The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




((Feh...well either way, there's always the RP Boards OOC Thread, where general nonsense rules the land and the planning of planned plans is planned...or something to that nature. ))

The guard accompanied by Lloyd didn't take long to make his way down the cellblock, his eyes surveying the area quite covertly, as if he was looking for something without wanting anyone else to know.

Finally, it seemed he was successful, stepping to the cell door of Torroes and Hotaka.

"Wise man say it is not wise to cage the Dragon." he spoke softly through the bars of the reinforced door's viewing window.

"Ah, but patience is a virtue." Hotaka responded with a generous smile, "I do hope you didn't kill anyone to make them let you in?"

"Iiya, sensei - though I felt reason to. He was not treating his companion well at all..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




<Sensei?> Torroes thought to himself. <This man in the cell seems to have a mentor in the man outside. THat may proove to be valuble information> Torroes thought silently.
"Lights out. 10 minutes!" came a deep voiced announcement over the intercom.



"Lights out! Ten minutes!"

Power Breaker curled up on his bed and pulled his thin blanket over himself. Danny was busy trying to climb up to his own mattress and Paul marked a place for himself to stop reading.

As he lied there, Breaker considered what it would take to get out of the Zig. Concrete walls thick enough to put small rooms into, heavily armed guards every couple of feet. It was true, they'd need a small army to do it. Since none was likely forthcoming, they'd need to build one from within. On top of that, the path of least resistance was the maze of twisty sewer tunnels beneath the complex, and those were host to their own problems.

Do I have what it takes to organize something like this?

He doubted it. Outside, he'd been little more than a thug. In here, less. He knew the politics of the organizations he worked with. His lack of street cred wasn't going to win him any friends.

But if I found a way to prove myself to the other prisoners... I could...

The Arena. The legend that continued to send shivers through the spines of every Zig newbie. What's more, the guards seemed to have something special in store for every Monday night... Something reserved for the Super types.

Well, I'm "super" now... I wonder what it takes to get invited...

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((Dur? But we just had breakfast. Oh well, I don't mind if this thing's alive again. ))

"Lights out. 10 minutes!" came a deep voiced announcement over the intercom.

[/ QUOTE ]
"I'd better make this quick then." Hotaka continued to the guard who obviously wasn't a guard, "Now, as I know my students, you're planning to...hmmm..."

It took him a moment to think, but then he went on with a wry smile, "Scale the walls after dark, use the ID keycard you already stole to get inside, and replace prison staff as you see fit. Once in position, the bomb at the prison power station will go off, plunging this place into darkness - and while the heavily armed guards rush out to defend the power station from a few straw puppets, you come in, eat through the doors with acid, and get me out of here."

The man outside just stood silently as Hotaka finished with, "Oh, am I that cold?"

"Iiya, sensei." the man sighed, obviously hoping for another description, "We had assumed they discovered you. Shipped off to MAGI, you know."

"Hmyes." Hotaka exhaled slowly, "They would, wouldn't they? At some point, I should really explain a few things to these morons. But Just no. The time is not yet right."

"What do you mean, sensei?"

"Well, you know me. If there's a lesson that needs teaching, my nature commands me to do so."

"Hai. And?"

"Well, there's a fellow in here by the name of Raiken. Terrible man. I feel it is my responsibility to teach him otherwise."

"If he refuses?"

"Then there will be one less terrible man alive here."

"I understand, sensei. But you are taking a great risk. Are you certain?"

"Yes, I know. But...I just can't do otherwise. Like the Crane must fish..."

"The Dragon must teach." the man nodded solemnly, closing his eyes for a moment. He knew he'd lost the argument, "Very well, I shall inform the others."

"Do make sure they listen this time around." Hotaka added firmly, for the first time moving his head to actually look at the man, "I strongly recall whenever I tell you not to do something, someone goes ahead and pokes everyone into doing it anyway."

The man smiled innocently, chuckling a bit, "Sensei, we are but human. Peer pressure. We cannot help it."

Ryuu sighed, turning his gaze towards the floor again in defeat, "Yes, it seems that lesson is even beyond me to teach. I suppose some things you just have to lean for yourselves."

"There, there, sensei. I shall do my best to convince them."

"Well, I guess I can't ask for more than that. Go then, Waziri."

"Hai, sensei." the man said his goodbyes, and was gone just as quickly, "The Dragon is wise."

A few moments later, the familiar, "Two coming out." echoed from the entryway.

"I really wish they'd stop saying that." Hotaka commented, stretching his arms...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Well, Devious, think of it this way... There's not much to do in prison, and with how we got put on lockdown (thanks to Torroes' explanation of how the mayor decided to visit), we were likely put on lockdown and fed in our cells for lunch, maybe even dinner. With the length of time we spent "on hold" I say it's pretty fair we're at night time.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((OOC: Besides, CoH days are about 30 minutes. And if you ask me, this break in between posts was almost half a month! ))



As the lights dimmed, Torroes closed his eyes. Ever sine his reincarnation as cyborg he was unable to truely sleep. The closest he could do would to enter a powered down state. the option had a major problem attached to it, Torroes couldn't wake himself us. Some one else had to kick start his systems. WHen he had been in E-block, Joe had been kind enough to do that. Regaurdless of weather anyone would be kind enough, Torroes didn't feel that such a action would be tactically wise. Leaving himself completly vulnerable.



The Cell doors flung open with a heavy clang and lights flickered on. A series of Guards stood at the door way with an assortment of weapons.
"alright inmates, out! " The nearest guard signaled with a swing of his shock baton.
Torroes' eyes fluttered and slowly cleared.
"come on brutie, breakfast." The guard said indicating Torroes.

(OOC: just trying to breath some life back into the RP)