Costume Help Desk




Decided I should try and open this up again. Post a character premise, genders... character stories... current outfits... All that sort of information that we can judge. With your information and guidelines, we can craft, or try to craft a good costume for those who ask.

Also, there is a little extra bit in the plan of this whole help desk thing: I've decided to make this a community project, in a sort of way. Any request made by a person can be attempted to be completed by any other person who thinks they can create a good costume for that person. This way, we can (hope to) keep this thread rolling and working well.

Enough rambling and stuff: Let your requests roll in.



Ok, I have a bit of a problem... my character Jet Set has surpassed level 30... meaning auras.

unfortunately, her powers and concept dont really fit for an aura..
so I was wondering.... would you guys be able to think up some outlandish costume that fit the theme, but also looked good with an aura.

would that be possible?



Hm... do ya have a pic of your char with a description of the powersets, Empress?



Yeah, gotta know what the theme is in order to find some way to make it work with an aura.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



ok, so you think you can do something? groovie... I'll get pictures...

the background has sort of been floating around but it isnt finalizaed.

the gist, is that the Heiress, Nessa Rose (inheriter of the Rose fortune, and Rose castle in upstate new york) Decided to use her olympic level archery skill to fight crime for kicks. She liked it so much that she helped fund, and volenteered in, a study utalizing the Casimer effect as a means of exceptional, frictionless transport.
an expermental backfire allowed Nessa to tap into dark matter directly, using repulsive forces to create a ring of negative energy, that enabled her to propell herself around paragon at nearly super sonic speeds.
As she learns to manipulate dark matter, however, she comes to realize that there is some secret sentience (though she'd probably say "It's like, totally alive and stuff") hidden within dark matter.
Receintly she has leanred how to force dark matter and negative energy to coalese into a semi-conscious entity to aid in her fight against the evils of society.

in truth, I came up with Jet Set as an Homage to DarkJedi's Light-Speed, and she just sort of took on a life of her own.. shes lighthearted, and loving crime fighter.
Hero-work is a bit of a game to her... but the more she learns about her abilities, the more she is slapped in the face by reality.

pictures comming.



ok, this is my attempt. I envisioned a dark outfit and tentrils as the aura. So in the spirit of Light-Speed I came up with this. Now to explain, I did the hair short because she's speeding around and doesn't need hair cutting her face as she running. The goggles are a high tech set with internal readouts, and high speed capturing and playback capabilities. They also come with acceleration adaptive motion sensors so that you are notified with little blips when moving objects could cross your path of travel.

Basically I tried to keep it simple and functional. with the goggles added. I hope it helps....



actually its pretty groovie, considering I didnt get you any "what she looks like" pics yet :-D



I submit to you Hero Number 7.

(mind you that bill thing on his helmet is gone... never ment for it to be there... didn't relize it till after I took the picture.)

I need a final costume for him. The final costume is post to reflect his final status as a hero *of sort* after many hard hours of fighting on the side of peace, justice, and the lack of any actual money way!



I just took a best guess approach to it. I read the power description and background, and ran with it.

Feel free to use if you like and remember to tell everyone that the goggles came from Night Dragon Technologies! (HAD to put a shameless plug in there)



Okay, fresh from Night Dragon Tech, a little something for Hero #7.

The specs on the outfit are as follows:

The suit itself is a lightweight armored suit capable of accepting various stealth powers and or technologies. (Extra charges apply for the stealth systems to be included)

The shoulder pads are glider assistance devices for times when a hero needs an escape route off the side of a building or to increase a hero's jump length.

The Bracers are highly advanced power regulators that are custom designed to a hero's specific powers. They are a defense mechanism designed to prevent heroes from burning out too quickly during long battles.

The mask is a ninja mask with a chemical composite built into adjust the weave of the fabric based on the amount of CO2 flow from the wearer's breathing.

The belt is a simple martial arts belt with several inserts and pockets design to keep additional weaponry. As a bonus, some shurikens designed to absorb the wielders power (i.e. flames) for maximum damage have been installed.

The boots are standard armored boots with the ability to be modified to accept any footwear technology. (i.e. rockets, jets, thrusters, springs and all others) They also come equipped with comfort gel inserts free of charge.

The color scheme was designed to fit with those who desire stealth over presence. This schema was also designed to be stylish for those of the Martial Arts genre. (some *bright* color schemes may cost extra due to the semi-blinding effects of some combinations on the assemblers)

And as always, 1st year heroes get 25% discount on selected items. (license and registration required for verification)



I'll take a shot at H#7.

EDIT: Hero#7 Complete.

