The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




Welcome to the Zig, information and rules are posted below. Follow them...or die.

You are all Villains placed in the Zig for the crimes you have commited. Here you will spend the rest of your days until you die...or breakout.

The event known as "Breakout" has not and will not occur in this RP. In this storyline it will be as if Lord Recluse never came to break us out and all the Villains remain in prison.

Breakout attempts are expected, however they must be clever and not a simple riot. Riots will be stopped by Longbow and the prison guards.

Breakout attempts may be done solo or with other villains.

A prisoners first breakout attempt should expect to fail, as guards enjoy the sport villains will not be killed after the first attempt if caught. They may however be tortured.

Shivs, stabbing weapons, are allowed. However to create a shiv the villain must explain the materials the shank is made of and how he/she was able to create it. Note that all villains are searched in the morning, after lunch and before lights out.

Shivs may only be used to stab someone 3 times before breaking or becoming dull. After that they are uselss.

A person is allowed multiple shivs, however after one is broke the person must either find a way to make a new one or somehow repair the broken one.

There are three different type of guards:

Good Guards- these guards follow the rules and never stray from their mission. These guards can not be bribed or dealed with. These guards also do not harm the villains unless they step out of line.

Corrupt Guards- make deals with the villains behind the other guards back and may even smuggle in goods for certain high ranking villains. These guards may be bribed or dealed with.

Evil Guards & Doctors- Torture the villains and force them to participate in experiments or fights for their entertainment.

*Heroes also visit the prison to check on the guards and make sure the villains are kept in their places.

Contact with the outside world can only be done by using corrupt guards to mail letters. Large ammount of help from the outside world is not allowed, however getting them to smuggle in a few specific items is allowed.

Villains do not have any powers of any origin. However some natural talents, such as pickpocketing, basic combat and lock picking may be used.

Villains may restore their powers by breaking into the holding vault and recovering their weapons and armor. Villains that do not use weapons may recover their powers by breaking into the medicine supply area and stealing the antidote for the antipower drug the Guards injected into them.

Both the Vault and Medical areas are under extreame watch and are guarded and locked at all times.

Master Minds with Thug pets do not have their Thugs unless they recruit from the surrounding prisoners. The thugs do not have weapons of any sort even if recruited. Thugs may regain weapons and etc. the same way as Villains.

Villains may only communicate with each other for short periods of time unless they are held in the same cell. Times when villains may include, but are not limited to, the cafe, the grounds, the showers and the recreation area.

There is a holding area for villains who start riots. This area is nicknamed the abyss. It is a tiny room with cold steel walls. No light enters the room even when the door is opened. There is some mystery reguarding the abyss, as villains who are stuck into it for long periods of time change and have been known to dissappear.

There are key figureheads inside the Zig. Their profiles will be put up in a later post.

Also note the Zig is coed. Female villains are held on the same floors as males, however a male and female will not share the same cell.

No character has the power to break his or her cell as the cells are designed to specificly hold the pair of villains held within it.

No god moding, instant kills, instant wins, etc. Ya know...the stuff you see in almost every open RP.

I hold the option to control the guards actions and location if I feel it is needed.

(( This is the first time I've made up a Open RP so if any issues in the rules occur they will be addressed as they occur.

If anyone has comments on the rules or questions please ask and I will try to answer asap))



((I was really interested in this from the title, but you have WAY too many rules to follow. Sorry to say I won't be joining.))



((I was really interested in this from the title, but you have WAY too many rules to follow. Sorry to say I won't be joining.))

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I just tried going to indepth into the rules...Simply put

1. Breakout hasn't and wont happen

2. You can try to breakout yourself or with others...however it needs to be more then a simple riot.

3. You can create cheap weapons but they break after 3 uses.

4. There are corrupt, good and evil guards. ((see above.))

5. No one has powers except a few natural talents. To unlock powers break into the weapons vault or medical supply area.

6. You can't just bust your cell down.

7. Normal god moding and auto attacks and etc. arn't allowed.



OOC: Looks like the standard sort of things you'd expect from a prison built to house super criminals. The only rule I'd suggest changing is the one that says you can only make one shiv and then thats it for the rest of the RP.

Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure the make-shift bladed weapons that prisoners cobble together are typically called shivs. Just an fyi.

EDIT: Almost forgot to say: I have a character who'd fit in well here. I'll wait for you to start things off before posting, however.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



(( Edited the Shiv thing and allowed multiple shivs. Thanks for the comment. I suppose I will open us up now with my own post.))

The story opens up...we see a small cell with two prisoners in it. One is pacing the floor while the other sits in the corner ...whispering to a small rat.

"Hello little rat, what are you doing in a place like this. This place is bad. A prison on the outside...hell on the inside. They send us here to torture us and eventually forget about us.

What's that you ask? My name...well my name is Phaith...and I've done terrible things.

What were they? Well I'm not going to tell you just yet...perhaps if you come back one day I will. Now go along this isn't a place for a rat...for anyone really.

Just try to survive, thats the only real rule I suppose...and come back...I have lots to tell you."



"Those dumb guards took my stash of Superdine." Says Jason Girianda (Gear-e-anda) kicking the ground. His cell mate looks up at him with his two beady eyes. " .power." He says. Jason looks up at him. His cell mate had been injected with some kind of drug that turned him into a rat. He was put in Zig for trying to infect Paragon City with his disease. "Hey rat, how about you and I team up to get out of this hell hole?" Jason asks the rat. A few minutes later, the rat was found lying on the ground dead, while Jason was'nt found.
Posing as a guard, Jason has been able to find some henchmen to help him in his quest to escape. "We just need more planning." He thinks.



A tune trailed from an open slit in a cell door on the upper level, said tune WAY out of... Well, tune.

"Noooobody knows... The trouble I've seeeen.... Nooobody knows... The sorrow..." a cloaked and hooded figure sang, causing a guard to smack on his door with a nightstick.

"Shut UP, Blind." the guard growled. After a few moments of silence, he began walking away...

"Rrrrow row row your boat, gently down the stream! Merrily merrily merrily merrily, life is but a dream!"

The guard smacked the door again, and walked away faster to avoid the toneless tune. However, a new one caught him.

"I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner!~~"

Said nightstick flew through the slit, a resounding crunch then meeting the guard outside. He waited a moment, and Blind Messenger came to the door.

"Y'know..." he muttered, ripping the nightstick from an empty eye socket, "You could have just asked politely." He handed the nightstick back, and retreated back to the dark corner of the cell.



"Those dumb guards took my stash of Superdine." Says Jason Girianda (Gear-e-anda) kicking the ground. His cell mate looks up at him with his two beady eyes. " .power." He says. Jason looks up at him. His cell mate had been injected with some kind of drug that turned him into a rat. He was put in Zig for trying to infect Paragon City with his disease. "Hey rat, how about you and I team up to get out of this hell hole?" Jason asks the rat. A few minutes later, the rat was found lying on the ground dead, while Jason was'nt found.
Posing as a guard, Jason has been able to find some henchmen to help him in his quest to escape. "We just need more planning." He thinks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Heading down the hall Jason is watched by his fellow gang members. They start to follow him beating down any guard that gets in their way. "It's time." He thinks as guards fall at his feet. When they get to prison cell 15 they smash against the door. A low voice yells "ME CRUSH YOU!" through the door. BANG! A giant Supa Troll breaks through the door and starts to rip up the jail. "We did it" Jason thinks. But just as they're about to escape some sort of force field hits them. Some die. Others are wounded. Jason ends up stuck in a locked up cell with no windows, no cell mate, and no way out. "We were so close." He thinks kicking the floor.



"DANG!" Bizmereo said to himself,"I had almost done it, then they took that stupid shot to me." He looked around, He saw a hooded figure in the back corner,Where you the one singing earlier?" he asked.



