Discussion: Clarification on Character Transfer





Currently, our plan is to enable the Character Transfer service with no limitations. There will be no restrictions on which of the live servers you can or cannot transfer too.

Our main goal with the Character Transfer service is to enable customers to play on the server they want to with the character they want to with their friends.

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Yay! Just, yay!



I played on Freedom long ago, before it was -quite- so crowded. My first level 50 is there. It was a great experience, but slightly too busy for my taste. With this new implementation I am looking forward to bringing said 50 to Champion for some PVP!

Each server has its strong points, and this new system will just serve to highlight and correct issues which previously may have been lacking on certain servers.

I think this idea is awesome, and will create a more balanced dynamic in general.



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well

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I refer to the fact that not everyone is going to want to change the name of their character. What if they just want to play their same character without changing the name but on a different server to maintain continuity but with other people?
They will be out of luck.

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Well then now would be a good time to act. I have a character named Land-Lock on at least 3 servers. I only use the one on Pinnacle. I can't recall exactly why I did this. It may have been altitis. Reguardless, I'm at least confident now that when I want to move him to another server I'll be successful. There is a very small window of time between deletion and transfer verification. I've already reserved the name on the servers I would transfer to.



I live and die ( with plenty of debt ) on the Protector server. I have all my friends there and all roster spots full. I have 2 50's, 4 30's, and the rest lower than 20. I am not going to delete any of my chars I love playing them all. I want server transfer so I can move my high leveled ones to make more room on Protector. But I also see there are some really cool SG's to join on other servers and would also like the oppertunity to move my favorite heroes or villains to another server to join one of those cool SG's.
This will be great to transfer players around. And at $10.00 a move there won't be that many made.
And as far as moving to a heavy populated server, who wants to do that. You would think that those on a heavy populated server would want to move out of there.

Thanks LH, keep the news coming. I look foward to transfering and renaming.

From the quiet little server Protector. I'm out.

Feel the Fusion!

Come visit us at http://www.fusionforce.us/default.asp



ok, i have a question. i got my kids hooked on playing by having them create characters on my server a few months ago. recently i went ahead and purchased 2 more COH/COV gaming accounts so they could play on their own computers in their own room and now we all, including mom, play as a family. my question is would there be a way for me to transfer the heroes they originally created on the server from my account to the same server but on their accounts that i pay for? they put some work into these and im hoping there is some way this can be done, other than deleting the toonz and having them start over. thanks for your help.



Nope, the feature they're building does not allow for that.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



thats why there is a name change "feature" going in as well

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I refer to the fact that not everyone is going to want to change the name of their character. What if they just want to play their same character without changing the name but on a different server to maintain continuity but with other people?
They will be out of luck.

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That's why there is the name check feature (that is currently live). You can go to the server you want to transfer too and use the name check to see if your name is available. If it isn't, well then you can better decide if you really want to move, knowing that you will have to change your name. If you do want to move, you can use the name check feature to find a name that is suitable for your character that should be free when you do move.

Of course, we never guarantee, even with the name check, that any given name will be available.

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I always just /friend <name> to see if it's taken. If it adds it, or says "You cannot befriend an enemy." then you know it's taken and can move on to the next (after /estranging the person lest you freak them out one day by sending a tell "How did you end up on my friends list?" because you forgot why they were there. )



Official Stalker of Pwnz