Costume Help Desk




Scared me there for a second. I didn't think I created anything TOO girly and used pink. LOL

The dress is a light red. it's the color second on the right in the red row.



That's pink in my book. In fact, it's the prettiest looking pink in my opinion. Especially when use in junction with white.



Because I don't think you are challenged enough *and no one is biting...*

Melinna Ryga Is seeking another set of every day clothing.

What you see in the picture is *in this order* Everyday casual, Everyday Combat, Heavy Combat Armor, and 'This is as close as you will ever get to seeing me necked (censored x4)'

We are not responible for for the names of her costumes.

Background information will be placed maniualy as I've forgotten to do it earlier.


From the Age of 3, Melinna had been trained by her father in the use of various fire arms and devices. Because of her early age, she grew up with extrodinary skills in the area. However without a motherly influance in her life, she is also rather violent. At the age of 13, her father known as Commander Ryga was placed in jail after his Mercenary group was aprehended stealing goverment documents. Because of her age Melinna was taken in by by the Hero Corps. Possibly due to her violent nature and skill with fire arms, they forced her into a training course and made her a registured hero. Something that to this day ticks her off but she follows the job as her father made sure that she knew how to follow orders.

If you listen closely, you cursing and mumbling under her breath. "I am not a *censored* hero."



Ok, anyone familiar with my villain, Wrecking Gear, will immediately recognize this. She was, after all, my inspiration. Here are Melinna's new street clothes.


Assuming Aracade likes it.

I really kind of hope so.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Ok, anyone familiar with my villain, Wrecking Gear, will immediately recognize this. She was, after all, my inspiration. Here are Melinna's new street clothes.


Assuming Aracade likes it.

I really kind of hope so.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am not kidding when I say that's actualy perfect for her.

*sniff*.... I think I'm gonna cry.



Thank you Frosty Femme, I was going to take a crack at it, but only because it seemed I was the only one besides Chisoku who was doing any attempts.

And this thread was starting to look like a Stump the tailor thread. That is not an idea btw.



Well, I've wanted to help out more, but working 60-70 hours a week kinda puts a damper on any desire to not sleep.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Seeing as I don wanna see thread die... I have yet another request to be fulfilled.

Now, Melinna Ryga is two levels away from gaining a security clearance of 50. *If I'm lucky I might be able to clear that this weekend*

Because of that I seek to design a lost member of the Ryga Family.

Namely, her mother.

Now here is where it is difficult.

Cylintia Ryga was 25 years of age at the time of her 'death'. For all it's meaning she was gone from the family. She was know in her life as a very lovely woman with a smile that could brighten the darkest of days. However during her husband's early mercinary life she was shot through the heart. In all senses of the word she should be truely dead but now... she has returned. The thing is, now she is said to be the angel she always was in her former life.

Now... *yes i did make that story up on the spot... kind of...*

All I know the only goal I have for her right now is to put the angel wings and white hair on her but beyound that.... I honestly can't think of a design for her at all.

This should prove an intresting challenge for ye creative minds out there because now.. you don't have another picture to work from.... BAHAHAHAHA!!



Here you go!

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Here you go!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty good except for one problem. You can't get that particular chest wear on new characters.....



Here you go!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty good except for one problem. You can't get that particular chest wear on new characters.....

[/ QUOTE ]

then you need to get some on valintines day



Here you go!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty good except for one problem. You can't get that particular chest wear on new characters.....

[/ QUOTE ]

Something to work towards.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Here you go!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's pretty good except for one problem. You can't get that particular chest wear on new characters.....

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm pretty sure a white robe can suffice for a placeholder of the toga. I've seen it done on plenty of other characters, and it works well to say the least.



Here you go, a worthy challenge for your minds.
[list] Three Future Characters[*]1. Marine[*]2. Firebat [*]3. Ghost




Here you go, a worthy challenge for your minds.
[list] Three Future Characters[*]1. Marine[*]2. Firebat [*]3. Ghost


[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, but trademark violation is verboten.

[/ QUOTE ]


your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Scared me there for a second. I didn't think I created anything TOO girly and used pink. LOL

The dress is a light red. it's the color second on the right in the red row.

[/ QUOTE ]

"It's not pink, it's lightish red."

Anyway, it's great looking at the costumes some people have made. You all have awesome imaginations and creativity.



Bat and Marine

That's as close as I can get personaly...

4 things.

1. Bat there is blue because I wanna Ice Blaster *secondary undecided but thematicly that would be ice as well I would think*

2. Marine there is using Female body type *because I'm gonna have them out the armor as a costume option.*

3. I was/am not worried about the trademark because unlike various heroes such as Hulk, Spiderman, Superman... IT's impossible to create those armors in this game so you can't truely copy them. Unless there are armor options I'm not aware of off hand it can't be done. The goal however is to make Heavy type armor under those rules... VERY LARGE and bulky type things, space type creations...

4. Didn't make the Ghost armor because... That honestly wasn't the picture I was looking for. Couldn't find the male armor. *was gonna convert it to female but that's besides the point >_>*

I don't make request for things that can be copied. I make request for things force your mind into overdrive.

"It can't be done.... but maybe if I do 'this' and 'this' I could make something that looks just as good if not better."



ok ... I know there is not much difference between those colors ... just didn't want to give the wrong impression.

It's dusty rose. It's light crimson. It's anything but pink! Oh, I'm going to go watch some hockey!




i was wondering if anyone could help me get a costume that kinda looked like Helena from the song

but kinda like

super heroy but still looked like hers


FLOOP! <----thats the music video shes in

shes the one if the coffin if you can't tell :P




I suppose I could try it out. Return in a few and I'll prolly have something done.



The gothiness just washed over me. I really wanted to use more color than just black, but that made it so that the toon didn't quite resemble who you wanted it to.

Regardless, it's yours now. Feel free to modify it in any way to your satisfaction.




me likey muy mucho!




Hmm, I wasn't going to post another request until I'd had a chance to do one for someone else... but these are turning out great, and helped a ton on my last (very non-descript one) and turns out I'm rolling up a duo toon with a friend...

The pair will both be Eqyptian themed gods, we're still narrowing down exactly what his power combo is (thinking maybe ice/ice tank, but having trouble finding a suitable Egyptian god for it), but I'm going to be a fire/fire tank named after either Sekhmet, or Bast, Egyptian goddesses of war. Both have cat/lion like features, but as far as I can tell Sekhmet has far fewer/tends to look human more often (I'm by no way a scholar of Egyptian mythology). I've been leaning toward Sekhmet as well, but I think thats more because I'm horrible at designing cat-ish toons. When I think Egyptian, I tend to think white dresses/robes with gold and turquiose jewelry, black hair, etc, was thinking maybe something in that vein. While flipping through google pics though, I found quite a few much more colorful ideas that I liked too, and of course, theres tons of regal-cat-people pics too. I tried to use the Egyptian headdress, but couldn't get it too look right, but if you can work it in, that could be good (fine w/o too).

I dunno what else to say... the two ideas are fairly similar, and both interest me, but I'm having a tough time coming up w/ something I like, probably due to the lack of long dresses and jewelry in the game.