Raymond Harris was fresh from his operation recovery. They had given him a solitary cell, a mild mercy for a newbie to the "Super" Block. His mind screamed in agony, his body burned all over. He could feel... the things pulsing and flowing through his arteries and veins. He could feel them massaging his muscles, making him bigger...

He could feel the horns growing out of his collar bone and shoulders.

"What have those bastards done to me?" he whispered in a deep voice he barely recognized as his own, "I never wanted this... I had an appeal..."

He looked into the scarred face in the mirror above his sink.

"No way the people of Paragon will look at me and say I'm innocent, now."

He punched into the wall next to the mirror and winced as he felt his knuckles split.

"Maybe they'll bleed out of me..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Phaith's cell mate had been pacing back and forth for hours. There had been a lockdown not to long ago, something about a Jason character trying to breakout. They had come and searched the cell, finding nothing as there was nothing to find.

Phaith's didn't know his cell mate's name, he never took the time to get to know them. This one was odd though, he walked back and forth, never stopping. He bit his nails as he went and mumbled occasionly.

"Your an odd one arn't you"

His cell mate paid no attention to Phaith's remark. A small jingle was heard not to far away. At the sound of the jingle Phaith's cell mate balled up on the floor. The jingle was coming from a doctor....Doctor Raiken.

Doctor Raiken was the head doctor in the Zig, and evil to boot. He constantly pulled prisoners from their cells to submit them to his "experiments". To scare the prisoners Dr. Raiken had attached small bells to the ends of his lab coat, so as he was coming you heard the sound of the bells.

Phaith's wondered who the Doc would be taking today...when all of a sudden the Doctor along with a guard appeared before his cell. The guard opened the cell and the Doctor pointed at Phaith's cell mate.

The guard went over and dragged whatever his name was out of the cell. After relocking the cell the guard and Dr. Raiken walked off, Phaith had been spared...for today.

Phiath's grinned to himself and laughed.

"The Zig, where Heroes come to be evil...."




The armored PPD SWAT van slowly made its way off the main road.

Then taillights. It had turned around.

Rearward lights. They came closer.

"Steady now." growled the SWAT Sergeant, cold, focused eyes tracking the armored van as it backed up the last few meters to the Ziggursky Penitentiary Prisoner Transfer Gate. Three spotlights focused on the area, turning the dark night to brightest day.

The clicking of automatic weaponry spread through the group of SWAT personnel, and the heavy footsteps of the two men in Hard Suits echoed stoically on the concrete.

The SWAT van ground to a halt, and two officers rammed riot hooks into designated holders on the rear doors while a third disengaged the heavy electronic lock, flaked by two Equalizers. They weren't taking any chances.

The officer nodded, and the hook-wielding men flung the doors open. Out leaped first two more SWAT officers, and then an incredulously tall man clad in red-and-gold asian robes. Even without the huge bamboo coolie that hid more than half of his face, much like a Tsoo Sorcerer, the thin silk garments of far-eastern martial arts made it clear he was dangerous even unarmed. The carefully wrapped legs and forearms only underscored this, and his arms had been expertly tied with more handcuffs and locks than the average person was able to tell apart.

Having crouched down for almost the entire trip because of his stature, the man seemed quite relieved to be able to stand tall again, towering at over 2.6 meters. Though the shadow of the hat hid the upper half of his face, his mouth was clearly visible. He smiled.

"Don't even think about it." spat the SWAT Sergeant, motioning to his men, "You so much as look at someone like you're gonna spit and you'll have more bullets in ya then yer able to count."

"Perish the thought." the tall man replied in fluent English, "I was merely..."

"Save it." snapped the Sergeant, "Now move."

The muzzle of an automatic rifle pressed itself into the man's back. It belonged to one of the Ghosts who'd been in the van with him in addition to the officers. With a shrug, the obscenely tall martial artist did as told, and the caravan moved into the Zig. The heavy doors slammed shot behind them.

