the time has come
I know plenty of Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks that do nothing but duel melee toons in Sirens on Justice..its actually a pretty popular sub culture in there now.
And Conflict- just save it man....I've read multiple threads today where you put your 2 cents in, and it sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in any instance.
Tiger doesnt have a 300 mill IO build and he dominated the Brutes he's faced thus far in there from the duels I saw- and what- hes like 13? What would that mean for someone who actually knew how to put one together? THink about that for a minute...
You showed your intelligence level the minute you brought up a Brute 'kiting'....very effective way to build Fury eh? Any Regen would laugh at a kiting Brute, as theyre not going to kill much at all.
Thats actually very funny....funnier than anything Tiger has said in this thread....
People can believe whatever the hell they want to believe...Those Brutes 'believed' that Tiger was a joke the other day before he put most of them on the floor....I wasnt the only one that saw it.
[/ QUOTE ]
This, my friends, is the average Justice player posting.
[/ QUOTE ]
So where do you place yourself in that regard? The Siren's fight club thing can get silly, but its better than brown nosing to the Test pvpers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I place myself in the "semi intelligent PvPer" category. Which, as it happens, is better than a fair amount of Justice folks. And brown nosing...lul. I think I piss a fair amount of the test people off.
And that really, really keeps me awake at night ;_;
I know plenty of Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks that do nothing but duel melee toons in Sirens on Justice..its actually a pretty popular sub culture in there now.
And Conflict- just save it man....I've read multiple threads today where you put your 2 cents in, and it sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in any instance.
Tiger doesnt have a 300 mill IO build and he dominated the Brutes he's faced thus far in there from the duels I saw- and what- hes like 13? What would that mean for someone who actually knew how to put one together? THink about that for a minute...
You showed your intelligence level the minute you brought up a Brute 'kiting'....very effective way to build Fury eh? Any Regen would laugh at a kiting Brute, as theyre not going to kill much at all.
Thats actually very funny....funnier than anything Tiger has said in this thread....
People can believe whatever the hell they want to believe...Those Brutes 'believed' that Tiger was a joke the other day before he put most of them on the floor....I wasnt the only one that saw it.
[/ QUOTE ]
This, my friends, is the average Justice player posting.
[/ QUOTE ]
So where do you place yourself in that regard? The Siren's fight club thing can get silly, but its better than brown nosing to the Test pvpers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I place myself in the "semi intelligent PvPer" category. Which, as it happens, is better than a fair amount of Justice folks. And brown nosing...lul. I think I piss a fair amount of the test people off.
And that really, really keeps me awake at night ;_;
[/ QUOTE ]
I would say the average Justice player doesn't pvp at all, and taking every opportunity to slam Justice makes me think you're trying to fit in somewhere. The fight club thing is dumb. We know. Get over it. At the end of the day does it really affect your playstyle?
NE cornr nub no pil popping
The sad/funny thing is that he's actually probably well above average.....on Justice
[/ QUOTE ]
lolerz.... hold on a second.
Your trying to make fun of Justice PvP yet you have the title "Freedom Zone PvP" in your sig?
[censored] it... NE corner is fun.
And when you get bored of it, you can hop on your blaster and gank everyone in it.
Justice pvp ftw.
I actually posted without reading the OP.
Wow, I love this guy.
He is the best 1v1'er on the server.
Beat my Ice/rad 12-0. True story.
I actually posted without reading the OP.
Wow, I love this guy.
He is the best 1v1'er on the server.
Beat my Ice/rad 12-0. True story.
[/ QUOTE ]
My story with him covers 2 days..
Day 1
*OP* "Hey Blood, wanna duel?"
*Me(Stone/Inv brute) "Sure"
1 minute passes, and sure enough, I beat him without a sweat. Im used to killing regens by timing my attacks to kill them without them getting a chance to pop Recon.
*OP* "Rematch plz"
*Me* "Sure"
Same thing occurs. I beat him easily.
Day 2
*OP* "Zomg, Im the best heir, nobody can b3et meh!"
*Me* "I killed you both times we dueled yesterday"
*OP* "No wai, I pwnd ur fase!"
*Me* "Um.. No you didn't, but just to prove it, why don't you duel me again"
We duel another 2 times. Both times ended up with him dead.
In think its safe to say..
DB/Regen sucks.
I know plenty of Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks that do nothing but duel melee toons in Sirens on Justice..its actually a pretty popular sub culture in there now.
