Costume Help Desk




Ooo,I have a character I like but something just seems off about him.

His story goes something like this:
He always wanted to help people and admired superheroes but had no powers himself. He tried joining the police but didn't like the boundarys so he set out to fulfill his original dream. Using various tech he created himself a suit and various gadgets so he could be a superhero.

Pretty basic story eh? I haven't refined it yet but eventually I will have enough to make a wiki page and all that good stuff.

Anyways here he is :
He looks to plain to me. Like nobody would remember him.

I have up to 15 months in veteran rewards with 18 one coming up. One final thing is if possibe try to put in the rocket boots or tech wings because he flies and it kinda bugs me when something isn't explaining it. Well,thanks for the help guys.



can someone help me with a stone tank.
i want stone face and stone hands. the rest i am trying to make with costume tights and some type of pattern or something. any ideas? anything would be appreciated!!!!ty



I think I might be able to try something out...

Try this on for size.
Feel free to modify the costume in any way you desire.



Solar, how is this?

Capt. Stone

I pulled the trigger. That's right, I did it, in Warburg, with the pistol. - Mista Chains

Everyone know the Tank Archetype get the most drops of all the types. This is because of their "Death Dealing" powers. I call it the front line bonus...but you'll never read this in the wiki - "Rx10"



Solar, how is this?
Capt. Stone

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i might use this for a party or event. oh i forgot to mention i use large body for my tanks. so stone head and stone hands, large leather boots. the rest will probably be tights. also maybe a cape too. one more thing i like classic designs for my tanks as well.



Designing the last Ryga...

The goal is simple. The youngest male member of the Ryga family line.

The issue. Getting it to reflect both power and unnatural appearance.

The story...

Every member of the Ryga family suffer a curse. No matter what the age, a horribly event falls on their shoulders changing them and shaping their lives after wards. One sister died, another was in an explosion. His oldest sister however suffered for his sake while he was a mere infant leaving her scared for life. The eldest brother was slain, the next removed any hope of a normal life by submitting himself into a training program to create emotionless soldiers with no fear of death.

Now here he is, the young Ryga, a mutation shuned by his home town. The cause of his sister's pain because she defended him from their hate and fear. Maybe if he fights hard enough, the pain she felt for him will be worth it.

The power set...

Controller, Gravity/Force Field

THIS is the challenge.... can you help this poower child be born into the world of heroes?

The story is a wough draft and shall maintain the essons weven with editting.



How about this for the flaw (and this might also factor into the costume design, which I can't do at the moment, I'm at work):

The youngest Ryga's powers ARE his curse. The force of gravity is his power source, and it keeps him alive. He has no need for food or drink, not even to breathe.

But he cannot be touched or held - the gravitic energy 'film' surrounding him disrupts most matter on contact. There's a continual ozone scent from air molecules getting ripped apart as they drift across the field. His costume is a holographic projection, energy being the only thing he can clothe himself in.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



It's great to see this bumped up again, it's a great idea, and I've seen a lot of "help with costume" threads lately.

And once again I turn to the creative talents of you amazingly talented people. The Egyptian idea fizzled, but you guys helped tremendously with my Ms Paragon idea.

I'm attempting to do something *very* different from what I normally do and am known for. I usually do superheroic and patriotic costumes, with little to no skin showing. I wanted to do something darker/sexier. There have been a few guys egging me to do a bunny or cat toon for a while, but if I do do something like this, I want it to be a *bit* more original than that. Someone made me promise, if he gave me a suggestion, I'd try it out before I said no. He suggested an ex-Carnival of Shadows. For some reason, I actually liked the idea... It's still got my usual brighter colors (if a little less tastefully so), its (I'm told) sexy, and it has the depravity I was looking for (maybe too much so...). I did up a couple test costumes, but couldn't get them to look as good as I know they could look in this game. I was thinking the white face is a must, and I'd like to have a main (or *the* main) color be red to go with 1 of two names I'm considering (Crimson/Rose Harlequin). The hair would probably also be red, though I'm open to anything that looks good. I was thinking the diamonds pattern would be required, but have yet to find a good way to work it in, as you can't apply patterns to tops/bottoms with skin patterns, or gloves/boots.

