Costume Help Desk




Hi Gaderath. My take isn't as decadent as you'd requested, but I had sooo much fun making this outfit that I had to share! Those who know me shouldn't be surprised that I chose to go the classier (in a very colorful way) route!

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Those who know me are probably, or probably will be, shocked by this character, even if I do something as tame as the one you have here, this is so absurdly different than what I normally do. I do like the one you made a lot, as well as a lot of the others, and the final result with probably be a blend of these, as I can't decide, they're too good



For Gaderath:
My attempt at Carnival of Shadows - I never usually do the whole sexy and super brightly colored hero/villain, so this was a first for me.

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The one in the quote and this one I tried to do as close to a ring mistress or harlequin as I could. The only difference between them is I put diamonds in the second one since you requested that.

This one I tried to make as close to a seneschal or attendant:

Carnie Seneschal

Now, for my attempt at making a random carnie combining mostly everything I work with. Not really a Seneschal or Mistress or Harlequin or anything:

Carnie Combined!



Lady Madara Ryga needs her own armor and civilian clothing. Can you suggest someting from the 'big and tall' hero store?



Since I seem stuck with blue on blue... some ideas for
Hyperborean Wraith, if you would.

The left and right costmes are current, and keepers. She's an Ice/Psy dom. The blue skin, red hair, and face 10 (have to get the one on the right to use the right face, shouldd be the same face as the middle) are the "must haves."

I'm looking for something... *not blue or black.* I've got a lot of darker, subtle colors on characters as it is. (See the Sketch-a-day thread, last page, with a link to several shots of multiple characters.)

Available - Santa gloves. Vet rewards through the group emblems. Think she has valentines day stuff, and santa boots/gloves. (see the costume on the right.)

As for backstory? I don't have a heck of a lot of one for her. She was a researcher, heading to the arctic. The plane she was on got shot down in the middle of nowhere, the experimental chemicals affecting her and keeping her alive - and priming her to be powered. An Arachnos expiditionary team found her, the mental probing from the Fortunata leading it being the last spark needed to kick her powers in. She inherited some of the Fortunata's powers - stealing her helmet as well to help her focus, initially - and went to find who had tried to kill her.



I wouldn't mind getting a little advice on this costume. It's mostly the boots that I'm not enthused about, but random advise on other details would not be unappreciated. And she'll need a second, third, etc. costume someday anyway.

If the background helps, she's a mutant with powers over ice and cold (corrupter) who delusionally believes herself to be the incarnation/ruler of winter.

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Silver_Echo, I really like your original outfit...she already really seems to carry the "I am Winter, hear me roar!" vibe which is really nice! Since the top and bottom already use the stealth pattern, for the boots I would try something a little cohesive, at least texture-wise. I didn't get to experiment with your existing outfit so I don't have anything too specific, sorry!

I did come up with a completely new outfit. It's a modern spin on the winter theme. If it's TOO cool for you, I'll make good use of it instead, haha!

Standing 2
Frozen Touch
Frozen Aura



Bill, a couple of ideas I had for your character.

Since you didn't want something dark, I went with a lighter, Arctic-wear theme. I was trying to get a sort of skiing/hiking look, with baggier clothes that would keep someone warm in cold weather.

Hyperborean Wraith with hood
Hyperborean Wraith with mask

I did the second one mainly because the first doesn't allow the hair to be shown...but I still wanted to go for a "warding off the cold" look.



(As a side note, I really wish we had the ski chalet back!)

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Since I seem stuck with blue on blue... some ideas for
Hyperborean Wraith, if you would.

The left and right costmes are current, and keepers. She's an Ice/Psy dom. The blue skin, red hair, and face 10 (have to get the one on the right to use the right face, shouldd be the same face as the middle) are the "must haves."

I'm looking for something... *not blue or black.* I've got a lot of darker, subtle colors on characters as it is. (See the Sketch-a-day thread, last page, with a link to several shots of multiple characters.)