And Conflict- just save it man....I've read multiple threads today where you put your 2 cents in, and it sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in any instance.
Tiger doesnt have a 300 mill IO build and he dominated the Brutes he's faced thus far in there from the duels I saw- and what- hes like 13? What would that mean for someone who actually knew how to put one together? THink about that for a minute...
You showed your intelligence level the minute you brought up a Brute 'kiting'....very effective way to build Fury eh? Any Regen would laugh at a kiting Brute, as theyre not going to kill much at all.
Thats actually very funny....funnier than anything Tiger has said in this thread....
People can believe whatever the hell they want to believe...Those Brutes 'believed' that Tiger was a joke the other day before he put most of them on the floor....I wasnt the only one that saw it.
[/ QUOTE ]
This, my friends, is the average Justice player posting.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lemme guess? Freedom? Really, you guys need to give this tired line a break. Its actually rather lame considering Ive seen Justice players wipe the floor with avid PvPers from across the servers on test when push came to shove.
Again- if this is all you guys can say these days, why say it at all? Each server has guys that can beat anyone on any given day. This elitist attitude that one server or one server population is better/more intelligent/more skilled than another is a joke.
One of the best PvPers Ive seen comes from Pinnacle for God's sake.
And whats funnier is, much of the Justice population has been around before you, Freedom, or any other server was FOTM. Many of the posters here have been doing this since launch, so anytime this crap is posted, its you guys that are getting laughed at.
My 7 year old is the only one that needs to reuse the same lame, tired insults over and over again.
You must really suck if you lost to a db/regen or a claws/sr that bad
lolerz.... hold on a second.
Your trying to make fun of Justice PvP yet you have the title "Freedom Zone PvP" in your sig?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not trying...I'm doing it. And freedom zone PvP is like the NBA, where justice is high school basketball. And yes, I have toons on justice, so I know from personal experience.
I don't see "freedom zone pvp" as a title, he just happens to enjoy it, as do I.
I don't see "freedom zone pvp" as a title, he just happens to enjoy it, as do I.
[/ QUOTE ]
cuz we're cool!
that guy is so amazing when he lost to a spines/regen 13-0 in the arena on an ice/em tank
We all thought so too, but we were proven wrong on that day that yes, it is possible to get totally rocked on the easiest possible build to survive on.
I laughed my [censored] off when I heard Melancholy Heart say in broadcast a Ice/EM Tank lost 13-0 against a Spines/Regin lol.
Him and Twixt = one of a kind.
edit: who was the spines/regin?
lolerz.... hold on a second.
Your trying to make fun of Justice PvP yet you have the title "Freedom Zone PvP" in your sig?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not trying...I'm doing it. And freedom zone PvP is like the NBA, where justice is high school basketball. And yes, I have toons on justice, so I know from personal experience.
[/ QUOTE ]
i have toons on freedom, its like justice but with less wait finding people to fight. if the devs gave out free server transfers i'd probably move over though honestly, simply to get more decent matches in.
its funny how people put down other servers like its not the same game. hopefully the new owners come up with a way to do live cross server pvp before the game dies.
lolerz.... hold on a second.
Your trying to make fun of Justice PvP yet you have the title "Freedom Zone PvP" in your sig?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not trying...I'm doing it. And freedom zone PvP is like the NBA, where justice is high school basketball. And yes, I have toons on justice, so I know from personal experience.
[/ QUOTE ]
i have toons on freedom, its like justice but with less wait finding people to fight. if the devs gave out free server transfers i'd probably move over though honestly, simply to get more decent matches in.
its funny how people put down other servers like its not the same game. hopefully the new owners come up with a way to do live cross server pvp before the game dies [u]more[u].
[/ QUOTE ]
lolerz.... hold on a second.
Your trying to make fun of Justice PvP yet you have the title "Freedom Zone PvP" in your sig?
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not trying...I'm doing it. And freedom zone PvP is like the NBA, where justice is high school basketball. And yes, I have toons on justice, so I know from personal experience.
[/ QUOTE ]
i have toons on freedom, its like justice but with less wait finding people to fight. if the devs gave out free server transfers i'd probably move over though honestly, simply to get more decent matches in.
its funny how people put down other servers like its not the same game. hopefully the new owners come up with a way to do live cross server pvp before the game dies.
