Costume Help Desk




I'll get on that in the morning. I like to do a couple of designs per person. It gets the creative juices flowing. Sometimes I hit a homer, sometimes I foul out, that is life, but I always give it my all.



Hmm, I wasn't going to post another request until I'd had a chance to do one for someone else... but these are turning out great, and helped a ton on my last (very non-descript one) and turns out I'm rolling up a duo toon with a friend...

The pair will both be Eqyptian themed gods, we're still narrowing down exactly what his power combo is (thinking maybe ice/ice tank, but having trouble finding a suitable Egyptian god for it), but I'm going to be a fire/fire tank named after either Sekhmet, or Bast, Egyptian goddesses of war. Both have cat/lion like features, but as far as I can tell Sekhmet has far fewer/tends to look human more often (I'm by no way a scholar of Egyptian mythology). I've been leaning toward Sekhmet as well, but I think thats more because I'm horrible at designing cat-ish toons. When I think Egyptian, I tend to think white dresses/robes with gold and turquiose jewelry, black hair, etc, was thinking maybe something in that vein. While flipping through google pics though, I found quite a few much more colorful ideas that I liked too, and of course, theres tons of regal-cat-people pics too. I tried to use the Egyptian headdress, but couldn't get it too look right, but if you can work it in, that could be good (fine w/o too).

I dunno what else to say... the two ideas are fairly similar, and both interest me, but I'm having a tough time coming up w/ something I like, probably due to the lack of long dresses and jewelry in the game.

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Hmm... Sounds like a plan...

Squadillah! I'm off!

It's a start, right?



I know I'm about 10 hours late but i finally got it posted to DA which has been slow all day today.

Two egyptian variations for your convience. I hope one of them works. I found the theme kinda hard to work with due to lack of options. but this is what I came up with.



Hmm, I wasn't going to post another request until I'd had a chance to do one for someone else... but these are turning out great, and helped a ton on my last (very non-descript one) and turns out I'm rolling up a duo toon with a friend...

The pair will both be Eqyptian themed gods, we're still narrowing down exactly what his power combo is (thinking maybe ice/ice tank, but having trouble finding a suitable Egyptian god for it), but I'm going to be a fire/fire tank named after either Sekhmet, or Bast, Egyptian goddesses of war. Both have cat/lion like features, but as far as I can tell Sekhmet has far fewer/tends to look human more often (I'm by no way a scholar of Egyptian mythology). I've been leaning toward Sekhmet as well, but I think thats more because I'm horrible at designing cat-ish toons. When I think Egyptian, I tend to think white dresses/robes with gold and turquiose jewelry, black hair, etc, was thinking maybe something in that vein. While flipping through google pics though, I found quite a few much more colorful ideas that I liked too, and of course, theres tons of regal-cat-people pics too. I tried to use the Egyptian headdress, but couldn't get it too look right, but if you can work it in, that could be good (fine w/o too).

I dunno what else to say... the two ideas are fairly similar, and both interest me, but I'm having a tough time coming up w/ something I like, probably due to the lack of long dresses and jewelry in the game.

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Here is my try at it Cat God! Rawr!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



Wow,you all do great stuff,anyway,i have a backstory/concept for a character,but im not all too sure on looks
You see,hes the son of my brute,the oh so demonic Spike of Fire.
Hes following his dad's footsteps in becoming a brute,im probly gonna do Elec/Invul or something but heres the concept

He gained most of his looks from his dad,which means his hair is spkey,and black. He needs a more...human look,with demonic touches to his outfit,perferbly wings and stuff. Anyway,hes supposed to be wearing something over his eyes to help him train his hearing. Mainly his mother is a succubus,his dad a diffrent kind of demon...yeah

Im not sure how this can all help but can ya give it a whack at it,maybe put him in armor of sorts?



Show us a screenie of the father and I wouldn't mind an approximate age for the new character. I'll take a shot at it when I get home from work tonight. So you should have something tomorrow. Unless I decide to try that "sleep" thing I keep hearing about.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



I need help wiht a new main costume. Not liking my current colors also stumped on what to make.

brief bio: air force pilot volunteered for an experiment during first invasion rikti.


name: Capt. Solar
tank: fiery aura and super strength



Well, first thing that came to my mind when I saw Capt. Solar's biography was the Air Force colors and insignia, it seems to fit your character well, and is a ways away from your current colors, which you don't like. I also went with combat boots, and no mask, with more groomed hair, as I thought it added to the military-ness of it.

