The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




Phaiths watched as several guards ran off toward Block E. The mayor and his little parade had went off in that direction. He wondered what was going down.

Looking over his shoulder he watched Ryuu sitting, unmoving. The siren went off letting everyone know a new prisoner was coming in. Looking down as the doors opened he saw Torroes being brought in.

"Their moving -HIM- into our sector...what perfect timeing...", Phaith mumbled. Phaith had seen Torroes around the Zig before. He had been here almost as long as Phaith could remember. He would be very useful....even if the sap was on the guards side. The guy that was screaming about his robots earlier might be useful after all...



Carrying enough fire power to rival some third world armies, the transfer team stood before Torroes' door. The Long Bow sergents asked if the team was ready and there was a mixture of various affirmatives. The first sergent slid open the door to reveal the gargantuan form of torroes. He made no attempt to flee or fight but stood there waiting for the guards and long bow to begin.
The first pair of guards stepped forward carrying a pair of industrial strength shackles. Torroes made no effort to resiste as his arms were locked in place against his chest, his balled fists pressed under his chin.
A second pair of gaurds stepped forward and shakled Torroes' legs. Under view of several high power rifles, and several extreme voltage tasers the team lead Torroes out of his cell and into A-block. In truth, the weapons were not needed nore would they stop Torroes if he chose to run. The Rifles could damage his mechanics, if the round got far enough into the mechanisms. THat was a long shot. THe tasers meant little to torroes. They would be an annoyance but they would not stop him.
With a defined purpose, the team lead Torroes into the A-block. For a moment there was a series of chatter as inmates made comments about fresh meat, but it abrubtly stopped when they saw that the 'fresh meat' was the 9 and a half feet tall, 1200 pounds, cobalt laminated cera-tanium armored Torroes Prime. It was well rumored that Torroes powers and abilities, unlike the inmates' powers and abilities, were not inhibited by the power suppression fields and narcotics. Weather this was true was only a guess.
The team lead Torroes to a cell, keyed in a door code and the massive door unlocked and slid open, the enormous locking mechanism cleary visisble as it retracted into the door and wall respectivly.
"IN!" The long bow sergent directed. Torroes took a series of five steps, his movement inhibited by the shackles on his legs.
The four guards that originally shackled Torroes stepped in and removed the shackles and just as quickly vanished from the celled through the door. The cell door came crashing shut with a thud that indicated it weight being close to a ton. As the door closed, the light leveled began to level out and Torroes' eyes adjusted to the relative darkness. He saw he was no alone in the cell, there were at least two other occupants.
Torroes set his eyes upon Phaith and Hotaka.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::
((OOC: Just incase it helps to know who the heck's looking at ya, here's Torroes Prime: ))



"What the Hell was that?" Power Breaker hissed from his rack, "I've seen big bruisers before, and I've seen the guards make a show of carting someone new in, but that had to be the scariest frickin' display I've seen in my life! Who the Hell needs enough firepower to put down a South American war just to keep him in check?""

"I don't know," Paul answered, his posture indicating a sort of wariness, "I've seen him before... But... Nobody really knows too much about him. He always stays at the edges of our perception... Skirting around the recreational areas if he's brought to them..."

"Oh yeah, that helps me."

"I saw him once in the library," Danny Chai almost shuddered as he gripped the cell bars for stability, "I'd never seen so many guards in one place before..."

"Whatever he is, he's bad news," Paul turned back to his Bible and continued reading, "I feel sorry for his cellmates, but at least we can avoid the danger of getting to know his bad side... Or any side of his for that matter."

"I don't know about that," Danny gritted his teeth and indicated witha few points of his finger down the corridor, "He's in the cell with them."

"Oh..." Paul's eyes went wide, "Then we may be in for some considerable trouble after all."

Grimacing, Power Breaker bit his lip to stifle a curse. Things had gotten decidedly less cheery in "A Block."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



"Hello." Hataka's voice came gently to Torrores' perception. Ryuu himself hadn't moved a bit from his meditation on the floor, but he nevertheless seemed able to muster every aspect of the new arrival.

"I suppose I should greet you with 'what are you in for?', but I think I will leave that to dear Phaith over here." Ryuu continued, "He doesn't have much else to pass the time with, I'm afraid..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Torroes looked at Hataka and then turned to look at Phaith. Niether of this duo appeared to be noteworthy, or trustworthy for that matter. Not that it mattered to Torroes, once agian it is impossible to intimidate that which considers itself already dead.
"I suppose I should greet you with 'what are you in for?', but I think I will leave that to dear Phaith over here." Ryuu continued, "He doesn't have much else to pass the time with, I'm afraid..."
Torroes grunted with out answering and stook three gigantic steps toward the back corner of the cell. Shroaded in shadows and gloom, Torroes stood a few inches off the wall, crossed his arms at chest height and shut his eyes. He had no interest, nor intent in interacting with these people and perfered to simply stand in silence. He wasn't sure what was going to happen now. Would Zyle wait a few days then move him back to the E-block? Would Long Bow stay on staff? Torroes didn't know, and he wasn't particularly conserned with the answer. He was conserned with whatever planes his three new cell mates might be devising. While Torroes had every intension of never agian leaving prison, a form of self-impossed exile to atone for his sins, his mechanical body was now a major liability. If anyone managed to take remote control of his body, they would have the means to simply walk out of the prison and wreak near appocoliptic levels of destruction. Torroes already had the blood of innocents on his hands, and he would not allow any more innocents to be killed. In his near meditative state, Torroes began to think of his own plans to counter whatever these three were devising that might involve him.



((Pst - only two cell mates. Ryuu is his last name, Hotaka his first. You'll see why as we go. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((OOC: I will be making a series of posts regarding my two characters I put in. Each 'series' falls in line of three days. Each one will get a post of their own, and it will give me a chance to stretch my creative thinking a bit. Until I am finished, they will not be able to be interacted with.

I will let everyone know when the posts are well and over, thus allowing you to talk to the cell mates if you so wish. Each have their own personalities, but work together in near perfect harmony without saying a word. I will reveal (SP?) the past of these two characters along with my posts.

At times, my characters may not 'available', I.e., being in their cells, alone time and other various things. Please note that my spelling and grammar are not exactly 'top par' yet. If there are any mistakes, feel free to copy and paste my posts with the corrections in bold via PM.

Feel free to gossip about these two new arrivals from various rumors and such. At times, I may allow a person to take direct control over my character (not account. And please don't abuse my characters to bend to your will as 'pets'.). My posting has been 'cut short' as of late, and taking control of my character will only be in rare events, such as vacation or I'm out of ideas and I seriously need help.

I will note when I need some time off, and will say so at the bottum of the post. From there, feel free to PM me if you feel you are up to the task.))


Day one... Part one...

There was silence, the sound of a pencil against paper being the only sound within the bare white room. The sound of writing stopped.

A whisper, then a reply. Two figures. Yes, only two figures. Midnight Brawl (the shorter black guy) could very well hear the outside world while asleep. Unfortunately, he lacked the ability to respond to such activity fast enough.

The whispers stopped. A sound of footsteps, two sets of footsteps now echoing among the bare walls. A slight creaking of a door, suddenly slamming as it closed behind the two figures.

The sudden sound made Midnight (other times known as 'Brawl', 'MB', and Wolf - a rarely used first name.) head jerk. He slowly opened his eyes, ajusting to the sudden brightness of the area. His eyes burned slightly, squinting as a reflex to the bright lights in the room.

He looked up to the door, noticing how...'unusual' it is to find a normal semi-transparent house-like door as an entrance to the room. It was a plain transparent glass-like window with a wooden outline. The strangest part, he seemed to be up straight, as if he was sleep walking...Or mabey, he was simply sleep standing...

He moved his arm slightly, attempting to get out of his unusually painful position. Stuck. He couldn't move his hands with slight movement. He looked around his body, taking notice of his bright orange jumpsuit he had on. His hands and feet were bound to a large set of of metal 'holds', the substance possibly being one of the hardest metals in the earth.

He stood there in a star-like shape, his hands hanging slightly above his head. Each hold was attached to a large metal circular band that looked as if it would roll at any time. Yet, it remained perfectly balanced.

He looked back up to the door in which the two people had just left. Two shadows talked to each other just behind the door, seemingly about nothing. Then again, they were talking about him. Wolf managed to catch a few words.

"Why isn't he in a cell?" The officer on the left asked.
"Too dangerous. He will remain in here until a solitary confinement cell opens up." The other one said, a slightly older a lower voice.
"And, why again is he stuck on that thing?"
"Drugs don't work on him. He's going to be locked up for as long as he lives."
"The drugs don't work? How can they not work? Give him a couple extra doses and throw him in with the other thugs!"
The other figure sighed. "Do you read up on these things? Figures like him and Statesman can't be bound by normal drugs or other means of power draining affects. Brawl isn't whatever Statesman is, but he would very well be just as powerful."

There was a slight moment of silence.

“How did you knock him unconscious in the first place?”
“Heh, volts. Lots and lots of volts. It was one of our little experimental tazer darts the Longbow are working on.”
"Ok. So, what's the pad for?"

Wolf made a face as if very slightly amused. Is he going to ask questions all day? He's already givin’ me half of the answers I need...

"Research. The Dr. wants to take a look at his information. He finds everything droll, I can never get it.”
“And it’s all about…”
“Normal stuff, “Midnight Brawl: black male, slightly over six feet, 160 pounds, partially albino eyes, bald, mute. Other information like time slept, Zig number S75 983.”
“Oh, I see. Strange number…” He muttered under his breathe. “But, he’s mute?”
“Oh yes. He has been reported not speaking in any of his attacks.”
Wolf rolled his eyes.
“That doesn’t mean he is mute.”
“I know. We have a doctor that is coming from Steel Canyon to take a look at what we’ve got. He will probably be here tomorrow.”

They began to talk about certain sports and things going on around the city, nothing really important. Their voices got dim as they began to walk elsewhere to continue their conversation.

Wolf sighed, lowering his head into a resting position. He let his body fall forward, back into its previous uncomfortable arrangement. He would need to think of something, but right now, he needed more rest.

Hopefully someone would drop by tomorrow to give him slightly more information as to what was currently going on, besides the obvious. He was in a prison, his head hurt, his arms hurt and he was drowsy from the drugs still flowing through his blood. He was still very strong, but its secondary effect was once again kicking in.


((OOC: Sorry it’s so short.

Wolf is an average guy with powers similar to Statesman, without all the Zeus’ Strikes. He was an orphan since birth with a past still hidden to him. One of Recluse’s little magician people foresaw the young boy’s power and picked him out at a young age, hoping to unlock his potential powers.

While Wolf is a nice guy, he is lost, fighting only to find what in his life is empty, and what he is missing. Recluse promised him money and power, which he doesn’t want. He only wants to find the life he was taken from.))



((OOC: You can still post while I continue my little story. (Which, now that I think about it, might not be aloud in the end. ) ))



Day one... Part 2...

Recluse's Fury woke up, his eyes tired, angry and somewhat a bit annoyed. He got up from the metal bed, looking around to new, yet slightly familiar surroundings. The cell around him moved without warning, changing directions for every step he took. One step to the left, would force him to the right. The same applied to the other steps he took.

The affects of the anti-power drug seemed to be working. His attempt to guard himself with dark matter failed, resulting in nothing but more dizziness and confusion. And his attempt of breaking the bars, only resulted in a heavily hurting hand that only faintly dented the metal. He was slightly happy to know that at least he got a cell to himself.

He looked down in swift reflex. Yup, just as I thought. Prison. His body was covered by the familiar orange uniform all Zig lackeys were forced to wear.

He walked back to his previous spot sat down on what he called, the bed of hell, looking up every once and awhile just to see if anyone was there. He vision was distorted, an obvious side affect of the tainted medication the Dr. gave him.

The cell around him was a dingy brown, worn from rust and overuse. The sink spit out brownish water and there were no towels to dry off with. Soap wasn't a issue, as none seemed to be anywhere around him.

A small wave of fear crawled up his spine, realizing that this was his last chance. This was his permanent home, whether he liked it or not. Fear... Fear of death, pain, lack of food, unhealthy conditions... No matter how much he tried to deny his fate.

He walked up to the bars of the cell, looking at the rows and levels of cells that lined the walls. Besides a sudden curse or outburst, it was relatively quiet.

He turned around, inspecting the home made – or in this case, cell made – graffiti that littered the walls in a series of gang emblems and profanity. The wall on his left featured another metal bed with markings on the wall, supposedly one of the previous men counting the days in prison.

It occurred to him, that if he was to survive, he should at least start corrupting a few of the guards, or plan a well thought out jail break. Yet, something told him, doing it alone would be a suicide mission.

His mind cluttered with thoughts of escape, other prisoners and what cruel things he may be tortured with during his long visit here. For now, he would have to relax. I mean, forever isn’t that long… Is it?



((OOC: *tests breathe*

*waits a few seconds*

*pops a few mints*

*Gives a thumbs up to the RPers* ))



(( I relize its my turn, i leave for weekends though and I'm extremely tired and don't want to mess anything up with my laziness. So I'll post tomorrow. Also welcome fang =P ))



((pst - thanks. Fixed the post))

[/ QUOTE ]

(( also there is still some mentioning of 3 people in the cell near the end of your post. Just FYI if you wanted to fix that as well =P Off to bed with me now ))




I like to read and get some ideas of what the Ziggurat is like. Yet, if no one post, how am I supposed to continue my story?!

Your friendly little Fire blaster,
---Burning Fang))



((Well, we're not entirely sure what the Zig is like ourselves... Breakout involves your character being broken out of solitary, which is where some of us already started out our characters. However, now we seem to have moved on to the typical maximum security fare: barred cells, concrete and rebar walls between each cell, and a daily routine that's like elementary school, but with more cursing and violence (or boot camp, with less). We're all kind of winging it, but so far, we do have a general vibe going that this is not a comfortable place.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.




Well, my general idea of the place was the generic supermax with:

A cell block with single reinforced doors and two levels, along with a shooting gallery just for guards on the third level (nor reachable from within the block), and a 'lock-out gate' being the one way in and out of the cell block, which I described earlier already.

No yard on the outside, but they would have some sort of gym or secured weight room, as well as some sort of rehabilitation program/learning center (with library, of course). After all, the Zig is supposed to be rehabilitating these people.

A cafeteria. At least I'd think not absolutely everyone would be confined to their cells 24/7.

A vault of some sort to keep confiscated weapons in. The regular guards have their own armories, and the SWAT security personnel have theirs to make sure inmates can't get their hands on the more dangerous stuff.

The lab of Dr. Raiken, of course with adjacent experiment chamber, like you find in every generic mental hospital run by a madman.

And of course several security stations, including the main hub staffed by the SWAT personnel for extra security. At least that's what I was imagining.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((I'd rather play in Raiken's lab than that gym!))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Phaith glanced at Torroes for a moment. He knew little about Torroes except that he wasn't a trouble maker and whenever a breakout occured he could be found on the guard's side. An odd Villain that at this point in time might be more of a hero, especially in the Zig.

Recreation had been canceled for the time being, lunch would come later...until then there was nothing much to do but sit and wait.

Phaith began to ponder the current events happening in the Zig...Ryuu was here and seemed to have some nice talents...Ghoul had attempted to contact Ryuu but the conversation had been short...some giant overgrown monster of a man had been moved into a few cells down as well as some robot freak into the cell next to them.

Phaith needed time to think alone...he went over to the cell and stuck his hand out and yelled for a guard...

He glanced back and saw Ryuu with a curious look on his face, Torroes hadn't moved from his spot on the wall. Footsteps could be heard as the guard approached.

"What is it Villain!?", the guard spat as he came to a stop infront of the cell.

"I didn't mean to bother you Sir...but I have some information that could be useful to you...just come here and I'll whisper it to ya.", Phaith said in a low voice.

"Stupid Villain...", the Guard mumbled but he took the bait. Information from a prisoner as well known as Phaith could be useful...

The guard stepped up the cell and leaned toward Phaith. As he did Phaith grabbed his collar and pulled him as hard as he could into the bars. The guard hit them hard, busting his lip and jumped backwards.

"Are you insane!", the guard screamed and hit Phaith with his taser gun. "A stunt like that should earn you some time with the Abyss!" The guard laughed opening the cell and dragging Phaith out, hitting him again with his taser.

Phaith was dragged off toward the Abyss Grinning and watching as his cellmates looked oddly after him.

Phaith had been one of only 3 people who had ever survived long term stay in the Abyss. The other 2 people survived, however they now sat in their cells, grey haired and constantly stressed. Phaith had been the only one to come out almost excatly how he had went in. Almost....before he went in he had had his left eye, afterwards he didn't. Now he would be the only person to survive two long trips to the Abyss...atleast he hoped.



"I do wonder what he is planning." Hotaka said with a curious smile on his face. For the first time in a long time, he actually moved, twirling his Fu Manchu in thought.

Leaving his beard alone again, he spoke to Torroes, "Do tell me, my friend, what is this 'Abyss'? It is not the realm of nothing at all, I do hope...?"


Lt. Rakkman grumbled quietly over his patrol, his K-9 unit pulling doggedly on the leash. The German shepherd was his 'partner'...he detested that. How dare they assign a dumb mutt to him instead of a real partner? At least that would've made these patrols more bearable.

Lloyd was the dog's name, and he didn't seem to enjoy the Lieutenant's company either. Unlike Rakkman, however, the dog didn't complain, instead homing in on something he'd caught the scent of.

"Dammit, stop going so fast!" Rakkman berated the dog, straining to hold the leash back. He presently patrolled one of the Zig's upper exterior tiers, and though the prospect of the dog going over the edge entertained him, he knew they'd dock his salary if something happened to Lloyd on his watch.

Suddenly, the dog threw a fit, stopping and whining loudly. His front legs stepped over one another constantly, and his gaze was directed towards the large rectangular casing of a rooftop heat exchanger.

"That's more like it." Rakkman grumbled, "Now what're you so outta yer cottonpickin' mind about, dog? Something' over there?"

As if to confirm, Lloyd let out a bark, straining against the leash again.

"There ain't anythin' there." Rakkman complained, not able to spot anything, but the dog kept pulling until he finally got fed up, "Aiite, aiite, go get it, ya stupid mutt!"

Undoing the leash Loyd bolted away and behind the heat exchanger in a flash.

Then things got quiet.

"Aw hell, what'n the world is up with that dog today...?" the Lieutenant complained, finally following after a few seconds, "Listen, you dumb mutt, if I gotta clean up after ya, I'll..."

He turned the corner of the heat exchanger.

Another bark echoed.

About twenty seconds later, the Lieutenant and Lloyd stepped out from behind the unit. This time, the dog was off his leash, which hung lazily in the uniformed guard's hand as they walked.

"Let us go, my friend." the guard told the dog kindly, "You look hungry."

Lloyd barked enthusiastically, following the man by foot...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




(( I was just gonna include more about the Abyss in my next post but I'll put it here.

The Abyss is like the hold. Just a small dark room that they throw trouble makers in. However there is something odd about the Abyss. When the door is opened no light enters the small room. The guard might shine his flashlight in and the light would simply end at the entrance to the room.

The reason Phaith is respected inside the Zig is because he is the only person to truly come out of the Abyss almost normal. Most are either found dead after 24 hours inside the Abyss, some have actually disappeared inside of it before. A few hours inside the Abyss wont kill you, however most come out pale and don't speak for a fewe weeks. Only 3 have survived long term stays inside the Abyss, Phaith and 2 others. The other two stay inside their cells now, sitting in the corner. They seemed to have aged several years after exiting the Abyss even though it had only been a few days.

Some believe it is one of Doctor Raiken's experiments, other believe some powerful villain died inside of it and his present is what causes the room to be so strange. Others believe it was always there, even before the prison was built and to hide it they built the prison around it. No one knows for sure, all they know is you never -ever- want to go there. ))



((Huh... Nobody's ever stuck their head inside a Bag of Holding, I guess... So, the Abyss is "Solitary Confinement +5," huh? I'll be sure to avoid that with my character. If I can...))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Torroes watched with a half open eye as Phaith slammed the guards into the cell door. The guard stumbled back holding his forehead and quickly shouted some verbage relevent to Phaith's parentage. Torroes made a quick series of mental notes about Phaith:
Rule 1: Don't Trust THis guys (Phaith)
Rule 2: See rule one

Somewhere in the back of Torroes mind, he hollared at himself to take care of Phaith right now. It would be a simple enough matter. Simply shove his into the bars, reach forward and snap his neck agianst the metal bars. A simple endevour, even in Torroes' powered down state. Even in his current state he was more then a match for anyone he had seen in A-block so far. Still, there is strength in numbers. And Torroes had a feeling is Phaith wanted to, he could and would manipulate others to his side. Best not to make a public rivalry just yet.



And Torroes had a feeling is Phaith wanted to, he could and would manipulate others to his side. Best not to make a public rivalry just yet.

[/ QUOTE ]

(( That is so perfect because Phaith is the very very Manipulative type =P Even if he were to get a dose of Superdyne his powers wouldn't be close to some very weak villains. In the game he is a simple Martial arts/Super Reflexes Stalker. To get the things he needs he has to manipulate the Villains with true powers. ))



(( Double post my bad ))



"Wow," Danny Chai shuddered, "They jsut dragged Phaith off to the Abyss again..."

"I'm sure he'll enjoy his time there," Paul turned back to his book, "He seemed fine last time."

"The Abyss?" Power Breaker's face twisted into a disgusted mask, "Okay, come on, enough trying to scare the newbie..."

"I have no reason to play such a foolish game with you," Paul didn't even turn away from his book, "The Abyss is every bit the Nieztchean nightmare it takes its name from. There's only been three survivors of it, and one of them just got tossed back in. He also happens to be the only one who's been in once before, and come out pretty much the same as before. The other two are gray and withered... Down there."

Power Breaker looked to see the weary old men. They reminded him of stories about zombies or other types of undead.

"Maybe it'll actually work this time," Chai sighed.

"We can only hope," Paul muttered.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.