

Reading comprehension. Learn it, love it!

And those who DO charge commissions, like I said, should endeavor to be as good as possible.

And Emporer Steele chimes in , im so glad another person that regularly posts art has chimed in to a discussion explaing to his fellow artists how best to grow as a artist ....oh wait you never actually post art .....

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not post work here, because I've not done much lately. But if it pleases:

Tear me a new one =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Can't we all just get along?

Is this, then, what we are reduced to! Sniping at each other across an intarwebz, trading hateful flamez back and forth! And for what! To win an arguement, that in and of itself cannot be w-

I'm terribly sorry, I think my sanity meter clocked off for a second there. Almost tried to give a logical, thoughtful response.

Ah, to be young and stupid again.

Carry on, or don't. Just try to remember it's the internet (lulz).



/read thread


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/read first post, read last post

/e headbashintodesk

Originally Posted by Arcanaville
Warning: crazy space limit reached. Please delete some crazy and try again.



/read thread


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/read first post, read last post

/e headbashintodesk

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/e putbullseyemousepadondesk


@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



Down Scarfy. You make me look like a nice guy.

You know, this is the intarw3b and it's got all the benefits and drawbacks of being semi-anonymous. We should all understand this to it's core.

As for critiques? This is an open forum and just because you feel one way does not make that a rule. We can do whatever we want, so long as it's within the guidelines set by the forum mods here. The real pressure is from the arbitrary social guidelines that the in-crowd has decided upon. If you wish to have a happy stay, you will follow them, regardless of if it's right or wrong. If you don't care about feeling accepted and welcomed, then do whatever you like. The mob may insult you with words, but they can do little else.

If you post art online, then you open yourself up for anything that may come your way. It's arrogant to think that you can live in a happy little bubble where people only want to shower you with praise. That's not how reality works, and it's certainly reflected in an online environment. But if you want to make that critique, then you either muster up the strength to take on the self appointed rulers, or you back down and play by their rules. That's the reality of any forum community.

Being liked or disliked has never had anything to do with the truth. It's about going along with everyone else. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN