More Zones for Villains




Originally Posted by Hanabi View Post
Heroes have zones that they rarely use... villains don't have a lot of zones and seems Village like... hmmm...

How about taking a few of those zones and converting em to VILLAIN zones!
They can have Independence port.. we will just have to move Lusca to.. say the pond in Atlas Park



I actually prefer one big zone to two small ones I must say, especially to two war-walled boxes, and especially if the one big zone doesnt look all the same. (St. Martial is pretty neat at that, though the forest and the underground bits could be much larger.) But:

Originally Posted by Larpus View Post
Wouldn't mind a new 40+ zone tho. especially if that lead to non-Arachnos driven content.
Not only not-mind.
When I hit like 46 red side and was getting rather tired of Grandville I realized all excitdely that I was now over 45 and could go into two more zones from there! Monster Island and... I forgot.
I cant describe you how utterly underwhelmed I was when one was a few DE GM with a big hole in ground for Hamidon to spawn in, and the other was a COPY of a PART OF a hero zone with nothing but Rikti monkies and DE GM again, and NOTHING to do in either of them!
That was it? That are my alternatives from bouncing the tangle in Grandville all day or the one PvP zone where I am not stripped of some of my power?
Well that and the Co-Op zones, but when you played a hero already you know all those by heart, missions included.

Having less zones until 40 or 45 and assuming that each of them is several zones combined to one is OK (though they definitely need new starting CONTACTS in Mercy, with missions that are not Snakes, or Snakes, or more Snakes!), but near 50 / for end game villains need something else to do.

Definitely would sign for more than one level 50 PvP zone, too.
Maybe a free-for-all one where Villains and Heroes CAN team?



aside from the new space station zone we would be getting in GR an idea i thought of would be to revamp some zones into destroyed ones like the destroyed cap audiable we saw in the last missions from the patrons.



maybe not new zones but i would be happy if they redid a few so they didn't all look identical.



How about turning FBZ into a coop zone?





how about a Croatoa for the Red side? I mean if the heroes can have a creepy Halloween town why can't the isle's?



Originally Posted by States View Post
how about a Croatoa for the Red side? I mean if the heroes can have a creepy Halloween town why can't the isle's?

Uhhh, that is a good idea, there are allready creepy areas around Port Oaks, say around the fort, oh my the possibilities.

Great idea...





We have too many zones. Close some down. Put more in the ones we do have.



I would like to see more level 50 red zones, with out longbow content, please use another filler group.

I really enjoyed the early thread with the Snake-men, would be nice to see more work in developing that villain group, their own main zone would be so cool.




I don't think that villains need new zones actually. I wouldn't be upset if they added a few more though. In my opinion, the most efficient way to do this is to take the PvP zones that are in the Rogue Isles - (Warburg and Bloody Bay) - and create PvE instances of them. The PvP instances would remain - and all PvP related tasks would be exclusive to the PvP instances (no lauching missles or shivans from PvE maps.)

The art assets are already in place, and are generally being under used - all that would need added is content. Warburg would be especially interesting as it is the home of the breakaway Arachnos faction, which could lead to interesting arcs and an interesting SF.



I think we need a couple of new zones, cuz I personally find Sharkhead boring as my stalker.

Villain hazard zones would be pretty cool, but my guess is that it would be like The hollows all over again. A.k.a painful to solo.



I personally think villains need a more open starting zone, with an option for villains to start there instead of mercy.

Think about it, all new players on heroes start in atlas park and still meet there even at 50, villains side does this in cap au diable which from a new players point of view, makes the game look dead.

The actual layout of mercy is one straight run all the way down the island from your starting contact, where as atlas is a central area. This is how a villains starting zone should be, plus villains starting zones do not really have an open gathering area like under the atlas statue on heroes. This would also enhance the experience for new players on villains and they wouldnt have to run miles to get to a mission.

Personally I blame the low numbers of high level villains compared to heroes on the initial experience of coming into the game. Bad starting experience leaves players going back over to heroes where in Atlas you see activity all around you, high levels and stuff talking and organising stuff like costume contests etc. Villains you get a few players low level in mercy, the rest run to cap looking for a PL, leaving the zone look very dead for a new player.

If you make a similar layout to the centre of grandville by the recluse statue for a starting zone on villains, im sure villains population would rise and people would use this area more.



Originally Posted by States View Post
how about a Croatoa for the Red side? I mean if the heroes can have a creepy Halloween town why can't the isle's?
Becasue no one could tell the difference between it and thethe rest of the Rogue Isles?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Becasue no one could tell the difference between it and thethe rest of the Rogue Isles?
False. The Rogue Isles do not have a Halloween feel to them, nor do they have any of the Croatoan foes.
But being 100% Blueside-only, (by your own admission) your perspective isn't first-person regarding the Isles.
Feel free to troll elsewhere and take some other thread off-topic. You seem to have free reign to do that.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
False. The Rogue Isles do not have a Halloween feel to them, nor do they have any of the Croatoan foes.
I was meaning the dark, creepy look

And I know they don't have the Croatoa factions, because I've helped quite a few Villains unlock the Red Cap daggers during the Valentines event

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I was meaning the dark, creepy look
Very well.
Some of the Redside zones are actually less Dark/Creepy than some of the blue side ones.
If Dark and Dreary were the only criteria, Galaxy City, Crey's Folly and Brickstown would qualify more than St. Martial.
And Dark Astoria is Darker/Creepier than anything currently Redside.

The Dark/Dreary vs Bright/Cheerful scale has some overlap. Even if Mercy and Grandville are the two most commonly thought of redside zones, they are not the only ones. Nerva, IMO has more in common with Indy Port than Mercy or GV.

But let's get more towards thread-track.
To add a Halloween-y or Coatoa-esque zone to the Rogue Isles, I would suggest adding (And I'm sure I'll forget a prefix or two) "La Isla De La Muertos" (or however the title was put together) from the multi-page thread in the Suggestions forum a while back.
The OP of that thread went into great detail regarding factions present, backstory and description. It was well-recieved and I do believe was intended to fill a gap in the level ranges of the SFs, with a SF being suggested therein.



Talking of Dark Astoria and Croatoa, do Villains have any magic/supernatural themed zones at all? because if they don't then that would be an obvious kind of zone to make.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Talking of Dark Astoria and Croatoa, do Villains have any magic/supernatural themed zones at all? because if they don't then that would be an obvious kind of zone to make.
Or more obviously, turning Dark Astoria into some kind of co-op/Villains and Heroes zone would be an answer.

Adamastor and Mot, the Banished Pantheon, a new SF/TF, and finally an answer as to what exactly happened to turn Astoria into Night of the Living Dead.



Maybe a Jungle themed zone too. It would make sense as an untouched island. Maybe a few Arachnos bases, independent contacts mostly though. NO LONGBOW. I would like to see a new villain group, maybe a cannibal tribe.



Why isn't Ouroboros co-op? That's something I've always wondered.They can set it up like vanguard.Have two portals, one for heroes and one for villians.