In the entryway, they were already expected by the Zig's own staff of guards. Some sneered at the new arrival, while others kept a close eye for anything he might try to pull. Still others chuckled quietly, and a few even started betting - on what, no one but the betters were quite sure.

Without a word, the SWAT Sergeant handed the security Captain a clipboard, numerous quick words scrawled onto the normal forms with heavy black ink. The Captain only nodded, and then turned his attention to the prisoner.

"Another ninja mastermind, huh?" he sneered up at the man, "Not so hot now, huh? Well, your masterminding days are over for good..."

"Mastermind?" interrupted the bound man, "How flattering. But I'm just a teacher. It would be..."

The Captain's fist came flying right for his face - and went wide. With an incredulous look in his eyes, the uniformed man went for it again with an uppercut - and missed again as the prisoner swayed every-so-slightly.

"Now, now." the new arrival smirked, bending backwards a little, "Let's not be hasty."

Two rifle butts between neck and shoulder blades ended the dodging, bringing the robed man to his knees. Swearing, the Captain tore the coolie off the prisoner's head...and froze.

Everything quieted down for a moment as the bamboo hat drifted to the floor.

Then the robed man looked up at the Captain - looked with blank white eyes, eyes that had no pupils.

"You're blind?" was all the uniformed man was able to get out, wallowing in disbelief that this was the guy who'd just dodged his best punches. The Captain was no amateur when it came to fights, and he'd beaten down so-called 'supers' on numerous occasions.

"Only those who refuse to see are blind." the prisoner replied cryptically, rising to his feet again, "I stand by my word. I am a teacher. I have committed no wrong."

"By our laws, ya have." growled the Sergeant, "And you're gonna pay. Take a good look around. You ain't never gonna see Japan again. You're gonna stay here, rot here, and die here!"

"That'll be enough, Sergeant." said the Captain coldly as he picked up the prisoner's hat, handing it to one of his team, "Check that. If it's clean...give it back to him. Well, what's everyone waiting for an invitation?! Get this guy outta my sight!"

As the troop departed, the uniformed man took a good, long look at the clipboard, carefully reading the notes the Sergeant had made in addition to all the other known information - which wasn't exactly much.

"Hmph." he snorted as he read the name on the clipped manifest, "Ryuu Hotaka..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Harris," one of the guards, Dan Taylor, called in to Raymond through the slot in the heavy, reinforced door, "You alright in there?"

"Breaker," the inmate replied.

"What? Ray, you okay? Come on man..."

He watched as the massive body pulled itself out of the corner and made its way to the sink. The massive spikes were oblong in shape, hardly sharp, but they still looked painful. The guard ahd no idea how to deal with this.

"Power," the inmate rumbled as he looked into the mirror.


"Dan... I need you... I need you to stop calling me by my Christian name..."

Harris's walked over until only his eyes filled the slot and stared seriously into Taylor's. Dan Taylor had been one of the guards that had pulled the Tsoo assassin off of Harris the prior week, and was hardly a pushover. Still, seeing those three scars where the assassin's makeshift claws had raked across the socket sent chills down his spine.

"They saved your eye..." he sighed.

"Those Crey bastards..." Harris half-explained, "I never should've agreed to the operation. I should've just let the docs let me die... I'll never make parole looking like this..."

"Yeah... I saw..."

"I look like a God damn cartoon!" Raymond's head ducked down and Taylor could've sworn he heard a noise akin to crying, "They made me a freak..."

"You'll get through this Ray..."

"Power Breaker..."

"Dammit, man, don't do that... Don't feed into the mentality this place puts you in!"

"It's too late," Ray brought his face back up to the panel, "I'm here... They're there. We're all in this block together, now, and I'm guaranteed to wind up having to interact with them. I can't start looking weak..."

"You hardly look frail," Dan muttered, "Have you looked at yourself?"