Available - Santa gloves. Vet rewards through the group emblems. Think she has valentines day stuff, and santa boots/gloves. (see the costume on the right.)

As for backstory? I don't have a heck of a lot of one for her. She was a researcher, heading to the arctic. The plane she was on got shot down in the middle of nowhere, the experimental chemicals affecting her and keeping her alive - and priming her to be powered. An Arachnos expiditionary team found her, the mental probing from the Fortunata leading it being the last spark needed to kick her powers in. She inherited some of the Fortunata's powers - stealing her helmet as well to help her focus, initially - and went to find who had tried to kill her.

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I kind of went against your not blue policy, but I did keep your face 10 policy, so....

Hyperborian Wraith

Don't worry if you don't like it. It was a fun costume simply to design!



I did come up with a completely new outfit. It's a modern spin on the winter theme. If it's TOO cool for you, I'll make good use of it instead, haha!

Standing 2
Frozen Touch
Frozen Aura

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Wow. All I can say is that I'm going to have to hurry and level her up so I can play with your design. Thanks!

And I'll just keep messing with her current boots 'till I figure out something I like.



Hmm, thanks.... It's interesting...

And as odd as it sounds, both have yellows in that I hadn't thought of...

Gives me a bit to consider, which is always helpful. Thanks



Hi guys, can ya'll help me with Neoma Crimson

Some of her costumes

She is a Kin/Dark Defender who loves using her dark blasts and her tentacles at breakneck speeds. The dark energy within her is slowly destroying her soul so she tries to expends as much of it as possible to slow the degradation until she finds a way to reverse it.

I would her to keep her chain belt but you can remove it if you want, also I have the GvsE pack and the 3 month badge if that helps any



OK I got a couple projects for you to work on. The first is an old fashoned regular spandex clad hero probably invuln/ss. I don't have any colors decided yet so just do what you can. The next one is a ninja/ninja stalker. I want to make him a tech ninja sort of. Not so much as a robotic arm or armor but with gadgets and stuff. Thanks in advance.

Eradicate, Rampage, Annihilate

For Fame and Fortune ~ #109709



please help me i have the name cicada for a toon. and i have no idea what to do. also needs to be a chick



I need some help planning a costume for the Dual Blade/Willpower scrapper I'll be creating post-I11.

Sex: male
Origin: natural

His backstory is going to be that he was an idealistic, activist sort of guy, who planned to go into politics in an effort to make a difference in the world. However, after working as a congressional aide he discovered that his political party of choice had absolutely no balls, and was incapable of getting anything done. The two-handed fighting style was a recreational hobby, but he decided it would be a more effective pursuit than politics.

Please feel free to go crazy with the I11 costume creator on test server. I'm not dead set on any particular type of blades so it could be anything from rapier to sais. The only important thing is that his costume express the natural "normal guy" origin. I'm not saying tights are out or anything, just don't go overboard.

Please anyone who's interested feel free to throw some costume ideas out there. The more the merrier.



I need some help planning a costume for the Dual Blade/Willpower scrapper I'll be creating post-I11.

Sex: male
Origin: natural

His backstory is going to be that he was an idealistic, activist sort of guy, who planned to go into politics in an effort to make a difference in the world. However, after working as a congressional aide he discovered that his political party of choice had absolutely no balls, and was incapable of getting anything done. The two-handed fighting style was a recreational hobby, but he decided it would be a more effective pursuit than politics.

Please feel free to go crazy with the I11 costume creator on test server. I'm not dead set on any particular type of blades so it could be anything from rapier to sais. The only important thing is that his costume express the natural "normal guy" origin. I'm not saying tights are out or anything, just don't go overboard.

Please anyone who's interested feel free to throw some costume ideas out there. The more the merrier.

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A sort of homemade hero look:

There's an image with 2 falcata in it, but I decided I liked the unusual combination of Khopesh and Falcata.

Hope you like him.



i truely need help with my toon cicada
she has to be blue and that is all that i know i dont know her powers
i have no idea what i want to do