
Ms. Guardian 2011
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  1. Kay_Parfait

    Magisterium: RHW

    Logging in shortly for this.
  2. After watching the Coffee Talk, Zwill commented on NCSoft owning your characters names. The EULA tends to indicate that if the character was makeable without COH existing, then you retain rights to it, but if it was solely made as a result of COH's creation/IP then you don't own it. So if nothing happens with NCSoft selling the game plus character data, I will end up deleting my characters before the lights go off even though if you made them on another game or something they probably wouldn't do anything about it. Still it's kind of a principle thing. >.>

    Edit: May not be true from this post. But Posi did have to change his twitter account name from Positron_COH to MattMiller, even though he created the name Positron before COH. Still weary about it so will prolly do it anyway.
  3. I don't know what's happening when peoples subscriptions are up but mine ends on the 8th. If I'm still somehow VIP then I will be there.
  4. Hi all. Come join the Triumph Facebook page if you don't want to lose touch.

  5. Kay_Parfait

    To all of you...

    Zwill, thank you for being one of the best community managers for such a great game. Loved seeing you and the others each week on Coffee Talk, and it showed that all of you have had such pride in your work. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed and I'm sure the future holds great things for all of you. Not only am I sad we are losing the best superhero MMO out there, but I'm sad for the employees at Paragon Studios. Best of luck.

    P.S.- WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! *goes off to cry and hope there's still some slim chance of NCsoft selling the rights to someone else*
  6. Naturally I'm in, however Big Brother airs Sunday nights and I've been addicted to that show with my family for over 10 years sooooo I might not make it lol. If there are several attempts in one night and if I remember to hop on, I'll be there.
  7. Triumph is utterly dead during the daytime, especially weekdays due to the majority of Triumph's population working. There are a few things that form at night. Over the weekends, naturally it's higher.

    Due to a number of factors, I've noticed Triumph's population dwindle over the past few months to the past year. Whether it's real life, other MMOs, i24 beta, or others playing on different servers in the meantime, these are all reasons for why it's happening. I'm sure when i24 hits, Triumph will be at full force like it was for double xp weekend, however I expect it to return to how it is now after a week. It's unfortunate.
  8. Global Handle: @Kay Parfait

    Overall Objective: My main goal was to keep the integrity of each original Vindicator's costume while giving each one a more updated, current feel to match their name and background story. Additionally, with recent game lore events affecting Aurora Borealis and Ms. Liberty, those events were taken into account when redesigning their looks.

    Vindicator: Aurora Borealis

    Why: With a name like Aurora Borealis, you would think there would be more of a color palette than just white; so I added in the purples, pinks, and greens. Aurora also has psychic powers, so I wanted to give her a more magical look to reflect that with the pink aura. I added in the sci-fi rings to help mimic her old look. I also implemented a bit of Sister Psyche's costume overlay into the design because of her and Aurora's connection, and for mourning Psyche's death.

    Vindicator: Infernal

    Why: I tried to keep Infernal's medieval look, but with some of the more current costume pieces. I gave him the organic wings instead of demon wings, used a lot of chain mail pieces, then used a more current looking armor.

    Vindicator: Luminary

    Why: Luminary was essentially a plain looking gold robot. With the clockwork robot pieces it makes her look more like a robot rather than walking metal. I also used the control chest piece to help accentuate her being a robot. Additionally, I gave her the star belt to help reflect the name 'Luminary'. To top it off, she shoots out binary from her eyes!

    Vindicator: Ms. Liberty

    Why: I kept a bit of Ms. Liberty's old look to help keep her identity of being 'Ms Liberty', but added touches of Statesman for her to honor his death.

    Vindicator: Mynx

    Why: I updated Mynx with a lot of the organic armor pieces, thinking that after a lot of time had passed, her body had mutated further from Crey experimentation. I made her face look a bit more cat-like and feral to help reflect that.

    Vindicator: Swan

    Why: Swan...nothing more needs to be said about her old look. Let's move on to a more classy and elegant look that still makes her look sexy; as well as try and reflect the name of 'Swan'.

    Vindicator: Valkyrie

    Why: Valkyrie has a whole costume set named after her! It would stand to reason that she would want to model it. I tried to incorporate other pieces in as well to break it up a bit. I thought the justice armored top fit in well with the Vindicators chest detail logo.