This is what I came up with, not a big fan of the huge model myself though, so I don't have a toon high enough to add capes or auras to it.
Capt. Solar crossed over into the blue

If you have access to the vet rewards that give the new chest details, theres one in there (for the Vanguard? Vindicators? I'm not sure what its called) that I think would look great on your character in blue/silver, it looks a bit like the USAF symbol.



nice by not my style. next!



Alright, here's one.. considering a consistant alt for myself.

I'm looking for a costume for a Catfolk Druidess (yes... Plant Dom for powers). The character backround is Based off of a D&D Setting, but I'm open to a slightly more modern garb as well.

..Its not so much that she's trouble.. its that trouble follows her like a lost puppy... ((Yes.. a dog chasing a cat joke.. yeah yeah... I'll burn in hell... I know))



Still looking for help with my costume.

I need help wiht a new main costume. Not liking my current colors also stumped on what to make.

brief bio: air force pilot volunteered for an experiment during first invasion rikti.


name: Capt. Solar
tank: fiery aura and super strength

[/ QUOTE ]




How is this? (Add an optional mental cape, I do not have a huge model character with access to capes besides the vet shoulder-models).

Good direction? Bad direction?



Eh.. I hate the feline face option and after I figured this thread was dead I came up with my own idea... seen in the link to Nera in my signature.



If this thread is still going...

I'm having some troubles with my own character. Her name is Expiation AKA Emilie Schwarzchild, she's a rad/rad defender. Her background, in short, is that she was the head researcher at a particle physics lab, in the energy transfer department. There was a criticality event which irradiated and killed everyone in the lab but her, and she feels guilty for it as she was always pushing her people too hard for results. She had her eyes badly burned, enough so that they always need to be covered, but also gained mutation powers with manipulating radiation.

Hence Expiation - "the method of attonement". I'm kinda looking for a costume that fits with the words "repentance", "innocence", and "justice". A strange combination, I know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've already pullled my hair out over this a couple times. XD



If this thread is still going...

I'm having some troubles with my own character. Her name is Expiation AKA Emilie Schwarzchild, she's a rad/rad defender. Her background, in short, is that she was the head researcher at a particle physics lab, in the energy transfer department. There was a criticality event which irradiated and killed everyone in the lab but her, and she feels guilty for it as she was always pushing her people too hard for results. She had her eyes badly burned, enough so that they always need to be covered, but also gained mutation powers with manipulating radiation.

Hence Expiation - "the method of attonement". I'm kinda looking for a costume that fits with the words "repentance", "innocence", and "justice". A strange combination, I know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I've already pullled my hair out over this a couple times. XD

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You should get much better help then me as my costume expertise has yet to ever win me any costume contest.

BUT... I did feel like doing something and figured it wouldn't hurt to try so ....yeah...

Two Costumes that arn't much diffrent from each other. Colors are all your choice as I just used what I felt like and I used the same face on both of them. I like that face...

I'm sure someone else could do better but still, these were my prespective... Blind to the world yet calm and ready to protect it.



How about this?


I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



What costume pieces are used in that one Gunner? I like all the suggestions so far and may try merging them.



All the costume pieces are "common" and can be made for a level 1 character except for 2 things, the cape and the glowing eyes.

Head: Face with Mask, Roman mask, Formal hair, Visor
Upper Body: Tights, Tech Sleek, Small shoulder pads, Banded gloves, Tech belt
Lower Body: Tights, Tech Sleek, Banded boots
Back: Over Shoulder cape, "cross" brooch
Aura: Glow, Eyes

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



Tech Sleek is a Vet Reward, 27 month, I believe.

Great costume, though.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



Ack, you're right! This should teach me to sleep before posting, not post before sleeping. Maybe Ham has those costume pieces?

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



In case Ham doesn't have those costume pieces, here is a different version of the costume. The major change is using Stealth instead of Tech Sleek. The minor changes are the belt, shoulder, and cape.

Expiation v.2

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



I was trying to do a Roman Centurian costume but nothing I put together got close. Any ideas?


Tar Heel Lvl 50 Inv/SS Tank
Knight of Purgatory Lvl 50 Fire/Ax Tank
Kilmainham Wall Lvl 50 Stone/Stone Tank
Re-Fridgerator Lvl 50 Ice/Ice Tank
Yankee Doodle Dandy Lvl 50 Will/Eng Tank
Teen Tar Heel Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper


Tar Heel Dead Lvl 50 DD Brute