NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




Ex thanks for answering my previous questions.
(I have issues)
I feel abandoned by Cryptic. This is my favorite MMO/Game in the world. It was their "baby" figuratively. *spelling errors
And they just gave it away

Gimme a cookie, tell me that because NC has my CoX that we will now get more character slots soon.

That will make me feel better, and less abandoned.

(yes i know lighthouse hinted at it befor.... but I really need this cookie to make me feel better)

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O.o Turning emo arent we?

I can see tears in your eyes

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no but i feel like im 3 and someone just wouldnt lemme get on the swings >.<



Lastly: Compensation - meh. A badge though to mark the event would be cool.

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Decipherer - you have helped make things in Paragon City less Cryptic.

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hahaha perfect!



And they just gave it away

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They didn't give it away, they sold it.

oh wait, that doesn't sound better, does it.... =(

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Doesn't microsoft require all games made for the 360 not require the a HDD? CoH can't fit on a DVD. The only way it could play on 360 would be with a HDD and as stated Microsoft won't allow a game that requires a HDD.

All PS3 have HDDs and can use a keyboard and mouse out the box.



Here is a very important question...

Since Ex_lib and the other community people are actually already NCSoft employees (right?), does that mean that they now have seniority on the Devs, who will in effect become the new guys? In that case, will the Devs have to assume the traditional new guy duties such as being sent out to pick up their dry cleaning or to go feed the parking meter for the community staff or other things of that nature?

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Actually all the employees that were on the Cryptic team have been brought over to NCsoft with their seniority. So other than me being one of the noobies, we have two others on the Cryptic team that started after me.

Otherwise War Witch PWNZ us all on the seniority scale.




Long live War Witch



All PS3 have HDDs and can use a keyboard and mouse out the box.

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I thought those were BluRays... which are better media IMO anyways.



What about pohsyb? He's a programmer and posted sometimes. Is he coming with us?

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Actually we acquired the whole COH team +1 pohsyb is coming with us!




My concern is that it'll turn into SWG all over again.

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I am an optimist on this score. The industry saw the player reaction to the shenanigans with SWG and I hope that something was learned.

Also, my personal opinion is that if anything, CoX will not get that kind of changes, but will be used as a cash cow to set up the rest of the franchise - whether this is MMO/single player games in different styles or even a sequel, where they go to town with crazy ideas good and bad.

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I smell a SWG rat also in the possible future. Enjoy the game while in its current form folks.

/shakes head

Tanker aficionado
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.



My concern is that it'll turn into SWG all over again.

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I am an optimist on this score. The industry saw the player reaction to the shenanigans with SWG and I hope that something was learned.

Also, my personal opinion is that if anything, CoX will not get that kind of changes, but will be used as a cash cow to set up the rest of the franchise - whether this is MMO/single player games in different styles or even a sequel, where they go to town with crazy ideas good and bad.

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I agree 100% with spidermonster on this. Statesman left CoX over a year ago to help develop Marvell Online. Everyone else who has been working on CoX for the last (awesome) year is moving with the game to the new studio. Even grumpy, yet lovable BAB...

Any similarity between this news and SWG's "New Game Enhancement" debacle is, well, I just am not seeing it.

Cautiously optimistic...


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -- Dr. Seuss



All PS3 have HDDs and can use a keyboard and mouse out the box.

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I thought those were BluRays... which are better media IMO anyways.

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The HDD is the harddrive inside of the PS3. Blu-Rays are the disk you put in the PS3.

If CoH comes to PS3 the game would be on Blu-Ray to buy in stores but any updates would have to be sent to the HDD.



This pretty much seems to clear the way for CoH on XBox 360.

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Fixed that for you. The Live Marketplace on the 360 offers the opportunity for people to (in theory) pay for their MMO subscriptions with Microsoft Points ... which means, they could buy prepaid cards at any video game or computer outlet ... no credit card required. Make it a 1200-point fee, that's $16 - enough that even after MicroSoft's inevitable cut, there's still probably a nearly-full, standard MMO fee left for NCSoft.

