Discussion: Clarification on Character Transfer




I'm sorry. Why is it that Freedom people think we're all rushing over there? I missed it.

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Because most of the people on Freedom think it's the best of the best server, and that EVERYONE wants to be there.

I, however, realize this is hardly true, and can't wait to move some of my higher-up toons AWAY from Freedom. Personally, I think Freedom's the worst server. Since it's at the top of the list when someone starts an account, that's where probably 75% of new people go (that's part of why I ended up there). And, with all those new people, I'd say about 50% (or more) are idiots. Granted, I do spend some sleepless nights in Atlas watching the idiots...but even I can only handle so much.

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I am definitly high tailing my Brute and MM out of Freedom for the reasons you stated. I have a low tolerance for smacktards, and they seem to pool in that one server.



Just out of curiosity, are there any plans to make the "Passport" badge available to those who do the server transfers with their characters?

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No, because that is for the people who used the now-closed US to EU server transfer.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Yeah definitely moving from Freedom not to, if that makes anyone on Freedom feel better. In fact I know a few people moving their toons away from that gawdawful place.



You always think of what features that gamers wants and strive to deliver it! Its what has made the my gaming experience here on COH/COV such an enjoyable experience!




If your moving from Freedom... all I can say is BYYYEEEEEEE!!! I will not be moving from freedom, as it has been my home since I came into the game 2 yrs ago. Unfortunatly - a lot more people see Freedom as their "home" and will be refusing to move, then people who say - OMG! i can't stand it!

As for your suggestion that freedom is full of, I believe the word you used is "smacktards"... You tend to see more of it BECAUSE of freedom's higher population.

The reason, as was touched on previously, that freedomites believe that freedom is going to get MORE populated is because freedom has the reputation of not only being "The" PvP server- but also the "official PL server" and the best server to find a team. If you don't think there is a problem with freedom as is- go and try to play during peek playtimes. You will soon be crying different tunes.

I suggest that every other server make an advertising slogan as to why people should move to their server, because every1 seems to think that their server has more to offer then the other. I believe that the people of freedom will digress in this competition. Unless you wanted to see something like ~ Freedom, Come for the teaming- Leave with a disconnet from DB server!

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



I was thinking about this last night...
The first toon I ever built was on Freedom.
I moved to Victory when some friends opened accouts.
They have all left now and I spend most my time playing on Freedom again.
But, I have a few toons on Victory I have put time in on.
SO, I couldn't wait to move them to freedom...but, after reeading all these post...I think it would be better to wait and see if the population on Victory grows...maybe i'll find new friends the lvl those toons with.




If your moving from Freedom... all I can say is BYYYEEEEEEE!!! I will not be moving from freedom, as it has been my home since I came into the game 2 yrs ago. Unfortunatly - a lot more people see Freedom as their "home" and will be refusing to move, then people who say - OMG! i can't stand it!

As for your suggestion that freedom is full of, I believe the word you used is "smacktards"... You tend to see more of it BECAUSE of freedom's higher population.

The reason, as was touched on previously, that freedomites believe that freedom is going to get MORE populated is because freedom has the reputation of not only being "The" PvP server- but also the "official PL server" and the best server to find a team. If you don't think there is a problem with freedom as is- go and try to play during peek playtimes. You will soon be crying different tunes.

I suggest that every other server make an advertising slogan as to why people should move to their server, because every1 seems to think that their server has more to offer then the other. I believe that the people of freedom will digress in this competition. Unless you wanted to see something like ~ Freedom, Come for the teaming- Leave with a disconnet from DB server!

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You should take some Ativan!!! Sounds like you are suffering from PANIC ATTACKS. Now, where to begin.

First, you do not represent the Freedom. You've lead great Hami Raids, but you do not speak for me! There are many, many "Freedomites" looking forward to server transfers. There are many players, such as myself, that have waited & waited for transfers as we filled up our server slots. Maybe you've managed using only 1 server, but many have not.

Second, lag problems?? Check out Protector, its always crashing and lagging and its a low populated server. I haven't noticed much a difference, even during a peak hour Hami raid, even when Hive3 opens due to population.

Third, the "official PL server". Seriously??? You need to check out other servers! Is all the unofficial powerleveling on other servers not good enough?

Fourth, I've always thought the Test Server was the "PvP server".

I know you enjoy Freedom, but you sound paranoid! It's not the utopia that you make it out to be. Seriously, there are reasons why not everyone has chosen Freedom as home. I enjoy Freedom because it's where my in-game friends are, but I highly doubt people are going to move here in droves. In fact, I'm betting there will be a small exodus of badge collectors, role players moving to a smaller server...if they haven't left already.

Relax, maybe if you played this game a bit longer and moved to another server due to lack of character slots, you would have a greater appreciation of this feature to stay connected with friends. As Lighthouse said, they will be monitoring server population and will be addressing issues that might arise.