"Yeah. And I can't make it look like it's broken me. I gotta look like I've embraced this stuff. You gotta start calling me something else..."

"So... Power Breaker, huh?"


Dan looked askance at the inmate. He didn't feel for many of the inmates, most of them weren't only guilty, but often quite proud of their crimes. But Raymond had seemed far too... human. When compared to many of the monsters he'd met so far, Raymond was by no means a saint, but he didn't seem to belong with them. Dan read dossiers on most of the inmates he ran across, and Raymond was one that had caught his eye.

A former Family leg-man, Raymond was ushered through the legal system when he was accused of murder. The victim had been a Tsoo courier, and despite Raymond trying to say it was an Outcast, he had been convicted. Whether or not he did it, Raymond seemed to be remorseful the event had happened. Too bad the Tsoo took the event as a personal insult. Hence the assassin, and now, after an experimental operation by Crey, Raymond Harris no longer existed.

"Power Breaker," he finally agreed, "What're you gonna do now?"

"I'm gonna practice my fighting," Harris replied, "Try to warn me if the Warden's holding an inspection... I'm gonna need to roll my bed over so I can use it as a punching bag."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"All right villian, here's your food." Says a voice handing Jason his meal through a small hole. Jason looks at the pile of green blob and throws it back through the hole. "If you think I'm going to eat that you're crazy." Says Jason. After the guard leaves Jason gets down on floor trying to find a way out. After about 20 minutes Jason gives up. But as he's walking towards his bunk he trips on something. "A lever!" Thinks Jason. He yanks the lever back and the door sudenly opens. "ALERT, ALERT, BREAKOUT AT CELL 27!" Screams a intercom. "I better beat it." Thinks Jason running down the hall. Jason finds a base in a abbandoned floor. He's now planning better then his last attempt to escape.



((Jason, I'd think about this... They put you in a cell... that could be opened from the inside. I think they're messing with you.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Erick?" The cold, tired, ragged, dry voice of a man echoed out from the cell. There was only silence, and the sounds of the other inmates. A sigh escaped from the cell, and the voice did not come out again. There was the sound of suffling as a man rose to his feet from the bunk in the far corner of his cell. The word "bunk" was hardly the word for what passed as the man's bedding. It was a mattress on the floor. Other then the mattress, the cell was completely bare. There was no mirror, no sink, no toilet, no cot. There was no metal or plastic, glass or stone. Nothing was to be given to this man, that could in any way be hoarded away for construction. Captain Osiris was a man of machines, and was confident in the fact that none could surpass his skills. Osiris was a tall man, hovering over six feet tall. He was as fit as any thirty five year old man who'd spent his life building and constructing could be. The years of stress and being locked away in a shop had left his long hair and goatee grayed, and his skin pale. A black eyepatch coveredhis left eye, leaving only one, cold grey orb to stare out into the prison block. His original clothing had been taken and locked away...a prize for the warden, the cloths that where stained with Hero blood. he had been given the orange clothes of a prisoner..of a dog. With a low grumble, Osiris turned back into his cell, walked to his bed, and sat down.

He felt alone. He had always felt alone, but atleast with Erick he felt like he could communicate with someone. He knew what everyone thought. "A man who lost his son, builds a robot to replace him." He didn't care. The rough, cobbled together machine had helped him build his legion of robots. Now they probebly had his poor Erick locked up, worst, dissassembled. If he found out they had destroyed his precious machine, he vowed to personally break every guard, doctor, and warden in this prison...and then go after their families.

He heard the bells of the "good doctor"...a man he had once respected, a man he had once called 'friend'. Doctor Raiken...a demon in man's skin. He heard the bells, and again rose to his feet and moved to the cell bars. There, Osiris watched the doctor make hisway down the cell block, a guard dragging a prisoner away...he watched, with one cold, emotionless eye.