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Microsoft is partly behind MUO. I don't see them letting a competiting super-hero MMO on their service.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Lastly: Compensation - meh. A badge though to mark the event would be cool.

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Decipherer - you have helped make things in Paragon City less Cryptic.

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hahaha perfect!

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Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Tal, you DO know that they also run Lineage, Lineage II and other games, not just Tabula Rasa and COH?

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And you DO know those other games (with the exception of Guild Wars) haven't exactly been well received by western audiences, right?

This article from the Korea Times might be worth reading.



Here is a very important question...

Since Ex_lib and the other community people are actually already NCSoft employees (right?), does that mean that they now have seniority on the Devs, who will in effect become the new guys? In that case, will the Devs have to assume the traditional new guy duties such as being sent out to pick up their dry cleaning or to go feed the parking meter for the community staff or other things of that nature?

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Actually all the employees that were on the Cryptic team have been brought over to NCsoft with their seniority. So other than me being one of the noobies, we have two others on the Cryptic team that started after me.

Otherwise War Witch PWNZ us all on the seniority scale.


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Did you just call War Witch old?

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



Tal, you DO know that they also run Lineage, Lineage II and other games, not just Tabula Rasa and COH?

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And you DO know those other games (with the exception of Guild Wars) haven't exactly been well received by western audiences, right?

This article from the Korea Times might be worth reading.

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Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they weren't developed for western audiences.



Doesn't microsoft require all games made for the 360 not require the a HDD? CoH can't fit on a DVD.

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I honestly don't know. But with the HDD becoming cheaper and cheaper (and/or bigger ... *gazes happily on his black-case Elite console*), if there is such a policy ... it may not survive for very much longer.

All PS3 have HDDs and can use a keyboard and mouse out the box.

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Keyboard and mouse? Why would you need them - seriously? My Xbox360 controller has ... let's see, two triggers, two shoulder buttons, a D-pad (four more buttons), the Back button and the Start button.

Then, there's this device, which is a partial keyboard (basically, sans Function keys and Numberpad). It links directly to the controller, too. And that's not counting the two analog thumbsticks, AND the buttons available by pressing them "in", either.

So I don't see that a keyboard-and-mouse pairing is required. Granted, such an arrangement might be better for CoH2, but ... *shrug*


Oh, and? My Elite console has a USB port in the back. ^_^ Someone could, if it were built right, put out a Keyboard-and-mouse combination unit. ^_^



Understood, and City of Hero didn't go over well in Korea, IIRC.

But all of the games that were developed for their respective hemispheres have been well received indeed. Lineage rules the Eastern MMO world, and CoX and GW are doing very well here in the West.

i doubt we'll suddenly have lingerie clad Dark Elves (well any moreso than already ) in CoX, just because it's NCSoft now.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Tal, you DO know that they also run Lineage, Lineage II and other games, not just Tabula Rasa and COH?

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And you DO know those other games (with the exception of Guild Wars) haven't exactly been well received by western audiences, right?

This article from the Korea Times might be worth reading.

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Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they weren't developed for western audiences.

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And CoH didnt exactly go over well in Asia, given that the Korean version died. Different strokes for different markets and all.

Sam Steele
Pressure Wave
Rhiannon Bel
Syd Mallorn

Jotunheim Skald
Saer Maen
Jen Corbae
Venator Arawn
Taiga Dryad



First thing I thought was "OK, now that is bad news!" It didn't help that the whole press release tried to convince me things were going to be OK, we'd all be fine and, hey, things will actually be better! And it tried REALLY hard! And as police investigators will tell you, there are two kinds of people - those who are trying to tell you what happened and those who are trying to convince you that this is what happened. Well it certainly seems like the press release was trying to convince me, and trying hard.

But that's just the nature of press releases, I suppose. Like ads, their goal is to convince as much as it is to inform, so I may not want to look into it too deeply. There's likely nothing there to see, at least nothing that wasn't present in every other press release since man discovered fire and pay-per-view television.