This suit is just a basic Martial Arts outfit. Halfway between a high tech ninja suit, and a high school football outfit.
And of course, I threw in flames on the pants to reflect the hero's flame abilities.

Hope it's satisfactory!



Dr. Funktation my Funk/Funk Defender Needs a Third FunkSuit!

He is a classicly trained Funkmeister taught by Dr. Bartholemew White, Dr. Isaac Hayes, and Dr. George Clinton. He was on tour when a Funkonium Meteorite struck the stage during a performance, enabling a dormant FunkGene, making him what he is today.

Here are his First Two:

And his FunkBride, Lady Funktation (just for fun.):

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:






who got the funk!



You have done such a wonderful job thus far that Hero Number 7 told me that he will get both costumes.

Now there is another with a request.

Omegawoman Fate is actively looking for a set of civilian clothing. If you read the profile however, you will see the difficulties that intells.

Confidential Information
The skulls that decorate her armor have tiny microcramera's that link to her brain which allows her sight. Information on these camera's will be forwarded to you if you can find away to use incorperate them so she doesn't have to run around completely blind.

On a side note, Her base face is the supernatural one with the eyes closed.



First question... just her right arm is robotic.. the other is a glove

Second question.... Yes



Cool. It just needs a few minor tweaks. Corrected version:

Gloria Reign was once a simple teacher in Paragon City. She spent her days teaching basic math to the youth who came to her class. That all changed when a guest speaker turned villainous in front of the student body. The speaker came in under the guise of a local hero. However, when questioned about his origin, the speaker attacked. In an effort to defend her students, Gloria jumped into the path of a pulse of energy. The results were devastating, and by all witness accounts she should have died from that shot. Somehow, three days after the event, she disappeared from the hospital.

Now she has returned under the name of Omegawoman Fate. She, like others before her, has no memory of where she was or who she worked with. But she has come back changed. Her right arm and many internal organs have been replaced with impressive machines. Sadly, her sight was also taken; yet now she seems to see better than before. The question is, can she see what Fate has planned for her?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Ok, firstly, I'm very sorry I got the name wrong. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess something else got stuck in my head.

Dr. Funk was cool and I did some tweaking here and there and came up with two concepts.

Dr. Funktation

The first one is an out on the town suit that I really liked. It made him look suave in my view. The outfit is a jazzy tux with chain accent. The boots are suede cowboy boots, perfect for looking ultra cool.

The second outfit is a throw down set. this outfit says, "I'm cool but your better not mess with me." Simple every day wear with punishing chains and gloves, and stomp them flat boots to complete it.

The bride was just oozing with sensuality so I ran with it and put her in a two tone revealing dress with chain accents and mile high thigh boots. I completed the outfit with full length gloves with a funky pattern on them for effect.

I hope you like. Heck, I hope ANYONE likes.



and finally for the last request Omegawoman Fate

This one was tough, but I gave her a more lady-like appearance. Hey, even partially robotic women like to feel pretty...



Alright, I'll post my idea that's had me scratching my head for a while.
9/10 of my toons are red/white/blue, mostly very retro, Golden Age/Silver Age stuff. But I've been itching to break that color scheme for a long time, just haven't had anything work for me so far.

The toon I want to try this on is "Ms Paragon," powersets yet undecided, trying to stay away from inv/ss (since I've done it before, a lot), the origin is a sort of mind-over-matter, trained to perfection classic (though if I decide on powersets that don't fit that too well, I may modify it, not locked into that), and while I think I do want to go retro again, I want to avoid using red/white/blue (all three together, 1 of those, maybe 2, would be fine). The personality is the ol' Supermanish ultimate do-gooder. I think I'm looking for a 3 color costume, though I'm not locked into that by any means.

I know it's not a lot to go on, lacking powersets and all. Basically, I have the name reserved, and want to do something not red/white/blue but still retro/classic, and I'm drawing a total blank. I love when my toon's powers/costumes/names all fit together, but I'm having a tough time with this one, as I've played just about everything scrapper, and done Inv/SS to death, and they're probably the powers that fit the name the best... If anyone has any power suggestions they feel fit the name as well, I'd love to hear them.

I have through the 12 months vet rewards, so whats that as far as costume items? Just trenchcoats and belly shirts, right?



Red, gold, and blue. That's what I'm feeling.



Okay, this is what I came up with for Ms. Paragon

Instead of 3 I went with 4 colors because I tend to over achieve. I think.

Anyway, I went white, blue, and black with gold accents. I hope it's close to what you was looking for.



and finally for the last request Omegawoman Fate

This one was tough, but I gave her a more lady-like appearance. Hey, even partially robotic women like to feel pretty...

[/ QUOTE ]

Bloody Monitor...

Is that red or pink?