Ryuu Hotaka didn't seem impressed by anything, still wearing a light smile as the guards with him ushered him into the cellblock he'd been assigned. He also still wore his robes (after they'd been thoroughly searched, of course), as none of the orange uniforms had fit him and they had to order one tailor-made. It would take some time.

"Five coming in." the lead guard of Ryuu's 'escort' said to another guard behind a window. The spoken-to man nodded and pressed a button that was out of view for now.

A short horn sounded as the midway barrier to the cell block was raised by the guard in control of 'the button', the only control that could open the heavy bars of the door, sitting watchfully behind a thick pane of transparent composite. It was tough enough to withstand even the mightiest of brutes.

The position had a rotating chair and a monitor bank, through which security camera feeds were routed. It wasn't the only security desk, though, only the first of many.

As Hotaka and the four guards entered the cellblock, the midway barrier rolled shut again behind them. The robed man surveyed the building closely.

Two floors, walkways along the upper row of cells. At the far end of the block, a guard was standing in front of a cell door, apparently having a chat with the prisoner. Curiously enough, he almost seemed to be keeping watch for something.

As they walked down the block, Ryuu also noticed a single gray eye peeking out of a door slit. It was cold, emotionless, and seemed to be screaming bloody murder.

Then Ryuu saw at what - or who, to be more precise. A man in the grab of a medical doctor, with little bells adorning the ends of his lab coat, and wearing a most sadistic smile that made the doctor’s face even more repulsive than Hotaka already thought it was.

Beside the medical man walked a guard, more or less dragging along an unidentified prisoner. The play of emotions on the interned man's face, the cycling of fright and sheer terror, was the first thing capable of turning Ryuu's smile away, his face becoming an emotionless mask.

"Three coming out!" Doctor Raiken practically screeched at the guard in the 'box', as the caretakers of the Zig sometimes referred to the position at 'the button'. To say the man's voice was unpleasant was an understatement - Raiken's tone cut the air like the screech of a harpy, and the guard quickly obliged the order, if only to be rid of the demon in the skin of a man for a while...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Time to meet the top dogs at the Zig. Most of em have it out for ya so watch your back.

Name: Warden Zyle
Title: Warden
Description: Warden Zyle is a no jokes sort of guy. Even though he doesn't torture the prisoners like some of the other staff he doesn't take time to care about them either. Zyle's main concern is making his pay check bigger, and if a few Villains dissappear...well thats just one less mouth to feed.

Name: Krill
Title: Warden's assistant
Description: Krill is only out for his own well being. He may suck up and stick around with Warden Zyle alot, all he really wants is his job. Krill may make deals with the prisoners if they benefit his own needs, however if you tease Krill the wrong may find yourself on a one way trip to the abyss.

Name: Doctor Raiken
Title: Head Doctor
Description: Doctor Raiken is the head doctor within the Zig. He is in charge of any medical care the villains may need. However Raiken loves to torture the prisoners and submit them to his "experiments". Many villains have went to the medical wing never to return from Raiken's grasp. Everyone within the Zig fears Doctor Raiken, even the warden. He wears bells on the end of his labcoat to alert others that

Name: Nurse Tara
Title: Head nurse
Description: Nurse Tara loves caring for the villains and hates to see them tortured by Doctor Raiken. However she is fears leaving the Zig because of what she knows and fears Doctor Raiken even more. She often saves the prisoners from otherwise likely death when no one is around to stop her.

Name: Sieg
Title: Head Guard
Description: Sieg is a very very large man. He loves playing with the prisoners and using them for his games. He oftens let the prisoners start a breakout, however quickly hunts them down for sport. Sieg fears no one...expect doctor Raiken...

If you wish to add other guards, doctors or figureheads go ahead....I believe I have a few i'm going to add as well...however these are just the ones I want to be included in the story



The rythmic pounding gave way to the bells. The accursed bells.

Power Breaker turned to the cell door. Dan's shift ended a while back, and nobody had checked to see what he was doing. He had heard the bells before... wondered at them...