The Virtue server has a great player base. I'm just afraid we'll be swamped when this goes live



The Virtue server has a great player base. I'm just afraid we'll be swamped when this goes live

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I tried Virtue once. All the names I wanted were taken already.



<Holds Breath> <Crosses Fingers>



I cant wait for this to happen i have a controller i love on another server and he is 1 of the chars i want to transfer (mostly because it's tough to start a controller all over from the beginning) so i'll just wait for the application to go live ...



The one thing I'm disappointed in is I wish there was something in place for group transfers. I've always played on Victory and don't really want to leave, but I don't have any free character slots. I'd love to move all my villains to some other server and keep my heroes on Victory, but I can't afford to pay for each villain to move and I don't want to split them up. I wish somehow it could be made so that the charge was counted per transfer rather than per character (so that moving X number of character from a single server to another server was just one transaction).

Or maybe have it be a charge for one day of transfers, you pay the fee and for one day you can move as many characters as you like. It still prevents people from jumping back and forth all the time, but it allows you to arrange your characters on whatever server you like.



With any new feature, we want to ensure that it is rock solid and ready before we make it

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As if that has always been the case in the past. release it now will find the bugs



Already I can see a problem where someone tries to take their character to another server only to find out, they're blocked from doing so.
Reason is cause someone on that server already has a character with the same name.

This will prevent many from really making the server transfer worth their time and money.
How is NCSoft planning on addressing this issue? The way it is now, anyone can have the same name as long as it's on a different server, and even one person can have one account with the same name on different servers.
With server transfer, you're definitely headed for a problem with this system the way it is now or does it all go by one's individual account?
I really don't think the latter holds true cause I have characters on a server that right now if I wanted to recreate the same characters with the same names on a different server, I can't.
I'd like to know what's being done to address this issue with server transfer.



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well

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I refer to the fact that not everyone is going to want to change the name of their character. What if they just want to play their same character without changing the name but on a different server to maintain continuity but with other people?
They will be out of luck.



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well

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I refer to the fact that not everyone is going to want to change the name of their character. What if they just want to play their same character without changing the name but on a different server to maintain continuity but with other people?
They will be out of luck.

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Well, if the name is not being used, there's some good news. If it is being used though... Also, isn't there a 'name check' button somewhere too? So you wouldn't be getting into a transfer without checking the name first?



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well

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I refer to the fact that not everyone is going to want to change the name of their character. What if they just want to play their same character without changing the name but on a different server to maintain continuity but with other people?
They will be out of luck.

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That's why there is the name check feature (that is currently live). You can go to the server you want to transfer too and use the name check to see if your name is available. If it isn't, well then you can better decide if you really want to move, knowing that you will have to change your name. If you do want to move, you can use the name check feature to find a name that is suitable for your character that should be free when you do move.

Of course, we never guarantee, even with the name check, that any given name will be available.

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Yeah here's where you end up with a problem.
Say you decide to move your character to another server you want to go to only to find the name of your character is already taken there.
Your next decision is to go back where you were originally as you then decide against the move only to find out in the short time you were looking, someone took your name from the original server you were on.
Now you're obviously left without anywhere to go as you had no other reason to move.
It could happen in the short span you're looking over the other server unless the move is confirmed on another server, nothing changes.



Yeah here's where you end up with a problem.
Say you decide to move your character to another server you want to go to only to find the name of your character is already taken there.
Your next decision is to go back where you were originally as you then decide against the move only to find out in the short time you were looking, someone took your name from the original server you were on.
Now you're obviously left without anywhere to go as you had no other reason to move.
It could happen in the short span you're looking over the other server unless the move is confirmed on another server, nothing changes.

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that situation you just described would be an abberation not a general rule. Is it possible, yes, is it likely to occur, not really. Take it as a possiblity and make a choice, there isn't anything taken away from you the player with this system, so you can either use it or not, but it doesn't hurt you one way or another directly.



So my simple NOOB question is this .. can you transfer a toon from one account to another ?



So my simple NOOB question is this .. can you transfer a toon from one account to another ?

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sux... i buy a second account so my wife and I can play CoX together and now i have to try to make a new toona nad level up to catch her ? Not to fun... how bout adding that for the community....Lighthouse ???



sux... i buy a second account so my wife and I can play CoX together and now i have to try to make a new toona nad level up to catch her ? Not to fun... how bout adding that for the community....Lighthouse ???

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Do you have any idea how fast this would degenerate to "Level 50 Inv tanker 4 sale. $500.00 cheap! Activates Kheldian ATs!"

The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood

Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you hat...is a BAD PLAN!



sux... i buy a second account so my wife and I can play CoX together and now i have to try to make a new toona nad level up to catch her ? Not to fun... how bout adding that for the community....Lighthouse ???

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Do you have any idea how fast this would degenerate to "Level 50 Inv tanker 4 sale. $500.00 cheap! Activates Kheldian ATs!"

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Sad, but true, it would make selling characters an option as opposed to whole accounts and also even harder to track.