[/ QUOTE ]
I agree w/ supermax here. Tend to see better pvpers in the zones on Freedom. I wouldn't say that it = the NBA though.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL at the use of the word scrubs.
It's 2008 dude that TLC song came out in 1999.
Get some new attempts at online insults and knock off the weaksauce.
I hope this is someone's second account...
[/ QUOTE ]
Its not.
Hes very, very real
[/ QUOTE ]
Hes also pretty good for a fight clubber or a 1v1 anyhow.
The build is good but frighteningly click intensive for my tastes.
Being Regen Slows and - regen is its downfall in Sirens and below in WB or with IO's or Hamis the Em stun can muck it up in fight club too.
But the guy does indeed have some wicked DPS and healing in a 1v1.
This is why I play mostly on Freedumb...
Then again, Con is full of it...
I'm kind of split over this thread...
I think I support both sides. I'm Anti-Stupid but also Anti-Con.
[/ QUOTE ]
LOL thats hilarious.
It's interesting I too am torn on this thread but I am not so anti Con persay but I do find it humorus that the majority of those who LOL at Fight Clubs (AKA the house rules duels or 1v1's that tend to be things like no insps) are those who tend to play or slot toons that would be no good in LOL fight clubs anyhow.
Actually it all makes perfect sense now that I think on it.
You know, as funny as this thread is, I actually have to give ol Tiger an ounce of credit here, illiterate as he may be....
I happened to be in Sirens last weekend when he beat 6 straight Brutes in duels and 2-3 Stalks to boot, then came back an beat about 3 more Brutes after lunch...
A couple of the Brutes are pretty respectable PvPers with IOed out Sirens builds, so I cant discount the guy completely. With the right slotting and a lot of money, an IOed out DBer could make some of the guys posting in this thread look pretty stupid.
The problem is folks are not familiar with it because of it's 'newness', and there are very few people that have actually put 300-450 mill into an IO build to shut people up who constantly bash it without knowing what the hell theyre talking about.
Im smart enough to admit that it can be viable with the right build set up and IO purchases, at least in Sirens duels...In the arena, ehhh, I still need to see more, and I'll be testing it out soon to gauge about 3 different IO builds like I always do with my new toons....
Those that know me well enough know that I wont ever piss on an AT or powerset....theres too many options now with IO's to really shake things up and make really innovative builds that deal death.
When you think about it, I remember many people on these boards laughing at red side TA MM's, yet now theyre FOTM since vills have realized they can eat most of the heros alive in Sirens with a decent build.
Maybe not with Tiger here specifically, but I think many of you would be humbled against the right DB build.....
[/ QUOTE ]
Well said thats my experiance with his build too.
I only have one Sirens level Brute that consistantly beats him.
300 million in io to be a good dueling build in sirens, against melee only toons. I guess if melee only fights in sirens rocks your socks whatever, but in real pvp against ranged damage it will never and I mean NEVER have the burst to put someone down. Hell if the brute can even kite half way decent it pretty much wrecks the set. Keep on pumping it up though, just don't expect many that don't need fake rules to pvp to believe you.
[/ QUOTE ]
Any non em Brute that is kiting a lot is playing a dangerous game to begin with.
What I love is no one poops on your LOL ranged insp popping playing but you feel a genuine need to be a putz to people who just happen to like LOL fight clubs.
Get yourself a little more openminded perspective man.
I know plenty of Scrappers, Brutes, and Tanks that do nothing but duel melee toons in Sirens on Justice..its actually a pretty popular sub culture in there now.
And Conflict- just save it man....I've read multiple threads today where you put your 2 cents in, and it sounds like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about in any instance.
Tiger doesnt have a 300 mill IO build and he dominated the Brutes he's faced thus far in there from the duels I saw- and what- hes like 13? What would that mean for someone who actually knew how to put one together? THink about that for a minute...
You showed your intelligence level the minute you brought up a Brute 'kiting'....very effective way to build Fury eh? Any Regen would laugh at a kiting Brute, as theyre not going to kill much at all.
Thats actually very funny....funnier than anything Tiger has said in this thread....
People can believe whatever the hell they want to believe...Those Brutes 'believed' that Tiger was a joke the other day before he put most of them on the floor....I wasnt the only one that saw it.
[/ QUOTE ]
This, my friends, is the average Justice player posting.
[/ QUOTE ]
So where do you place yourself in that regard? The Siren's fight club thing can get silly, but its better than brown nosing to the Test pvpers.