Wedding Event screenshots here




Farrah Day! I think Tesslah, my elec/elec/elec blaster, needs to team up with you some day.



I took a bunch of pics of the wedding and the antics of AP1 (and a couple of AP4, which was much more civilized). Check 'em out here. Thanks for the awesome event, devs and mods!



awesome pics dixie



AFAIK, second-to-last run - I logged out just as they were trying to get more villains for another run, so there may have been more after that. I don't know. And, well, most of my pics were, as often happens with photographing an event, crap. Ninety-zillion pictures taken, for a dosen or so GOOD ones. ^_^ C'est la vie!

Anyway ... I started out well once hte line started forming. Okay, it wasn't much of a "line" at that point, but it was vaguely line-shaped, and I was nowhere near the Usher ... but not hideously far from him either. Based on others' screens, I was well outside the forcebubble too. A different view shows how crowded it was, though.

That crowd, and everyoen PUUUUUUSHING forward, plus the counter-force of the gigantic Repel bubble Castle put up, caused me to pop out of the crowd/line like a cork from a champagne bottle that's just spent an hour in a paint mixer (!!) ... landign me way the #$^& back here. 8(

Still, a line is a line, and unfair or not ... *le sigh* ...

Had a conversation with Fleeting Whisper by /tell, and managed to get a lock on him (?) with a /targetname; by then, I was actually back on PAVEMENT, imagine my glee! Half an hour later, I was even back across the street, and closing on those stairs at last! However, I really felt bad for the people stuck back in the grass, still.

By this point, I could see why the line wasn't moving very fast. Eventually, I got mostly back where I'd started. Note the mob still clustering around the Usher ... oy ... which only makes the plight of these poor saps all the worse.

It was about this time that Ex Libris showed up - apparently, I missed her getting smacked by a Police Drone, and then, some PLAYERS, even. Ouchie! Still, the back end of the line, by now, was overflowing with golden Dev titles. Nice spot of generousity, and the best way to go about it - start at the BACK of the line, and move forward. Gotta hand it to her for thinking of that.

My next shot is an establishing shot of the Wedding itself. No labels here ... but the next one is the same pic, with some labelling. And this shot shows where BAB was standing.

I did remember to turn around and get a shot of the crowd itself ... nice to see people weren't jam-packing in a cluster at the foot of the stairs, here ... everyoen stayed nicely spaced, and folks like me who didn't mind being off to one side or another were able to get unobstructed views of Manticore and Psyche. Yayy for smaller crowds, yes? ^_^

I am particularly happy with this image, which just happened to be perfectly timed on my part. Only an angle from slightly to the left could have improved it - but that would've unfairly crowded a couple folks who were there before me. Ah well, it's still a great shot!

This one, well ... speaks for itself.

That's it from during the wedding; I was a bit too busy staying un-splattered, and trying to help others do likewise, to, you know, futz with a camera or anything. I did grab two shots of my Chat pane afterwards, though.

First, Lord Recluse was pulling some of MY arrows out of his armored backside, that night!

Second, I believe in giving credit where credit is due.

Anyway. Those're MY wedding pics ... now to eagerly await the video, and see if I show up anywhere in it ...! ^_^



I took a bunch of pics of the wedding and the antics of AP1 (and a couple of AP4, which was much more civilized). Check 'em out here. Thanks for the awesome event, devs and mods!

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Ha! That's my Medi-Lad in your image "AP1_07", the boy in the blue-and-yellow tux with flaming red hair ... somehow up HIGH in that image, and trying to back away as directed (and not having much luck, given the crowd behind me). To my system, I never left the ground, though.



Whoa, there was PvP?



My favorite image from the event!

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Wow, that's a nice screen grab of you blasting Recluse.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!




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There's nothing in the board TOS about this? Especially twice in a row?

*digs around*

We already had the rickrolling and diety-knows-what-else type of trollish we have to sink into every forum stereotype?

So glad we don't allow image posting.

Re: The actual thread topic

That looks very cool, I love how all/most of the heroes have signature powers and colors.....can't wait until we get those!! Colors at least.

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Whoa, there was PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]
... you might say yes ...



Here's some of the screenshots I took of the event.

Before the wedding:
On top of a terminal, watching the mob
The long line (I'm in the middle of the line, just entered the street)

The Wedding (third to the last show):
Getting ready (Synapse, Posi, Citadel, BaB)
About to start (Citadel, Statesman)
War Witch in the crowd
The wedding commences (Sister Psyche and Manticore on stage)
Lord Recluse appears!
Battle ensues! (BaB hits Mako, Shadowrush about to use Dragon's Tail)
Battle continues (Using Sands of Mu on Mako)

The battle went further, but was having too much fun to take more pictures. I'm happy to say I survived it all. Took out 3 player villains, and got a chance to fight with BaB against Mako.

The After Party in Pocket D:
Three Kronos Titans in the Ski Chalet area
Party People (War Witch dancing, my friend Raven Acerbus to my left)
Even Lord Recluse dances!
Positron hovering in the background
More of the party
Someone with a lot of Snowbeasts!

Except for the long line to the wedding. I enjoyed the event and had a good time.



Positron hovering in the background

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Bobbing again - he really loves that.



Positron hovering in the background

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Bobbing again - he really loves that.

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Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Whoa, there was PvP?

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... you might say yes ...

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And some thought it was just an "LOLRP" event



Castle quickly cleared the field of any squishy (or napping) villains and was then dropped into the drink for it. Hmmm, Lighthouse, your fellow moderator is getting attacked, want to do something about that? Guess not.

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And Lighthouse would have been so PWND too had I not been playing from my sub-par laptop Next time LH, NEXT TIME!!! /e curseyou



Man, that looked like a lot of fun. I'm sorry I missed it.



If the devs get power lists like This:

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Hey, you found "MM Tester" Lord Recluse. He's been around since CoV Beta. (There are several LR builds out there). I'd like to see him summon a full set of every MM pet simultaneously someday.

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wait, there was an afterparty? i went to the wedding but missed the afterparty!!

-Pogoman, Master of Kick-Fu
-Co-Leader and recruiting officer of the Virtue Honor Guard
- lvl 50 ma/sr scrapper
-Ace O' Diamonds lvl 50 fire/rad controller
and waaaay to many other alts to mention right now