My main concerns have already been addressed here in one way or another, but let me lay them out anyway.

First and foremost, the Lineage-isation of CoH. Oh, sure, PlayNC won't turn CoH into Lineage. That would be stupid. But I've seen my fair share of Korean grindfest MMOs, and Lineage II stands as kind of a leader in that field. I can't help but think that development may well shift from that of creative, but risky design which sees innovation and additions based on what would move the game forward, into that of adding "what sells best." Which, as people have recently debate, means loot, raids, extra levels and grind. Not good, really, and I'm not sure it would be worth the increased audience it may or may not draw.

On the plus side, though, there does appear to be a drive to expand and extend the development team for the game and its funding. Maybe a bright future still lies ahead for CoH and maybe we'll finally break out of the "too much work" mantra and eventually get some of the more complicated and time-consuming changes we've been denied so far. Maybe that means we'll get more stuff for free with each Issue. Though I just fear it means either a CoH 2 or another paid expansion, meaning we still won't get much more per Issue. And if the expansion adds as much as CoV did, then that, my friends, is a bum deal.

I'm cautiously-optimistic about this. The game was not handed over to other people - the development team seems to have just switched buildings and banners. The game is now being funded by a company that, for all intents and purposes, seems to plain have more money to burn. Unlike before, there seems to be a drive to "do something more" to the game, suggesting good things may be coming. If only the PlayNC people can resist making sweeping changes to the game and trying to optimize or overhaul it in any way for the sake of better sales, then maybe there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As far as keyboards go...'d be awfully time-consuming to compose sentences with a controller.

...oh, God, I just imagined Atlas Park broadcast chat over Live headsets. AAAAAH NOOOOOO GOD NO



Wasn't enough grinding in CoX for the Koreans.



I am VERY leery of this whole thing. Back around 1999, WotC bought out TSR, and promised everything would either stay the same, or get better. They promised that TSR would remain a subsidiary of WotC. Less than a year later, TSR no longer existed, and there were major changes.

I've already been burned once by something like this. Therefore, I'm VERY pessimistic about the NCSoft aquirement of Co* going well. I hope, I want, it to continue like it has for the past 18 months I've been playing, but I'm not expecting it to. Here's hoping I'm proved wrong...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



Tal, you DO know that they also run Lineage, Lineage II and other games, not just Tabula Rasa and COH?

[/ QUOTE ]
And you DO know those other games (with the exception of Guild Wars) haven't exactly been well received by western audiences, right?

This article from the Korea Times might be worth reading.

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Maybe that has something to do with the fact that they weren't developed for western audiences.

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You mean like Auto Assault?



This pretty much seems to clear the way for CoH on XBox 360.

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Fixed that for you. The Live Marketplace on the 360 offers the opportunity for people to (in theory) pay for their MMO subscriptions with Microsoft Points ... which means, they could buy prepaid cards at any video game or computer outlet ... no credit card required. Make it a 1200-point fee, that's $16 - enough that even after MicroSoft's inevitable cut, there's still probably a nearly-full, standard MMO fee left for NCSoft.

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Microsoft is partly behind MUO. I don't see them letting a competiting super-hero MMO on their service.

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... HALO: sci-fi FPS
... Half-Life: sci-fi FPS
... Timeshifters: sci-fi FPS
... Bioshock: retro-sci-fi FPS
... Quake 4: sci-fi FPS
... John Woo Presents Stranglehold: action-cinema FPS
... Lost Planet: Extreme Condition: sci-fi FPS
... Turok: sci-fi FPS
... Turning Point: Fall of Liberty: alternate history FPS

Next to all that overlapping-of-genre ... what's a mere two Comics-inspired MMOs? Or heck, three, if DCO went to the 360 as well. Compared to NINE FPS games, six of them through-and-through "science fiction" in nature ... I gotta say, two or three super-hero MMOs is no big deal.