He had heard rumors of a mad doctor working in the Zig. He didn't think it was true... He didn't believe that the guards would have a lunatic working for them. He had heard the bells once on the "norm" side, and the next day a couple prisoners were missing.

He had still figured it was a legend the guards had seeded among the inmates to further keep them in line. Like grade-school punks, most had fed into it. But now, Power Breaker heard the bells more often. He wondered at that. Surely, true supervillains, with a history of phenomenal powers at their disposal, wouldn't be subdued by such cheap chicanery...

He walked up to his reinforced door and tried to slip his fingernail into the slot. If he could just see...

The guard outside snapped the slot back shut, and Power Breaker's fingernail snapped off. He choked out a curse as pain shot through his whole arm and he pulled away from the door. A bit of the fingertip had been mashed in at the same time.

"Sonova... Well, [censored] you, too, buddy!" Breaker yelled as he rubbed the pain out of his finger, "I don't need to know about that crap, anyway! Frickin' ghost stories..."

He righted his bed as quietly as he could, and decided it was time to go to sleep. Even if it was real, the "Good Doctor" had apparently decided on someone besides him to entertain for the night.

Lying flat on his back, he only ahd one thought before sleeping.

"If you can't run away, what good does having a bell on a cat do the mice?"

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Brutish Ghoul was hungry.

It wasn't the kind of hunger that could be satiated with the slop all the prisoners were given to eat; Ghoul had figured that out after he had bullied the fourth guy in one lunch period out of his meal and his stomach still rumbled.

Ghoul still didn't remember much about why he was in here, the Ziggurat, the greatest of Paragon City's prisons. The last he could remember was working his route back in Cap au Diable, dumping the garbage of the elite into the back of his truck and picking up his barely-above-minimum-wage check at the end of every week. He couldn't seem to remember his name or most of his previous life either, but the guards who talked to him called him 'Brutish Ghoul' or 'Prisoner M-3497'. Ghoul guessed that the 'M' meant for metahuman, which he guessed he was now. It would have been pretty obvious anyway, what with having to stare up at his grey-skinned, milky-eyed face reflected off the metal ceiling of Doctor Raiken's laboratory every other day.

Today wasn't one of those days, thankfully. Ghoul had enough trouble trying to forget some of the things the doctor had stuck him with, and his brain seemed to oblige. But every time he forgot something the doctor did, he forgot something else, and it was starting to bother him.

Lying on his cot, his bulky frame well muscled even though he hadn't done much more than walking for the past two weeks, the supervillain known as Brutish Ghoul waited for something.

OOC: Almost forgot I was going to post here.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Captain Osiris watched a robed man be led in...watched him with his cold, hateful eye. This man caught his attention, not just because of the fact he wore robes, and not the tradional Zig uniform of orange...but because the man, even though locked up, moved with pride..almost arrogance. For an instant, there was a flicker of a smirk on Osiris's face, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. Osiris did not speak often, and when he did, his words usually carried great weight. His not speaking was one of the few reasons his voice was cracked and a sound you'd expect a skeleton to make if it talked.

Osiris waited until the man in the robes was placed in a cell, and waited for the guard to leave before he spoke. His harsh voice broke into the hallway.
"Man in the robes...I to have a few words with you...They...feed us in a few hours....I will seek you out then..."
And that was all he said before slipping back into his cell, and sitting on his little matress in his little bare prison cell.



Phaith heard the alarm sounding and walked over to his cell to look down. The alarm meant new arrivals were coming in. Phaith stared down at the new arrivals. A few mutants, mostly humans and finally a giant man…fewer newbies then usual. All of them wore the classic orange jump suits most of the prisoners wore, except one.

On rare occasions prisoners were allowed to keep certain articles of clothing, occasions where they were frightening enough, even without powers, that the guards were to afraid to remove them.

The exception in the group was wearing a bamboo hat…Phaith would have to keep an eye on him.

