Rejected Loading Screen Tips




Speak your mind and mind your speak.



Use the /tell command when you want to broadcast something to the public, and use the B of the bottom chat buttons to tell a specific person something important.



Skiing doesn't require snow skis.



Not only is PvP balanced in CoX, but the people you'll meet in zone PvP are all friendly, good sports.



Paper beats scissors, scissors beats rocks, and rocks beats paper. Welcome to City of Bizzaros!



If you make it all the way to fifty with zero influence you'll be able to make a character starting at level twenty.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



There's a secret contact in City Hall in Atlas Park - her name is Reese Peficiation. Clicking on her will give you all the free respecs you'll ever need!



Survive the Rikti Ship Raids? Check! Tanked Hamidon? Check! Survive the low speed impacts of vehicles on city streets? Well atleast we didn't enhance them with ragdoll physix.



Remember, Sister Psyche can read your mind...and she knows why you buy so much hand lotion.



If you're able to make 100 million influence before level 5 you'll be rewarded with a cape on all characters at start.

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



Look out! There's a big hairy spider right behind you!



You can start the Second Quest by entering "ZELDA" at the name entry screen.



Blue Steel's Power Level is OVAH NINE THOUSAND!!!!!!!!!eleventY!!!!!!!one!!!11!!



Just go to bed already. You know you should.



If you spam Positron with tells proclaiming, "I FOUND A COCKROACH!!!1!!11!" for 24 straight hours, you will be awarded the Bug Hunter Badge.



When's the last time you've seen daylight?

Screw every one of you, and then your ovens. Marcian_Tobay

You don't get something for nothing
You can't have freedom for free



In the beginning, there was only the plotness.
Then, Nemesis waved his hand, and said - "Let there be Fake Nemesis robots roaming the streets of Peregrine Island." There was, and he saw that this was good.
"Let there be a grand army of robots programmed to do my bidding, and loyal, brainwashed soldiers to follow my every command, even to dance in the streets." There was, and he saw that this was also good.
Then, Nemesis saw the plotness, and said "I shall make this plotness into my own image, molding it and shaping it into my own schemes, to outshine the very lights of the heavens, and then they shall all praise my name, for I am Nemesis, my will be done!"
And so, the plotness was absorbed into Nemesis' grand scheme of things, and it was molded, and shaped, and fit right into the grand scheme of Nemesis' design. He saw that this was good, as well, and called it Flan, for it was delicious.
However, he ate it all up. So then, he remade the plotness, growing it from scratch, mixing in bits and pieces of his grand scheme, and said "Let it be known as the Nemesis Plot, for that is all it is, and everything is a Nemesis Plot."

Excerpt from the book: [u]It's all a Nemesis Plot[u], the Book of the Plotness, chapter 1, verse 1.

Based on true events, with a touch of insanity and a bit of fiction to make it more appealing to the masses.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Except when it's a Nemesis Plot.



Don't listen to those people who tell you to stop acting like that, they are greifers.



If you clap your hands and say 'I believe', you can bring your character back to life after he/she dies. Come one, everyone, clap your hands!



Making all of your characters look like cat-gurls is not a good idea. It's a GREAT idea!



The cat girl on your team is single and hot. And female. Honest. Nemesis approved this message.



The flag on the pole on the top of Paragon City's City Hall had replaced the Smiley Face flag that some joker sent in from a place called Gotham City.

Lord Recluse is as real as can be. Just don't look behind the curtain.