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  1. I am always amazed at the bag of tricks you devs throw at us but equally disappointed at what passes for in-game direction regarding changes or additions to the game. Why must we always rely on half-a-dozen different out-of-game resources to get us through a virtual day?

    --- Pretty Pill, Lev 50 Blaster
    --- PrettyPill, Leader MMORPG Moms
    --- TheRedPill, CoH Gaming Correspondent
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    Normally you can't "resign" and be gone in a day or two. You have to give notice, a couple of weeks normally.

    Chances are his gaffs over the last few weeks have been from "checking out". You know, that period after you give your notice that you just don't really give a damm about what your doing at your job as you only have a week left.

    Hes a smart guy, and an adult. I doubt hes leaving because of any game related decision. Perhaps a business related decision, an opportunity or personal reasons. Also we only know Lighthouse, I doubt many of us know Alex and understand what decision he has made.

    Let the man leave with dignity, and let the speculation cease. Give him some respect people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [Starts a petition to have a lighthouse built somewhere on the water in Paragon City, a pretty place with an al fresco deck where citizens might enjoy a cup of joe.]
    My current base renovation features Tech Grid ceilings throughout [mainly because it is one of the few that are available at ALL ceiling heights (pet peeve there, sorry)] but lately I see that even though there is a label for Tech Grid beneath a coordinating picture in the High Ceiling style options, what shows up is the Tech Circles.

    Now there is already a Tech Circles label and picture situated in the High Ceiling style options --- in pretty much the same place on the list where it shows up in the other Ceiling style options. And if selected it does indeed give you Tech Circles.

    The other one is SUPPOSED TO BE Tech Grid. But you get Circles. And they do not go away, not if you leave Edit mode, not if you leave the base, not if you leave the game. The circles are not welcome. I want Tech Grid. And I am patiently waiting for this to be fixed.

    IN THE MEANTIME, I have found that the ceiling style called Sewer Grid (I know --- ewwwwww) is the closest match in design, particularly in the way colors are applied.
  4. TimeSink was founded in Jan 08 by a husband/wife team with seven-plus years combined experience of in-game play.

    Motto: L00K BUSY!

    Our well-equipped base optimizes PvE (Player vs. the Environment) support.

    PvP (Player vs. Player) and Base Raids are not currently active interests of the group - beyond the fulfillment of missions and obtainment of badges.

    Roleplaying is up to the individual, and is usually sporadic, spontaneous, short-lived and performed in jest.

    In this game, you get badges for everything, fighting, falling in battle, healing, exploring, learning, clicking on this, stumbling across that... In many cases, collecting the badges earns a small amount of experience/prestige, or adds to a collection that eventually bestows a special power or asset. Regardless, badges are important to some players just because they can be collected <ahem> MUST be collected. It becomes an obsession. But they are not for everyone. We at Timesink understand this. However, we also know that you cannot escape the acquisition of certain badges if you actually play the game, as opposed to getting power-leveled. Since we are interested in building a membership of true gamers, we scrutinize badges. To qualify as a candidate a toon must have 3 badges per level of experieince - not including Veteran Reward badges. That means a level 9 toon must have 27 badges, a level 50 must sport 150. Anyone who collects badges knows this is ridiculously easy to do.

    Although we are equipped with Teamspeak and other speech enabling systems, we prefer not to use them. We dont all speak the same language; we dont all have enough practice with using a mic. But in the heat of a battle, the shouts and cursing always come through, and that causes drama.

    Exploring content, earning prestige (the currency of supergroups), meeting new people and making friends are the chief goals of TimeSink.

    Membership is select, drama-free and self-sufficient. Candidates must be mature in attitude if not in age, and display genuine interest in playing the game as opposed to just leveling-up.

    Let me reiterate that to qualify as a candidate a toon must have three badges per level of experience - not including Veteran Reward badges.

    New players are welcome, providing they truly wish to learn to play the game, and are not just looking for hand-outs and hand-ups. New players (no Veteran Rewards badges) may apply for candidacy at Level 14. Other requirements must also be met.

