Discussion: Credit Card Billing Issues




Filing a ticket seems to help, they escalate it and then a day or two later it magically improves. It does seem to be on ncsoft's end.



Ahh so it's not just me. Except when I used paypal to pay for a booster pack it PAID them and didn't give my account the booster.

And now the transaction says "Pending" and it's just stuck there. And now it's day 2 and no help has come so far. Meh :| one daaay.



I am having trouble even updated my credit card. Every time I try to update my credit card it tells me that there is an error in processing. When I call the the support people they say that my request somehow trigger their automated risk management process and it is blocking me. They said they will submit a ticket the risk management people and they will get back to me quickly and help me.

Five days later. I get this email from your amazing support people that said I just had to wait a few days before trying the purchase again.

Okay that has to be one of the most unhelpful reply to my problem. Basically they are telling me that their automated system is blocking me and there is no way around it so too bad! I don't mind jumping through hops to prove that I am a legitimate customer. But it appears that your support process had decided that an automated system trump any possible human intervention.

The change I want to make on my credit card is not huge. I just got an updated credit card so it is the same number with a different expiration date and security code. It will goes to reason that if this credit card is fraudulent than I been defrauding you for 5 years??? If that is the case shouldn't you take firmer measure than just blocking my transaction such as calling the authorities on me? But a simple review of the financial record will prove that is not the case.

To make things more nonsensical one of my accounts got updated but the other two are blocked. If I am high risk aren't I high risk for all of them?

Which bring up the only reason why I could think I am being labeled as high risk. I own multiple accounts and for a time I had payed for two of my friends account. However I pay for my friends account because I they were about to quit CoH when WoW came out. They used the excuse that they can't play CoH because they can't afford two games at once. So I made them a deal where I pay for their accounts and I play WoW once a week with them if they play CoH me once a week. I know CoH doesn't like this since earlier this year they block their account and they had to jump through a million hoop to get access to their account back. So now I have to mail them the check directly which is a minor pain. But there was a process which they were able to solve their problems and now this problem there doesn't seem to be a human process.

All this have left a fairly bitter taste in my mouth especially since I had bend over backward to try to be loyal customer to this game in the past. I apologize to all that actually read all this but I just had to vent a little bit.



I had a similar problem recently. Had my wallet stolen the day before vacation, so I canceled my card that was tied to my COH account. Naturally, at this time, my account lapsed and NCSoft couldn't charge my card.

I finally decided to reup last night, and went into Account Management. I clicked on "add subscription" for COH, figuring that I would simply make a new subscription with my new card. Got the dreaded "risk management" response and was baffled.

I managed to resolve this by selecting "Add time to existing account" and used my new card that way. THAT transaction went through. So, if you're simply reupping an existing account, try "Add time" rather than "new subscription."



I'm having a problem with the online store page when trying to get booster packs I get this error: "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners."

I tried using the support page but apparently the support page is broken in that you can't log on. You can log on to all the other parts of ncsoft, just not support.

So who do I email about this and how long does it take to get resolved?



I just hope this problem dont affect my sub... I am using the same card since I registered, and I use it all around the world (just got a wonderful watch from tokyoflash).
I really dont want to use the damn gametime cards sold here on Brazil. If I had to use one of those, i would have to kill one of my accounts. I refuse to give money to LevelUP Games.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



14.99? wtf!!



I just sent in a query on the support page about the store. Seems I got billed twice for the Party Pack. I typed in all the info, hit 'submit', and the loading screen hung. So, I hit 'back' and tried again, and again the screen hung (at about 1/3 progress).

I then checked my account summary and found that I had paid twice for the pack.

(I'm wondering, because it's involving credit cards, that part of the problem here might be congestion loading to the credit card site due to bombardment from those Wikileaks supporters/'useful idiots'?)

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Originally Posted by solwen View Post
I am having trouble even updated my credit card. Every time I try to update my credit card it tells me that there is an error in processing.
This is happening to me right now. I just submitted a ticket, but my experience is that it usually takes 72 hours for Support to get back to me. I'm really hoping a quicker solution is available.

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I have tried to purchase points 2 times with paypal. Both times it went through, but neither NCSoft have record of the transaction, nor Paypal. I DO NOT WANT 2 purchases worth of points. If NCSoft bills me twice I will be exceedingly angry. Why is this Paypal transaction not working or acting bizarre. I have _never_ had a problem with this in the past. I have submitted a ticket, which was elevated to "senior support", but there is no clear indication this will be resolved before the end of Black Friday!!!

Hew in drag baby