Story for her was roughly planned to be an ex-Carnie, cast our because her psychic powers seem to only apply to plants (I'd be a plant/* dom) or if I did Crimson instead of Rose, an ex-Carnie cast out because she was too nuts (I'd be a mind/* dom) and/or ambitious within the organization. Or something... I dunno for sure yet

Like I said, this is so totally opposite from what I normally do, I'm at a bit of a loss on how to do this and make it look good to me (a few guys have said already the tests look good to *them* but I'd like my toon to look good to me as well...)



OK, I want a make-over!

Yeoman Medic comes from an alternate reality, where there are no heroes, only soldiers (the Yeomen) fighting the 5th Column from taking over Great Britain. She was torn from her reality, brought to this one, and developped the powers to heal or hurt (Rad). She was captured by Lord recluse, experimented on, and now her powers have begun to spiral out of control (hence the green skin)

So...some type of containment suit perhaps? Keep in mind I dislike most of the armor options, and I still want her to be as sexxxxxx-ay as all getout.

Yeoman Medic
YM Long View



OK, I want a make-over!

Yeoman Medic comes from an alternate reality, where there are no heroes, only soldiers (the Yeomen) fighting the 5th Column from taking over Great Britain. She was torn from her reality, brought to this one, and developped the powers to heal or hurt (Rad). She was captured by Lord recluse, experimented on, and now her powers have begun to spiral out of control (hence the green skin)

So...some type of containment suit perhaps? Keep in mind I dislike most of the armor options, and I still want her to be as sexxxxxx-ay as all getout.

Yeoman Medic
YM Long View

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Badstorm, this is for you. I'm not so content with the bottom down nor is it as sexy as your original outfit, but I tried!



Thanks Rei, that turned out surprisingly sweet! It has an armored look without being armored. It seems to have a bit of an eeeeeevil feel to it, but it works. I might look at some belt options to go with it, but I great first stab!

Thanks ever so much!



That's perty cool Kodi...



And for Badstorm:
Yeoman Medic - Not quite a containment suit, but I think gives the feel of some technology advances with still being sexy.



That's perty cool Kodi...

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Thanks LJ.



Dang Quick, those are some nice Carnie costumes!

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



And for Badstorm:
Yeoman Medic - Not quite a containment suit, but I think gives the feel of some technology advances with still being sexy.

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Some real nice touches there, I particularly like that you kept with the white on green theme. The robot arm is something I never thought of, and could be written into her backstory. I'm on the fence for the face mask, as it takes away somewhat from her lovely face. Thanks though, I really love to see what others do with my favorite gal!



I wouldn't mind getting a little advice on this costume. It's mostly the boots that I'm not enthused about, but random advise on other details would not be unappreciated. And she'll need a second, third, etc. costume someday anyway.

If the background helps, she's a mutant with powers over ice and cold (corrupter) who delusionally believes herself to be the incarnation/ruler of winter.



Wow, these are some really great carnie costumes, the problem for me seems like its not going to be finding a good one, but narrowing the good ones down to just 1! Thanks guys!



Hi Gaderath. My take isn't as decadent as you'd requested, but I had sooo much fun making this outfit that I had to share! Those who know me shouldn't be surprised that I chose to go the classier (in a very colorful way) route!

waiting sucks!

I chose this design because while giving off those carnie vibes, it still looks like she's a little reformed. She's willing to change her old ways yet can't quite seem to get out of her old style. The ears and overall gaudiness help give that totally eccentric pace about her.

Let me know if you're interested and would to know the exact colors or anything specific to the suit!

I hope you enjoy it!!



And for Badstorm:
Yeoman Medic - Not quite a containment suit, but I think gives the feel of some technology advances with still being sexy.

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Some real nice touches there, I particularly like that you kept with the white on green theme. The robot arm is something I never thought of, and could be written into her backstory. I'm on the fence for the face mask, as it takes away somewhat from her lovely face. Thanks though, I really love to see what others do with my favorite gal!

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Yeah, I added the face mask on a whim. I figured if you are going for the containment suit time thing, that would be her respirator. And the robot arm I sorta see as an arm enhancement, like something she slides her arm into when going into battle that enhances her powers, a gift from Recluse.