    Established players are of course welcome, too. With at least one Veteran Rewards badge, such a player can ask for membership for a toon of any level, providing he/she meets the other requirements.

    Alternate toons are also welcome. If you've got extra characters that need a home, TimeSink has the space --- for now. see other requirements.

    Be aware that a toon's access to TimeSink's resources is directly proportional to the amount of prestige that toon brings in to the SG. Toons with no or low prestige counts will be the first to go if and when space becomes an issue.

    Any conduct determined by the founders of TimeSink to be illegal (ref Terms of Agreement) shall be reported to the appropriate authorites and see the player expelled from the group. Ditto for x-rated behavior, prejudicial remarks, harrassment of any kind, extreme exploitation or apalling sportsmanship.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I have NEVER seen them actually winning a street fight. They're always the ones cowering on the ground before the big bad Freaks or the Tsoo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How many of you actually FOUGHT the warriors, anyway, rather than laughed at them on your way to farming or power-leveling?

    And after spending a solid five levels being whaled on by the Warrior Elites, I very much enjoy their subversion.

    And is this the end of the Warrior Background Contest then? I really didnt see anything in the content that I didnt already know.
  6. <Holds Breath> <Crosses Fingers>
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Why? Why does a title given for just caring about an aspect of the game enough to do something for it mean someone has to be yelled at or held to a higher standard than anyone else?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Why? Because that person is by default placing him/herself in a position of presumed authority and admiration, not to mention the "public" eye. I didnt say they have to let themselves be yelled at. But there are better ways to handle things than being "harsh".
  8. Just my two cents worth, and I understand that this is all it is... But IMHO shouldnt someone with a title as prominent as Badge FAQ Editor be expected to rely on a little more professionalism than excuses such as, Everyone who knows me, knows I have a harsh style? Sometimes the people seeking answers dont know you at all, and shouldnt be subjected to harshness in any case. And furthermore, if you can dish it out, you ought to be able to take it.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    The only down side I can forsee is market manipulation... A group of people get together and corner the market on 1 item... They go out and buy up all they can. Then they turn around and sell them at a profit... And before you know it, a group of people HAVE cornered the market and then people get upset...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wellllllll... I dont know what games you're used to playing but in this one most peeps find it difficult to get a group of 8 to function properly in a team. I cant see scores of players acting in unison like this toward a common cause.

    Besides, it always comes back to the time-honored #1 Rule of Retail: YOU CAN NEVER PRICE SOMETHING HIGHER THAN THE MARKET WILL BEAR If the buyers are going to pay the price, the sellers are going to mark it up as high as they can.
  10. I really enjoy seeing what salvage and recipes I get now from my drops, which has brought on another type of defeat here in Paragon City: DEATH BY DROP PEEKING!
  11. First let me say, I am sorry to see the comic go. Being a writer and an artist myself, I am sorry to see a hard copy medium of expression for the game go by the wayside. I always thought the cover art for the comic book was great, but was always disappointed by the less talented and detailed illustrations inside, no matter who was doing them. IMHO, the cover should be an example of whats inside, not merely a sales ploy, espcially since the comic book is offered online and there is no reason for anyone to buy the hard copy except for those who truly enjoy the art form.

    Is the upcoming affiliation with Marvel going to endow us with another comic book? Im sure we'll be the last to know. But again, IMHO, it could hardly be a bad thing.
  12. The naysayers be doomed, I for one am all for trying anything NEW that might lead to EXCITING. Oh, dont get me wrong, I have my reservations, but I am willing to give it a chance. See, I understand that different projects are funded by different pots of money in a business, and managed by different groups of people. The rise of this project does not spell doom for another.

    What appeals to me most about this opportunity is that my husband and I live in a fairly remote area, and are very anxious to find other people in real life within an hour or two of our home, who play this game. It would be nice to get together in real life with people who know what all our excited chatter is about, and enjoy the conversation as much as we do.

    We'd have some BBQ on the patio, a beer, maybe a LAN party, whatever.

    But so far our attempts to make real life friends with folks in the game have left us a bit jaded. Opening our horizons here MIGHT bring our way someone we actually want to know.