Phaith tried not to draw to much attention to himself; he mostly sat, watched and planned. Phaith had been one of the prisoners who were allowed to keep a small accessory; he had his black lenses, round white framed glasses. He was also missing his left eye, 3 great scars starting at the top of his forehead and ran down the left side of his face.

Phaith glanced back down at the group. Seig, head of the Zigguart guards, was leading the pack of newbies to their new “rooms”. Seig looked up directly at Phaith and grinned.

“Let’s get Phaith a new roomy!” Seig cried out loudly as he pointed at the man in the bamboo hat and pointed at Phaith’s cell.

The one with the bamboo hat was escorted toward Phaith’s cell.

Phaith only muttered one word, “Perfect.”

(( Seems we all have an interest in Mr. Ryuu Hotaka =P ))



((Was gonna have him room with Ghoul, but sure, why not? Also, is the guy's name Sieg or Seig now?))

Grinning smugly, the escorting guards did as told. Two unlocked the door while the others stood guard. Experience had taught them not to always blindly believe that just because the prisoners weren't supposed to have 'powers' in here, that indeed they really didn't.

After making sure they had no interference to expect from Phaith, one of them checked the copy of what the SWAT Sergeant had originally scrawled on the transfer papers. The man shrugged, then ordered the other guards to shackle Ryuu to the metal corner post of the bunk bed, which was in turn firmly embedded in the concrete of the floor.

"I tell ya, Bauston gets crazier every year." one of the men performing the deed growled, "The hell does he think this loser's gonna do?"

"Orders are orders." retorted the one with the copy, "You wanna go discuss it with him?"

"Hmph." was the only answer he got. SWAT Sergeant Bauston wasn't someone to be messed with, he knew that.

As soon as the locks were secure, the mob of guards shuffled out of the cell again, and then the door slammed shut once more, the clacking of several heavy locks echoing from the reinforced door's guts.

<Insert any taunting words of Sieg/Seig here. >

Then there was silence again. With a relaxed sigh, Hotaka let himself onto the floor, sitting in a lotus fashion, his shackled wrists sliding down the metal post as far as they could...which wasn't far. He ended up with his hands just above an behind his head.

Then again, this didn't seem to bother him as he said to Phaith, "So then, who might you be...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Taking this time to introduce SWAT Sergeant Thomas Bauston:

Not exacly a sadistic fellow, but holds a grudge against virtually every super-powered individual alive, especially if they've been labeled villains. His exact reasons are unknown, as he keeps to himself, but there are rumors his family was caught in the crossfire of a metahuman battle.

Bauston is in command of Zigursky's SWAT division, the same guys seen in the comic in the main security room. They command the standard SWAT arsenal seen in-game, as well as a division of PPD Shells, Hard Suits, and even a few Assaults.

They're hardly ever seen around the inner workings of the prison, serving more as a last line of defense when something goes over the heads of the normal guards. As such, they usually won't appear unless something goes seriously wrong. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((While Power Breaker sleeps for a little bit, I think I'll explain Dan Taylor...

Dan Taylor is a correctional officer recently transferred to Ziggursky. He handles the daytime shift, so he largely misses the craziness of the night. However, he knows something is desperately wrong in the Zig. Though he is one of a very few guards trying to get to the bottom of the corruption lying at the heart of their facility, they are too splintered and ineffectual at the moment to cause a true schism among the guards. However, it is probably a good thing that at least one of these officers is trying to weed out the cancer that is tormenting the inmates.

Officer Taylor is no pushover. He is more than capable of handling himself against roughly five people of a comparable size. He has trained in Tae Kwon Do and standard Boxing/Pugilism. He is also quite deft with his nightstick/tongfa, and doesn't hesitate to utilize all the tools at his disposal, such as pepper spray, tasers, and even a few tranquilizer darts.

Recently transferred to the Super Block <somebody, please give me the designation of this cell block>, Dan is currently assigned to the heavy duty solitary confinement/quarantine cells.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.