Terrific Screenshots of Cool




Who will step forth to battle Mot? Who will mow down the evil legions single-handed?

That's right, the Super Glowing Rikti Monkey!

Just wanted to share since [Secondary Mutation] tends to backfire at the most amusing times.



My DM/DA brute Twilietta and her clone from Dean MacArthur's story arc. The "clone" turned out to be a robot mastermind with...cold domination? It was pretty epic and she killed everyone.



Couple shots of one of my newer characters, Energy Ellie (on Triumph), fighting the Giant Shivan in Galaxy City:



And Mental Miyuki, also on Triumph, also fighting the Giant Shivan:

From Virtue, Girl Mercury zipping through Kings Row:

And from Liberty, it's Tora pouncing in an AE mission:




I love how she's not making that noise, she's thinking that noise. Epic.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



From my first MM to hit 50.
Or HIS mental image of what it was like.

Then I filmed his demons' ACTUAL reaction.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by airhead View Post

I love how she's not making that noise, she's thinking that noise. Epic.
I originally made a speech bubble, but changed it to a thought bubble at the last minute. I figured she was thinking about how she just needs to do a few more radio missions and she'll be able to train Super Speed!



SSA7 is out and with it we have one of the greatest maps the devs have given us to date. Below is a screenshot from immediately after the 'final' fight, but due to spoilers I will be adding it via clickable text. For your own safety, if you wish not to be spoiled. DO NOT click it.

--> Spoiler Alert! <--
(Click above link for awesome)

There is so much awesome associated with this map. I highly recommend you play part 7 if you have the ability to. It is well worth it!

Story arcs:
The Golden Scepter: #9852 [Winner of American Legion's July 2011 AE Author Contest]

Let your voice be heard! Sign the petition to keep CoH alive.



My Energy/Energy brute, White Orchid, in the smoke from a smokestack in Independence Port, with Energy Cloak active:



I thought this one was pretty darned neat myself.

--> SPOILER <--

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I thought this one was pretty darned neat myself.

--> SPOILER <--
Me too. The other map was *neat*, but this one was just awesome, and fun to navigate.

@Johnstone & @Johnstone 2
All my characters



Hello All!
I was pointed this direction from the costume thread.
Back Story of photo: Solids is a Staff/WP Scrapper. While on a mission tonight his teammate A Grav Troller tossed an item using Propel and I about wet myself when I saw it fly past me. I couldn't pass up taking a screenshot of it. The only editing that was made was to lighten the image since the caves were pretty dark.
So I give you...... SOLIDS!!

Hope you all like it!!



This one is linked because spoilers, but my Dark/Dark/Soul troller "Hex Machine"...




One of the DA missions involved going to Cimerora. When I entered it was RAINING! At first I thought there was something wrong with my monitor..LOL. When I saw the rain making splashes on the water, I snapped a screenie.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I had some computer trouble while running Pinnacle's Sunday Night Ship Raid, and upon logging back in I had no powers in my trays. When I manually activated Sonic Dispersion, it was completely visible. Then for laughs I manually activated Clarion.

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.



Okay, that's actually pretty bad***

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Don't know if this is cool or not, but I was at a Cape Show in AP 2 last night, and found this...

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



A Hellion Damned named Coal... Hmm, kinda cool I guess.

"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."

*yeah, I quoted myself.



Originally Posted by _Reef_ View Post
Hello All!
I was pointed this direction from the costume thread.
Back Story of photo: Solids is a Staff/WP Scrapper. While on a mission tonight his teammate A Grav Troller tossed an item using Propel and I about wet myself when I saw it fly past me. I couldn't pass up taking a screenshot of it. The only editing that was made was to lighten the image since the caves were pretty dark.
So I give you...... SOLIDS!!

Hope you all like it!!
That's awesome!

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



Originally Posted by airhead View Post

I love how she's not making that noise, she's thinking that noise. Epic.
All it needs now is a shot of Sheldon dressed as the Doppler Effect.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



My main villain is a Dark Melee/Dark Armor brute named Bruised Violet, and while I'll admit that this looks very very cool:

This next shot shows exactly why I disable FX when I play her:

She's flying, and that's all I can see.

Incidentally, White Orchid (Energy/Energy brute), the hero I posted previously — and here she is again:

is Bruised Violet's older sister. They're both magic origin characters. They grew up on the streets in a 3rd-world country (I haven't decided which one yet - where might I find dark-skinned people with green eyes?), and as teenagers they were abducted by a magic-wielding madman who subjected them to unspeakable horrors. During their ordeal they manifested their powers and soon after escaped from their tormentor. However, they each came away from the experience with very different perspectives. White Orchid came to the conclusion that it's the duty of the strong to protect the weak; Bruised Violet decided that "only the strong survive" and vowed to never allow herself to be victimized again.