    Vindicator: Woodsman

    Why: The old Woodsman really didn't look like much of a Woodsman besides his two unique costume pieces (the fur around his neck and the antler helm). I wanted to make his overall appearance to look more like a Woodsman, and a little more wild/feral looking.
  9. I also agree with a lot that has been said. Even just little SG improvements and building up to expanding them more would be nice. It seems like a very dated feature and needs to be brought up to the standard of the rest of the new shiny content that's recently been made/redone. Right now I would love nothing more than to be able to rename my supergroup. I know a few people who have inherited multiple supergroups and would like to save the hard earned prestige/badges and give it a new name. If this were an actual feature I think it should be a super leader decision only and only be available once in a blue moon, like a global handle rename change for example.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    As I implied the only reason they would charge $30 for this service is to dissuade people from doing it whimsically and/or every 5 minutes. Despite what they've told you we are only talking about maybe 5 minutes worth of GM effort to accomplish. It's not "hard" they just don't want everyone asking for it all the time.
    This wouldn't even have to be something bought from the store unless they put it in as a second option. It would be a nice thing to have once in a blue moon like a global name change. Or something bought with a high amount of prestige. Any kind of option like that would be nice where it wouldn't be abused.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
    I once contacted in game support asking if a purchase similar to a name change for an SG could be possible. The answer I got roughly was a SG name change was about 5 times more work then a character name change and would therefore need to cost 5 times more. A name change token isnt exactly cheap, and I could see them not wanting to risk negative feedback by offering services that would be limited to players with much higher amounts of disposable income.
    I don't think it would be that hard. If it isn't that hard for them to generic a supergroup name and then let you rename it after, I don't see what the big deal is to be honest. Unless it is hard for them to generic a name.

    Even if they did put in the token at least the option is there for those that want it and they would still get more business. Plus it is on a bigger scale encompassing a group of people, and if the price were high it would restrict it to those that *really* want it from those that just want to play a practical joke. And there's negative feedback about everything so I don't think that would stop them from doing this, especially since it's been requested so many times.
  12. Do it. I know this has been suggested many times in years past and it needs to get done. There are many players out there who have maybe inherited a supergroup from somebody who quit playing, and without losing all of that hard earned base design work and prestige they would like to simply rename the supergroup to something of their own taste and liking. Me, personally, I just got tired of the name of my supergroup and would now like to change it, as have many others I'm sure. In order to prevent renaming supergroups multiple times, naturally there should be a cool down for when it could be renamed again, similar to global name changes would be nice. I know some people would even pay for a supergroup rename token of some kind from the store. Currently if the supergroup name violates copyright or the TOS it can be renamed, so now I regret not naming my supergroup something like that in order to get it changed now.
  13. Yup it will probably be a while before people are regularly doing the newer trials, and doing them successfully; at least on Triumph. I know of Fusion Force successfully doing a TPN the other night. Ever since Skyrim hit I think everyone took a break and now Triumph can barely pull off a BAF without failing, and now with SWTOR I barely see anyone on during weekdays. Weekend nights seem to be the active periods for Triumph nowadays, and even nights in general sometimes.

    Anyway, we'll miss seeing you VP! Hope your holidays are merry and all that good stuff.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    Watched through everyones and WOW! I thought I rocked it out but clearly I was wrong. It was _crazy_.

    Congrats again to everyone. We all deserved it. ;D
    I thought I did well too but geez I had no clue how much I moved around in mine, lol. I guess that's just my playstyle coming out especially when I'm on a squishy corruptor. Everyone brought their A game on this recording, thanks for posting those and congrats everyone again!
  15. Yay Grats again to all the winners, and can't wait to watch back everyone's demorecord.
  16. Truthfully I don't remember teaming with him, but regardless of that it's never easy to hear about someone taking their own life. To feel like you don't want to live anymore to the point where you want to die, I can't even imagine. RIP.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Invisibum View Post
    Congrats to the winners. It looks like Triumph will be represented well.

    That's a pretty sharp-looking duo right there. Nice names too. It was probably better for your partner than only one of the pair showed up for the CC. Otherwise they might not have looked as unique.
    Yup, that's why I told him to take Cardshark and I tried it out with Superb. Figured I'd share them as a duo though here.
  18. Grats to the winners!

    I almost wish I would have brought Deuces, which is the toon I pacted with MB's toon, Cardshark. I guess Superb was just too much of a cliche old school super hero.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UltraTroll View Post
    I am kind of sad they are not seperating Hero and Villain.
    Yeah they quit doing it last year because of Going Rogue.
  20. Ahhh, the contest that I have had a love-hate relationship for 4 years. I really hope one of the costume gurus of Triumph actually wins for once, and that the judging is really based on character concept/design for ALL aspects of the contest, rather than just the finals. Definitely don't think that happened last year. Also, still upset for 3Mile even though he was late to the judging, but not by much, it's not like Triumph's population is overwhelming like Freedom; so that was a bit harsh to not include him I thought. Especially because he's one of the few of us who really love making characters and costumes.

    Regardless of all that... hoping the necessary changes have been made to improve upon the rules and judging for this contest, and looking forward to see what everyone brings this Saturday. Good luck everyone.
  21. Awww yeah! Amazing how it's been 7 years, congrats Fusion Force! Love these events, you guys rock!
  22. Kay_Parfait


    Yeah server is now down......just Triumph. Way to go!